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Message started by Justin on May 13th, 2010 at 3:16am

Title: fiction, fact, or both-"Lords of the Systems"
Post by Justin on May 13th, 2010 at 3:16am
   The Co-Creator of this Universe in it's creating of the various systems within this Galaxy, first created the nonphysical patterns of these systems.   

Later came the physical manifestations or reflection of the original nonphysical patterns.   When the Co-Creator had originally re-merged with Source, and being the first to do so who had separated, saw It's stuck, lonely, and lost Siblings, desired to help them. 

  Part of this helping process was to create Consciousnesses which while they had freewill like all other created Consciousnesses, were created with a built in strong energetic of Love consciousness.

  These could be said to be "Retriever Consciousnesses" and they worked with the Co-Creator to bring all back to the Light and Beingness of Source.

  Some of these Retriever Consciousnesses were "assigned" to a particular system here and there.  These became what could be called the Lords of these little systems.   They were meant to act as guiding Lights specifically and most especially in that system they were individually assigned to. 

  In a very real sense, nonphysically, their "Disk" is the inner energy of what is physically reflected as the Star in each of these Systems.   

   Or in other words, the Star of each system inhabited by Souls, is a physical reflection and manifestation of these Retriever, Lord Souls.  In the Bible these were referred to as the Sons of God.   

  These Stars march to the beat of the Co-Creator of the Universe who in turn marches to the beat of The Source, but such is the nature of Freewill that even the Co-Creator and these Lords have not always kept that perfect, conscious attunement to The Source of all Life.

  Some have temporarily fallen, and gotten stuck even in the system they were sent to manage, retrieve, and act as a guiding Light in.  Their Light dimmed for a time. 

  Yet, First Cause always beckons and tends to follow back to First Cause. 

This particular system and the physical Earth has gotten a lot of attention from the Co-Creator, the Lord of this system, and many other Lords.   Many of these have incarnated in human physical form to help directly in retrieving. 

  The time draws nigh when the Lord of this System will come into It's own, and fully follows in the footsteps of It's Maker.   It has faltered here and there.

  As changes happen within this Disk, so will we see changes reflected in It's physical manifestation, the Sun. 

  These Changes, both inner and outer will affect much in the Earth.  Everything from climate, to changes in DNA, to crust instability.   As purification happens within, so will purification happen without. 

  Fire, Fire, Fire.  Planned Fire.

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