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Message started by gordon phinn on Jan 28th, 2005 at 8:54am

Title: dreamland interview
Post by gordon phinn on Jan 28th, 2005 at 8:54am
I did the phone interview with Ann Strieber the other day. Went very well; Ann was quite keen to describe her nde of a few months back and that openess made the discussion very free flowing.    She did advise me not to give my phone number out, just my email, as she was convinced I'd be swamped with calls.  If it's that popular I just hope everyone who wants to call will also buy a book!  Not exactly sure when it will be online.  Show goes out every Saturday at 1:00pst, but you have to be a suscriber.  It looks like everything then goes onto the site as an audiofile for free downloads.  So just keep checking I guess.
Thanks again for all your interest and encouragement.
love, gordon

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