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Message started by Inventech5 on Dec 16th, 2009 at 8:42pm

Title: Focus 27 Planning
Post by Inventech5 on Dec 16th, 2009 at 8:42pm
How and why do the people of focus 27 plan stuff on Earth if they do not experience time nor do they exist on Earth? :-?

Title: Re: Focus 27 Planning
Post by betson on Dec 17th, 2009 at 12:18am
Hi Inventech5,

I'm not sure they do plan stuff on Earth, or maybe I'm just thinking in the wrong terms. What way do they plan?

The division between FLs and Earth is sometimes called a veil. Messages can get through although they're blurred or partially hidden....

OK, are you thinking of when they set their intent to contact someone on Earth? They will connect with that person when the Earth-bound person is thinking of them or perhaps not thinking of anything.  In either case the earth-bound person may be somewhat receptive.

I apologize that I'm talking without being sure if I understand the question.


Title: Re: Focus 27 Planning
Post by Ralph Buskey on Dec 17th, 2009 at 12:35am

How and why do the people of focus 27 plan stuff on Earth if they do not experience time nor do they exist on Earth?

Greetings Inventech5.

   You just brought up a topic that I've been recently going over with other members on this board. My latest theory based on what came out of our conversations is that the physical universe is based on a constructed timeline with a beginning and an end, or cyclic in a mobius loop like manner. The afterlife however, doesn't have this timeline restriction, yet time still exists when changes occur.

   Perhaps souls outside the time/space restriction can travel not only to a particular geographical location, but also to a specific time on that timeline. It is in that physical now moment where the non corporeal soul can engage the corporeal soul while respecting the time laws of the physical world they are meeting up at.


Title: Re: Focus 27 Planning
Post by Ralph Buskey on Dec 17th, 2009 at 12:43am
   I missed the main question. Sorry about that. At focus 27 or wherever someone is outside of the physical universe, they should have all the time in the world to plan (no pun intended).

   Since their time is different than ours; days, weeks, or however you want to consider it could go by without any further movement in the physical timeline. I can comprehend this in my mind as I've experienced it already. I just don't know any better way to word it.


Title: Re: Focus 27 Planning
Post by Beau on Dec 17th, 2009 at 7:00am
Focus 27  is a focal point for one's consciousness. There are people who spend time there who still have physical bodies. And I think Focus 27 is a blue print for how the earth will operate some day and those people are helping to plan that earthly change. It is not a place per se. It is more a non physical reality if such a word as reality can really apply.

Title: Re: Focus 27 Planning
Post by b2 on Dec 17th, 2009 at 8:25am
Just guessing my way through, but it seems like love just wants to know where to go. How it decides, don't know. Love can apparently go anywhere, everywhere, and even to a neighborhood near you. Why does anyone do anything? Maybe it's just more interesting than sitting in a state of bliss somewhere in no-time.

Inventech5 wrote on Dec 16th, 2009 at 8:42pm:
How and why do the people of focus 27 plan stuff on Earth if they do not experience time nor do they exist on Earth? :-?

Title: Re: Focus 27 Planning
Post by Seraphis1 on Dec 20th, 2009 at 12:49pm

Inventech5 wrote on Dec 16th, 2009 at 8:42pm:
How and why do the people of focus 27 plan stuff on Earth if they do not experience time nor do they exist on Earth? :-?

Hi Invent: This is an interesting question for speculation. In the mystical schools I was brought up in nothing happens on Earth that has not been created first in what we were taught is the causal plane, that's where it all is supposed to start... then it gets materialized in the astral plane... and finally expressed in the physical plane... in my new world of the Focus 27 and above paradigm... I think this is the astral plane and there may be some area in which when the karmic wheel begins to pull the individual soul back into a need to incarnate it goes to the holding area and organizes the life trajectory... everything gets acted out and the life pattern is set... de javu?? and then one gets born... but, soon we will get to focus 27 and know for sure won't we...  8-)


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