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Message started by Dr. Who on Oct 8th, 2010 at 4:01pm

Title: Can spirits of loved ones see the future?
Post by Dr. Who on Oct 8th, 2010 at 4:01pm
I ask this because I had a medium reading a few months ago and the medium mentioned the name Douglass or Doug, stating that it may be someone I know or maybe someone from a past life.

I am unable to identify the name in anyway... until now.

I am moving at the end of the month to a nice apartment I just found out about.....on DOUGLASS Drive.

Title: Re: Can spirits of loved ones see the future?
Post by b2 on Oct 9th, 2010 at 5:50am
How fun! I love to hear this.

Yes, I think this happens. Somewhere there is a future --  it is already done -- and you are in it. You have already done it, and you have even done and been more than you have proved it to yourself. What is all of your existence. Somewhere, you already know.

love, b2

Title: Re: Can spirits of loved ones see the future?
Post by pedigree on Oct 9th, 2010 at 8:18am
Well done you found a match to your word. Great to get some conformation  :)
Not just Psychics or Mediums talking to loved ones but you yourself can 'look' into the future if wish. It's all about having the desire and patience to do so and then take the information received not always literally but as symbolic.
The future seems to be a 'probable' future and we progress in a linear fashion through time. Although our mind can move back and forth through time to access the information needed. So 'looking' a few days into the future and getting it right can be done on a regular basis if practiced. The further away from the now you look the more uncertainty unfolds. Free will changes things so that is why the future isn't always a done deal.
Start by noticing synchronicity in everyday life, you can experience  some real eye openers  :o

Title: Re: Can spirits of loved ones see the future?
Post by Beau on Oct 9th, 2010 at 10:38am
I'm not sure I think the future is predicted as much as the current conforms to the future prediction. I think we can tap into probabilities but not sure fire predictions otherwise there would be little room for growth.

I met with a psychic about 13 years ago and he told me that my mother would be dying within 5 years. It's true she did, but I think he was picking up on my mother currently being ill and the extent of her illness and making his prediction based on her current state. He was still psychic to pick up a massive amount of my mothers situation, but I don't really see that he was predicting the future. That's my two cents on it.


Title: Re: Can spirits of loved ones see the future?
Post by betson on Oct 9th, 2010 at 11:18am
Hi Who,

You might want to stay alert to the name of Douglas. Your move to Douglas Drive might be part of 'the plan,' a synchronicity of Douglas-ness to keep you sensitive to that name so that when the person Douglas does show up he'll be more noticeable.


Title: Re: Can spirits of loved ones see the future?
Post by Dr. Who on Oct 10th, 2010 at 11:59am
Well, At the time I did live in Douglassville but I highly doubt that was the reason for the Douglass word. I can say however

I was very upset over the rental application because they clammed up when I admitted my wife was currently unemployed... they complained that what I get paid in a year is not good. (Even though I just got a 1.10 raise and am making the most money I have ever made anywhere.)

This all added up to me entering a powerful depression for 3-4 days in which I worked my 12 hour days of work and came home and went directly to bed. It was a REALLY bad depression, I stopped eating, tried to hurt myself etc.

IF anything, I would say that the Douglass was a little hint that not only is this apartment going to happen for us, but the $270 a month I will be saving in rent is going to have an effect on my whole future.

Unfortunately I forgot about it at the time and didn't even think about the correlation until after they called me letting me know that we were approved to come sign the lease.

Title: Re: Can spirits of loved ones see the future?
Post by Vicky on Oct 10th, 2010 at 7:54pm
I think it's neat that you noticed the connection to the name.  Good luck with your move!

I wonder if when we think about something we want to have, with the hopes that it will be something good or an improvement or bring happiness in our lives, and THEN we get confirmation that yes we will get it, does that also mean to give us conformation that we'll also get the happiness, goodness, and improvement that we projected into it?

I hope that wasn't too confusing.  Does that make sense?


Title: Re: Can spirits of loved ones see the future?
Post by DocM on Oct 10th, 2010 at 10:59pm
Those who claim contact with the afterlife suggest that there is no accounting of time there, just a change of state, from one state of being to another.  This is difficult for us linnear earth dwellers to absorb.  I can't say I quite understand it, but I "feel," the sense of timelessness during some meditations.

I think many of our deceased loved ones are just as they were on earth, but now in the mental or spiritual plane.  As such, I would say that many of them are not privy to knowing the future, any more than their perception allows.  It is possible though, that some of the more perceptive spirits might be able to trace the path of action/reaction/karma and tell us what the outcome may be.  With reflection, we might be able to figure this out ourselves while alive - but who can hold up a mirror to themself so easily?

There is also the notion that many of our loved ones are "rooting for us," and thus involved in trying to guide us along a loving path.  We may be able to get a warning then, from them, if in their holistic look at us, they see us going down a destructive bend.


Title: Re: Can spirits of loved ones see the future?
Post by Bardo on Oct 12th, 2010 at 11:54am
For what it is worth,
I have posted this experience here before, but it is germain to the thread. I had an extended visit with my mother two years after she died, in which she told me that my sister (50 years old) was going to die soon. My sister died suddenly less than a year later. No reason for it, no pre-existing conditions. There is more to the story, but that is the crux. So yes, I think it is possible for us to be given information about future events. This was the single greatest proof to me of the "existence" of the afterlife.

Title: Re: Can spirits of loved ones see the future?
Post by Dr. Who on Oct 13th, 2010 at 4:20pm
On the way to sign the lease to the apartment on Douglass Drive..... WOO HOO!

Will post pix if you want this place is such an amazing deal!!!!!

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