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Message started by Ee_Chuan_Seng on Mar 24th, 2005 at 8:40am

Title: this I can be wrong but not crazy
Post by Ee_Chuan_Seng on Mar 24th, 2005 at 8:40am
Hi , sometime I wonder why I could recall my childhood memories that tens of years already but difficult to recall my dinner last week ......worst I can't recall my hand position before typing this letter.....

Is this mean most of our life is empty and living ?

Or can this mean that when we are in extreme emotion of deeply sad or joy , or very surprise or shock ......a permanent memory is created that we can easy recall it for life ?

Or can this mean that ONLY in our permanent memory we are very sure that we are alive....?

Or can I say that we are sure alive during that moment in our permanent memory because we are actually in soul condition ?

Is that posible if I say if we place ourself in extreme condition a kind of energy is build holding our memory ?

Can this energy is source of soul or mankind.......?

Is that possible this energy not just carry information on our feeling / emotion / imej in that particular moment but also carry information that responsible on re-production of human ?

So if this energy is real ..........can we do something so that we could hv same mind even after we die ?

Ok.......I hv a crazy idea and if interested email me at

I really hope I could remember my daughter after I die.


Title: Re: this I can be wrong but not c
Post by dave_a_mbs on Mar 24th, 2005 at 12:19pm
Hi Ee -

If you mean that literally you have trouble recalling dinner last week, then you may have a short term memory impairment. This should be looked into by a neurologist, as it may indicate a metabolic issue or a physical problem. A couple simple tests can give a quick answer.

If you mean it figuratively, that you forget trivia, but important things, then you're normal. Significant events tend to alter our character, while repetitive and trivial things aren't important enough to really care about, although they can usually be recalled through hypnosis, proving that they remain in our heads somethere.

The really important stuff, like our relationships to loved ones, or he emotional connections to those we fear or hate, appear to not only stay with us permanently, but we seem to trade positions in the family from one life to the next. Your unclde in this life might be your mother next time, and that feisty neighbor down the dtreet who is always hanging around may turn out to be your grandchild next time, allowing you to handle unfinished emotional business. At that time the emotions turn into useful learning experiences.

As for recalling your daughter, you may find that the relationships are altered, but the two of you will probably be together indefinitely into the future. If you try looking into past lives you might be surprised how long you've known her.


Title: Re: this I can be wrong but not c
Post by Boris on Mar 25th, 2005 at 8:13pm
Our minds have a regulator, an information processor, that decides how much information is available to us to what degree. This is to prevent overload, during typical operation of the brain.

In the case of an idiot savant, this regulator does not work. This meahs they may develop extreme ability in what is not needed, but lack essential understanding that is needed.

The regulator must decide that you do not need to remember every meal, that is not needed. But vast amounts of information are nevertheless stored, and are only available by special methods.

Title: Re: this I can be wrong but not c
Post by Boris on Mar 31st, 2005 at 3:49pm
Speaking of the mind storing things that are not normally

Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I can see a typed page on
the white ceiling above my bed, as if it were projected there.
It is computer style printing all in neat rows. It lasts for a few
minutes, but I can't seem to move my focus around on it so as to
read it.

This morning I woke up to see blue letters in front of the cartons
stacked beside my bed. The images of the letters were very clear,
and sharply outlined. I turned my head so as to put the image on my
white ceiling in order to read it, but that caused the image to
disappear. These images of the letters were much more clear than I
can visualize them with my ordinary mental visualizing ability when
fully awake.

It is significant that the letters were large and blue, because
Marilyn has recently begun posting in large blue writing. This
tells me that her posts, or part of them, are somehow being
registered clearly in my mind, but not so as to be accessible to
me normally. I don't know how much of a post is being registered.
It could be only a random sort of thing.

This is not something formed in the retina of the eye, because I am
familiar with those, and they fade in a few minutes. This is
something seen first thing in the morning, before any access to the

It can be frustrating to not be able to access this, whatever it

Title: Re: this I can be wrong but not c
Post by Marilyn Traver on Mar 31st, 2005 at 4:21pm

This is very cool Boris. I haven't been posting blue on here, just on Linn's forum but will start here now too. Blue is my favorite color and I like it larger for me to read. ;-)  That's amazing about seeing the typed page on your ceiling.  Sometimes I will see tiny black letters when I close my eyes and they're groups of words, but too small for me to read and then they fade away. The next time I see them, I'll ask them to become bigger.  ;-)

Love, Mairlyn  ;D

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