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Message started by dream_girl3 on Mar 7th, 2005 at 9:41am

Title: Van Praag Books
Post by dream_girl3 on Mar 7th, 2005 at 9:41am
As I am going through a grief process at the moment due to the recent death of a loved one, I have been introduced to some books by James Van Praag - who I admit until very recently have not heard of before.
Could any members please assist me with views they might have on Praags work?  I have received some very kind, encouraging and helpful advice from members here but being somewhat new to all this (and please dont be angry!) but I want to believe in afterlife etc. - but am still rather skeptical about it all - sorry - dont mean to offend at all... - and basically, I guess - am desperately trying to search for some sort of 'proof'....

Title: Re: Van Praag Books
Post by Marilyn Traver on Mar 7th, 2005 at 10:31am
How could anyone be angry with you for wanting to know if the afterlife is real. That is what this board is for. Please allay your fears about anger. ;-)  

James Van Praagh's books are very good as are the John Edwards books and of course Bruce Moen's book.  It is natural to have questions about an afterlife. This is something that you can come to KNOW eventually with your own exploring. I had doubts all my life until I read Bruce's books. ;-)  After I read Bruce's book, I HAD to find out for myself and I did, not because I didn't believe, but because I KNEW I was meant to do retrievals too.

I wish you much success in stilling your fears and coming to KNOW that it is real. ;-)

With Love,
Mairlyn    :D

Title: Re: Van Praag Books
Post by roger prettyman on Mar 7th, 2005 at 10:34am
Hi, dream_girl3,
Sorry to hear about the recent death of a loved one.

I`ve not read any of Praag`s books, but as you say you are somewhat new to all this (...want to believe in the afterlife...) may I suggest you read Bill and Judy Guggenheims book, "Hello From Heaven", then move on to Bruce`s books. You might find these a very nice way as an introduction into your explorations, as I did.

Best wishes for the future,
roger  :)

Title: Re: Van Praag Books
Post by Vicky on Mar 7th, 2005 at 6:34pm
Hi Dream-girl3,

I've read James' books and have been to one of his seminars.  I'm sure you will find some comfort in his books.  I'm sorry to hear you've recently lost someone.  


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