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Message started by Gururajan1 on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 6:38pm

Title: Sleeping on the job?
Post by Gururajan1 on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 6:38pm
I saw an article in the Wall Street Journal at work on Jan. 18, 2005.  It stated that survivors of the tsunami in the resort areas of Thailand were afraid to stay in their homes. They were getting the help of Buddhist priests.  Apparently ghosts are wandering about and attempting to return to where thay lived at the time of the tsunami when they were in the physical.

Is this an indication that Bruce Moen, Gordon Phinn, Joe Meboe, Linh, Alysia, et al are sleeping on the job?  ;D  ;D  :D  :D

I remember very shortly after Sep. 11, 2001  seeing posts here that helpers telling someone that their help was no longer needed.  So those seemed to go much faster?

Is it a question of closer to home syndrome?

Just curious,


Title: Re: Sleeping on the job?
Post by Marilyn Traver on Jan 23rd, 2005 at 8:20pm
It takes awhile in our time frame to move around a quarter of a million people on.  I know that I am still working 'there' while I sleep at night.  :)

Mairlyn   :D

Title: Re: Sleeping on the job?
Post by alysia on Jan 24th, 2005 at 6:08am
Is this an indication that Bruce Moen, Gordon Phinn, Joe Meboe, Linh, Alysia, et al are sleeping on the job?

ha! as for me I do not go in search of who I will be retrieving anymore. it's more of an "on call." I was once out there roaming for instance concerned with my own dream formation when I spied a fellow sitting morbidly alone. I sidled up and proceeded to tell him that I understood him and that he did not perceive his powers of expression correctly. whatever I told him he proceeded to follow me into my dream with an incredulous look on his face as he believed what I had told him, that he was very accomplishing. I thought he was funny to follow me and told him not to, that he was to become independent of his teachers. ;D
so retrieving can be involuntary after awhile. I don't think we are here to "save" each other from whatever. we can be loving though and that will be enough for the moment. ;D  anyway there's plenty of people in flesh could use your light or an acknowledgement that they are effective in your life. ;D

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