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Message started by bird on Sep 23rd, 2010 at 1:29pm

Title: retrieval needed
Post by bird on Sep 23rd, 2010 at 1:29pm
I just spoke with a spiritual advisor, and she is the second person to tell me that my father, Peter, is still hanging on in the lower realms. She sensed that he is stubborn and perhaps unaware of the glorious experiences that await him if he could only let go of his beliefs and attitudes.

She advised that I set intent on contacting him in hopes that I can communicate that there is so much more than he is experiencing. In particular, his father Joseph would love to greet him with open arms. Would anyone be willing to help me? I'm not confident that my efforts alone can accomplish this as I am not experienced and find it hard to focus in the way that I think is needed.

Thank you!

Title: Re: retrieval needed
Post by supermodel on Sep 24th, 2010 at 8:29pm
Why are you not feeling confident in yourself? :(

Title: Re: retrieval needed
Post by bird on Sep 27th, 2010 at 10:04am
well, i guess i just feel very inexperienced in the practice. it's easy enough for me to close my eyes, envision my father and speak to him, but i'm not really certain if he's connecting with or understanding me. i've tried a couple of times since starting this thread, and i don't have any visions of him moving toward something better. i'm going to keep trying and hope that at some point my message is received.

i want him to be happy and am so very concerned that he's not. i hope i'm successful - please keep your fingers crossed for me!

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