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Message started by Alan McDougall on Mar 23rd, 2010 at 1:48am

Title: Were is the real you, the soul of man?
Post by Alan McDougall on Mar 23rd, 2010 at 1:48am

The above one of my websites, go and have a look at it if you want to

Who are we really in the now?

The essential complete you, or your whole real essence, is a field of awareness that interacts with its own self (Soul) and then becomes both mind/brain and body. In other words, you are consciousness or spirit, which then conceives, constructs, governs, and becomes the mind/brain and the body. The real you are inseparable from the patterns of intelligence that permeate every fiber of creation.

At the deepest level of existence, you are an infinite eternal Being, and you are nowhere and everywhere at the same time. There is no other “you” than the entire cosmos. The God + cosmic mind create the physical universe, and the personal mind/brain (Soul) experiences the physical universe. But in truth, the cosmic mind and our personal mind are both permeated by “God "The Infinite Consciousness”. “God the Infinite Consciousness” is our source, and all manifestation is inherent within it.

“God the Infinite Consciousness” observing itself creates the notion of observer, or the soul; the process of observation, or the mind; and that which is observed, or the body and the world. The observer and the observed create relationships between themselves; this is space. The movement of these relationships creates events; this is time. But all these are none other than the “God the Infinite Consciousness” itself.

In other words, we are “God the Infinite Consciousness” with a “localized point of view” An aspect or facet of the great reality we call God. And yet our whole system of thought divides the “Great Observer God” from the observed us; it divides the “God the Infinite Consciousness” into a world of objects separated by space and time. The “the intellect of the brain” imprisons us in a cage of fictitious images, a suffocating web of space, time, and causation. As a result, we lose touch with the true nature of our reality, which is powerful, boundless, immortal, and free.

We are all prisoners of the “the intellect of the brain”. And the “the intellect of the brain’s mistake in one simple sentence is this: It mistakes the image of reality for reality itself. It squeezes the soul into the volume of a body, in the span of a lifetime, and now the spell of mortality is cast. The image of the self overshadows the unbounded Self, and we feel cut off or disconnected from “God the Infinite Consciousness”, our source.

This is the beginning of fear, the onset of suffering, and all the problems of humanity from our minor insecurities to our major catastrophes like war, terrorism, and all other acts of human degradation. To one who is trapped in the prison of the “the intellect of the brain”, all indeed is suffering. But the cause of the suffering can and should be averted. Ignorance of our real nature causes the inner self to be obscured. But when ignorance is destroyed, the powerful, unbounded, free nature of the self is revealed, and we are released into the knowledge of unimaginable freedom, peace, love and everlasting joy.

The real you are non-material and therefore not subject to the limitations of space, time, matter, and causation. The soul, the spirit, the essential you, is beyond all that. In this very moment, you are surrounded by a pure consciousness. Pure consciousness illuminates and animates your mind and body, and it is powerful, nourishing, invincible, unbounded, and free. Pure consciousness, “God the Infinite

Eternal Spirit”, animates and sustains everything in existence, which means it is omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (present in all locations simultaneously), and omnipotent (all powerful). “And when we learn and grow and evolve into understanding we shall be all those things also, indeed co- creators with God”

Blessings and Light


Title: Re: Were is the real you, the soul of man?
Post by StoneColdTrue on Mar 25th, 2010 at 4:33am
This is something I have also come to understand. One way I try to convey this to people is by asking them

"Do you speak to yourself within you mind? Not just thinking, but do you speak in a voice in your brain as if talking to a second source?"

I know I do. I'll talk to myself as I do a friend or my brother. I'll call myself "dude." So far I have found no one who denied when they talk to themselves they do it as if its a separate person. Well, this I believe is the other half of yourself. Your "soul." The soul and the body are combined now but they will separate in death. The mind is part of the body. It's all a very complex and advanced tool used essentially as a vessel or an avatar.

We don't just talk to ourselves for comfort. It's more like there are two parts to your consciousness working together.

A friend of mine told me of an experience he just had due to smoking marijuana that caused him to really freak out. He told me that all of his fears and so many things came to the front of his mind and its all he could focus on. It didn't make him feel very good. Me knowing that he is a very depressed and confused person about his life, offered him the best insight I could muster.

I told him that the drug allowed his higher consciousness to come into view and that it brought those fears to the forefront to allow him to focus upon them. To basically say "These are the things which are your current obstacles and you must overcome them to reach a better path."

I explained that life is a lot about struggle. This isn't meant to be a walk in the park. With every hurdle we cross we reach an enlightened state. Dreams. Thoughts. Understandings. There is a part of yourself which works as a guide and support in your life.

Think of the mind as a camera. Your eyes are the lens. You can wave your hand in front of your face and afterwards you can recall it through memory. Your mind records all of the events of your life and every move you make. Your soul then is a USB drive which saves the data to later be transferred.

I think too that a very important part of this life which we are bound to is to find a respect and love for it as well, despite its inferiority. There are many very minuscule things in this life which I hope is not lost in death.

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