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Message started by elliotness on Feb 25th, 2005 at 11:53am

Title: Question for Mr. Moen
Post by elliotness on Feb 25th, 2005 at 11:53am
Dear Mr Moen,

I have just read your book: Voyage beyond doubt
and I had a question about one of your retrievals.

It regards the isrealien soldier who was reliving the past over and over again.

when u talked to him could he speak english or did you speak Hebrew? If you indeed spoke did u download the language from his memorybanks?

I am just curious that is all :)

-Elliot Ness

Title: Re: Question for Mr. Moen
Post by Bruce Moen on Mar 4th, 2005 at 4:04am

wrote on Feb 25th, 2005 at 11:53am:
when u talked to him could he speak english or did you speak Hebrew?
I am just curious that is all :)

Sorry it took so long for me to answer.

I was not speaking Hebrew to him and he was not speaking English to me.  We were instead communicating via a form of nonverbal communnication.  Language has never been a problem in any of my explorations.  I believe this is because of the way our consciousness functions.

Think for a moment about how it is that we are able to put our thoughts, feelings and mind's eye images into words.  Let's take a mind's eye image as an example to make this language business easier to talk about.

If you saw the image of an orange and black, tabby cat in your mind's eye what English words would you use to tell a Hebrew speaking person what you were seeing?  None would work because the words in your verbal language would not convey the information to the person.

But, what if you could find a way to transmit the image of the cat directly into the awareness of the Hebrew speaking person?  That person would "see" the cat in their own mind's eye and could then use his/her own native language to describe it.

This is a greatly simplified explanation of how nonverbal communication occurs within nonphysical realities like the one the young Hebrew soldier and I were in.

Within those realities all the thoughts, feelings, emotions, images, etc. that precede and cause our mental, verbalizations are "broadcasted" to other people.  They then automatically and subconsciously translate those thoughts, feelings, emotions, images, etc. into mental verbalizations their own native language.

Make sense?


Title: Re: Question for Mr. Moen
Post by elliotness on Mar 11th, 2005 at 8:32am
Hi Bruce,

thanks for your wonderful reply.

I understand now that u use NVC to communicate.

Within those realities all the thoughts, feelings, emotions, images, etc. that precede and cause our mental, verbalizations are "broadcasted" to other people.  They then automatically and subconsciously translate those thoughts, feelings, emotions, images, etc. into mental verbalizations their own native language.

Ok so hypothetically if I walked on the street and met a few foreign tourists who happen to be jews and speak hebrew I could, using the nvc u just described, translate it subconsciously? Hm maybe make it even two way using downlink to get to their subconsiouss language centre and learn hebrew.

- Elliot Ness

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