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Message started by rondele on May 13th, 2017 at 3:58pm

Title: Things you'd miss the most
Post by rondele on May 13th, 2017 at 3:58pm
Several years ago Matthew started a similar thread, asking what things in this life you'll miss the most after you die.

Responses were interesting, and covered things I hadn't thought of.

Here's some of mine, no doubt a repeat of some I had already posted.

* Waking up to the fragrance of coffee brewing
* Smell of lilacs in full bloom
* Joy of an infant laughing as he/she explores the world
* Standing under a hot shower after a long day of work
* Smell of the earth as it awakes to a warming Spring
* Eating a home made meal especially prepared by loving hands
* Downing a cold bottle of beer in the heat of summer
* Eagerly awaiting the arrival of loved ones as you see them approaching after a long absence
* Splitting wood, anticipating its warmth in the fireplace as the snows of winter begin to fall
* Reading a book that's so good you don't want it to end
* Sex (no explanation needed)
* Watching your favorite team win with a last second shot at the buzzer
* Having your spouse say I love you for no apparent reason

Looking forward to more contributions


Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by SourceLover2 on May 13th, 2017 at 4:31pm
    Nada.  Not particularly attached to any of the above as it is (minus a couple of exceptions), so why after phasing fully into other levels, would I "miss" material, human experiences?  I expect that after I drop the body, I won't have a second thought about the physical, unless it's about loved ones if they were still focused there.   

   Do any of these body oriented perceptions and experiences below bring happiness and true fulfillment for any even now?     Why are so many humans not particularly happy and at peace?  Sentiment and attachment to the temporal doesn't equal heart awareness/openness. 

  Perhaps related to this topic is a dream that my spouse had awhile back--here's an interesting excerpt from it, in the dream a guide figure came to her and told her that in the Earth's future, it may go through a period of high radiation and if that she wanted to stay in physical and be healthy, she would have to learn how to raise the vibrations of her body much more.

"She did some meditative exercises with him [the guide, and to raise the body's vibrations], and she said she felt very unusual, like she was in between the physical and nonphysical state.  The physical was kind of hazy, but she was also seeing the nonphysical reality(s) at the same time.  She said that she did experience some nausea [he earlier advised that she likely might]. 

   She said that she also experienced being very aware of so much info simultaneously, like her conscious awareness had expanded exponentially. The guide sensed some sadness in her, and questioned.  She told him that now that she felt such an expanded awareness and knowledge that it took away her human curiosity which is something she valued and thought was important and a good trait of humanity."

   All that is human except for our love connections to others, must drop away, if we are to become fully One with our Source.  Human=limitation/distortion/stuckness/imbalance

  Our focus, in combo with how we use our spiritual will to make choices, has a huge amount of influence on how much we spiritually grow/evolve, stagnate, or retrogress. 

  If a person stays overly focused on the things and pleasures of the Earth and of the human experience, it can tend to keep them from attuning to the expanded, spiritualized levels within.  In turn, that will help to keep them and by their influence on others, humanity stuck and suffering. 


Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by seagull on May 13th, 2017 at 6:17pm
I think there are pleasures we have enjoyed here which we can enjoy in our own afterlives. There is no reason not to believe that we can enjoy many pleasures -- even simultaneously -- and in more amazing detail and brilliance than we experience here.

We all have a glimpse of it, now and then, in our waking lives and in our dreams.

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by Lights of Love on May 13th, 2017 at 6:41pm
Hi Roger,

Yes, I remember that thread Matt started.

I would miss most of the things you mentioned as well as:
*The earthy smell of rain and listening to rolling thunder.
*Freshly mowed grass and digging in the dirt.
*Fresh pick vegetables that I grew myself.
*The smell of homemade bread baking in the oven.
*The taste of most anything made with chocolate.
*Playing and cuddling with my dog.
*Listening to music and singing.
*The change of seasons, each with their own beauty.
*Freshly washed sheets when I get into bed at night.
*Walking in the moonlight on a warm summer night.
*Listening to moving water like the ocean or a rushing stream.
*Walking barefoot in the sand or on soft green grass.
*Feeling the wind, a cool breeze on a warm day.
*Chatting with loving friends, just simply enjoying their company.

Really there are so many things I would miss.

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by rondele on May 13th, 2017 at 7:05pm
Hi Kathy-

I guess we better not get too fond of these things or we might get stuck! 

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by Lights of Love on May 13th, 2017 at 7:47pm
Nah... It's all about enjoying and savoring the present moment.  :)  It's the only time we are truly alive.

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by rondele on May 13th, 2017 at 8:07pm
Agreed. These are the things that we can't buy or borrow. Yet they are the treasures that make each day so precious. I remember a trip we took to Wales, B&B, and the next morning the farmer's son was outside in the morning mist tending to the sheep.

It was one of those magic moments. Perfect confluence of time and place. I remarked to the boy that it was a beautiful morning.

He smiled and said "aye, she's a corker." Everything seemed so delicious that I wished I could have bottled it.

It's the stuff of life, without which it would be empty and sterile.


Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by SourceLover2 on May 13th, 2017 at 10:05pm
  Hmmm, I thought the question was, what would we miss after we left this life.  This seemed to imply that we're now hanging out in the nonphysical. 

  It didn't seem to be, "what do you currently enjoy or take pleasure in in this human life", because to me, that's a totally different question and issue. 

  There are a lot of things that I currently enjoy (I like flowers, long walks on the beach/swimming in the ocean, hiking, singing, company with close friends, petting our cat friend, etc, etc), but I doubt I will miss any of them when I'm phased into the much faster vibratory, nonphysical levels. 

   One lesson I've learned consistently from my fellow humans in my near 40 years here.  Talk about and pay lip service to celebrating differences, uniqueness, etc, but in actuality, if a person becomes too different, then all those fine ideals of respecting and liking difference/uniqueness, goes right out the door. 

   The real message and belief of most humans and humanity is, don't become too different or too non human, because if you do, well, you'll become and be treated a black sheep. Something that this self has experienced in relation to others since a young kid.   

  As far as getting stuck, etc. Roger et al., if any of you happen to see a pile of folks all trying to engage in human fun time activity, but not having much luck of actually enjoying it...I'd recommend staying away.  ;)  ;D 

Truth is, over attachment to human focuses, certainly can facilitate stuckness over there.  But usually, these are cases of extreme focus and attachment. 

  But, I always come back to Yeshua Roger, and I'm surprised you don't considering your talk of demons and seemingly liking and agreeing with Don so much.
  Think about it.  This was a human whom was completely celibate, he stopped eating at some point, went to his own torture and death knowingly, and asked us to be "perfect" as our Abba in Heaven is perfect. Hmmm. Doesn't sound like he was all that attached and focused on the typical human activities, focuses, and attachments.

  Perhaps what I said earlier, wasn't so unusual or extreme after all, but self is just a true follower of that teacher and has become tired of/uninterested in the amusement park of distractions that help to keep us in non resonation with our Source and the Whole?   

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by Uno on May 13th, 2017 at 11:45pm
SL2 don't be surprised if pontification and a holier than thou attitude drives people away from you more than a sense of being different and standing out. I'm speaking plainly to you as this is what I see and it's not for the sake of being rude.

Things that I would miss:

- The warmth of good company.
- The beauty of simplicity.
- The smell of grass, heather and nature warmed by the sun.
- A light cool breeze after a warm day and the the concurrent sound of heavy rain popping on the roof and the sound of light rain landing on grassy ground.
- Mountain, trees and rivers.
- A riveting story told by a storyteller.
- Exploring the unknown yet knowing I'm safe from harm.
- The moment of strength when doing what is right.
- The moment when letting go eases into acceptance and I see things clearly.
- Being in the zone.

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by SourceLover2 on May 14th, 2017 at 1:42am

SL2 don't be surprised if pontification and a holier than thou attitude drives people away from you more than a sense of being different and standing out. I'm speaking plainly to you as this is what I see and it's not for the sake of being rude.

    I completely understand what you're saying and where you're coming from and why you would perceive it that way.  But, it's not fully accurate. This self spent the first 25 or so years of his life, being very introverted, non communicative/very quiet, to himself, and being a classic, uber "people pleaser". 

  Throughout those 25 years, and for the 13 years of same when he was in public school, he was each year, mercilessly singled out, picked on, bullied, by a number of his peers at various different schools though he was quiet and gentle. 

  Why?  What made him different?  Perhaps a clue?  When he was 4, he remembers being/feeling hyper empathic, hyper aware, and talked to his parents about the immense suffering in this world and how we needed to do something to help change things.  In specific talks with his father, a sensitive, spiritual oriented musician type, he specifically said that he wanted to be and would be a "doctor" to everyone, everywhere, and would always be there for any and everyone. In other words, he was filled to the brim with pure, universal, unconditional Love and still very aware of what he came here for. 

   His dad was very moved by his strange son (whom also at the time was having repeated dreams of being on a spaceship and traveling from somewhere very far away, to Earth) and wrote a song about it called "Dr. Everywhere".  This is the son, singing the song many years later:

  I am what I am, and I came here for what I came here for. I came to speak, channel, and live potent truth with no care of self image, being liked, being respected, etc. To live with no fear nor limiting human attachments.

  When my Teacher came to this world, grew up, and then started publicly teaching, he ran into a lot of friction and conflict with others.  People, so called "experts" of his time, called him crazy and deluded. These called him demon possessed.  People called him arrogant and a know it all (especially since he was younger than most of them).  People called him a false messiah. Eventually, the people who hated him the most, because he was pure Love and a mirror to their distortions and lack of Love, tried to get rid of him. 

    What you see and "know" about this self, is of and from superficial appearances and typical distorted human judgment/perception.   

  Besides speaking potent truth, directly and fully honestly, I came to stir up people's unconscious shadow sides/aspects.  Neither processes do many humans like, for they prefer the lack of Light and ignorance they are use to.  It's more comfortable and familiar than the blinding Light that's not familiar or comfortable. 

  There is one on this site, whom is on a very similar core wavelength as this self, and whom understands, accepts, and sees this self clearly.  For, ever does Like attract, beget, resonate with, and like Like. (aka, birds of a feather flock together). 

   Thank you for the well intentioned advice and feedback, but I'm mostly following my guidance/intuition in what I say and do. 
  On an I-net forum, all we have are these lacking things called typed words/letters. 
  In person with others, I tend to interact in a VERY different way, mostly by positive exampling and radiation. I tend to talk very little in person and listen more. 

  BIG changes are coming to the world, and I talk as I do, so my words/concepts will be more memorable, dramatic and make a more lasting impression in the minds of others, so that when these big changes manifest, people will remember my words about the processes and other things to come later (like ET appearances, Yeshua going public again, etc.--- these are as preparations for all this). 

Same communication/interaction device/method that my Teacher, and the Baptist whom paved the way for him, used when they were public. 

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by Uno on May 14th, 2017 at 2:18am
No problem SL2, be aware if you become attached to stirring up (both your own and other) peoples shadow sides. Cultivating dislike grows more dislike which is the opposite of this topic as a coincidence.

On topic, I forgot morning showers.

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by SourceLover2 on May 14th, 2017 at 3:16am
  Hmm, perhaps my reply was too long  :), because you seemed to have missed the main/central point that was being holistically made. Ime over the years, it's always been a rather automatic thing and no matter what I say, do, or don't say or do, it happens.  It's an energetic, different wavelength, fear polarization thing. NOT about purposely "cultivating" dislike.

  I speak what I speak and as I do, as I'm intuitively moved to do. If we came here with a certain plan and service job, should we not try to fulfill that?  Would I on a human personality level, prefer a different job? You betchya! In fact, moving up to Alaska to a log cabin, living on the land, and raising a family sounds pretty nice. Would you mind switching bodies and jobs/plans with me?   :)

    Asking this completely neutrally and honestly, are you a Teacher, given authority by authorities, as well?  Are you consciously aware of what primary level you're at (like what color emanations you radiate, etc)?  If you are strongly and primarily attuned to the consciousness state/level and radiate it's emanations that correlate with Golden and/or White Light, then you'd likely understand this experience.

   Frankly, the huge majority of people just don't understand what I'm talking about, unless they have personally gone through it themselves and for similar, energetic reasons.  The other person I mentioned earlier, he has gone through this much himself with others as well, no matter where he goes or how he interacts.  As long as there is some interaction, some connection, then people find fault, project, etc.  Like this self, he has been gotten rid of a number of times at a number of group oriented places.   

  We've both learned repeatedly the hard way, that if we want to stay dedicated to the Light and service to the Whole, there are and will be certain unpleasant reactions that we will just have to put up with and get through in relation to others--misperceptions and the projections of their own repressed/disowned shadow aspects onto us.

  And that the more we grow and attune to PUL, the more intense these reactions tend to become.  I've been getting some hints and guidance messages of late, that I may experience being murdered by others.  My spouse has had some 5 dreams over the years of me dying young (one dream mentioned mid 40's). The dreams seem to be emotional preparation for her primarily (for she saw herself quite upset in each dream), and perhaps clues for me (along with others received that seemed to relate). 

Whatever the case, que sera sera.  Have already told Source, Yeshua, my guidance team in general, that I'm willing to do and go through anything if it benefits the Whole and helps to change/heal this world for the better. 


Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by SourceLover2 on May 14th, 2017 at 3:41am

Sentiment and attachment to the temporal doesn't equal heart awareness/openness.

Expanding on the above (and would add "sensuality" to the above list):  The above is more energetically connected to the 2nd center within the human energy system and to the very past and etheric level oriented Moon as a symbol. 

   We don't need a whole lot of conscious focus on the first 3 centers in the human energy system, because once you connect to a physical body, these tend to become automatically and unconsciously strong focuses. 

  Or, in other words/symbols, it's easy to be red, orange/coral, and yellow while connected to a human body.   

   It's focusing on, opening up, and balancing the 4th and upper centers, that tend to be much more challenging AND worthwhile.   

Again, so much of this process is about focus and choice. Where you put your conscious attention to, you tend to build up and/or be drawn to. 

  Or as Cayce's guidance said time and time again, "Mind is the builder." 

  This thread, in it's very essence, is about attachment to the slower vibratory levels.  "Missing" is not the same as "appreciating" or "gratitude" for.  Missing is Lunar focus on and attachment to the past. 

  Appreciating/having gratitude for present moments and the gifts of same, is a Solar experience and attunement. 

  Very different. The latter is much faster vibratory, and thus freeing, in essence and effect.  That's all.   

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by Uno on May 14th, 2017 at 4:44am
SL2 I think this thread is basically about what people are thankful for. Please move your posts to the off topic section if you want to continue having a conversations about topics you have mentioned.

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by SourceLover2 on May 14th, 2017 at 9:25am

Uno wrote on May 14th, 2017 at 4:44am:
SL2 I think this thread is basically about what people are thankful for. Please move your posts to the off topic section if you want to continue having a conversations about topics you have mentioned.

   A few points:  This IS the Off Topic section. This is the OP's introduction, "Several years ago Matthew started a similar thread, asking what things in this life you'll miss the most after you die.*"

*My use of bold, underline, and highlight

   I answered as is, and in relation to the broader spiritual implications of such focus. Then you had made it personal and about me, I then addressed that.

    Note that this same poster, also started a thread in this section of "Killing Hitler" not long ago. This is the same source whom says we should not explore the afterlife nor try to communicate with guidance at all, because it's all demonically infiltrated (in essence, FEAR it all). This is the same source that has subtly, but repeatedly, implied that Bruce Moen is a fraud/huckster. Same source that says that anyone who questions the events of 9/11 and the official account is a crazy conspiracy nut and has implied is the worst kind of person.

   While I don't love this person any less than anyone else (he is a fellow Child of our most beautiful Creator). You could say that I'm acting as a counter balance to the  deliberate slow vibratory frequency following response that is going on here. 

  There is more going on here than meets the physical eyes.  Those with keen, deeper spiritual discernment and the opened spiritual eye of Light in the body would know what I speak of. 

  Trying to control another?  Now THAT indicates a lack of Love more than counterbalancing communication, different opinions and disagreement.   
  Seems like you're being triggered and that the shadow is being stirred up perhaps?

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by Uno on May 14th, 2017 at 9:44am
You are of course right about being in the off topic. I meant moving it to another thread in the off topic section. Why? Because the topics you have mentioned don't belong in this thread, they clutter and hijack this thread. Moving the posts that has nothing to do with the thread is appropriate and has to do with self-control and not the type of control you are implying.

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by Recoverer 2 on May 14th, 2017 at 10:42am
I hope I don't miss anything from this world after I die.

If we were in a spirit realm, our overall state of mind would determine where we go. To some extent this is true while we are in this world.

Some of the things people say they will miss are harmless, for example, I also enjoy hot showers.

I won't miss people who accuse others of pontificating, simply because they present viewpoints they aren't interested in.  Since I know Justin beyond this forum, I don't believe he has a holier than thou attitude. Gosh, even Jesus suggested that people don't look for their riches in this world.  As Emanuel Swedenborg would say, "What do you love?"

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by seagull on May 14th, 2017 at 11:08am

rondele wrote on May 13th, 2017 at 8:07pm:
Agreed. These are the things that we can't buy or borrow. Yet they are the treasures that make each day so precious. I remember a trip we took to Wales, B&B, and the next morning the farmer's son was outside in the morning mist tending to the sheep.

It was one of those magic moments. Perfect confluence of time and place. I remarked to the boy that it was a beautiful morning.

He smiled and said "aye, she's a corker." Everything seemed so delicious that I wished I could have bottled it.

It's the stuff of life, without which it would be empty and sterile.


I appreciated you expressing this particular feeling here because I had such a moment a few days ago. It was so poignant that I honestly thought I had been deliberately communicated to from another world. I actually asked myself, Mom, is that you?

What happened is that I was leaving for my job and turned the corner of my balcony and it seemed that everything was enhanced to reveal incredible beauty. My senses were opened and I was able to see and feel the beauty and the light and the sounds and the entire area surrounding me in a special way.

This is what I mean when I said that we have glimpses in our waking life and in dreams. We all have such moments, and can have them every single day when we slow down to notice them.

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by SourceLover2 on May 14th, 2017 at 7:26pm
   What you described Seagull, sounds to me like a heart opening/expanding/resonating and you acutely perceived the beauty of creation. 

  Or, perhaps more accurately, the beauty within, resonated strongly for some moments, to the beauty seemingly without. 

  This is what I was referring to earlier as a Solar*, opening the heart to gratitude/appreciation in the now type process. Certain things seemingly outside oneself, can spark this more than some other things. *(It also can be and often is, an attunment to Venus, which is also related to the heart--but more in the personal, human, typically experienced sense than the Sun--personal love/beauty vs a much more expanded and impersonal version). 

  For self, I find that nature in it's various manifestations tends to have this facilitating resonation effect more than a lot of other things, besides deep meditation, listening to certain songs, singing, etc. Today, my spouse, a close mutual friend of ours, and I went to a farm to pick strawberries, and then after went to a large park near a river and estuary. 

   It was quite nice, and self experienced a lot of that heart resonation/expanding, while attuning to the various manifestations of nature around us, whether the water, the animals, the plants, each other's joyful/happy company, etc. 

   But, this is very different than the 2nd center, Lunar resonation that I talked about earlier of missing and being over attached to the past and the material plane.  Note, I connected the Moon to the etheric level/body of our human energy system? 

  Where do most classic retrievals of stuck, former humans happen, what level?  The same that we call our etheric!  It's only slightly faster vibratory than the physical, and contains a lot of the physical human hangups and limitations, such as fear, attachment to the physical, distorted beliefs, which is why some humans when they get stuck, get stuck in this level.

(If a person is born with the Moon very strong in their natal astrological chart, it often symbolizes that they are strongly bringing over some energies from a self whom had been stuck in the classical sense.  Along with the symbolism of the Moon, there tends to be definite tendencies to fear, worry, thinking a lot of the past, over attachment to the physical and pleasures of same [Moon can often indicate definite hedonistic tendencies], and a general spiritual weakness of character, but often more in a passive sense than in an actively destructive sense such as Mars, Saturn and/or Pluto often represent). 

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by SourceLover2 on May 15th, 2017 at 12:21pm
  Related to what you said Albert, it seems that Yeshua ("Jesus") and Buddha shared a commonality in their teachings. Both seemed to be trying to break humans free from their over attachment to the physical (and/or the temporary in general) and to the things and temporary pleasures of same. (I think some connected to Buddhism sometimes take it too far, but that's not Buddha's fault, such as it's not Yeshua's fault that so many have distorted his messages and teachings since he left the scene publicly).   

    There are SO many specific teachings in both the NT and which are attributed to Buddha that directly or indirectly address this important issue. Umm, rich folks, camels, and eye of a needle anyone.  Why do most seek to become wealthy?  Partly so that they can enjoy more and more pleasures and things of the Earth, anytime they feel like.  

P.S., I added quite a bit more to my last reply.  I put it into a much more holistic context so that people could perceive it holistically easier and more clearly. 

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by seagull on May 15th, 2017 at 8:04pm
It is important to understand that it is the personal desires in our lives which fuel the flames under our individual behinds, so to speak. That energy can be used in a million ways.

That is the reason for practice, of the sort that some people do. One can be practicing for something one desires, and can find a higher cause while doing so. So it is not about self denial at all.

Title: Re: Things you'd miss the most
Post by SourceLover2 on May 15th, 2017 at 8:44pm
  Perhaps it's more about a combo of self discipline and right/constructive focus overall? 

    I happened to be born under Sun and Mercury in Capricorn.  Capricorn is THE sign (symbol) of discipline, responsibility, one pointed focus, and the stage/symbol relating to material world, universal/impersonal service.

   These have been big focuses in this life, and it's become very apparent, for deeper reasons relating to spiritual growth. 

   The important, crucial point is that energy/desire that you speak of, can be used constructively and destructively.  Why waste time, why get distracted, why not facilitate the healing/retrieval of the Whole to the best of one's ability instead? 

  If that requires self denial and/or self sacrifice, then so be it--that's what the Christ pattern and life is all about.  To live more for others and the Whole, than the little, seemingly separated self.  As mentioned earlier, if I had my personality druthers, I would move to a log cabin in Alaska and focus on raising a family and living on the land. 

  But, that would be succumbing to my shadow, selfish, limited, lacking in Love self.  Instead, self is called to be a largely disliked communicator of info that few want to hear because it's either inconvenient or uncomfortable to our personalty levels. 

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