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Message started by Petrus on Aug 19th, 2010 at 9:53pm

Title: What to make of this?
Post by Petrus on Aug 19th, 2010 at 9:53pm

Hey everyone,
This is an account from a group of Christians, where they said Jesus came to them and gave them a tour of both Hell and Heaven.  The page I've linked to here is a Hell...I'm assuming people are going to interpret this as fairly standard BST stuff, yes?

Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by recoverer on Aug 19th, 2010 at 10:54pm
I didn't read all of it, because the words I read were a bit much. There are Christian cults just as there are other kinds of cults. Probably a few self serving people made up some stories in order to profit from and control others.

One example, drunkards and homosexuals in hell. If alcoholism is so easy to avoid, then why do so many people become alcoholics? Life can be quite complicated, and souls need time to learn to live in a positive way. And why is homosexuality a sin?

Another, souls with an unquenchable thirst, and then a Bible verse is refferred to.

I don't see how people can speak of Jesus as a being of love, and then contend that he hands out punishment in a spiteful way. People who don't listen to the love in their hearts come to such sad and preposterous conclusions.

Perhaps some day the people who seem to be misrepresenting Jesus (as often happens) will find that it is wrong to do so. But Jesus won't treat them in the way the people from this site says he treats people (souls). Rather, once they decide that they want to move towards the light, they'll have to become honest about how they misled others, and feel remorse for doing so. Or in other words, they'll be their own judge.

They'll find that rather than making a positive contribution to this world, they made things worse. What a waste.

P.S. Feeling remorse and having worms come out of your eye sockets isn't quite the same thing. :D

Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by supermodel on Aug 19th, 2010 at 11:15pm
It was one of the most sick and twisted things I've ever read. Total fiction. I don't believe one word.

the god they worship sounds vindictive and evil...not one worthy of worship and I'm an atheist.

Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by Romain on Aug 19th, 2010 at 11:25pm
I've read some of it, and feel sorry for those soul, hope they'll see through it on their own.

Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by recoverer on Aug 19th, 2010 at 11:27pm
Here's another thought. They push the thought, like a dreadful drug, that you better believe in Jesus, or he is going to send you to an incredibly terrible hell realm for all of eternity.

How can a person truly love and be loyal to another, if that other scares the shit out of he or she? IMPOSSIBLE! Intense fear and love don't go together. If people truly loved Jesus they wouldn't connect him to fearmonger based concepts.

It is really insulting when people suggest that love based beings from a higher level such as God and Christ have to fear people into wanting what they have to offer.  If they have something beautiful to offer, fear and forcefullness have nothing to do with it.

How can people accept something with all of their heart, mind and soul, if fear prevents them from making a meaningful decision?

Positive inspiration is much more meaningful when it comes to spiritual growth, than terrorizing people.

Of course there is nothing wrong with reasonable warnings such as your overall state of mind determines where you go after you die, and you'll be free to move on to a better place after you decide to change your way.

Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by Seraphis1 on Aug 20th, 2010 at 12:20am

Petrus wrote on Aug 19th, 2010 at 9:53pm:

Hey everyone,
This is an account from a group of Christians, where they said Jesus came to them and gave them a tour of both Hell and Heaven.  The page I've linked to here is a Hell...I'm assuming people are going to interpret this as fairly standard BST stuff, yes?

Oh well, I think Moen's describtion of how hell works sums it all up pretty nicely.


Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by DocM on Aug 20th, 2010 at 12:57am
How does that song go by John Cougar Mellencamp?  "I've seen it all in a small town." "Taught to fear Jesus in a small town."

Albert, your comments are among the most insightful I have ever heard.  The idea that you must love out of fear is a contradiction that can not be resolved.  Those who love God, love because they see that they are connected and that their own love emanates from him/her.  You can not love because you fear punishment.  Ridiculous.

The reason it is so ridiculous is that we choose hell based on our inner nature.  If we cultivate a nature of selfishness or sadism, we willingly go to an appropriate afterlife level to find it.  We are not being punished by an "external" judge and jury. 

To we here on earth, it seems unimaginable that everyone wouldn't want to go to a higher plane of love.  However, when we she our bodies, it is a much more honest reckoning.  We are no longer bound by society, rules, and someone telling us what to do.  We seek our nature. 

The question Rondele and others have raised is, is our nature fixed, or can it be changed?  I believe the answer to this is clear (even if I take issue with the great ES).  That is, our spirit is in the constant process of evolution.  Therefore, as we make choices, with right thought and right action, we set out on a journey toward love (or hate).  When we can see another way out - change our thoughts/actions, we unshackle ourselves and find the freedom to move in a new direction.

Its sort of like gardnening.  You can weed and prune your garden and reap the benefits of its beauty and bounty.  Likewise, a garden left untended grows weeds and does not give the same pleasure.  Our consciousness is that garden, and we, are the gardeners.  All we have to do is roll our sleeves up, and get to it.


Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by chrwe on Aug 20th, 2010 at 2:01am
If it is true that what we experience in the afterlife is (at first) what we really believe in, and that we may also sometimes visit these realms in this life in our dreams and in OBEs, then it is entirely possible that these people thought that it was real - and that it was real for THEM.

That does not make it objectively real meaning "real for everyone". Alas, I wish we could make people who are so locked in their small world of "this is white and this is black" see that there is great beauty in diversity and that the only truth is that of love :).

Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by detheridge on Aug 20th, 2010 at 5:47am
This link makes for interesting reading, even though it's complete nonsense.
I had to laugh at the mention of the Beatles as 'a satanic music group'!!  ;D :D ;D

Actually, this kind of BST stuff is interesting, because it brought to mind the film 'Devil's Advocate' and Al Pacino's speech (as the devil incarnate) about God, describing him (amongst other things) as a sick sadist and an absentee landlord. Now while that might be somewhat extreme for some people, it does absolutely blow the whistle on this whole hypocritical extreme Christian BST. Mind you, the fact that several high profile evangelists have been caught either with their trousers down (literally) or their fingers in the till demonstrates maybe the principle 'by their works you will know them'.

So I think we can safely discount all this stuff until we have to go to that particular BST in the future to get the  poor unfortunate souls who accepted this stuff out of there.

Best wishes,

Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by Volu on Aug 20th, 2010 at 12:53pm
"People that just died on the Earth without having accepted Jesus Christ in their hearts, they were arriving in Hell."
"Make no mistake, God will not be mocked."

I don't accept no bearded cartoons into my heart, those repeating circles have been thoroughly accepted and finally broken by my other incarnations. Interesting how many of these fears are targeted at the body, and since most think they are their bodies, well, not hard to connect the dots. Funny pentecostal mosh pit at 0:38 with suitable norwegian black metal to go.

Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by recoverer on Aug 20th, 2010 at 1:03pm
Accepting Christ into your heart isn't about accepting the body Jesus made use of about 2,000 years ago, it is about opening your heart to divine love. Divine love belongs to everybody, once they decide to live in such a way. I believe this is what Jesus was about, despite how some people have used his name to control others.

I believe a good way to consider this matter is how would you view others if you were a light being? Probably with lots of understanding and love.

Volu wrote on Aug 20th, 2010 at 12:53pm:
"People that just died on the Earth without having accepted Jesus Christ in their hearts, they were arriving in Hell."
"Make no mistake, God will not be mocked."

I don't accept no bearded cartoons into my heart, those repeating circles have been thoroughly accepted and finally broken by my other incarnations. Interesting how many of these fears are targeted at the body, and since most think they are their bodies, well, not hard to connect the dots. Funny evangelical mosh pit at 0:38 with suitable norwegian black metal to go.

Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by recoverer on Aug 20th, 2010 at 1:08pm
Thank you Matthew.

[quote author=755E527C310 link=1282269204/6#6 date=1282280273]

Albert, your comments are among the most insightful I have ever heard. 

Title: Re: What to make of this?
Post by Jean on Aug 21st, 2010 at 5:58pm
Hi guys,

Here's a PBS dvd u-tube link if anyone needs to take the bad taste of Alan's topic out of their mouth. Beyond Our Differences:

Jean :P :-*

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