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Message started by Jehovah on Jun 11th, 2010 at 10:20am

Title: Science will never comprehend
Post by Jehovah on Jun 11th, 2010 at 10:20am
I was out walking the dog and consequently began to think and question my every movement, eye, muscle etc. Where I chose to step, what I direction I chose, when I suddenly realized science will NEVER comprehend the fact that the marvelous being that I am... can choose ANYTHING at random for seemingly no reason whatsoever. Science cannot explain it. I have searched all over the net and no one can explain how simple thoughts and movements truly are defined.

For instance:

I can read something that talks about how movement brain connections work. It will say, you send the message to move your finger to touch your nose. (common alcohol test also it mentioned.) Well, what if I choose a spontaneous place to put my finger instead? How is this thought carried out? With no real goal in mind?

I just don't see it. I don't think science can even explain all psychical things like where I choose to move.


Because what is choosing to move... where it moves at any time in even the slightest way, is more than just a brain's choice.

Title: Re: Science will never comprehend
Post by Seraphis1 on Jun 11th, 2010 at 1:04pm

wrote on Jun 11th, 2010 at 10:20am:
I was out walking the dog and consequently began to think and question my every movement, eye, muscle etc. Where I chose to step, what I direction I chose, when I suddenly realized science will NEVER comprehend the fact that the marvelous being that I am... can choose ANYTHING at random for seemingly no reason whatsoever. Science cannot explain it. I have searched all over the net and no one can explain how simple thoughts and movements truly are defined.

For instance:

I can read something that talks about how movement brain connections work. It will say, you send the message to move your finger to touch your nose. (common alcohol test also it mentioned.) Well, what if I choose a spontaneous place to put my finger instead? How is this thought carried out? With no real goal in mind?

I just don't see it. I don't think science can even explain all psychical things like where I choose to move.


Because what is choosing to move... where it moves at any time in even the slightest way, is more than just a brain's choice.

Actually Quantum and Chaos theory are getting close to the truth about what is thought to be the objective world as opposed to the subjective world. They are beginning to realize that the subjective world is the one which counts and the objective world is really only an illusion dependent upon the subjective reality.


Title: Re: Science will never comprehend
Post by usetawuz on Jun 11th, 2010 at 7:45pm
I once read that the calcualtions necessary for a computer program to tell a machine how to catch a ball in a glove and the written requirements were a foot and a half thick.  The human body automatically does what is necessary to guage the trajectory, velocity and distance in order to be where the ball will come is to some extent innate, but to describe the necessary procedures necessary to make it happen is to say the least, daunting.  Yes, there is something exceedingly special in a body to make the seemingly mundane incredibly complex...some spirit or soul like thing that enlivens the fleshly beast.

Seraphis, that is what I have read...all an individual has is a subjective reality while all humanity has to describe it is an objective illusion...kind of like par on the golf course is the objective illusion for the whole of the golfers who play it while what each golfer achieves on the course is their subjective reality...and that reality is altered during and after the play. 

Interesting concept.

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