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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> A dream or Vision of the Night interpret please?

Message started by Alan McDougall on Feb 6th, 2017 at 2:58am

Title: A dream or Vision of the Night interpret please?
Post by Alan McDougall on Feb 6th, 2017 at 2:58am
Last week in he middle of the night I saw a vision that was rather strange, of which did not seem to make any sense

Anyway this is what I saw. At least 10 elderly woman laying side by side on a very wide huge bed. I recognized only one of them, namely my wife's long dead Granny.

This vision seem to pop up every now and then and I still could not make any sense of it.

Today, I at last came to an understanding of what he vision meant, but before I tell you guys I would like you to have a go in interpreting it for me?


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