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Message started by Rondele on Feb 14th, 2014 at 11:29am

Title: your post
Post by Rondele on Feb 14th, 2014 at 11:29am

I can assure you it's not just the Australian and English white males who have become feminized. We Americans are close behind, if not pulling up alongside or passing altogether.

We have a country that, in just 5 short years, has managed to project a weakness and pathetic obsequiousness not only here but worldwide.  There is no respect, much less fear, of an America which has shamelessly traded strength and leadership for a cascade of appeasement and "red-line" threats that are empty and hollow and downright laughable.

We are a country that suspends a young child from school because he chewed his pop tart into the shape of a (take a deep breath) gun!  A 5 year old is admonished because he hugged a female classmate.  Kids on the playground, playing cops and robbers, must not form their hands into a make-believe gun or shout "bang-bang" lest they face some sort of punishment.

A perfect example of white male feminization is the notorious "Pajama Boy", a gender neutral creature in onesies cradling a cup of hot chocolate created in hopes of increasing enrollment in our "health care" program.  Take a moment and check out his picture.

It doesn't stop with white males.  I urge you to google Life of Julia which proves we are burrowed way down in the rabbit hole.  What was once labeled as sheer nuttiness is the now the new normal. Effete entitlement is the rule of the day.

Just today Facebook has increased the gender options from 3 to 58.  We are becoming a clown car of a country which has forgotten the lesson of Neville Chamberlain and which, sooner rather than later, will once again reap the whirlwind from those countries who not only wish us harm but have every intention of exploiting our weakness and fecklessness. Peace through strength is a relic of the past.

So take heart, Australia and England have nothing on us.


Title: Re: your post
Post by seagull on Feb 14th, 2014 at 12:50pm
Hmmmm....because the lives of Julia or "pajama" boys everywhere are obviously so much better under the rule of a forceful and "manly" patriarchy....oh, thank goodness, I just remembered it is 2014, and some societies are making an effort to promote tolerance and equality, despite the opposition....because "feminization" is not a "bad" word or even a derogatory term, no matter what people tell you.

Title: Re: your post
Post by recoverer on Feb 14th, 2014 at 1:16pm
I recently watched the movie "Ender's game." Check it out and consider whether a fear-based or love-based approach to life is best.

Title: Re: your post
Post by seagull on Feb 14th, 2014 at 1:59pm

Steve Martin and Gilda Radner "Dancing in the Dark" 1978

and on the lighter side.....  :)

Title: Re: your post
Post by seagull on Feb 14th, 2014 at 9:26pm
he coulda won a grammy (king tut)
buried in his jammies (king tut)

(Steve Martin)

you just have to be there

Title: Re: your post
Post by a channel on Feb 15th, 2014 at 2:45am

seagull wrote on Feb 14th, 2014 at 12:50pm:
Hmmmm....because the lives of Julia or "pajama" boys everywhere are obviously so much better under the rule of a forceful and "manly" patriarchy....oh, thank goodness, I just remembered it is 2014, and some societies are making an effort to promote tolerance and equality, despite the opposition....because "feminization" is not a "bad" word or even a derogatory term, no matter what people tell you.

  Well said Seagull.  We have had far too much of Patriarchal over Yang imbalanced ruled society. 

And while some of the outer layers of society in different parts of the world is shifting to a greater balance..

Guess who still holds the reigns in this world, and who still  manipulates through their unbelievable material wealth, influence/networking, and scheming? 

  Those same over Patriarchal, over Yang types, who are also still in male bodies.  Same ole shite over and over again throughout the thousands of years. Except now with an unbelievable degree of technology and resources at their disposal. 

    Rondele feels his world crashing down all around him, and he is scared.  It's like a major belief system crash.

  Much, much, much more to come, thank Source.

Title: Re: your post
Post by 1796 on Feb 15th, 2014 at 10:23pm
But but but, Seagull and Justin, are the ruling elite, such as big business and bankers, really all that bad? Consider that the countries where they are generally based, providing those countries are also stable democracies, tend to have the higher average living standards for their citizens.

And also the patriarchy - if we didn't have it, where would we be? Certain jobs in society have to be done.   

Title: Re: your post
Post by seagull on Feb 16th, 2014 at 10:00am
What loads of compassion men have for those like each other, and so many excuses for lack of compassion for those without their advantages in life. If all else fails, let's all talk about sports because that bone crunching reality is really about skill, and so "necessary" as well to the proper order of things in this world. Sad. Never mind that there are so many reasons which are completely unacknowledged here for why certain people are in power everywhere and others are stifled in their expression. It doesn't matter if others are "tired" of hearing about it, or don't share particular "lifestyles" -- for someone who is disadvantaged it matters very much that others speak and acknowledge their existence and create a safe place for them to live in society. Someday you may find that you wake up in a world as "one of them" and you may be grateful that other people cared today. It is not that I resent or complain about those who do good in the world just because they have certain advantages, it is that standing up for the "little" guy and the "strange" girl is important, and it's the right thing to do.

Title: Re: your post
Post by 1796 on Feb 19th, 2014 at 5:30am

Making a passion of grievance is unhealthy; even more so when the grievance is baseless and misguided.

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