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The Archives >> The Archives >> new things Message started by warner73 on Nov 9th, 2003 at 3:25pm |
Title: new things Post by warner73 on Nov 9th, 2003 at 3:25pm
I thought I'd share some new things and a simple retrieval.
After the big experience I posted here last month, I had a continud feeling of a presence(s) in my home... again, nothing frightening... just the feeling. I continued to put in practice the Love/Fear teaching Bruce taught. I started noticing I would see things. It started off gently. I would see a movement at my periphrial vision. Turn my head and nothing is there... sometimes I'd see a faint glow in the periphial vision... again, I turn to look and i can't see it. But I didn't get scared. I grew acustomed to seeing it. Now... it's gotten better. In fact I can see "whisps" now and then. Usually when I'm "in tune" (i'll call it in tune... i've ntoiced if i'm really preocupied with my life or troubles i'm not spiritually in tune - but if i sit down, take some deep breathes, relax... and focus on love I kinda "tune in" and feel or sense things.) When I come home from work, I usually put on love, first thing. hehe I just don't want to get surprised by something... So I've been wrapping myself in love everytime I enter my house. As such, I've noticed seeing these types of visuals: Whisps - Sounds more impressive then it looks. It looks like steam. Like a horizontal stream of steam. For example, I came home one night, and saw this against the black front of my stove, in my kitchen. It was just like a faint stream that moved and was gone. Patterning - I don't know how else to describe it.... Sometimes I lay on my bed and look at my ceiling... Once in awhile I'll see like a shifting pattern that is so very faint... but it's there in the visual. It then dissapears rather quickly. This one might be some sort of residual eye/mind imagine thing. I'm not certain if it's spiritual. When I see these things I usually try and get in touch with my spirit guide. I just close my eyes and wait silently. sometimes a thought creeps in. But today something interesting happened. I was laying on my bed, looking at the open doorway to my bedroom and had visual of a soft glow (like what the eyes do when you look away from something bright - a carried image). But I sensed the presence of a child. I felt it was a female child. I asked mentally "what's your name" and I heard a thought return "Jamie" "How old are you?" "14" "Do you know where you are?" My mind gave me the mental image of a girl nodding rather sadly. I felt the familiar thought of what I have come to accept as a helper/guide which I call my "house guest" for no other better term :) My "house guest" mentally said, "tell her to find the light. It's nearby." So I did. In my minds eye I told her I couldn't see anything but it is here someplace. Jamie told me she could see it but was aprehensive to enter. I hugged her and told her to go ahead and enter. She did and I knew she was gone from my physical location. I just knew it. When I sat up, I realized I had been crying in the physical. my guide/helper mentally said, "well look at that, you care for someone you never met and not in the physical. very good." Other then that I've been trying to work on controlling my mind. I've found if I'm mentally having an image of seeing somone... or talking to someone in the spiritual. If I ask for specifics items like "name," "date of birth" "location" "last name" - I feel a change in my consciousness... my physical mind rises to the occasion to actively listen - it's result is like a muteing of the connection. I loose the information and sometimes I can feel my mind fabricating the information. A thought came to me... (which I'll attribute to my 'house guest') "when you ask for a specific piece of information stop and count to 10 - just wait." it was like giving my mind something to chase after... in this case numbers. on this particular occiasion I was asking my guide the name of any spirit within my house... i started counting after I asked and one word came to my mind that I just knew I didn't make up. Barney. I said the name aloud, and it felt like this joy that someone in the physical knew it's name. I can't describe it... it was a odd sensation. I have more to say... will post a second post after this one. |
Title: Re: new things Post by warner73 on Nov 9th, 2003 at 3:34pm
Ok... I've had sensations of a spirit(s) in my home for some time. One of the reasons I started reading Bruce's work.
I used to get really scared going to bed, and took sleep aids to help me tune out the sounds in the house. By sounds, I mean the unmistakeable sounds of someone walking around. A rustling, a creak, steps. Sometimes so loud I've gone into the kitchen to see if someone was tryign to get in my house. Well one day I verbalized - "Please guys, I need some sleep. I know you are here. But I have to get to work 2 hours earlier each morning this week for training. I can't take any sleep aids and I need good rest." Guess what. The noises stopped. I mean instantly. All last week - nothing. I could sleep easily. I've heard these noises for the past year - even longer... even before I was divorced and my wife left for Paris... we would both hear them. It was like the response was "Ohhh sorry, didn't know you could hear that." It sounds funny, but it was nice to know that simple requests could be met by a friendly guide/spirit/ghost etc. This weeks goals for me are: focus on helping people... in the spiritual and physical. I want to put this in practise everywhere I go. If I can sense a presence in my home... why not at a grocery store? or at work? I'm sure people have links to loved one's, wherever they go. Can these links be felt and information be tapped to help the person in the physical? |
Title: Re: new things Post by alysia on Nov 9th, 2003 at 7:21pm
: Ok... I've had sensations of a spirit(s) in my home for some time. One of the reasons I started reading Bruce's work.
: I used to get really scared going to bed, and took sleep aids to help me tune out the sounds in the house. By sounds, I mean the unmistakeable sounds of someone walking around. A rustling, a creak, steps. Sometimes so loud I've gone into the kitchen to see if someone was tryign to get in my house. : Well one day I verbalized - "Please guys, I need some sleep. I know you are here. But I have to get to work 2 hours earlier each morning this week for training. I can't take any sleep aids and I need good rest." Guess what. : The noises stopped. I mean instantly. All last week - nothing. I could sleep easily. I've heard these noises for the past year - even longer... even before I was divorced and my wife left for Paris... we would both hear them. It was like the response was "Ohhh sorry, didn't know you could hear that." It sounds funny, but it was nice to know that simple requests could be met by a friendly guide/spirit/ghost etc. : This weeks goals for me are: focus on helping people... in the spiritual and physical. I want to put this in practise everywhere I go. If I can sense a presence in my home... why not at a grocery store? or at work? I'm sure people have links to loved one's, wherever they go. Can these links be felt and information be tapped to help the person in the physical? I love to hear updates here from people. thanks warner I appreciate it. helping people in the physical should be or rather could be, not too different from a retrieval done in love in the non-physical. sometimes in a day, in the grocery store or elsewhere, chance encounters can become memorable events. one such chance encounter in the physical changed my life forever, I saw that person only a few seconds..I felt like he straightened me out, that it wasn't chance at all. I felt retrieved to love. there are many such instances that happen that I think people take for granted. these days I practice feeling love, and sometimes block it too, then stop myself from doing that. other times its natural to be in love all day and feel it. anyway, sometimes I feel guided to drop a word here or there in the interest of good will and I'm the one who benefits from it. I like your post, it comes from the heart. love, alysia |
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