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Message started by Shirley on Jan 15th, 2005 at 9:07pm

Title: A question..about connections..
Post by Shirley on Jan 15th, 2005 at 9:07pm
Connections..between two persons, physical on the earth, but not close to each other physically.

There is this person..from the first time I "met" him, seem to have a connection.  Not a romantic or any of that stuff connection..more like..hmm.."family"..

This person does not believe such things can happen..and if they do, they must be of satan..

Is it possible to have an astal connection, meeting, communicating, etc..that is totally unacknowledged?  I'm fairly sure of these "meetings"..based on physical-earth reactions right after..

So..anyone else ever have this happen?

Title: Re: A question..about connections..
Post by Shirley on Jan 15th, 2005 at 10:03pm
I've seen those books..actually, I've picked them up several times..and..yes I do collect books, will add them!

Title: Re: A question..about connections..
Post by scottyswotty on Jan 16th, 2005 at 8:00pm
there are many ways you can have a connection.

this person could be of the same "essence" or oversoul as you.  ie your greater essence (which you are all of...) choosing to manifest two focuses in this particular timeframe.

this person could also be some kind of soul mate. ie two closely aligned essences that are here to experience aspects of life toghther.  

know that particular focus/individual has chosen those particular beliefs and views about spirit and is living exactly as they intend to.

that's not to say that your paths mightn't cross a little bit more intensely in the coming years.

definitiely go with your feelings and impressions and dont let your head talk you out of the likelihood of any connection.

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