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Message started by mystical1707 on Oct 31st, 2019 at 1:52pm

Title: Were these OOBE's?
Post by mystical1707 on Oct 31st, 2019 at 1:52pm
I've had these strange experiences and wondered if they might be OOBE's. If they are, they have only ever happened spontaneously.

- Just over a decade ago, I was laying in bed and fell asleep. Sometime during the night I was aware I was in someone's kitchen. I was wondering why I was even there (but not how I got there) and was worried someone would see me. I wish I had written down more that I saw but there was a very long picnic bench style table in the centre of the room. Big enough to fit a lot of people around the table. I think there were placemats or cutlery laid out for them all. There was no one in the room thankfully and it didn't last very long before I realised I was back in bed. I found that experience quite enjoyable but nerve wracking at the same time as I was in someone elses house without their permission lol.

- This happened around the same time as the first experience. I had gone to bed and can't remember if I had fallen asleep or not but I found myself at one point floating it seemed. I was facing upwards looking up towards the ceiling and very close to it. There were wooden beams above me holding the ceiling up so I wondered if I was in a church kind of building or something. And before I knew it I was back in my bed.

- This happened since I moved in to my new house less than 6 years ago. One night I woke up to find myself floating up and down about 3 times in a row at the foot of the bed but I don't know if I dreamt I did it or if it was real.

- This 4th experience happened last year I think it was and resulted in me visiting the opticians as people thought something was wrong with my eyes. Luckily the optician couldn't find anything wrong with my eyes! I got up in the middle of the night one night to use the bathroom and all the way to the bathroom my forehead felt very heavy and fuzzy, that's the only way I can describe it. As I walked out of the bedroom door and on to the landing, a red flash caught my eye and I looked up and the smoke alarm was flashing red, about 3 long flashes of red straight after each other. I looked in amazement as I have only ever seen it flash once before and then it's a short while before it flashes again whereas this was consistently. Then I had a thought about looking downstairs so I looked downstairs and this huge white flash came up the stairs. The only way I can describe it is like someone with a camera flash, except it was quite large and was white. I shot in that bathroom quick, did what I needed to and got back in bed wondering what had just happened. Do you think I perhaps saw something or do you think it just sounds like an hallucination? I did wonder if I was seeing things in an altered state.

Title: Re: Were these OOBE's?
Post by Vicky on Oct 31st, 2019 at 4:42pm
I don’t know for certain if they were OBEs or not, but yes they do sound like they are.  Those are the kinds of things that really happen with spontaneous OBEs. 

In the last one, are you saying you were actually physically awake and actually used the toilet?  I’d say that since you describe a weird fuzzy feeling in your forehead, it’s likely that you actually got up physically while still being in an altered state and that’s why you felt the weird sensation in your head.  I don’t see why it’s not possible to then also be able to “see nonphysically” even though you were physically walking.  I don’t know what the lights could have meant.  Maybe they were just dreamlike and didn’t really mean anything, but if you were physically awake then I definitely think what you saw was nonphysical. 

A good example I can give you was that when I was around 19 or 20 and living with my boyfriend, I once awoke too quickly from a nightmare, and even though I was standing by the bedside with my eyes open and able to talk, I was still dreaming.  It took my boyfriend a long time to get me to actually wake up out of it.  I was aware of him and was interacting with him, not just sleepwalking.  I was fully consciously awake and aware.  And I understood that he was trying to get me to wake up, but I felt I was already awake and kept telling him I was.  I could see bright, red, shiny blood all over my side of the bed and of course I was out of my mind with terror because he could not see it.  He kept putting his hands in it showing me there’s nothing there, but what I saw was him putting his hands in the blood! 

When I finally did fully wake up, the only thing that changed for me was that the blood magically disappeared.  There was no change in my conscious awareness, so that was a really freaky experience because I never felt like “Oh thank God I’m awake now”.  I just couldn’t see the blood anymore.  Very weird and very scary. 

So because of that, I can definitely see how it’s possible to still be in a sleep/dream state while thinking you’re awake and able to walk to the bathroom.  I would think it has to do with waking up too quickly and the brain hasn’t fully transitioned out of its dream state yet.

The last thing you said was, do you think it just sounds like a hallucination?  No I doubt it was a hallucination.  Drugs, mental illness, medical conditions, or even extreme fatigue or lack of sleep can cause hallucinations, but absent of those things it’s not possible to just sometimes hallucinate for no reason. 

I think your brain was still in an altered state and you were either still dreaming, or you saw something nonphysical. 

Title: Re: Were these OOBE's?
Post by mystical1707 on Nov 1st, 2019 at 5:15am
Thanks for your reply. It probably was similar to what you suggested. I couldn't help but wonder if I had seen something spiritually though because the man who used to live here, died in this house under the stairs of a heart attack just over a year before we moved in.

And both my partner and I saw the same thing at different times months or a couple of years after we moved in. One night I was laying in bed relaxed. My partner hadn't come to bed yet and I saw a white ball of light rise up from the middle of our pillows and move upwards. It moved slowly and it didn't smell of anything so can't have been ball lightning like people kept telling me it was.

And my partner also saw the white ball of light another time. This was when he was coming up the stairs. He saw it float along the landing and in to the bathroom. I was in the bathroom at the time but never saw anything but then I didn't take any notice really as my partner didn't tell me what he had seen until after I had come out so I could have been facing the other way. He said it moved slowly and it didn't have any smell. So that's why I wondered if the white flash I saw coming up the stairs might have been related.

I remember on the odd occasion as a child, I would wake up, nip to the bathroom and then find out I must have dreamt it as I had never actually been and would then need it. Whereas what happened in my last experience I mentioned above, this wasn't like what happened in my childhood experiences at all. It actually felt like I was physically getting up and going. But I do remember at the time it felt really weird with my head, that overwhelming fuzzy feeling. Even when I have woken up suddenly or been half asleep, I have NEVER had that fuzzy feeling before. I wondered if people who have OOBE's had a fuzzy feeling in their head.

Title: Re: Were these OOBE's?
Post by Vicky on Nov 1st, 2019 at 12:46pm
Oh my gosh!  You and your partner both seeing the same thing on different occasions is pretty good evidence that these are real experiences.  And it’s definitely not a stretch to see that they are related to the death of the previous owner.  I wonder what he was trying to tell you!  Wow, that is so interesting.   

That fuzzy feeling in the head you’re describing is your third eye opening up.  The only time I can specifically relate that feeling directly to an OBE is one in which I felt as if my forehead were literally splitting open (not with pain).  It felt like it were peeling away and I was pouring through the opening and out of my body. 

But while awake, I’ve had many clairvoyant experiences with the exact same kind of feeling in the forehead.  In fact, when I was a child, those experiences always gave me a headache and made me feel quite dizzy and not well.  That’s how powerful the sensation was.  I definitely know and believe that clairvoyant visions are the same sense of “seeing” that we have in OBEs. 

Are you aware of having had psychic feelings or visions at any time in your life?  It sounds like you either have, or that you’re slowly starting to become aware of your psychic and nonphysical senses. 

Title: Re: Were these OOBE's?
Post by mystical1707 on Nov 2nd, 2019 at 7:59am
I've had a few visions. One of them was a premonition but I will mention these on another post. I've also had a few dreams that were premonitions.

I did wonder if the previous owner had just popped back for a visit. My partner on one occasion, when we were sitting in the living room watching TV, did happen to spot a man walk from the front door and in to what used to be a walk in cupboard. He dismissed it as his eyes playing tricks on him but I don't believe that for a second. I wondered if it might be a timeslip.

I can't remember if I have ever had a fuzzy feeling in my forehead during any other experiences. Most of them happened over a decade ago so I really can't remember which is a shame :( I did have a strange sensation a few months ago though. I think it was when I was first reading up about paranormal stuff again and one night when I was relaxed in bed, I felt something across my forehead. It felt like someone swiped it with their hand perhaps but at the same time it was a nice sensation. Nothing like that since though.

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