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Message started by Justin aka Vasya on Feb 24th, 2012 at 3:08pm

Title: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin aka Vasya on Feb 24th, 2012 at 3:08pm
   Hi, i very recently had an idea for a partnered exploration into a subject that has been brought up a bit on the main forum.  There haven't been a lot of P.E.'s posted here lately, and especially not ones which seem all that important to humanity as a whole. 

   My intent for this Group PE is to see if there is anything to the idea and info that there may be a particularly clever, strong but lacking in Love, E.T. group which is involved with humanity at this time.   

   Here are some questions i would like the group here to ask:   One, does such a group exist?    Two, if such a group exists do they significantly influence human individuals and humanity in negative ways sometimes?   If so, how far reaching is and can that influence be?

  Are they more directly involved with aspects of the U.S. federal gov., or those in-physical humans who have the most wealth, power, and material influence in this world?    

    If they do exist and influence humanity in a negative way, what are the solutions in dealing with them?    Also, do they have a physical body-vehicle they use and if so, what does it look like? Finally, last but definitely not least, i would like to ask a more general, "Please bring to my conscious awareness that which would be most spiritually helpful for me and humanity to become aware of in relation to this subject". 

   I'm really hoping that a number of you will partake in this.  I'm thinking either this or next Saturday or Sunday sometime, and then write up our experiences on Monday.  Either a voice recorder of some kind, or a notebook would be helpful during your meditation and request for guidance.  I'm really hoping that the founder of this site will become involved in a more direct way. 

  Also, besides these specific questions, (feel free to add your own to that list), I would like to say a specific affirmation as a group before we go into our individual meditations.   Then, before we go into our meditation i think it would be helpful to practice Bruce's "remembering the feeling of Love" technique.   Both Love and Gratitude help a lot i've noticed in my own practice. 

Here is the affirmation I would like to say as a group before we seek info and guidance on this: 

"I deeply desire to attune all of myself to the most constructive, spiritually helpful, loving, and expanded consciousnesses and energies for this meditation.  I ask for and deeply desire the help, guidance, and wisdom of only the most spiritually aware, loving, and expanded consciousnesses there are.  I also ask for the above sources to provide me with full protection and shielding from any and all negative and lacking in Light influences.

I ask this, and deeply desire this, as both an individual and as part of a loving group so that I and this group may be the clearest channel of pure Light and Love I and this group can be.  This is because my deepest intent and desire is to only positively & constructively affect The All that Is and to help transform all suffering into joy, peace, and complete awareness of loving Oneness.

   With deepest appreciation to all for the help and guidance received, I say thank you."

   And say it like you mean it folks. So whose interested?   I think this done as a group, well it might be more powerful and affecting in nature than just on our own, especially if we all sincerely state that above affirmation before hand. 

   Thank you all for listening.   

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by recoverer on Feb 24th, 2012 at 5:53pm
I believe there is the possibility that if one takes part in such an activity one might end up making a connection to unfriendly beings that they otherwise might not have made a connection to.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin aka Vasya on Feb 24th, 2012 at 8:18pm
  Hence the specific affirmation of asking for the help, guidance, etc. of only the most spiritually loving, aware, etc. consciousnesses.  Also asking for specifically help with protection and shielding help from any and all negative forces.

  If people sincerely ask that, and also bring up feelings and remembrance of love and/or gratitude, they will be more than fine.

  Courtney Brown set up a Remote Viewing Institute in Georgia with a bunch of fellow remote viewers.  They targeted a certain group to get info.  At first they had issues, but then they asked for help from the group that Courtney had labeled the Galactic Federation, a collective of E.T. Light Beings.   After that, they had no more issues and got more clear info. 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by recoverer on Feb 24th, 2012 at 9:36pm
Then perhaps a better idea is to ask such divine guidance for information, rather bringing one's consciousness to where unfriendlies are.

I don't know if it's good to get involved with unfriendlies and then ask the good guys to help out. It might not be that simple. If a person can simply ask for help, then why do some people need the help of other people in order to deal with unfriendlies? Sometimes a middleman is needed.

Plus, consider people who channel misleading beings.  They set the intent of hooking up with a friendly being and they end up channeling an unfriendly being.

I believe things are more complicated than simply asking for help from the good guys. It is also a matter of being able to tell whether an actual friendly being is providing the help.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin aka Vasya on Feb 25th, 2012 at 11:21am

recoverer wrote on Feb 24th, 2012 at 9:36pm:
Then perhaps a better idea is to ask such divine guidance for information, rather bringing one's consciousness to where unfriendlies are.

  If you read my original post more carefully, you will see that this is exactly what i'm advocating, and that i state that the affirmation should be stated before any meditation or questions be asked. 

I don't know if it's good to get involved with unfriendlies and then ask the good guys to help out. It might not be that simple. If a person can simply ask for help, then why do some people need the help of other people in order to deal with unfriendlies? Sometimes a middleman is needed.

  I'm not advocating that we energetically connect directly to possible unfriendlies, but to connect to the most expanded, helpful, etc. sources and get info from them about said possible group.  Unfortunately, many people who get into meditation and/or guidance do not specifically ask for help, guidance, etc of only the most spiritually constructive, helpful, etc. sources.

Plus, consider people who channel misleading beings.  They set the intent of hooking up with a friendly being and they end up channeling an unfriendly being.

   Actually, there seems to be a lack of more specific prayers and affirmations with a lot of channeled sources... See above answer to previous quote.   "Ask and you shall receive..etc., etc."   If you sincerely ask for help, and have FAITH that such help will be forthcoming, then again, one will be fine.  Course, it's also about one's deeper intentions as well.  This is why i also strongly recommended practicing Bruce's "Remembering the feeling of Love" technique in conjunction with the specific affirmation/prayer/request/stated intent.  This REALLY strengthens the energetic connection to those purely helpful, creative, Love attuned sources. 

  Take Jane Roberts and "Seth".  She didn't seem to have any safe guards in her work.   If i remember correctly, didn't she initially get involved with Seth via the Ouija board?   I really doubt that she stated an affirmation and prayer like i've mentioned. 

As mentioned to you previously, MUCH opened up for Bob Monroe and his Explorers AFTER he came up with his Gateway Affirmation.   And while his affirmation is decent, it definitely lacks because it requests help, guidance, etc. from those sources equal to or greater in maturity, wisdom, etc. as oneself.   I say it's wiser to cut out the middle men of "equal" to, and ask for only the help, guidance, etc. of the most spiritually expanded, aware, loving, etc. 

I believe things are more complicated than simply asking for help from the good guys. It is also a matter of being able to tell whether an actual friendly being is providing the help.

  Certainly it is, and there are various variables involved, some on the unconscious and some conscious.   However, again see the above response.   If one combines such a specific affirmation and prayer at the same time with bringing up feelings of Love and/or Gratitude, then 9 out of 10 times on average, one will connect with helpful sources.   This doesn't mean that one shouldn't apply discrimination to the messages one receives after receiving--it is helpful to keep open eyes, ears, and some skepticism even then. 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin aka Vasya on Feb 25th, 2012 at 11:45am
  I should add that with saying any prayer or affirmation, it requires, to be more fully effective, real feeling and sincerity involved.   

  If one mumbles some words by rote or just reads some words of a screen or a paper..., without any deeper feeling, without really having those intentions, etc. then yes, in such cases such prayers and affirmations may not be as effective.  Feeling it is important, and feeling is what connects to the intention and increases the strength of said intention. 

   What i'm talking about is no different than you having questions and concerns with ACIM and then "praying" to God and to Christ to get answers from same. Did you expect, well i'm not going to connect to God and to Christ and i will probably get false info from false sources.  No, you had faith that your request and intention, since it was sincere and helpful in nature, would be granted. 

Those helpful sources are there for anyone who sincerely asks for and wants there help, and especially if one is doing so with helpful intentions.   

  Part of what made Cayce's work somewhat unique was that even as a younger child, Edgar prayed to God and to Christ very sincerely to be a channel of help to others.  That request and prayer, because it was sincere and deeply felt, was not only immediately answered in the form of an "Angel" appearing to him not long after said prayer, BUT also later on answered in him getting involved with the psychic Readings he gave. 

  And before every Reading he attempted and gave, he prayed sincerely to God and to Christ--reaffirming his childhood intentions and prayers.   The Guidance that relayed info through him, did plainly state on occasion that much more spirituality and balance was needed in his life if he was to be a more clear, helpful, and accurate channel.  However, his personal lacks did not get in the way of him connecting to those more purely helpful sources to begin with, just added static to the transmission and reception.   ;)

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by betson on Feb 25th, 2012 at 2:18pm
Hi Justin,

Every time we think of any subject we create an energy pathway to it, I've heard. So I agree with recoverer that exploring in that direction isn't a good idea. Those thought-paths could lead to trouble. 

Did Cayce ever ask to find out more about such entities? I can't remember that he did, although it's been a few years since I was reading him. And although Jane Roberts did us (humanity) a fine service by bringing the non-physical realms into consciousness, I can't think she is a model to set our own actions by. (grammatical?)

I don't mean to belabor this but one more thought prevents me from taking part --
aren't the higher forces we would appeal to for protection unable to penetrate the earthly realm as far down as we and the negative forces can?  Isn't that why we attempt to help the Helpers? So even if we got their advice, would we be able to get direct help if we met dire forces we couldn't handle?

You have alot of influence here Justin that has been good and helpful to me.  Sorry I haven't previously posted my thanks. But on this one I say ixnay.


Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin aka Vasya on Feb 26th, 2012 at 4:14am

betson wrote on Feb 25th, 2012 at 2:18pm:
I don't mean to belabor this but one more thought prevents me from taking part --
aren't the higher forces we would appeal to for protection unable to penetrate the earthly realm as far down as we and the negative forces can?  Isn't that why we attempt to help the Helpers? So even if we got their advice, would we be able to get direct help if we met dire forces we couldn't handle?

  The above is a misinterpretation.  The reason that in-physicals are involved with retrieving of those stuck between physical and 'nonphysical', is because we can be more easily perceived by said stuck folks than they can perceive the helpers in the more expanded dimensions. 

    We can act as a bridge of perception between said stuck folks and helpers.   

     Some of us here are not so stuck, and are consciously aware of more expanded dimensions and individuated consciousnesses in same.  There is no difficulty at all for the most expanded Consciousnesses to shield and protect us from even the strongest and most negative beings.  See my wife's powerful retrieval dream--once she called for help, she was immediately and completely helped.   


   As regards the rest and other things you said, these words are not to you personally, but spoken more to the collective and not solely of and from me.  Many of you are helpers in the flesh.  Before you is an opportunity to help humanity by becoming aware of hindering forces more directly, and thus in turn can help raise awareness of same by and through your own experience and talking openly of same.   Will you leave it up to those like David Icke to spread this awareness--people that most of society will not take seriously in the least bit? 

   Do you expect to be helpers, and not self sacrifice some?   You bandy about the terms of PUL, well i say to you all, you are not fit to use the term of PUL if you cannot sacrifice for others and for humanity, if you cannot put self on the line.  If you do not follow in The Teacher's footsteps and path, then do not think of self as a helper, for real helpers care more about the Whole than their little selves.   

  It is easy to be apathetic in this world and to think, "oh, well someone else will come around to do these things, why should i?"   

That was never the attitude that your elder brother ever took, and he always cared more about your happiness and well being than his own, and gave up his little will and cares for his little self so that everyone one of you could be happy and Whole.  The constant prayer of, "Others, always others."

  There is ever strength in numbers, in unity of purpose, there is no reason to fear anything if you have helpful intentions and sincerely ask for the help of those who are far more powerful than yourself or any wayward brothers.  Fear and the constant thought of and for the little self is your hindrance, and what keeps you stuck and unhappy!  Love would liberate you if you would but choose it.

   Would you be free by helping to liberate others, or would you stay stuck and unhappy?  Nothing stands in the way of you fulfilling your destiny and birthright except self.  These may seem hard words, but these are hard times and this World needs everyone of helpful and loving intent.  This channel that speaks to you now, has seen a possible future wherein this hindering group gets what it covets, and I, your elder brother beseech you to help me with this heavy weight of the world and it's needs. 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by betson on Feb 26th, 2012 at 2:50pm

well, 'I say to you ' that I stand by what I said,  and I  still believe I'm fit to use PUL. 
Discussion allows for opposing views (-:


Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Lucy on Feb 27th, 2012 at 10:53am

You bandy about the terms of PUL, well i say to you all, you are not fit to use the term of PUL if you cannot sacrifice for others and for humanity, if you cannot put self on the line.  If you do not follow in The Teacher's footsteps and path, then do not think of self as a helper, for real helpers care more about the Whole than their little selves.

??? Really?

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin aka Vasya on Feb 27th, 2012 at 11:46am

Lucy wrote on Feb 27th, 2012 at 10:53am:

You bandy about the terms of PUL, well i say to you all, you are not fit to use the term of PUL if you cannot sacrifice for others and for humanity, if you cannot put self on the line.  If you do not follow in The Teacher's footsteps and path, then do not think of self as a helper, for real helpers care more about the Whole than their little selves.

??? Really?

  Yes, "really".  Is PUL just about feeling good, and sharing good vibes?   It is far bigger than that.  A big part of PUL is about self sacrifice and overcoming fear with an eye towards, and concern about the needs of the Whole. 

Betson doesn't want to get involved with this PE because she is afraid.  I understand that she is afraid, but there is no reason for her to be afraid.  Her sacrifice would be overcoming her fear for the greater good of the Whole.  It's in a very real sense, a transcendence of the little self.  This is THE pattern, the example that The Teacher showed us when he knowingly took up his cross and fulfilled his destiny. He was PUL incarnate

  That was PUL in it's finest and most distilled essence, a complete livingness for others and the needs of the Whole.

  While many of you profess to not "believe in" these strong, but lacking in Light beings, such as the above E.T. group, really deep down many of you have fear of these and don't want to become more aware of them.  Yet, that awareness and directly facing the fears would accomplish far more help, not only for self, but for others, than remaining fearful and unconscious of these influences. 

  Do you think that i speak lightly about this?  Becky and i told Bruce a little about some of Becky's and mine experience in person--it seemed like he tried to steer us away from any interpretation of this in a negative sense--like we hadn't dealt with any real negative beings. Sure, he did it in his gentle, laid back, and indirect way, but he still did it.  I figure consciously he was trying to be helpful, to be a "helper" type. 

After this talk, i wondered off and on if i should talk to him more about some of our experiences to better explain what we thought the brief experiences we mentioned were about (we figured it was ultimately related to that same E.T. group).  One morning, i woke up very early to do something, when i went back to bed, i fell asleep wondering about whether or not to do this. 

  I awoke with a very intense dream very vivid in my minds eye and remembrance.  It was about this negative E.T. group, and involved a future Earth wherein humanity did not grow optimally from the changes, and instead too many humans allowed themselves to be too influenced by the above group and their plans.  It became a much darker and difficult World than even now.  There was A LOT of suffering.  It was an upsetting dream, and i found myself so upset, so angry in the dream that i vowed i would do anything to change any possibility of this future possibility unfolding. 

  I told Bruce about said circumstances and dream.  I heard nothing back.   Then the next day or day after, i had another dream, but with Bruce in it.  In the dream, Bruce shared Love with me, but he also fell asleep and stayed asleep while i was fully awake.  When i awoke i knew that the dream meant that Bruce was unconscious to the awareness of these influences and deep down didn't want to be aware.   I use to put Bruce on a bit of a pedestal.  I use to think he was more aware and spiritually intune than myself.  I looked up to him. 

  The above was a real eye opener for me and how much fear limits people, even more unusually aware and sensitive people like Bruce.

  My personality self makes errors of perception sometimes when i'm more fully within this waking, conscious state--like i did with Wonderer.  However, when i'm getting more definite messages via dreams, sometimes channeling like the above post, or deep in meditation--well i've learned to trust these. Expanded Guidance is definitely pushing me to be more pro active in trying to act as a catalyst of awareness of this group so that we can better counter act them and their plans.   

  As i said on the ACIM thread, the 3 important steps are. Awareness without fear, tuning into PUL, and then being active in "retrieving" and trying to facilitate awareness for others of both the problems and the solutions.   And yet, the majority here will not seek even their own direct guidance on this issue.  This is what this site is all about, going within and finding out for self what's true or not. 

  What is holding them back?  As in Betson's case, and at least she is honest enough to admit it openly, it's fear. 

  There is no reason to be afraid, and even if there was, being a true helper and retriever requires that one overcome their fear for the good of all.  To really spiritually grow, we have to take up our own individual crosses and not just for ourselves.

  I thought i was perhaps being too harsh in my reply to Betson's reply, and i wondered if it was "too much".  I meditated briefly about it, and heard back, "sometimes fires need to be lit under people's *bottoms*".   Also, i wrote that reply very late at night/early in the morning, and it really felt like i was channeling it more than consciously writing it.  I believe the Teacher came through some, especially at the end. 

  Lucy, will you partake in this group exploration?

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by recoverer on Feb 27th, 2012 at 2:20pm
On two occasions during the past few days I had experiences related to unfriendly aliens. I didn't try to have them. I guess my higher self/spirit guidance wanted me to have them.

On one occasion I was like in a dark place and I could see tall buildings with lights. The architecture didn't look like architecture I've seen in this World. There were these insect like aliens that were interferring with this World in a negative way.

I had another experience this morning. I was with people who are being troubled by unfriendly aliens. I couldn't say what the nature of these aliens were. It felt as if such troubles "could" happen more in the future than they do now. I wrote "could" rather than "will" because when I asked "when" I didn't receive an answer. Perhaps I was being told of a possibility that is partially dependent upon what people do.

In each of the above cases I didn't receive information that I could verify with others. I believe it is more of a matter of people connecting with guidance they know they can trust and finding out from this guidance.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Lucy on Feb 27th, 2012 at 5:42pm
As far as participating in something like this. I don't have these experiences (of retrieval). I have no talent/ability/anything to visualize anyone or see anything, so it doesn't matter. It is very rare for me to havve "experiences". It is just not my thing. I don't visualize well either, never have.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin aka Vasya on Feb 27th, 2012 at 7:05pm
  Hi Lucy,

  I also don't have good visualization abilities, and don't tend to get much info in the form of images, etc. except for in dreams.  (i do occasionally get visuals during meditation, etc, but it's somewhat rare)

  I tend to receive info more in the manner of feeling-thought impressions, which i then translate to word concepts.  It tends to be more subtle than having images, etc. appear.
  One of my earlier blocks in practcing this kind of stuff was expecting the info to come in certain ways, like in vivid images and the like.  Once i let go of such preconceptions and just learned to quiet my mind and listen in an open way, i started to receive more info (some of which i've had definite verifications with). 

  Perhaps yours is a similar case, perhaps you are expecting the info to come in a certain way, and are't paying attention to the more subtle feeling and thought impressions?  Pay attention to those more "out of the blue" thoughts you have while practicing these things. 

  You can also specifically ask your guidance to help you with perceiving more clearly, (but again with no preconceptions of how this will actually take form).  Practicing Bruce's remembering the feeling of Love technique, as well as remembering or bringing up feelings of Gratitude also help one to perceive guidance messages more clearly.

  Also, for most, it's one of those things that you just have to practice and plug away at, and you slowly but surely get better in sensing and receiving these impressions.  I think you have more potential and ability than you perhaps give yourself credit for. 


Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Lucy on Feb 28th, 2012 at 5:50am
Thank you for your thought-full comments. I think you clarify some of the isues involved in learning to use intuition or whatever one wants to call learning to use input from sources that are not sense-based in a world that relies on the senses. When it comes to my life review I hope I am able to laugh at myself for some of the misadventures this has caused me.

(and I am grateful to know that I am not alone in the visualization thing. A number of years ago, any group work or tapes in developing these skills or exploring other dimensions often started with the words "Imagine you are..." which always left me conflicted and certainly mentally going "Grrrr!". And that would effectively be the end of the lesson. I felt like something was wrong with me until finally, after a few years of this, some others admitted it didn't work for them either.)

I think before I undertook an adventure such as you are proposing that I woul dhave to feel more skilled in the techniques. That is partly because I think a lot of projection can go on in non-sense based information gathering. Heck, it goes on in things that are sense based too.

Also, I can't imagine that this has not been tried before; so much has been tried. I just came across some info I wasn't aware of ..that this guy
Stephan Schwartz, claims to have found some archeological things by remote viewing.

The Amazon blurb on one of his books has a summary of some things the team Schwartz put together did (review by Clearwater)

Of course, we can't seem to escape the CIA connections here. The original remote viewing experiemtns were funded by the CIA, were they not, and a famous MIT researcher and favorite professor, "Doc" Edgerton, showed up for one of the team's explorations (MIT being another CIA connection).

(Edgerton is known ..well his photographs are well-known even if his name isn't. He did the famous bullet through the apple picture, among others.
sorry this isn't really relevant, I just like the pictures.
oh this page is better

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin aka Vasya on Feb 28th, 2012 at 2:23pm
  Interesting about Mr. Schwartz.  Your welcome Lucy, while i know i sometimes rub you the wrong way (i'm *very* aware of this, though i don't ever mean to cause those feelings and reactions), you hold a fond place in my heart and i ever want to see you happy and at peace.  I know that peace often eludes you, and you often feel quite confused about it all, a very Gemini and Aries kind of experience sometimes.

Sometimes to get there, one needs their shadow stirred up some so they can become more conscious of those aspects of self.  It was a method that my teacher used both consciously and which also just happened naturally and unconsciously.

  And it's ok to be fully honest and upfront with me.  If you feel a certain way then "let it out" and don't worry about what the group may think or say.  You wouldn't be the first, nor the last to think of or call me a deluded, Messiah complexed Ahole or the like.   ;)  It's truly OK.  That honesty and directness in communication will help to open up your Heart.  You keep far too much to yourself and less out of wisdom but more out of social concern.

   I'm still going through my own growing pains (and sometimes truly am an ahole), but perhaps someday you and others will know that i am the real deal.  I've questioned self many times about this, this is why i consulted with other, more objective outside sources like the psychics/sensitives Lynn, Carolene, and Caryl, all people well vouched for by people and sources i respect.  They all indicated in their readings, that i am the real deal and confirmed all the various messages i've received about self from Guidance. 

  Like my Teacher, i've come so that all of you may be free, but real teachers challenge you to grow more, and challenge and growth is not always what our conscious personalities want.  That's why they strung my Teacher up.

  "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.."

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Vee on Mar 7th, 2012 at 5:01pm
Well, Vasya, I would be very interested in this PE, I have done some work with races from other worlds, lots of them are at the Gathering Place, Bob Monroe explored plenty concerning them as did Moen, and I have usually not had really friendly responses from what we call the Greys, but they are not unpleasant or anything. I think it's hard for some of them to put up with the level we are at, it's all so easy for them as they are at a higher technical level of development. I mean, I don't think they eat cardboard egg salad sandwiches on long flights, for example, like we do. Maybe I could get a chance to sit down and have a look at their dinner table on a mother ship...anyway, let me know if you want to proceed with this. It's interesting, when I was really working on OBE'ing and taking different courses and reading different authors, I noticed that some are very particular about warning about different entities, small creatures, we would run into and not to try to adopt them or get too friendly as they might come home with us. But Bob Monroe repeatedly explains that any negative creatures we see while exploring are products of our own fears and expectations. And one thing for would be hard to run into alien people who are more dangerous than some humans we run into. I mean, if they wanted to, they could be doing home invasions and taking anything they want from us anytime, but none of them do those things. Although I did get a shock while in a compromised position once and looked up to see a Grey parent with his little child by the hand, watching. I was extremely angry and told him off and he vanished at once. On the other hand, maybe I'm nuts. So, Vasya, let me know about the PE. What do you think, when?

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Vicky on Mar 8th, 2012 at 1:15am
Hi Vee,  Sorry to interrupt, but I just noticed Justin is gone...why did he leave? 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Vee on Mar 8th, 2012 at 11:43am
Hi Vicky. I didn't realize Justin was gone. I'm disappointed as he was an interesting member with lots of ideas and knowledge. It was your post there that told me he was gone. I guess he felt he was not fitting in. I haven't been following things lately, my temporary health problems cut me off somewhat from my inner travel world and I am just getting back in form. Sometimes I think, reading some of the more complicated, conflictual posts from time to time, that even if Bob Monroe were to belong to the forum and be posting, some of what appear to be younger males (under 60) especially in the forum would be on that attack and telling him how haywire he was. That's life I guess. I'm sorry to lose Vasya. I've been attacked too for some innocuous comment I've made here or there. Sometimes I wonder when I get to the Afterlife if we all arrive with our egos intact and ready for battle or if we get "compressed" or something in the death experience and cool our jets upon arrival. "This is your Captain speaking. Will all passengers kindly fasten their seat belts for landing. Those disembarking in The Rose Garden, please do not feed the ducks. Those planning on entering the psychiatric wing immediately upon arrival, kindly remember that no abusive language or behavior toward staff will be tolerated. Consequences of such behavior could involve taking considerable heat for a period of at least two Earth weeks. Ego police officers will be on hand during all arrivals to handle know-it-alls. Do not drop your used tickets on the ground, but place them in the proper receptacle. We practice strict Green rules in The Park. Punishments for spitting, making long speeches, bad language and hitting will be enforced without regard for self-importance levels." Anyway. Well, I was going to ask Justin about making Keifer. Darn.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 9th, 2012 at 2:48am

Vee wrote on Mar 7th, 2012 at 5:01pm:
Well, Vasya, I would be very interested in this PE, I have done some work with races from other worlds, lots of them are at the Gathering Place, Bob Monroe explored plenty concerning them as did Moen, and I have usually not had really friendly responses from what we call the Greys, but they are not unpleasant or anything. I think it's hard for some of them to put up with the level we are at, it's all so easy for them as they are at a higher technical level of development. I mean, I don't think they eat cardboard egg salad sandwiches on long flights, for example, like we do. Maybe I could get a chance to sit down and have a look at their dinner table on a mother ship...anyway, let me know if you want to proceed with this. It's interesting, when I was really working on OBE'ing and taking different courses and reading different authors, I noticed that some are very particular about warning about different entities, small creatures, we would run into and not to try to adopt them or get too friendly as they might come home with us. But Bob Monroe repeatedly explains that any negative creatures we see while exploring are products of our own fears and expectations. And one thing for would be hard to run into alien people who are more dangerous than some humans we run into. I mean, if they wanted to, they could be doing home invasions and taking anything they want from us anytime, but none of them do those things. Although I did get a shock while in a compromised position once and looked up to see a Grey parent with his little child by the hand, watching. I was extremely angry and told him off and he vanished at once. On the other hand, maybe I'm nuts. So, Vasya, let me know about the PE. What do you think, when?

  Bob was just a Helper, he was not a "He/She" type (Expanded Guidance in the flesh).   In any case, what you say in the above about Bob is incorrect.  He, or rather his guidance clearly states in his 3rd book, Ultimate Journey that there were hindering E.T,'s that are involved with this world and with humans, but his "I/There" told him that he needed to get over his fear of these and that he was pretty safe from being influenced. 

   Re: what you said about negative E.T.'s not existing because this world has not been obviously/overtly attacked yet.   Are you familiar with Rosiland A. McKnight and her work?  She was one of Bob's "explorers" back in his lab.  Her Guidance, in her book "Cosmic Journeys" very, very clearly talked about a negative E.T. group with unfriendly intentions towards us, and  indicated that in the future they would try to overtly attack us and that there would be a war between us.  Her Guidance said that we would get help from the more loving and positive E.T.'s while this was happening.

    Her guidance also said that currently we are being protected by powerful sources because we are not yet prepared technologically nor spiritually to go up against them directly yet.

In a sense, we are like children who are having their hands held by adults and being protected from getting beat up by the bullies that want to take our lunch money.  While they can't forcefully try to take it from us yet, they have tried to get to us in other, less direct ways, and they are allowed to do so by the spiritual PTB that are protecting us from direct interference.  If they allowed this direct interference now, it would be a massacre plain and simple--we would have no chance whatsoever.

    Both my guidance, and my wife's have confirmed Rosiland's work and info in different and numerous ways.  For example, even before Becky read Rosiland's book, Cosmic Journeys (which is the book which talks about this), she had two separate dreams, separated by a period of time, but both dreams were a continuation.  In both dreams, she knew she in a future lifetime, in a different body than now (but the same body in the two dreams), and there was a war going on between humanity and a particular E.T. group.  Humanity was interacting with many groups at the time, and was getting some help and info from the spiritual and friendly groups.

While these two separated, but continuing dreams were not nightmares, they were not lite dreams by any means.  It was a definite, out and out war, and we were fighting for our very existence or freedom as a species. 

  Having a lack of guidance on something, or an issue, does not equate to knowledge.  Some who have not received such messages as we and Rosiland have, think there is no issue because they haven't received such messages.

   Dr. John Mack, the Harvard psychologist who put his considerable reputation on the line with his research with his patients with E.T. contacts and experiences, wrote in his 2nd book, Passport to the Cosmos that some of his patients had had troubling experiences with E.T.'s that appeared Reptilian humanoid, but when they sent them Love it repelled them.

  Remote viewer Courtney Brown Phd, who took the Gateway Voyage program at TMI, and who set up an Institute of his own called Farsight Institute and recruited and/or trained other Remote Viewers, well both he and these other remote viewers had experiences with an unfriendly and ill intentioned E.T. group, and at one point were being psychically attacked by them and some of the Remote Viewers experienced headaches and other issues.  When they called on more Divine type help, they were able to get the info they were looking for and were protected from the psychic attacks.

  His 2nd book, "Cosmic Explorers" is available on his site for free download.  While not a 100 percent accurate, it's a good reference point. 

   I appreciate your interest in the P.E. and this subject.  However, it seems you have already made up your mind about the issue.  I have as well, but only because my wife and i have received numerous, clear messages about this group, their intentions, their methods, their contacts with the earth.  This P.E. is not for my benefit or interest personally, but an attempt to help others wake up to this issue so that we can better counter balance their attempt to limit us. 
  I was especially hoping that the founder of this site would take part in same, because he has a lot of "clout" here, and if he talks openly about his messages and experiences about this (if he would seek it)--then others would be inspired and be more open minded to receiving their own guidance about it. 

I'm not a published author, i don't own a site, i'm at times odd acting and talking here, i've only been to one TMI program ;-),  etc, etc.  Unless people are really  more tuned into their own, expanded levels of guidance, they won't really listen to me because to some (most?)  i sound too crazy, out there, unbalanced, or what not. 

  I need help in this, my teacher needs help in this, we all need help in this. 

  Expanded Guidance levels are quite concerned about this whole issue--especially those positive and Love attuned E.T. groups who are VERY aware of this negative group and their plans, intentions, etc.  They are trying to get the message out but there are too few  humans open and receptive enough for them to work with re: this issue.

There is potentially a lot of fear involved with this topic--especially social fear, "man, i don't want to talk about negative E.T.'s that are trying to take over the Earth, what will people think about me?  I don't want people to think i'm crazy!  What if they think of me as, or call me the dreaded 'fear mongerer'?"   That's just the social part of it, what about the general fear of the unknown, or fear of being psychically attacked. etc, etc, etc, etc.   Fear, fear, fear, fear and on many different levels. 





Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 9th, 2012 at 2:58am

Vicky wrote on Mar 8th, 2012 at 1:15am:
Hi Vee,  Sorry to interrupt, but I just noticed Justin is gone...why did he leave? 

  I canceled my previous account because i wanted to focus more on writing the book i started.  I found myself often too distracted by this site and posting here and figured one way to break the sort of addiction was to cancel my membership. 

  Indeed, it worked and i have been writing a lot more on my book.  Also meditating more, also exercising more.   I'm totally focused on becoming the clearest channel i can become. 

  I'm going to delete this account too.  Once i finish the book, i will re-sign back here and go back to the role of the forums preachy pain the arse that i'm so good at playing.  Hmm, 'task master' Ra is, is he.   :D ;D

  Hope you are doing good Vicky, and if you ever think of any writing tips or suggestions, let me know.  See yah in the near future.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 9th, 2012 at 3:45am

Vee wrote on Mar 8th, 2012 at 11:43am:
Hi Vicky. I didn't realize Justin was gone. I'm disappointed as he was an interesting member with lots of ideas and knowledge. It was your post there that told me he was gone. I guess he felt he was not fitting in. I haven't been following things lately, my temporary health problems cut me off somewhat from my inner travel world and I am just getting back in form. Sometimes I think, reading some of the more complicated, conflictual posts from time to time, that even if Bob Monroe were to belong to the forum and be posting, some of what appear to be younger males (under 60) especially in the forum would be on that attack and telling him how haywire he was. That's life I guess. I'm sorry to lose Vasya. I've been attacked too for some innocuous comment I've made here or there. Sometimes I wonder when I get to the Afterlife if we all arrive with our egos intact and ready for battle or if we get "compressed" or something in the death experience and cool our jets upon arrival. "This is your Captain speaking. Will all passengers kindly fasten their seat belts for landing. Those disembarking in The Rose Garden, please do not feed the ducks. Those planning on entering the psychiatric wing immediately upon arrival, kindly remember that no abusive language or behavior toward staff will be tolerated. Consequences of such behavior could involve taking considerable heat for a period of at least two Earth weeks. Ego police officers will be on hand during all arrivals to handle know-it-alls. Do not drop your used tickets on the ground, but place them in the proper receptacle. We practice strict Green rules in The Park. Punishments for spitting, making long speeches, bad language and hitting will be enforced without regard for self-importance levels." Anyway. Well, I was going to ask Justin about making Keifer. Darn.

  Hi Vee...hmm not sure how to address the above.  See my just previous post to Vicky.  I left because i wanted to focus on writing a book, i'm going to delete this account as well, but when i'm done with the book i will come back. 

   It had nothing to do with any interpersonal forum interactions or personality reactions whatsoever.  I left the forum in good spirits, though a wee bit frustrated in one area if truth be told, but even that wasn't really a personal, personality thing so much. 

   As far as ego and all that goes, one of the most egoless people i know about, Yeshua whom i consider my Teacher, had an interesting pattern to look at.  On one hand, he didn't oft talk all that much about self, and yet sometimes he made some seemingly grandiose statements about himself.  What an odd ball and sometimes downright confusing man he was.

  He sometimes liked to shock and rouse people (as a teaching method), and he was/is a very truthful guy who was not concerned about any kind of image. 

  Plenty of people think plenty egotistical and high minded thoughts about self, but rarely ever say anything outloud because of social fear and an unconscious need to protect a certain, "spiritual" image.  Like my teacher, i have no such compunctions and truthfully speak my mind and heart, as i feel moved. 

   My advice to the forum and to folks in general, be more wary of the silent egotists than the loud mouth, honest open ones, because it's usually the silent ones you have to worry about more so.  Especially be discerning towards those who have something to sell you (especially if there livelihood depends on it in any way).  Currently and for a long time, i have had nothing to sell, and even when i finish my book, i plan to sell it for quite cheap as an e-book (my wife is not too happy about that, she thinks i should charge a minimum of 5 dollars).  Why, because i don't care much at all about money (never really have) and have a regular job anyways, and for me it's about the messages getting out there. 

  So, off to finish this book, deleting this account, and see you all later (probably in a month or two).

  P.S., Oh YES btw, Bob the fairly old Soul and i probably would have had issues.  In some ways, Bob was more that silent egotist type, which is why a number of people more emotionally close to him sometimes complained about his rather controlling side.  Sure, with people he wasn't close to, he was quite "hands off" and detached (some might say too much so because he didn't like certain forms of responsibility and he kept self very guarded) and told people "go have your own experiences" and all that very lovely philosophy about getting ones own guidance.  He was good at playing the anti-guru, guru. 

Bob was essentially practicing the relative Golden Rule, because Bob had issues with authority and with people preaching to him, giving him advice, etc.  Because he so disliked others doing that to him, he refrained from doing that to others (especially those not emotionally close to him).

  See, i'm a long time astrologer and intuitive, and Bob is an open book, and while i have a lot of respect for the man and his service to others, i've taken him off the pedestal. 

   Let's take all the Bob's of the world off the pedestals, and if we are to have any pedestals at all, then let's be sensible and practical and put the "He/She's" and Yeshua's up there at least, for these were/are fully constructive, fully aware, fully intune with Source.  Did not Yeshua live a rather different life pattern than the vaunted Bob Monroe?  Didn't he interact in a very different way with people while publicly teaching.   ;) ;D

   Settling for any less, and we're just limiting ourselves in the long run, because humanity doesn't tend to grow past those we hoist up on pedestals, for their limits become our limits. As a species we are notorious followers and that's not about to radically change, but we can always aim higher. 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Oliver on Mar 9th, 2012 at 10:16am
Hi Justin,

pleased to read you.
One comment, I can't keep my mouth shut:
Get rid of pedestals completely!
Did Yeshua ask his followers to put him on a pedestal? No, he didn't!
He explicitly said "you will do greater things than me".
Keep this in mind. He wants us to become as free and loving as he is. He wants us to develop our full potentials.
Not for His sake. For our sake. For the sake of the Whole of Creation which is never separate from God.
We don't pray "for Jesus' sake". It is often part of Christian prayers, how much further can we get away and apart from Jesus' teachings as by doing the deeds of the Church which abused His name for their selfish and mislead ideas...?
Jesus was a man, human or maybe half-human, a very bold and bright and developed soul. He is and was not God Himself any more than we are and everything is.

All the best!

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by recoverer on Mar 9th, 2012 at 5:04pm

I don't believe that Jesus wants to be worshiped or put on a pedestal. Certainly wise people and beings can inspire others without such foolishness.


I've received information stating that unfriendly aliens are involved with this World and that they "might" attack in the future.  I say "might" because when I receive information about the future it is hard to tell if I'm being told about possibilities or actualities.

Even though there are a number of questionable sources that speak about unfriendly alien interactions with this World, some of them seem trustworthy to me.

As Justin said, in "Ultimate Journey" Robert Monroe wrote that he was told by his I-there that unfriendly influences both human and non-human have been involved with this World for years. 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by recoverer on Mar 9th, 2012 at 5:06pm

recoverer wrote on Mar 9th, 2012 at 5:04pm:

I don't believe that Jesus wants to be worshiped or put on a pedestal. Certainly wise people and beings can inspire others without such foolishness.


I've received information stating that unfriendly aliens are involved with this World and that they "might" attack in the future.  I say "might" because when I receive information about the future it is hard to tell if I'm being told about possibilities or actualities.

Even though there are a number of questionable sources that speak about unfriendly alien interactions with this World, some of them seem trustworthy to me.

As Justin said, in "Ultimate Journey" Robert Monroe wrote that he was told by his I-there that unfriendly influences both human and non-human have been involved with this World for years. 

Various human religions include a history of animal sacrifice (in some cases human sacrifice). I wonder how much unfriendly ETs caused such practices to take place.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by recoverer on Mar 9th, 2012 at 5:07pm
Crud, that quote/edit thing happened again. That ex-member Justin is causing some real problems. ;)

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Oliver on Mar 9th, 2012 at 8:50pm

recoverer wrote on Mar 9th, 2012 at 5:06pm:
Various human religions include a history of animal sacrifice (in some cases human sacrifice). I wonder how much unfriendly ETs caused such practices to take place.

I would say some are described in the Bible:

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Lucy on Mar 10th, 2012 at 5:36am
There's an old alchemist saying that goes something liek this:

The eye is more inclined to see what is behind it than what is in front of it.

Now, in many instances, it is more convenient to go along with what is bhind the eye because that is also our link to culture and gives us a way to connect to toher people. But that doesn't mean it is etched in stone.

So, if I do see aliens, or don't see aliens, which way is the Interpretor having full sway? If I got rid of the Interpretor, what would be there? Maybe we'd only have Nothingness without the Interpretor.

But we are back to the old picture of the two faces that also can look like a vase. I don't think we clearly understand why that happens. If we did, maybe we would understand why some people see aliens and others don't.

How can you tell that the negative aliens are not just a projection of some inner fear?

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Lucy on Mar 10th, 2012 at 6:19am
I dopn't personally find this to be an idle question but I don't know how to address it.

The concept applies to other situations. I was recently engaged in a conversation with a coworker whose beloved adored five-year old nephew recently died from cancer. She has no children herself, and to say she adored this kid is almost an understatement. She has been in a lot of pain, but after 3 or so monthe (I can't remeber when he died; before Christmas) she shared with me the experience of the night before he passedover. It was deeply personal and also universal. He came in and out of conciousness over the evening and when he would wake up, he went through a little ritual with her that turned out to perhaps be a way, a sign, to let her know when he is around her now. He also waited until no one was in the room to pass, a real feat when 3 adults are trying to never leave his side. I was touched that she was willing to share all that with me.

(an aside: I had a wicked bad cold that day in the sense that something was making me sneeze periodically though my nose wasn't stuffy and this had been going on all day. I mean, I've never had such explosive sneezes as these were! Couldn't cover them. This co-worker has alot of allergies etc. and gets ballistic when she thinks someone has come to work "sick", so when she came in to relieve me for her shift I was practically praying to not sneeze in her presence. I was thinking about this before she showed up. Now the odd thing is that the ritual her nephew used with her that night involved his making a sneeze and then going into the "God bless you" routine several times over, and repeated several times in the evening, and she said that now, whenever anyone sneezes, she thinks of the nephew. It was just an odd juxtaposition. I didn't sneeze, but we were already talking about the kid, so it wasn't necessary).

The conversation started because as I was leaving work, I took out Anita Moorjani's book on her NDE and the title caught her eye and we talked a little about NDE's. She is very religious and very Catholic but rejects some of the organized church's stands. But not all. So we started talking about NDE's and she mentioned that someone in her prayer group or whatever had an NDE that was transforming. But that experience had lots of images from Christianity in it, Jesus and so forth. Moorjani, who might be described as a decular Hindu, only talks about the love she felt. Moorjani visited with two people whom she loves who had passed over. No religion but she still had a transforming experience. But my coworke semed only interested in teh NDEs that reinforced her religious ideas. She is quite taken with one of those books currently making the rounds about a boy who had an NDE and came back and talked about it in terms of relgion. The boy mentions that there are many children on the other side, and my coworker interprets that as that there have been many miscarriages and abortions. She is strongly against abortion. In retrospect I see that might comfort her, but at the time my comment was, well time doesn't exist, maybe they arre kids who like died from the plague in the dark ages.

So even with NDEs we have the Interpretor kicking in. People see what they believe to some extent. The one constant is the experience of being greatly loved. Maybe that is all that matters.

So if the Interpretor kicks in even in a profound experience such as an NDE must be, how can it not be active in the non-profound?

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Lucy on Mar 10th, 2012 at 6:25am
sorry about the typo's; hope things make sense anyway; the website isn't giving me the option to modify. Outlook has spoiled me for proofreading!

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by tgecks on Mar 17th, 2012 at 12:08pm
Monroe wrote about "The Gathering" which is on (Monroe-speak) Focus 33/34 in which other life forms from across this and other Universes and dimensions have gathered to observe the transitions expected on the planet (according to Monroe). One of the places one is directed to explore in the Starlines programs is "The Gathering" and it is possible to communicate with many types oflife forms there.

Yes, I am most enthused and unafraid of such a PE. Count on me to participate. I think the affirmation is most articulate and fitting. The teacher's lesson was that we are more than our bodies, and that that we exist even after we give up the physical body, no? So what, exactly, is the worst thing that people imagine could happen?

I have been pretty quiet lately, too. I have abandoned efforts to organize any more PEs because of the lack of interest in them and the small group who participated.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by PauliEffectt on Mar 17th, 2012 at 2:09pm

tgecks wrote on Mar 17th, 2012 at 12:08pm:
Monroe wrote about "The Gathering" which is on (Monroe-speak) Focus 33/34 in which ...

It's Focus 34/35. Focus 33 is something slightly different, a level of Creation according to Skip Atwater ->

Also Focus 33 is the first important Focus Level outside the ELS according to Atwater.

According to Frank DeMarco's TGU in his book The Spehere and Hologram, Focus 34/35 is the outmost Focus Level where we can bring back anything understandable. What little is brought back and explainable with our 5 ordinary sense is worth something of value. But Moen probably managed to travel even further in his 4th book, so just go as far as you want to. :)

Focus 34/35 is also the lowest level many (non-physical?) beings can approach the ELS, without having to be drawn in, in the cycle of being reborn again and again, losing escape velocity in Monroe's terms.

Just some 2 c's, but without warranty. :)

I probably suck at PE, I get so few successes.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by PauliEffectt on Mar 17th, 2012 at 2:30pm
From Justin ->
wrote on Mar 9th, 2012 at 2:48am:
Are you familiar with Rosiland A. McKnight and her work?  She was one of Bob's "explorers" back in his lab.  Her Guidance, in her book "Cosmic Journeys" very, very clearly talked about a negative E.T. group with unfriendly intentions towards us, and  indicated that in the future they would try to overtly attack us and that there would be a war between us.  Her Guidance said that we would get help from the more loving and positive E.T.'s while this was happening.

I guess Rosalind is misspelled above. Nevertheless, does anyone know in what chapter this "warning" was given. I have the book, but have no recollection of _any_ warning at all. Not even from TMI's online webpage Explorers' tapes.

Please enlighten me, as Justin seems gone for the moment.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 21st, 2012 at 2:04pm

PauliEffectt wrote on Mar 17th, 2012 at 2:30pm:
From Justin ->
wrote on Mar 9th, 2012 at 2:48am:
Are you familiar with Rosiland A. McKnight and her work?  She was one of Bob's "explorers" back in his lab.  Her Guidance, in her book "Cosmic Journeys" very, very clearly talked about a negative E.T. group with unfriendly intentions towards us, and  indicated that in the future they would try to overtly attack us and that there would be a war between us.  Her Guidance said that we would get help from the more loving and positive E.T.'s while this was happening.

I guess Rosalind is misspelled above. Nevertheless, does anyone know in what chapter this "warning" was given. I have the book, but have no recollection of _any_ warning at all. Not even from TMI's online webpage Explorers' tapes.

Please enlighten me, as Justin seems gone for the moment.

  Hi PauliEffectt,

  Thank you for the spelling correction of Rosalind's name.  I knew her as a friend, and usually thought of her as "Rosie", and apparently i projected that some into the use of her given birth name.

  Re: your specific question, I cannot tell you the exact page, as i lent out my copy a long time ago, and never got it back.  But, I did some research and found some excerpts on scribd of her book, and found the reference i was looking to under the chapter of "Travel to the Year 3000".   It's not that far into that chapter.  Read carefully, and you will find it.  It's amazing how easy it is to miss or gloss over certain information under certain circumstances and conditions.   ;)  What is the saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." 

  I would copy and paste the text here, but i think that may still be copy righted material and that is grounds for being banned here. My wife and Twin Soul, Becky, had two separate dreams, spaced over a time which were a continuation on a theme.  In both dreams, she was in a future lifetime and body, and there was a war going on with an unfriendly, ill intentioned E.T. group during a period wherein there was A LOT of contact and communication with various E.T. groups.  In the dream, future "Becky" got help from some helpful intentioned E.T.'s. 

  It was like the dream came right out of Rosalind's guidance session, except that she had the first dream before she even read her book. 

  I will point out generally speaking, of all the TMI Explorers, including Bob Monroe himself, it was Rosie's guidance sessions which have been the most accurate so far as regarding the Earth changes and collapses so far in relation to time. 

  I believe this is because she was a more clear channel and in touch with some very expanded levels of Guidance.  Bob, Tom Campbell, and all the others whose information is available to hear and look at, were quite off on the timing of the manifestation of these events. 

  However, both Rosie's guidance and info, along with Cayce's, said no, even by 1998 this would still be a gradual development and not catastrophic in the Earth by this point.  Tom and "Thor" said it was going to happen in the 80's, Bob thought some of it would take place by the start of the 21st century, etc.  "Helpers" have a hard time with time.  The most Expanded level of Guidance, those like "He/She" who still interacts with humanity in a physical like way, well these have a much better grasp of linear time and development since they are fully aware of ALL consciousness, of all energy levels. 

P.S., more personally and to the group in general, I'm still writing, but close to being finished with the rough draft, so I may as well keep this account going.  Becky is going to go over and edit it sooner than later i hope, and then shortly after this is done, i will submit it for publishing. 

  Re: Rosie's book, It seems like the info given in the above was a bit understated, but that is probably because expanded Guidance didn't want to overly frighten people in regards to this group and their influence.   We are now at a point in time in our collective evolution, wherein more of us are ready to hear more about these so that we can act as a counter balance. 

  Of course seek your own inner guidance on it, but i really urge you to do so under the ideal circumstances.  With a specific prayer and affirmation of deeply desiring and asking for the help and guidance of only the most PUL attuned and spiritually helpful, constructive, creative sources there are. 

  Then, in combination, practice Bruce's "Remembering the feeling of Love" (and/or Gratitude technique) in order to strengthen that connection and to block any possible interference and also to make such communication from such sources easier to perceive.  For, many of us are a bit in the same boat as some of those who are stuck and we try to retrieve in the sense that the most expanded Guidance can be difficult for us to perceive unless we raise our vibratory patterns above our "normal" or average.  Just as stuck folk often have a hard time perceiving regular old helpers. 

  I'm not completely sure, but i believe there may be also be another reference to this ill intentioned E.T. group in another part of Rosie's book.  It's been quite awhile since i read it. 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 21st, 2012 at 2:06pm
  I tried to post a link to the scribd site which contains the excerpt of her book, which also contains the chapter "Travel to the Year 3000", but apparently when you are a new member you cannot post links to websites until 3 normal posts without links, and so it blocked me.  Ok, one more normal one to go and i will post the link. 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 21st, 2012 at 2:08pm
  LOL another normal post without a link...  (see next reply of mine for the link). 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 21st, 2012 at 2:09pm
Here is a link, below, to the excerpt from scribd on Rosalind A. McKnight's book, "Cosmic Journeys".  Scroll down till you reach the Chapter, "Travel to the Year 3000".  Since it is quite an interesting chapter in general, i recommend the whole thing, but like i said, you will find her being shown info about the ill intentioned E.T. group being involved with this world, and also a reference to an eventual out and out war developing sometime around the 2500 A.D. mark.

  Bruce, what do you think about this information?  Have you sought guidance about this issue under those ideal and specific circumstances/conditions?  This in-physical life is not about a personal vacation, it's about consciousness growth and the healing of the Whole, and Expanded Guidance needs you in this effort.  It also needs Tom Campbell and all those who can receive more clearly and whom others look to for wisdom and guidance. 

  I wish there was someone better and more loving than me to send to try to make people aware of these.  I wish there were more that others would actually listen to and really consider, and then be inspired to seek their own direct guidance on it. 

  I don't like having this job, this role to play.  I prefer to be quiet and to keep to myself--you've met me in person a few times now--you know in person i don't preach, i'm not pushy, and i'm a rather quiet and gentle person.  I prefer to not have to rock boats, or have people throw personal stones at me.  There is a lot that i prefer for the little self, but how can I be over Yin and passive in the face of direct knowledge that if we all do not do our parts, that this Earth, this Humanity, may revert to a time as bad as, if not worse than, the "dark ages" of Medieval times?

   Even your other self saw this on different levels.  Did not his I-There say to him that our cycle was one of both crisis, but also great opportunity?

  Why can you not hear the Planning Intelligence Itself calling on you, asking for your help, for He has told me He has reached out to you?   You have so much potential Bruce, but you are letting limited beliefs and habits get in the way of realizing this potential.  You remind me so much of Edgar Cayce in certain ways.  For the sake of us all, as humans who must incarnate here till we grow to a certain degree, please consider getting guidance under the ideal circumstances and then reporting what you get openly and publicly.  I know you are tired, that you want to leave, but we need you on this side yet, we need your help, your service. 

  I know it doesn't seem loving to try to push you, and i wouldn't if it wasn't so important.  I appreciate you sharing Love with me, and accepting me, especially after my past here, but this is not about me, nor about you, but about humanity as a whole, and this is why it's urgent, and why i've been directed to try to nudge.  I have no personal need or interest in "converting you" to my belief system.

   There is subconscious blocking going on from your involvement with ACIM, and the forces who were responsible for helping to create same.  These same hindering forces that i am speaking about and asking others to seek direct guidance about under the ideal circumstances.  They helped to create ACIM, along with their in human lackeys. 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by recoverer on Mar 21st, 2012 at 3:28pm
I'm at work so I can't look at my copy of "Cosmic Journeys" now, but I remember it saying that unfriendly aliens planted implants in a bunch of people, and the being who spoke through Rosalie said that we (friendly aliens?) can use the implants too.

One night I watched the movie Communion. Christopher Walken played Whitley Strieber (an alien abduction victim). Later that night I was laying in bed awake and suddenly I saw an image of Christopher Walken.  He said with a very intent look on his face, "It's a fact!" Then I was shown an image of an unfriendly looking alien. I believe I was being told that unfriendly aliens have abducted people.

I've received a number of messages both waking and while asleep that made the point that unfriendly aliens are involved with this World.

What can be done about it? If we grow in love we can help elevate this World's vibrational rate and this counters what unfriendly aliens are trying to accomplish.

If we allow ourselves to be a bit more dynamic we won't sit by idly as unfriendly beings use various sources of false information (such as channeled sources and the gurus they control) to interfere with the spiritual progress of people who could've helped elevate this World to a higher consciousness level more than they have if they weren't limited by the false ideas that come from misleading sources. People who are misled in such a way aren't anymore hip about what's going on for themselves than a confused religious fundamentalist.

It isn't a matter of interferring with the free will of the people we try to enlighten about misleading sources. It is about not allowing deceptive beings to interfere with the free will of the people they fool in various ways.

It is also possible that if a person develops himself (or herself) sufficiently enough he'll be able to help out at levels of being beyond this physical World.

I believe it is possible that when many people finish their incarnation in this World they will find out that before they incarnated here they had hoped to help counter negative influences and as a result help this World become a better place. After remembering this they will be dissapointed that they weren't more dynamic than they were. They will regret that they allowed deceptive beings to mislead them through the various sources that serve such an end.

I know that some people say that we don't have to worry about being misled because our higher selves will take care of things, but considering how many people do get misled and the state of this World, it doesn't seem as if people are listening to their higher selves as much as they believe. Perhaps people need to apply themselves more than they have.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by recoverer on Mar 21st, 2012 at 3:46pm

Related to what you wrote, even though Jesus represented something grand, I doubt that he wants people to put him on a pedestal.

For the sake of context, divine reality existed long before Christianity became a part of this World, and it will continue to exist long after this World has come to an end.

Throughout the universes there are probably a lot of beings who have obtained an elevated state of consciousness as Jesus had done. Perhaps eventually all souls will do the same. I don't believe that any of these beings will say, "my religion over his religion."  Perhaps somebody can say something such as "love your neighbor as yourself" without creating an institution that ends up being given more importantance, by some, than what was said. So what if somebody starts an institution and then he forgets what was said.

Lucy wrote on Mar 10th, 2012 at 6:19am:
I dopn't personally find this to be an idle question but I don't know how to address it.

The concept applies to other situations. I was recently engaged in a conversation with a coworker whose beloved adored five-year old nephew recently died from cancer. She has no children herself, and to say she adored this kid is almost an understatement. She has been in a lot of pain, but after 3 or so monthe (I can't remeber when he died; before Christmas) she shared with me the experience of the night before he passedover. It was deeply personal and also universal. He came in and out of conciousness over the evening and when he would wake up, he went through a little ritual with her that turned out to perhaps be a way, a sign, to let her know when he is around her now. He also waited until no one was in the room to pass, a real feat when 3 adults are trying to never leave his side. I was touched that she was willing to share all that with me.

(an aside: I had a wicked bad cold that day in the sense that something was making me sneeze periodically though my nose wasn't stuffy and this had been going on all day. I mean, I've never had such explosive sneezes as these were! Couldn't cover them. This co-worker has alot of allergies etc. and gets ballistic when she thinks someone has come to work "sick", so when she came in to relieve me for her shift I was practically praying to not sneeze in her presence. I was thinking about this before she showed up. Now the odd thing is that the ritual her nephew used with her that night involved his making a sneeze and then going into the "God bless you" routine several times over, and repeated several times in the evening, and she said that now, whenever anyone sneezes, she thinks of the nephew. It was just an odd juxtaposition. I didn't sneeze, but we were already talking about the kid, so it wasn't necessary).

The conversation started because as I was leaving work, I took out Anita Moorjani's book on her NDE and the title caught her eye and we talked a little about NDE's. She is very religious and very Catholic but rejects some of the organized church's stands. But not all. So we started talking about NDE's and she mentioned that someone in her prayer group or whatever had an NDE that was transforming. But that experience had lots of images from Christianity in it, Jesus and so forth. Moorjani, who might be described as a decular Hindu, only talks about the love she felt. Moorjani visited with two people whom she loves who had passed over. No religion but she still had a transforming experience. But my coworke semed only interested in teh NDEs that reinforced her religious ideas. She is quite taken with one of those books currently making the rounds about a boy who had an NDE and came back and talked about it in terms of relgion. The boy mentions that there are many children on the other side, and my coworker interprets that as that there have been many miscarriages and abortions. She is strongly against abortion. In retrospect I see that might comfort her, but at the time my comment was, well time doesn't exist, maybe they arre kids who like died from the plague in the dark ages.

So even with NDEs we have the Interpretor kicking in. People see what they believe to some extent. The one constant is the experience of being greatly loved. Maybe that is all that matters.

So if the Interpretor kicks in even in a profound experience such as an NDE must be, how can it not be active in the non-profound?

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 21st, 2012 at 5:37pm

wrote on Mar 9th, 2012 at 10:16am:
Hi Justin,

pleased to read you.
One comment, I can't keep my mouth shut:
Get rid of pedestals completely!
Did Yeshua ask his followers to put him on a pedestal? No, he didn't!
He explicitly said "you will do greater things than me".
Keep this in mind. He wants us to become as free and loving as he is. He wants us to develop our full potentials.
Not for His sake. For our sake. For the sake of the Whole of Creation which is never separate from God.
We don't pray "for Jesus' sake". It is often part of Christian prayers, how much further can we get away and apart from Jesus' teachings as by doing the deeds of the Church which abused His name for their selfish and mislead ideas...?
Jesus was a man, human or maybe half-human, a very bold and bright and developed soul. He is and was not God Himself any more than we are and everything is.

All the best!

  Hi Oliver,

  Perhaps you still read this board?  I'm writing this with the hopes that you do.  As far as the above, I completely agree with you.  Ideally, we would not put anyone on any pedestals and we would seek only to awaken that Christ Consciousnesss within by growing in Love.  This process, here and while in a physical, human body seems to be difficult to complete though to put it mildly.   

  However, it's very obvious to me that humanity and many people have a very long history of putting others on pedestals in some manner or fashion.  Humanity, and most humans are essentially followers.  A truly independently thinking and acting person is extremely rare indeed.  And even those who are, are to some extent or degree influenced by others whether from within or without. 

   This isn't about to change dramatically, just because folks like you, Albert, and myself would like it to. 

  It's clear to me that many have put people like Bob Monroe, Edgar Cayce, Tom Campbell, Bruce Moen, and others up on some pedestals.  What i was saying is that if one is going to pattern their life and self after someone else, then why not aim higher and look more towards those who had completed themselves--people like "He/She" of Bob's 3rd Book?

  As i've said earlier, when we do put someone else in a position of authority, wisdom, and guidance, their limits tend to become our limits.  It's a type of "Frequency following response" you could say.  ;)   Another way of saying it, is, "Like attracts, begets, and resonates with Like".  The only way to get out of one's normal pattern, is to aim higher than one's natural "like attracts and resonates with like" pattern. 

   To me, it makes more sense to look more to those who are limitless, like He/She.  If one patterns their life after examples like these, and learn from these individuals and these examples, then eventually one will through wise, constructive use of their own freewill, liberate themselves.   For only those who have liberated themselves, can truly and effectively act as a liberatating influence for others. 

  This does not mean that one should stop seeking expanded guidance from within.  If anything, this becomes more important to do. One should always ask expanded guidance under the ideal circumstances and with no preconcpetions, if a particular teacher or example is the real deal or not.

  It's a balance of seeking expanded guidance within, and being influenced by outer sources and influences.  If not, then people like He/She would not have incarnated here or otherwise come here and manifested in a physical like way.  They would have stayed as invisible "nonphysical guidance" the whole time.  We influence others more than we tend to think, especially the lower entropy our patterns become. 

   Occasionally, once in a great while, someone fully attuned with Love and very low entropy shows up to example what this really and truly and fully looks like.  When these come, they do not ask, nor do they want to be put on any kind of pedestal, but they do ask that others pay attention to their teachings and examples with the hope that others will be inspired to become like them.

  For, living as they live, is the only way out of this limited box we find ourselves in.  We all have that same potential to become like He/She, but most of us do not really fully grasp what PUUL is completely about, let alone do we truly live it. 

If we did, then we would be like He/She as well, and we're not because we don't live and choose like He/She lives and chooses.  Hence, we all can learn from He/She and those similar. 

   But instead, so often do we put lesser examples and patterns up above us, folks like Bob Monroe, Bruce Moen, Edgar Cayce, Tom Campbell.  We tend to become overly attached to them and their personalities, their experiences, their teachings and messages, and while many of these teach plenty of accurate and helpful things, all who are not like He/She have errors of perceptions, have limited beliefs, and teach limitations if not by words, but by example. 

  These cannot truly set others free (by their influence and example), until they fully set themselves free.  It would be good for all to remember the Universal Law of Like attracts, begets, and resonates with Like and how much it determines so many of our beliefs, perceptions, likes, associations, interactions, etc. 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 21st, 2012 at 5:47pm

recoverer wrote on Mar 21st, 2012 at 3:28pm:
I'm at work so I can't look at my copy of "Cosmic Journeys" now, but I remember it saying that unfriendly aliens planted implants in a bunch of people, and the being who spoke through Rosalie said that we (friendly aliens?) can use the implants too.

  If you click on the link that i shared earlier and very recently, you will find that Rosalind said the above, but also stated earlier that the very love attuned and helpful E.T.'s also put communication devices in people's brains and sometimes take highly evolved humans onto their ships. 

  Then later she said that also unfriendly E.T.'s abduct people and also put devices in humans, but that the friendly and love attuned (highly evolved is a term she uses a bit) E.T.'s could also use those devices. 

  So it's a little more complex than what you remember.


Title: Re: For PauliEffectt--Update
Post by Justin on Mar 21st, 2012 at 6:05pm
  Besides the chapter called "Travel to the Year 3000", Rosalind in her guidance sessions also talks about a hindering E.T. group in the Chapter called, "To the Moon & a Spaceship."

Title: Re: For PauliEffectt--Update
Post by PauliEffectt on Mar 21st, 2012 at 7:35pm

wrote on Mar 21st, 2012 at 6:05pm:
  Besides the chapter called "Travel to the Year 3000", Rosalind in her guidance sessions also talks about a hindering E.T. group in the Chapter called, "To the Moon & a Spaceship."

Page 106 and page 281 and possible more pages, for others interested. Thanks for your response.

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 21st, 2012 at 11:30pm
  Your welcome PauliEffectt, and thank you for pointing out the specific pages for others.  That was one of my favorite nonphysical type books of all times. 

   You might find this a bit interesting, or not.  When i first started talking to Rosie, i got the sense that there was a strong connection between her and my wife Becky.  I asked Rosie for her birth time and data so i could do a full chart.  Then when i compared their charts, i was fully convinced there was some strong connection there.   

    After we met up for lunch the first time, i briefly mentioned my intuitive feeling, and she confirmed that she indeed did feel a strong connection to Becky. 

  For awhile, i wondered if they were part of the same Disk or not.   Just recently, i decided to take this question to expanded guidance during meditation.  I asked and was told, No, and then i asked did Becky's "Disk" have another self and lifetime during that time, whom knew Rosalind and Bob Monroe. 

  I almost immediately got a name that i vaguely and barely remembered that i had seen before, "Melissa Jager".   After i received the name, i remembered that Melissa Jager and Bob Monroe had had a falling out.  It seems, with a little research, that Rosalind though, had a really good opinion of Melissa and referred to her as very talented and resourceful person.  She must have been, since she was the director of training for over 7 years back in the earlier days. 

   I sometimes wonder what my deeper connection to Rosie was, besides my Twin Soul's connection to her.  For she felt like an old friend and sister--we even had the same birthday and Moon sign. 

Title: Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Post by Justin on Mar 22nd, 2012 at 1:19am
  Thank you Tgecks for showing interest in this PE.  It doesn't seem like it will get off the ground anytime soon, but perhaps i have planted some subconscious seeds, which will unfurl later, and people will get more direct guidance on this issue?

   I at least hope so because it seems important.  If the higher ups even have some concern about things relating to this issue, then perhaps we humans should also have some concern as well? 

  I wasn't going to partake in the P.E. myself, except to meditate and tune into Love and feel that towards the group.  Between my wife, myself, and a spiritual friend, i have received so many messages about this issue that i am pretty sure it has validity.  This is not even counting outer sources i respect like McKnight, Cayce, Monroe, Dr. John Mack, Courtney Brown and their addressing of this group and this issue. 

  There is quite an interesting Cayce reading and excerpt from same, which seems to relate.  In a reading given about the Earth changes, the reincarnation of John the beloved in America as an important spiritual messenger, etc. expanded guidance says,

   ""And, as there is the wavering of those that would enter as emissaries, as teachers, from the throne of of life, the throne of light, the throne of immortality, and wage war in the air with those of darkness, then know ye the Armageddon is at hand.  For with the great numbers of the gathering of the hosts of those that have hindered and would make for man and his weaknesses stumbling blocks, they shall wage war* with the spirits of light that come into the earth for this awakening..."  excerpted from Reading 3976-15 *my use of bold, underline, and italics

  In other readings, Cayce's guidance clearly alluded to the existence of E.T.'s and their interactions and visitations with humans at different points.  Speaking of a past life of Cayce's, in ancient Egypt, they even seemed to hint that this past life self was partially genetically created and whose birth did not happen through the typical way of copulation between a woman and a man.  It was said that he had no human father and that the visiting "gods" had brought about his conception. 

  Sounds pretty "out there" for a psychic Reading given back in the 1930's eh? 

  Sounds pretty out there in general.  Perhaps related is an experience of my own.  My Mother had had a childhood illness and was told by doctors that because of it, she would never successfully birth a child.  She didn't listen to them, tried and tried, and had miscarriage after miscarriage.

  That was until she had a very vivid dream of being on a spaceship with non human beings that felt both loving and familar and they worked on her body and comforted her about the future.  She was told that she had a device in her body and that she could use this device through focused concentration to communicate with them, anytime she needed to.  She felt a lot of love between them and herself.

     It was around the time of this dream, that she became pregnant with me, and some time later, she had me on her birthday--a birthday gift most wanted and cherished.  My Mom didn't tell me about this dream and experience till later on in life, not long before she ended up dying of cancer.  Certainly i was considered a strange and unusual child in many ways growing up.  Througout my life since i was a baby, people have commented on my unusual eyes, my maturity at a young age, etc, etc.

  Certainly, it is unusual for one born in a male body who didn't experience a NDE to start on a conscious, open minded and spiritual oriented quest at age 13 without any outer indoctrination or "nudging", start meditating then, seeking after God, trying to figure out what Jesus was all really about outside of religious dogma, studying various metaphysics, becoming aware of psychic abilities and reality of the nonphysical, getting intuitive downloads late at night about the Oneness, the importance of Love with a capital L, the coming Earth changes, etc. 

   One might almost believe that that self was only partially human and partially Elohim in both physical and consciousness essence.  Perhaps this self came here at this time in order to fight this battle from the inside?   Perhaps there are others here like him, who know the habits and intentions of this hindering group and their plans, and come straight in from non human backgrounds and awareness to help counter balance these hindering forces?

   If so, and if they are listening, then arise and gird yourself for battle and become a Warrior and do not let those of the darkness stamp out the slowly increasing but still yet fragile Light here in the Earth.

   Perhaps related to all this, is a book called "Heaven is For Real".  In same, little Colton who has some NDE like experiences, talked to Jesus and slowly and unexpectedly reveals some of his experiences and insights to his fundamentalist, Pastor dad. 

  He shocks his dad one day by telling him that Jesus told him that a war was coming.  A war wherein Jesus, the angels, and the good people would have to battle Satan, the monsters, and the bad people.  He told his dad that he would have to fight in this war, that he would be called by Jesus. 

  When his dad asked him about the "monsters", he was told, you know the Dragons. 

   Hmm, "dragons"...  Perhaps a good metaphor, for a little kid and/or the ancients without much of a clue about advanced E.T. technology to describe Reptilian E.T.'s with hindering intentions and plans that fly high in the sky and whose ships can and will shoot destructive fires?
  Wait, where did we hear about such wars, in Rosalind's guidance sessions, Cayce's guidance, and in other seemingly unrelated sources..

  Ah heck, that's going just too far now...  :o  :-X   


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