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Message started by betson on Nov 18th, 2011 at 3:49pm

Title: Wonderring about wonders
Post by betson on Nov 18th, 2011 at 3:49pm

We shouldn't be into all this for the special effects, but I had to write about this one anyway.  I hope someone will tell me what's happening and if it might lead to something more obviously meaningful --

I've owned a teapot for thirty-five years that the potter told me was special.  It's ceramic, glazed in off-white with dashes of mossy greens and tans. The dashes are about the size of fathers so I nicknamed it "Feathers" --cutesy eh. It's roundish like a plump hen.

Early yesterday morning it was on a different place in the kitchen and I was sitting sort of meditating. A very early ray of sun beamed onto "Feathers" and as I watched, it began to glow. It became like translucent bright gold and had so much light in it that other items around it reflected its glow!
My forehead area became hot and felt like it was swelling up! I felt suspended but didn't leave my body.

Now if I look at the teapot my 'third eye' area seems almost magnetized by it and I feel very happy inside, even though the teapot hasn't glowed since.

Do you know what caused this?  Can it happen again?
Any ideas are very welcome.


Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Nov 18th, 2011 at 8:58pm
Perhaps it is one of those instances of God and Nature giving you a little help along the way.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by Ralph Buskey on Nov 19th, 2011 at 3:11am

My forehead area became hot and felt like it was swelling up! I felt suspended but didn't leave my body.

Greetings Betson.
   After reading this, I did some research and found a webpage that mentions this occurrence with opening of the third eye:

   Here is an excerpt from that webpage that explains what may have caused the heat in your forehead:


Though I have taken care in explaining this meditation technique of Trataka  by telling you just that which is sufficient for you ; I still feel that you should be aware of the sensitiveness of this meditation and about some precautions which you should follow while trying this.

When you meditate on Agya Chakra, you meditate on a part of your subtle body. It may happen that when you meditate on your third eye, you feel that the center of your forehead is heating up. When it happens it indicates that the third eye is attracting energy of the Kundalini. Though this heating is not harmful, you should be very careful. There may be a feeling of hotness with itching on third eye area. As and when it happens stop immediately. As a layman who does not know the intricacy of this Kundalini and its various paths, it s better to limit oneself to the process of meditation only i.e. achieving a still and thought-free state of existence.

Please don't indulge in this meditation too deeply if you start feeling too much hot sensation on your third eye area. Few things should be used only in moderation if we do not have the capacity to handle their larger implication.

So be happy and be meditative. Try third eye meditation without giving any thought to  Kundalini awakening. Just do what has been told and you will be in meditation. The awakening of Kundalini is a concept of yogis who are full time dedicated to this subject. We, as a common men and women of twenty first century, neither have he time nor the patience which is required for Kundalini awakening.  Nevertheless, if you do want to know more and experiment on this, please consult a yogic expert who can personally guide you. As far as meditation is concerned what I have told you is enough.


Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by betson on Nov 19th, 2011 at 10:46am
Thank you so much, Ralph!

You just saved me alot of trouble!  I had no idea that "Feathers" could be associated with kundalini. I've had some earlier experiences with that force and do not care to repeat them.

Crossbow, your comment on God and nature working together has given me alot to think about.  I am going to set a goal to seek out more examples of golden light and beauty in nature.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Nov 19th, 2011 at 12:20pm

I had a long period of internal confusion/blockage when I could not communicate with God or even find my sense of conscience, and my heart was closed, my prayers felt lonely and useless, and I had no sense of being answered in the usual way that answer occurred in the past. But during that long and unpleasant time a strange pattern emerged that I had never experienced before. Nature started talking to me with overt signs, omens and the like and I could understand their meaning. Because God (I think many here prefer higher self) could not get through to me the usual direct way because of my blockage, a round about way was utilised. I hope I don't bore you by telling you one of the first events. I stepped outside to go to work in the morning and as I opened the car door I looked up and saw a crow hovering stationary on the wind directly above me. Then it flew away to a place about a hundred yards up the road and hovered there. I casually noticed it because it is unusual for a crow to hover; then I dismissed the interest and got in my car to drive to work. A hundred yards up the road I realised I had flat tyre and got out to change it. I couldn't feel the recess underneath car frame in which the jack rests and I got frustrated so laying on my back I foolishly raised the low set car by pushing up with both hands and put my head underneath to look for the recess. My arms weakened and the car dropped on my head, resting on my forehead and pinning me there. The pain and pressure was immense and I felt my skull would soon break under the pressure. I live on a lonely country road and I imagined a neighbour would come along later and find my dead body laying on the road with its head crushed under the car. I was looking directly upward through the trees and I realised I was looking up to exactly where the crow had flown to and hovered. I knew I must get the car off my forehead or die. I pressed up with all my strength and got my head out, which was only sore, cut and bruised. I knew deep inside me that the crow had been telling me about what was going to happen. Over the next couple of years such signs and omens of nature via the birds, insects, animals, plants, trees, etc, became common place. I could sometimes do my prayer, which felt as if no one was listening or answering, and then walk outside and immediately see an answer in nature. Some of the signs/omens were most revealing and deep in their teachings. As I have begun to recover from my dark night of the soul so nature has spoken to me less and my communications are returning to being more direct. I have since learnt that every creature, plant, aspect of the elements and feature of nature not only carries a teaching but is a living teaching of a truth/message and has a greater purpose. And not only that, and this is the most amazing part, I have learnt that everything in nature is just an outer end of something much greater, like each creature or feature is the end of a staff or the imprint of its end and each feature has behind it a "staff" of energy or further part of itself that extends up through the layers of the "cosmos" towards the feature's origin from where it comes. As I came to better realise this my eyes got adjusted to it and I could see it - not just with mind's eye but with real eyes. I have since seen some truly amazing sights behind the scenes, layered and layered. I have learnt that behind little things like insects, birds, shadows and sun beams, clouds, etc, to big things like mountains, trees, forests, the planet, elements, stars, etc, are great energies and workings and messages that are small and great. I hope this inspires some readers to look more closely at things and to have faith that God is within and behind all things.          

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by olinerum on Nov 19th, 2011 at 5:44pm
Dear Betson :)
I think You were purified in meditation. It is the kind of kundalini and it brings happiness and warm inside.
And much better seeing of the third eye.

Try to look on plants and see them in pink or golden little rays.
When the heart is open and consciousness  grows Things like that happens.


Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by betson on Nov 20th, 2011 at 1:56pm

Crossbow and olinerum,  your comments lead into the future as ways to develop from this experience. I really appreciate that, since sometimes  these experiences (not the retrievals) feel like they stand alone, separate from life.  At least I often don't see where they are leading, if they are leading....

Regarding the pink and gold 'auras' (?) of plants, ole,
This time of year some very lush, tall grasses have very fine  pink  seedheads that wave in the breeze. They are very fascinating, so much so that they can almost hypnotize.  Maybe we stare at them because we unconsciously recognize their pink color, even if we don't yet consciously see plants' pink rays?

So now I'm putting on a coat and heading outdoors  :)

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by olinerum on Nov 20th, 2011 at 5:45pm
Try to meditate with your  physical eyes open.  When You feel nice calm inside You point the eyes at the plant but staring througt it. 
It's technic of seeing the aura.

Plants emit pink, blue, purple, gold colors, which look like  short little hairs protruding off them.
Simply lovely :)

I have to tell that I just love to read some of Your posts.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Nov 21st, 2011 at 4:06am
Thank you Ole and Bets. We work together. 

What Olinerum said is true.
I will add something to Ole's suggestion of how to see auras around grass.
I will add a little more detail to assist people in understanding of how to activate the second sight.

This post will explain how to see into other dimensions.
It is how I was taught. It is not easy, requires practice. It is an effort of both mind and eyes, and it may require some supportive understandings on dimensions, space, structure and matter, but we will see how we go. 

There is no better training tool for exercising second sight ability than grass swaying in the breeze. I used it, along with other tools of course - ants, leaves, crowds of people, and other broad vision expanses of many movements, but I have found that grass is best. If it is not available then use trees, ants, crowds or whatever scene is available.

Sit and gaze at the gently swaying grass. If it is a still day it doesn't matter; you will see it is not as still as you think.
Centre yourself in the head. Back of the eyes. You the core.
Pure awareness/observation.
Gaze out through the eyes. Do not be in the eyes, but back from the eyes. Gaze through them gently, like they are windows.
Eyes stationary. Eyes do not follow any movement or look at the detail of any particular thing.
Do not limit focus to the central vision.
Activate/be aware of full field vision evenly, out to the periphery of the vision field; from left to right, and from top to bottom peripheries.
Do not focus any more upon one place in the vision field than upon another. Exercise whole field vision.
With full field vision activated:
Do not fall back into detail vision / central vision.
Maintain full field vision to peripheries. And focus/notice only movement (not detail) across the full field vision.
Getting to this stage in itself is likely to take much practice and time.
Be gentle, persistent, and regular. And patient.
When you can tune strongly into only movement focus, you will see the grass moving everywhere across your full field of vision. Any insects, birds or any and all movement, even the slightest, will be noticeable. 
But don't look at any individual movement - don't move eyes to focus on the detail of any single particular movement - keep all movements happening evenly, from left to right, from up and down, from near and far, all movements are in equal focus.
But when you practice also let yourself occasionally focus on particular movements so that you lose the full field movement vision and have to gain it back again. This is good exercise, and the contrast between the two types of focus - detail and movement - will become apparent.
Practice this until it is easy.
When movement focus is strong then colours may change or disappear. Details may disappear. Ignore this. Just retain movement focus.
The patterns of the movements will become visible, as will the connectedness and relationship of moving things. The dance of the grass, leaves, trees; the pathways of ants and other insects, and of birds, animals and people if you are watching them.
Now the movements of near and far are both in equal focus/notice to you, the three dimensional world is now flat to you - as long as you retain full field movement focus. There is up and down, and left and right, but there is no depth to your vision, for the near and far movements are equally visible/noticeable as if on a flat screen.
The third dimension that you normally view is now flat, is now two dimensional. It has no depth; no to and fro.
While retaining this flat screen movement focus, while keeping far movement and near movement in equal focus, like equal distance from you, flat, now pierce or reach through the flatness with your mind in a to and fro direction - but keep the normal three dimensional scene movement focused and flat.
In this way, the depth dimension of normal third dimensional vision is kept flat, as if it is on a flat screen, while the mind/intent reaches through the screen in a to and fro fashion - this is the mind reaching in another dimension of depth that is not normally perceived.
Now, while keeping the eyes maintained on their flat movement focus, let the eyes (at the same time) also "go with" the effort of the mind/intent as it reaches through the flat scene and perceives the extra dimension of depth.
The lenses will tingle, even hurt a little, as the eyes hold the three dimensional scene flat while straining to pierce it with the new dimension of depth that the eyes have never perceived before. The structure and cells of the eyes are making a new effort, not made before.
Be gentle with your eyes, pressing only a little further with each practice session.
When the eyes learn to follow the second type of depth that the mind's effort is making then the eyes will see into another dimension. Scenes will be seen that are not of the familiar three dimensional world.

This exercise is how the eyes see into the fourth dimension; by flattening one dimension of depth and looking through the flatness at another dimension of depth.
It makes the third dimension two dimensional, so the fourth dimension becomes three dimensional. 
It is a method of enabling the mind to comprehend an extra dimension, which is hard to do when we retain comprehension of three dimensions. So we scale it down. And the eyes have the mechanical ability to follow the mind's effort.    
By visually flattening the dimension of depth, then while holding it flat, we can introduce another perception of depth that pierces it, so then we can look through the dimensions like peeling back screens or turning the pages of a book. Flattening, piercing, flattening, piercing.

This is how I have been able to see wonderful things behind the scenes. And see and learn wonderful things about life and nature. Almost too wonderful to describe. So beautiful and awe inspiring that I have cried and been overwhelmed.

I was taught the method mainly by two persons, one a human assistant whom I would meet when I went out of body, the other a type of overseer nature spirit who oversaw a forest where I used to live twenty years ago, but moreover I was shown it and learned it by the grace of God. I don't deserve it, for I am just a normal man with many faults and weaknesses; it is mainly due to some lucky decisions I made along the way.

It is not seeing by clairvoyance, or imaginative or interpretive seeing; it is not "sensing" or seeing with the "mind's eye"; it is real actual focusing and seeing into other dimensions with the physical eyes. It is focusing the eyes fourth dimensionally.

As far as I know, this is the first time this method of focusing the eyes into other dimensions has been written down and presented publicly. I expect it will become more widely known and practiced in the future. Second sight focus is not an airy-fairy thing; it is a biological and technical fact. Science must one day discover that the human eyes can focus fourth dimensionally. Replication devices will be developed, as the development of the camera replicated the eye's three dimensional vision. What I have seen, everyone will see. 

There is more to this method of manipulating second sight focus, such as special breathing, and shifting of certain energies around with the breath, and understanding the structural relationship of the dimensions, but what I have written about it here is enough for now.


There is also another method of activating second sight by which the upper centres (crown, head, throat, heart) are charged with virtuous energies and the energies come together and join up, like a sort of chemical/energetic reaction, and the second vision then happens naturally without it having to be directly manipulate as I have explained above. I have experienced this one too. The vision it enables and the scenes it reveals are beyond comprehension until experienced. The bodies/layers all resonate together like a great harmonic chord; the mind eye and physical eyes join together as one; there are no barriers, everything can be seen through to the next thing, to the next, to the next, and all at once; and there is no restriction of distance or size, everything near and far, great and small, from the littlest thing to the universe, and all dimensions are laid open and visible. Then our presence mixes with all we see, so the vision is also touching/being/knowing. I experienced this one time in prayer when my heart was aching with thankfulness to God for the beauties of nature and life, and I breathed a certain way and made a certain mental effort inside myself, and then my centres joined up and energies came together from the crown and through the heart and then it happened. What I saw and learnt was amazing and massive. After several minutes it became too much and I realised my brain could be burnt or damaged from the energies so I prayed to God to let me down. I was brought gently down to a normal state. But I was changed. This type of vision can result from what Jesus taught us in the Gospels.   


Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by betson on Nov 21st, 2011 at 4:28am
Thank you, not just for myself of course.

For those of us who wear glasses, should we keep them on through these steps?

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Nov 21st, 2011 at 5:06am
Re. glasses: I have always taken my reading glasses off. I have found it best if my full field of vision is available right to the periphery so if the frames interfere with peripheral vision or are within the visual field then I would be inclined to remove them, unless I needed them to see reasonably well and to see the movement, then I would get glasses with wide lenses so the frames were outside of my field of vision.

(he he, like Elton John used to wear :o )

But you might be fine with the glasses you have. Play about with it. Experiment.    

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by Ralph Buskey on Nov 21st, 2011 at 2:13pm

This exercise is how the eyes see into the fourth dimension; by flattening one dimension of depth and looking through the flatness at another dimension of depth.
It makes the third dimension two dimensional, so the fourth dimension becomes three dimensional.
It is a method of enabling the mind to comprehend an extra dimension, which is hard to do when we retain comprehension of three dimensions. So we scale it down. And the eyes have the mechanical ability to follow the mind's effort.   

Greetings crossbow.

   When I read this it brought back some memories. I have accomplished this while doing mirror meditations in the past. I also accomplished this during the meditation I had around ten years ago in the backyard of my previous home.

   I was meditating on the trees over my hammock when the three dimensional world became two dimensional and I felt my consciousness shift awareness to a different vibration. I had the strongest feeling that I was moving into a state of mind that resonated better with the Deva kingdom. The trees were so much more majestic looking and swaying as if in harmony with each other.

   I didn't receive any verbal type message, but rather an impression on my mind that the trees were conversing with me as best they could to tell me that they appreciated my effort in contacting them and that they were sad that very few humans make this kind of effort. I sensed happiness from the trees and stayed in that state of mind for about a half hour. Then I faded back to this level of awareness. It was one of the most enjoyable days of my life.


Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Nov 23rd, 2011 at 12:00pm
Hi Ralph,
You described that experience clearly. Yes, the tree can be seen to move in harmony with each other. That harmony is what I referred to by the patterns of the movements. Normal vision doesn't show the harmonies and patterns; the movements just look erratic and uncordinated, and not many movements either.

Cats see like it all the time. That is why they often meow uncomfortably when they look out a car window when its going along. The landscape turns fluid to their vision. If the landscape is flat they see it as a great swirling whirlpool beside the car as wide as from the car to the horizon, and another whirlpool on the other side. It makes them feel scared and sick and like the world is going runny and illogical. If the landscape is not flat they see the near things going back past the car and things further away like mountains they see as travelling forward with the car, like the world is bending or shearing apart. My cat showed me this many years ago. He meowed while in the car and told me the world had gone watery and was swirling around and trees were running in all directions. I said, what are you talking about you silly cat, and he said, take a look, and threw me a telepathic picture and I saw what he was seeing. Then I focused with full field movement vision to see it for myself and saw he was right, there really was a whirlpool beside us and the trees really were running in all directions. I tried to explain to him that it was an optical illusion caused when cat vision moves along in a car but he couldn't grasp the concept and preferred to get down on the floor where he couldn't see it.          

You might try it when you are a passenger in a car or bus. Don't look out the side when driving of course.

When one gets strong at the movement vision the sense/feel of it becomes known, and then one can use it where there is no movement such as indoors looking at stationary things.


Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by betson on Nov 25th, 2011 at 5:17pm
Those are wonderful experiences, or states, or gifts -- thank you for sharing them !

I'm having trouble finding the tall grasses to practice such vision on, since I live in the woods.  We don't mow but they don't grow  :)  I hadn't thought to watch the tree limbs.

Have we ever had a thread here on such communications with animals?!  It seems like maybe comments have been made in passing but not much full discussions.  Maybe it's hard to talk about. Like so much of the non-physical realms, either you do or you don't have such experiences, and the Don'ts can't believe the Do's. But with a title that can be googled maybe more would share from that realm also.  I just talked myself into it....
Please also see "Our animals and altered states."  :)

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Nov 27th, 2011 at 5:08am
Not really gifts Bets. I prefer to say I made some "lucky decisions" in some past lives and the results came about in this life. One result was being born with a strong sense of my own presence in my head, and this gave me potential to learn how to leave the body and do some other things. I don't know about next life - maybe I'll be normal again.

By the way Bets, I played around with different glasses and frames and they don't seem to make a lot of difference, so I wouldn't be bothered by them.

Yes, trees are fine. Any scene is fine for exercising full field movement focus. You will be surprised at how much movement is happening in your field of vision once you learn to isolate it.

Practice full field vision anywhere you can, be aware of peripheral vision, after a while you will get the "feel" of it, and it can become a habit, like default setting when focusing on central detail is not required. A very good time to do it is when walking. There is still central attention but there is awareness of full field too. Be aware of central and peripheral vision and the full field will fill in between the two.   

There are many beneficial effects and potentials from this full field vision when you get it. I won't list them because that would be a book. See if you notice any of them yourself.

But remember the full field movement focus is not the second sight, just a stage towards it.  First stage is the movement focus, with full field view. Then while doing that comes the flattening of the scene / elimination of dimension of depth. Then while holding the full field flatness, pierce/reach through the middle of the flattened scene with mind and eyes together. This new depth of vision is not 3D depth because that is flattened, but is 4D depth. I will not say what you will see first, that is for you to discover. 
The stages are thin as paper but when the method is viewed as expanded then the stages are seen thicker. I have magnified the thickness of the veil to describe the penetrative stages.   

Ole might be seeing auras easily without being aware of the breakdown of stages; just slipping through the stages because the veil is so thin. Ole, is your method something like I am describing here?

Back in 1980s & early '90s I told my teacher that I only wanted to learn such skills if I also learnt all the detail of how and why they work, so that I could explain the workings of these things to others and how to do them step by step. I made this a condition of my learning. That is why I can explain the detail and the workings of everything I can do.   

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by olinerum on Dec 9th, 2011 at 11:15am
Hello betson and crossbow
My way of communicating with higher dimensions is seeing and hearing by imagination.
It seems to be very easy but after few years of practice I know that is hard to get into high dimensions.

What conditions must I meet ?...
First I need to calm my emotions, my energy. Purify myself.
That is work for all my life. For every day.
Carry out the process of forgiveness as much as it needs.  Forgiveness gives me the feeling of joy.

Next condition is joy and happiness.
This could be hard to meet. There are the days that I am under attack by some people, like every one of us.
It is just Life…
The big discomfort is that I feel human thoughts sending to me and they are usually not nice because people are in pain, suffering.
This causes pain psychical and physical in me.
I have felt humans suffering thoughts since few years and I am not sure why. My energy has become a sensitive.
The forgiveness is the liberation.

But to be honest I also feel human love to me, some of my family and friends and that are just wonderfull feelings.
Sometimes I got blissful moments and those can lead  to spiritual and physical ecstasy.
Then my ruby red chakra pulses and  I am overwhelmed by inner warmth and light.
Wonderful but extremely rare.

And finally I try to radiate love.
Exercise of Bruce of gathering of Love are great and listening of my favorite calm music - for example Vangelis.
For me it's just proper spiritual development that just pulls me in higher dimensions.

Technically - I just meditate with open eyes most of the time.

Greets :)

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Dec 9th, 2011 at 6:43pm
So much truth in one small post. Some truths said openly and clearly, others touched upon, some pointed to without being said, some not said but are between the lines and behind the words.

Thank you for your forgiveness.

For your sake and for the sake of all those whom your awareness encompasses and your heart touches I pray you keep strong through your life and that your heart overcomes all your life's tests and trials.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by olinerum on Dec 10th, 2011 at 8:59am
Thank you crossbow
Your Spiritual Beeing shines of golden light.
I have seen You like that since a few weeks.  :-)

Do You know this kind of feeling when You meet someone like You someone with similar awarness ?
You feel happiness, joy and then one of your astral bodies  shines like the star and produces diamonds energy which cleans your thoughts your heart.
Then forgiveness is very easy, because you feel love - PUL.

I am very thankful that I can see these amazing energies in higher dimensions.

Such connections enlightened me and have allowed me to understand the mechanisms that determine our lives.
These are wonderful spaces and contact with them have change me forever.

Contact with human being with similar conciousness works similary.
And I understand apostels who left everything and traveled with Jesus.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by eric on Dec 10th, 2011 at 10:46am
I can only echo what others have said, but from what you described it's almost certainly your brow energy center activating.

How you can do it again?  Energy centers are activated simply by thinking about them, it helps be be relaxed and focused so that your attention is turned away from the physical.  I always pictured mine as flowers opening.

All that said, I almost never do any sort of meditation on my energy centers.  They do seem to be related to expansion of consciousness, but there's no need to manually open them, it's quite automatic.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by olinerum on Dec 10th, 2011 at 8:37pm
Yes eric
As everyone I am using the sixth eye.
But when you live in purity, forgiveness, you automaticly energizes the heart chakra which powers the rest of seven chakras.
If we are fighting with people or we are angry, sad then  this ability is very limited.

Another thing is that there are people who are completely  blocked  of using the imagination.
Each of us was born at a different stage of development and and has different tasks to perform in the life.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Dec 11th, 2011 at 4:00am

olinerum wrote on Dec 10th, 2011 at 8:59am:
Thank you crossbow
1. Your Spiritual Beeing shines of golden light.
I have seen You like that since a few weeks.  :-)

2. Do You know this kind of feeling when You meet someone like You someone with similar awarness ?
You feel happiness, joy and then one of your astral bodies  shines like the star and produces diamonds energy which cleans your thoughts your heart.
Then forgiveness is very easy, because you feel love - PUL.

3. I am very thankful that I can see these amazing energies in higher dimensions.

Such connections enlightened me and have allowed me to understand the mechanisms that determine our lives.
These are wonderful spaces and contact with them have change me forever.

Contact with human being with similar conciousness works similary.
4. And I understand apostels who left everything and traveled with Jesus.
numbers put in by crossbow to assist response

1. I have my not-so-bright aspects too Oli,  >:(   :(   :-/  as you know. I tend to identify more with these. The brighter part is not me, but is a tiny part of He/That which is above me. A tiny part is all I can accommodate.

2. Yes. Understanding another does make forgiveness easier.

Would anyone like to understand others? This may help:
There is no burden in all the universe greater than the burden of freewill. Freewill is the most difficult element to master. Who in all of human history has learnt to wield freewill wisely? Understanding is the understanding that freewill stands under. This understanding and recognising freewill is the basis (starting place) to understanding all people and all human affairs. Understanding freewill makes it easier to forgive them, whom ever they are, whatever they do, for all they are and do is of their freewill. Forgiveness was made for freewill, and only freewill needs forgiveness; these two have their origin together in and from God, and their destiny is together forever through Man’s freewill journey.    

3. Yes, I am thankful too. Sometimes when I am down I forget to do it. Then I remember to practice it, even on the little things like a pretty leaf, a bird call, a view of the sky, or for my conditions not being worse. At other times thankfulness comes almost on its own with little effort from me and can be almost overwhelming in my chest. 

I think I should say, for the interested reader, that Thankfulness, like Love and Forgiveness is an activator of the heart and enables the higher functions and abilities of soul, including our ability to see and be aware of more than this familiar three dimensional world - and that is what this thread is about. Olinerum did not mention thankfulness for nothing. It is essential to the subject.

We see that Oli in his posts above mentions three powers of the heart - forgiveness, love and thankfulness - all in relation to his being aware of other dimensions. And he distinguishes these powers of the heart, which he exercises, from the emotions which he calms.  

With practice the power of thankfulness becomes easier to turn on, and it is a power with untold potential. There is always something to be thankful for. Even if we are thankful for a tiny thing, the thankfulness is just as potent as for a big thing. See above at the end of post 8, it was intense thankfulness for a simple morning scene that changed my vision to see the multi-layered dimensions (without me even trying to see it), raised and expanded all the senses of my soul to see things I never imagined, and I have been astral travelling for 30 years but I was still overwhelmed by the greatness of what I saw that morning. This is what exercising the powers of heart can do, and so much more than that.

So we have the method of using the physical eyes, and Oli's method of using the imagination or mind's eye, and the method of using the heart, but these are not really different methods, for they overlap and work together. The centres of the head, the crown, the throat, the heart, the mind's eye and the physical eyes, all have vision of their own, they all see in their own way, and their visions can align and join together, some of them or all of them together.

Heightened awareness in head is important - not dreaminess. A strong sense of one's own presence in the head, and of oneself in true relation with surroundings. Don't shut the senses out - turn them on. Open ears, open eyes. Know yourself as a centre of calm and potent awareness in head, aware of all around you equally, while nothing disturbs. Also with this, and more important, is the heart, for although the head directs the heart, the heart enables the head, and the limit of the heart is the limit of the head. 

4. Yes, I do too. And there were not only 12 who followed him, there were great crowds, many thousands.

About three weeks ago my heart felt like it was being wrung out, for several days it ached and pleasured at the same time, felt stretched and wrung as if nearly too much love to bear was squeezing through it. Whatever I looked at or thought of, the heart followed my attention and wrung itself both painfully and pleasurably towards whatever I looked at or thought of. I felt great love for everything, and immense thankfulness for the existence of Christ and the teachings of Jesus. The melody Be Thou My Vision kept welling up in my mind, even waking me from sleep. I could hear the cello, the harp and the flute, so beautiful, distinct and harmonised, and so powerful. I had many insights and clarities over several days. Tears kept flowing from my eyes but I was not crying like people usually cry. It was a sort of pain and sadness and thankfulness and love all together. It was like there was something inside my heart too big to take. Sometimes I was compelled to breathe heavy and hard, and the tears ran in keeping with what was coming through my heart, as if the eyes and heart were being wrung out together. And my left hand spent much time on my heart, for I did not want to take it away. I could feel the Spirit of Love doing something to me, like forcing itself into me. I had insights and clarities about Life and God and Love. I saw how my sufferings were blessings in disguise and had drawn this event to me. I saw with great clarity that Love is not of me, but is the offspring of God; and is its own life and spirit, its own entity, and we can communicate with it, and call upon it, and send it to others, for it is for us, and it comes into us, and becomes one with us, but although it can come in and through us and be one with us, it is its own life and spirit. There was much I saw but I can’t explain it all. I had occasional glimpses of its vastness and power, and its purpose and workings. The glimpses were only a moment or two but were clear and vast. I remember them like they were scenes through a window into the universe. Then after a few days the treatment stopped, quite suddenly. I can bring it back in lesser degree by will and remembrance and putting my hand on my heart or both together before my heart. I am left with a greater appreciation of The Spirit of Love that comes from the heart of God; the Lord of Hearts whose name is Christ.    

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by olinerum on Dec 13th, 2011 at 9:47am
crossbow :)
I have to say that you warm up my heart, my chest, when I read Your post, p.4 yesterday.

You have connected with Your higher Being who I see as the man in golden coat, with dark short hair and mustache :)
This is my seeing of Him.
When You are thankful You are sending the particles of light to Your higher Being.
Our Happyness, Joy and Thankfulness are  the Holiness.
These particles of light fly by our chakras cord which starts above the crown chakra.
These luminous chakras cord connects us with our higher beings who became our guide and advisors. The very close friends, family.
And it is  higher then 30th focus

I am happy with You !


Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Dec 14th, 2011 at 11:13am
In one short paragraph you describe the cord and its relation to the centres, and how thankfulness works upon it, and connects between our higher and lower being, and you do so clearer than many yoga writers and teachers who profess to know such things. It is my pleasure to have met you on this forum. I would like to shake your hand but my arm is too short to reach that far, besides we can do better than that. The man with short dark hair and mustache is familiar, but I don't know about the golden coat. A scruffy old coat is more like it  ;)   

From inside the crown centre, in meditative prayer, I have looked up the inside of the cord, up to my higher self, and seen the cord's layers and different energies. And have come to see how it's lower end becomes and is myself through which the energies of the centres circulate through it lengthwise and across-wise with different energies going here and there and doing their different things, and the respective bodies connected with it through their centres. The outer layer ceases at the crown, though it can be continued through to the head centre by us practicing being externally what we learnt internally through prayer/meditation. The inner layer which carries life and vitality but not head stuff continues through to the base and brings back information from the centres. It is a wonder of wonders how it all works, like a machine with so many intricacies and so perfect in its function. I am both thankful and sad that I can see it. Thankful to God for its existence; and sad that so few of my fellow men and women know of it. So many talk about the cord and do not realise they are the cord. They are the staff of God; they are Jacob's Ladder.

The writer of the 23rd Psalm knew of the cord and its layers, and its relation to the centres and the different bodies, and its connection to the higher and lower selves. The Psalm describes the soul and it's mechanism in symbolic form so those who cannot see the soul might come to sense the soul, and come to understand its workings and tune themselves with it. The 23rd is not only a psalm of worship, but also a psalm of beautiful hidden truth.      

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by Volu on Dec 14th, 2011 at 1:27pm
"From inside the crown centre, in meditative prayer, I have looked up the inside of the cord, up to my higher self, and seen the cord's layers and different energies."

Crossbow, have you seen other cords leading up to your higher self? Have you been within, or had other experiences with the disk you care to mention?

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by olinerum on Dec 15th, 2011 at 9:41am
The human is multidimensional mechanizm, so beatiful that takes my breath away.
I saw our mechanisms in many ways, in many dimensions and subdimensions but my visions, knowledge is only a small part of the great secret which I can only guess.
Perfection of it and loveliness is the work of the Creator - the God.

Above the crown chakra is the 8th chakra and it starts the cord of similary looking spheres - I flew up in very high dimensions but I didn't see where this cord is ending.
It just simply disappears in the brightness so great that can't see there anything.
I am  too weak, too small.

Higher chakras  look like shining lamps of sun. Their surface glitters like made of crystals.
I see that energy we are sending, human energy flows upward inside the chakras, to Beings. 
Energy transferred from Beings, Gods comes down outside the chakras, on luminous cord.
The luminous energy wraps and purifies the chakras all the time. Energy is in constant motion.

This  seeing comes from higher level - dimension.

Visions from lower dimensions are similar but there is no so much light and chakras close to human body are more colored - for example diamond blue or golden.

This light around the higher chakras cord is so much gently and powerful that made us the gods on Earth.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Dec 15th, 2011 at 11:37am

Volu wrote on Dec 14th, 2011 at 1:27pm:
"From inside the crown centre, in meditative prayer, I have looked up the inside of the cord, up to my higher self, and seen the cord's layers and different energies."

Crossbow, have you seen other cords leading up to your higher self? Have you been within, or had other experiences with the disk you care to mention?

Hi Volu,
Yes I have seen other cords, not to my own higher self, but seen many higher selves / gods with many cords coming down to Earth. Although I have not seen other cords to my own higher self I have been informed of other "extensions", and had some of how these work explained to me. I have however, seen the "gods" of many people, groups, races, countries, even towns, all with a cord coming from them, like a laser beam of communicative energy, but it has a structure - energy and structure combined. As said, I have observed some of its structure, but it is complex thing. This many gods/higher selves is hard to understand, because there are multiple gods yet One God, because every person, every group, race, country, has a god, but at the same time there is only One God. It sounds contradictory, it has to do with everything being relative. It is also to do with us being only a part of our self - not all of our self is in the body. It is important for our soul development that we worship only One God, regardless of there being many apparent gods, for they only seem like gods. I don't know if this makes sense; I am writing in quick time, which I shouldn't do.

I am not sure what you mean by "disk" - I see others use the word too. 

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by Volu on Dec 15th, 2011 at 1:43pm
Thanks for writing about your experiences, Crossbow.

God, lords, jesus, crucifixes and worship have taken a long everlasting hike out of my life. Each to his own.

Disk/i-there/higher self/greater self. Some see them as discs, some like orbs, and others like oval shaped beings mirrored in the shape an open eye.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Dec 15th, 2011 at 10:40pm

Volu wrote on Dec 15th, 2011 at 1:43pm:
Thanks for writing about your experiences, Crossbow.

God, lords, jesus, crucifixes and worship have taken a long everlasting hike out of my life. Each to his own.

Disk/i-there/higher self/greater self. Some see them as discs, some like orbs, and others like oval shaped beings mirrored in the shape an open eye.

You're welcome Volu. In the past I had a blanket rule of silence. Now I am experimenting with speaking and writing about such things. I am learning some things can be said; others are best kept unsaid, but I find sensing the difference is not always easy. I am hoping to clarify some guidelines to assist me with that.

Re. Religion. Yes, I can understand your turning away from such concepts. All the religions have had their failings, their up-sides and down-sides. Like all medicine has side effects. As long as our heart is warm, our mind is honest, our thoughts, words and actions good and right and helpful to others, then perhaps we don't require religion. Getting to that stage from a basic self-centred short-sighted nature requires many lives of discipline though, and guidelines - and with large groups (many millions )and a highly pitch objective (far ahead of where the group is and in shortest possible time) then the guidelines must be fairly rigid. I suppose it sounds contradictory for someone who claims to leave the body, have second sight, remember dozens of past lives, talk of multiple dimensions and mystic things, loves the sciences, to also claim religions are beneficial institutions, even in their crude and fundamental ways, and even encourage others with their religion. I see religion as suitable to assist people during a given time, place, and stage of their development, and to suit their culture and intelligence too. Its in the relevance of the application. Some religions are more long standing and widely suited. Others are more temporary and serve as a specific patch up for a while. Conflict within them and between them is inevitable, anticipated and allowed for. But most religions run their course and come to the end of their usefulness, and are then overhauled or replaced by a successive social and spiritual discipline, usually built upon its predecessor. 

Have you thought of a religion/discipline/code of worshiping only Truth, exercising Love and strength, and doing best by others?

Disks. I have not seen disks as such amongst the "higher selves", only membranes/barriers/interfaces/disk type friction surfaces (hard to explain) of different types within the centres, like energetic interfaces between one dimension and another. Also similar things along the spine, in the soul, extending out and down into the face, and some externalising as the facial bones, spinal disks and other body parts. But there is so much more to see than I have seen. I have been driven for many years by an almost manic desire to see, experience/know the truth for myself. But now that drive is settling down and I only want to do what's good and right in my life. Enough exploring, now attend to what needs doing around me.

Thank you for your interest Volu. I hope your curiosity gets satisfied and your soul fulfilled in a good and wholesome way.

I would be interested to read some of your story. Privately if you prefer. Like why did religion walk out of your life? What is your view now.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by Lucy on Dec 16th, 2011 at 2:40pm

I am not sure what you mean by "disk" - I see others use the word too.

Am I to understand that you have not read anything by Bruce Moen?

How did you end up here anyway?

Here's from the page on FAQ's

look for the question

"Is there a state/region beyond Focus 27 where you lose your personal identity and merge with the essence of the Supreme Being/Creator/Cosmic Source/God?"

almost halfway down the page.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by Volu on Dec 16th, 2011 at 6:13pm
"In the past I had a blanket rule of silence. Now I am experimenting with speaking and writing about such things. I am learning some things can be said; others are best kept unsaid, but I find sensing the difference is not always easy. I am hoping to clarify some guidelines to assist me with that."

I can relate to this, and also looking for the sweet spot(s).

Maybe you can breathe life into your idea about speaking and writing by making your own thread on the board. The writing of YOUR experiences can be halted by discussions but if the intention is stated it could work out. The work could morph into something else like an own blog, book or whatever, and you would then already have put some of all those words down and should be easy to build upon, edit and such.

"[...]I see religion as suitable to assist people during a given time, place, and stage of their development, and to suit their culture and intelligence too.[...]"

Stepping stones applicable to the different levels and paths we're on, and though some don't need something (anymore), others do. I've known and felt this for a while but another matter to demonstrate and put the the knowledge into practise.

"Have you thought of a religion/discipline/code of worshiping only Truth, exercising Love and strength, and doing best by others?"

Love, too soft and doing best for others to the point of losing the self has been easy, and so cultivating strength has been a focus for quite a while. Volu as a nickname is simply short for volume. Worshiping becomes too submissive compared to appreciation. Truth and truths change as the path unfolds.

"Thank you for your interest Volu. I hope your curiosity gets satisfied and your soul fulfilled in a good and wholesome way."

The interest is there because I've found what you write to be interesting, not trying to be nice for the sake of being nice though not really wanting to be nice but ok since one's supposed to be nice involved. :) Likewise to you.

"I would be interested to read some of your story. Privately if you prefer. Like why did religion walk out of your life? What is your view now."

Keeping it simple and short, I walked out on religion and the higher self appeared. A lot of super interesting and mind blowing information came about, and also information about many aspects of life on earth that has been harder to deal with but possible due to previous experiences. Still trying to process everything and at the same time learn more. My view now is to deal with the issues I already know about and be ready for new ones - and maintain, renew, discontinue and make new friendships.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Dec 20th, 2011 at 2:42am

Lucy wrote on Dec 16th, 2011 at 2:40pm:

I am not sure what you mean by "disk" - I see others use the word too.

Am I to understand that you have not read anything by Bruce Moen?
How did you end up here anyway?
Here's from the page on FAQ's
look for the question
"Is there a state/region beyond Focus 27 where you lose your personal identity and merge with the essence of the Supreme Being/Creator/Cosmic Source/God?"
almost halfway down the page.

Thank you for directing me to that question and answer page. I should better have looked for such a page myself and read it. That was some slackness on my part.
No I have not read anything written by or about Bruce Moen, except (from memory) two of Bruce's posts on this forum. I am aware that he is the administrator of this forum, and that at the top of the forum page is a notification that his books, tapes and home study course are available. I expect he is a fine gentleman who knows his subject well.
"How did I end up here anyway?"
I googled a word and the site came up. I then made a post.
It has been a pleasure visiting this forum and reading people's thoughts and experiences, and contributing some of my own.   


Volu said: "Maybe you can breathe life into your idea about speaking and writing by making your own thread on the board..."

Crossbow responds: Thank you for an interesting idea Volu, and one I had not thought of. If I were to do that I would of course seek permission from the site Administrator before doing so. I am in process of exploring several options and the fors and againsts associated with them. It is a time consuming job. I will include your idea in my research. Another forum user has also offered me some good ideas and been most encouraging for which I am also very thankful. 

Volu, here are some responses with some points you might find interesting and worth considering:

V.  "Love, too soft and doing best for others to the point of losing the self has been easy, and so cultivating strength has been a focus for quite a while. Volu as a nickname is simply short for volume. Worshiping becomes too submissive compared to appreciation. Truth and truths change as the path unfolds."

CB.  I am warmed to hear a man saying he is working on cultivating strength. Our western societies have too many good but weak men; we need more good and strong men. We have a critical unwellness in our western societies in which weakness presents itself as virtuous. False love, false courage, and sophism, have infiltrated our societies and weakened us substantially. Against natural order weakness is rewarded above strength, inability above merit; fear, anxiety, weakness, inadequacy is given more advantage, promoted, considered more credible, compensated, allowed more opportunity and less accountability. Strength of character, individuality, individual initiative, ability to cope, manage, adjust, overcome, is little acknowledged and certainly not rewarded or compensated. Western societies are, at present, advantaging the weak and those who play the victim. I am pleased to converse with a man who values and cultivates strength.  

Volu, there is nothing soft about the love I know. And I think you are sensing the love I mean, for you can see the wrongness and weakness of the false loves, the false virtues, so commonly displayed at present. So don't turn off from practicing love just because the common example is of soft love. As certain as I live, I am certain there is a love that is suitable for you to exercise. It is a love that is only wielded by the strong. Courage is its hallmark; it is a strength of heart. This love is a heartfelt wish that another/s learn and grow in whatever way is right for them and with a minimum or suffering upon them. This love does not soften us or limit us, or limit others, but frees us from our unwanted ways, and from unproductive interpersonal entanglements, it makes us our own person, independent and strong. It helps us do what must be done, what is right to do by others and by our own highest standards, whatever the situation calls for, whatever is required, love helps us do it.

Truth too, is strong. Truth changes yes, but is always the same in essence and in definition, for truth is existence, is how things are, is what is, in its parts and in its sum total. Truth is invincible. What better ally to have than truth, to attune our mind and heart with. All we need do is recognise what truth is, come to know it, and let it in to us. If we value truth above all else, then our preconceptions, our assumptions, our preferences, will all stand aside, and our mind will clear and we will see things as they are. But first we must know that truth is how things are, is what is, is existence, in parts and in sum total, and value that above all else, most especially above our own preferences.    

Worship is giving credence to where it belongs, and credence belongs to truth. And only to truth. For there is nothing else that exists, for all that exists is of the truth. Worship is not subservient, but rather is respectful; is the recognition of standing. The recognition and acknowledgement of Truth is all that worship is - not of the particular presentation or aspect of truth, but of the overall concept of truth - that truth exists. Appreciating the concept of truth is worship of truth.

And yes, appreciation is a power too. It is an apprehending in mind and heart of what is true. It brings the truth inside us, makes truth ours to benefit from and to use.

Comprehension of things is in their definitions. For a definition of something is what it is in words - inscribed precisely. So our first step to comprehension is to seek a definition of what we wish to comprehend. But to do this, we must put aside our preferences and be receptive to truth.
V. "The interest is there because I've found what you write to be interesting, not trying to be nice for the sake of being nice though not really wanting to be nice but ok since one's supposed to be nice involved."

Cb.  Yes, I understand. I appreciated courtesy, but I wish for a man to be himself, whatever he is, to do what needs doing, whatever it is, and to speak his mind and say what needs saying, whatever it is, than for a man to try too hard to be "nice" and end up being a soppy reflection of other people's expectations or of some fashionable social ideal. There are too many men like that around. Honestly don't we all prefer a blunt, rough and honest man, even an offensive one, who knows himself, and who is strong enough to be himself, to a man who is "nice", pc and inoffensive but is not himself?   

V.  "Keeping it simple and short, I walked out on religion and the higher self appeared. A lot of super interesting and mind blowing information came about, and also information about many aspects of life on earth that has been harder to deal with but possible due to previous experiences. Still trying to process everything and at the same time learn more. My view now is to deal with the issues I already know about and be ready for new ones - and maintain, renew, discontinue and make new friendships."

Cb.  That's a lot that you have touched upon. I think I get the picture. You have a job to do. 

I encourage those who turn away from religion not to do so in an emotionally reactive way that throws the baby out with the bath water, so to speak. For despite their apparent failings there are great truths to be found within the religions. It does not hurt to look at things objectively and discerningly, and then to take on board and explore subjectively what makes good sense, while not taking on board what does not make sense.

The commonest human fallacy is that opposite a wrong is a right. But in fact the opposite to a wrong is usually just an opposite wrong. The truth is usually found in between the two and up at a right angle.

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by Lucy on Dec 20th, 2011 at 5:57am

Honestly don't we all prefer a blunt, rough and honest man, even an offensive one, who knows himself, and who is strong enough to be himself, to a man who is "nice", pc and inoffensive but is not himself?   

Do you apply this to women too, or do you, like many men, defer to the "babes"?

What do you think is the way to balance striving to achieve that toughness in love of which you speak with "Love your neighbor as yourself"? For example: If we keep all the premature babies alive, do we contribute to that weakness you talked about? weaken the genetic pool? or are we showing compassion by keeping them alive?

Title: Re: Wonderring about wonders
Post by crossbow on Dec 20th, 2011 at 9:35am

Lucy wrote on Dec 20th, 2011 at 5:57am:

Honestly don't we all prefer a blunt, rough and honest man, even an offensive one, who knows himself, and who is strong enough to be himself, to a man who is "nice", pc and inoffensive but is not himself?   

Do you apply this to women too, or do you, like many men, defer to the "babes"?

Yes, of course I apply that to women too. Your question suggests I might expect women to be otherwise, perhaps portray themselves falsely. I prefer a woman who does not try too hard to be like other women, who knows who she is, whoever and whatever she is, and who can think for herself and be herself.

Personally I am pleased when I see a women who does not get upset when she hears or thinks she hears a distinction being made between men and women. I like women who are confident in their womanhood, who realise they are equal and different to men; who do not need to mimic men or compete with men, but who are confident in their own human and feminine virtues and powers.

I believe both men and women are best to be true to themselves, to find and know and be themselves, than to try to present according to an image which they think others might admire to the extent that they even lose themselves and don't know who they are. (I italicised women just for you Lucy, so you can feel assured that I am including you and all women in my statement.)    

Re. Do I defer to "babes"? Lucy, I hope you are not hinting that you would like me to address you as babe. If you are I would prefer to decline and address you in a more respectful way. I do not call women babes, nor think of them as babes. I have written nothing on this forum to suggest that I do.

Lucy wrote on Dec 20th, 2011 at 5:57am:
What do you think is the way to balance striving to achieve that toughness in love of which you speak with "Love your neighbor as yourself"? For example: If we keep all the premature babies alive, do we contribute to that weakness you talked about? weaken the genetic pool? or are we showing compassion by keeping them alive?

There is no problem here. Love your neighbour as your self, simply means treat others as you would prefer to be treated if you were them. It does not mean appeasing the demands, desires and emotions of others. It means being fair and reasonable, and doing what we think is best by others. It is probably the closest to an overall rule to dealing with others, even if it seems to have some lacking in certain situations. When one truly tries to do it, with no pretence or alterior motive, then the love experienced elevates oneself above any emotional misunderstandings. Like when a loving mother denies a child what the child wants and instead gives the child what he needs. Or a crook demands our wallet and is instead given a punch; or an invader wants and demands entry to a country, but is instead denied it and sent back home. False love might appease such wants and demands, but true love sees over them and does what is best. If I were to make a wrongful demand of someone else or attempt to do them wrong then I hope they would knock me back and set me straight in as fair and practical a way as possible, even if it had to involve them doing me some hurt to prevent me from doing them wrong.   

You raise an interesting dilema with extremely premature babies. The matters of keeping alive extremely premature babies destined to a life of ailments and incapacity, of abortion and euthanasia are surface dressings upon the more substantial subject of which such questions are a part. What is the purpose of life? When starts life? When finishes life? When is a life not fulfilling its rightful purpose and can therefore be terminated? Mankind as a whole does not have these answers yet. We do not yet know for sure what life is, or what its purpose is. Some individuals might, but their numbers are relatively small and their knowledge is of little social significance. The truth of the matter must eventually be widely known, be demonstratable to all, or at least most, and be understood by most. Then as a society we can be more sure of making the right decisions on such matters as abortion and euthanasia. Until then, as individuals and as a society, we can only make our best and fairest and most practical decisions, and continue to wonder at, debate, and investigate the purpose of life.

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