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Message started by betson on Dec 14th, 2009 at 10:04am

Title: Retrieving earthbound aspects of living people
Post by betson on Dec 14th, 2009 at 10:04am

A reportedly true story going around the internet ends with one lady commenting "The angels are all busy now, so sometimes God sends a person instead." This made a connection for me--finally ---

Since Helpers cannot approach a stuck soul in lower focus levels because the energy of that soul is too frantic or degraded, then what about living folks who are going through such hard times that  their energy fields are also in chaos? It seems that they make themselves inaccessible to divine help, unless/until they find moments of calm during which they ask for help.

This would certainly help account for all the situations where we (people of Earth) complain that prayers aren't answered, or that God hates or ignores them.: -- they are (possibly) in the wrong frequency established by their negative emotions.
Does this sound plausible?

Doing retrievals does put you into a beam of energy where kind consideration seems natural, but I never thought about the opposite of all that: how a living person might block help from the afterlife by being in a bad state emotionally.

I do already know and live by the Golden Rule etc but that had become background noise to any dynamic sense of the afterlife. Putting the idea of helping others into afterlife/retrieval context gives it new energy for me.  :D


Title: Re: Retrieving earthbound aspects of living people
Post by Calypso on Dec 14th, 2009 at 11:52am
This is interesting to me because I'm always wondering how best to help others.  If we come across people who are going through tough times (homeless, hungry, sick, abused) how can we help them while they are so "frantic" and fragmented?  It's like trying to save a drowning person who seems to fight back.  If we can help them to a calm state then their guides will be able to get through and offer greater help than we can.  How best to "calm" such people then?  I think it must be by giving them food, warmth, shelter and security.  What else can we do?

Title: Re: Retrieving earthbound aspects of living people
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Dec 14th, 2009 at 1:21pm
You really never noticed how negative people disconnect themselves from their inner being/love/God by harboring false beliefs and negative emotions?  I see this on a daily basis.  Some people I know are like this, and helping them to change their beliefs and negative states is a difficult task to say the least.  When I do influence them to change their perspective, it only seems like a temporary fix.. they eventually revert back to their old, inhibiting belief system. 

Title: Re: Retrieving earthbound aspects of living people
Post by recoverer on Dec 14th, 2009 at 1:57pm
I believe that some of us help other people in a non-physical sense, even without realizing that we do so.

For example, one time I received a message that I helped cure a guy of cancer. I was given the name of an island and a university I had never heard of. I did an internet search and found that a university by this name existed, and it had a hospital extension on the island I received a name for. I don't remember the precise names, but they weren't common names like Washington, Liberty or something like that.

I sent a couple of emails to verify if they had a patient that went by the name I was given, but they didn't respond. Considering what I received, was it really necessary for me to receive more information?

Title: Re: Retrieving earthbound aspects of living people
Post by betson on Dec 15th, 2009 at 9:42am
Hi Calypso and Dude,

Maybe if we provide windows of opportunity, that's about all we can do?  It could at least give them good memories until they stop and figure out what it was working for them then.  Calypso, it sounds like you do alot!

Dude, I do volunteering and donating but now I see that it's been with or through groups.  Seeing earthbound retrieving as an extension of afterlife retrieving gives me the urge to try more personal mentoring, like with The Big Brothers and Big Sisters program or similiar. Before I retired, I of course met kids through the art classroom that needed and got extra attention and wrote back that it mattered. -- I didn't mean to sound like an ogre  :)

Recoverer,  That's good news to hear! So again, the dynamics of afterlife do reach into C1 Earth also (such as unconsciously helping out with stuck souls, which we've discussed before.) Neat experience you shared -- thanks !


Title: Re: Retrieving earthbound aspects of living people
Post by Calypso on Dec 15th, 2009 at 10:53am
Bets, Recoverer, Dude and all, 

A very interesting conversation!  I like the idea of "windows of opportunity", Bets.  It's such an important question for me:  how best to help others (in this world or another) who are stuck in negative emotions and are in despair of ever escaping.  Some members of my family believe that it's enough to "write a check" to the church for those in need.  I always had a feeling that it works better to be in contact with people, actually handing them a sandwich or a warm coat.  But why?  From being on this site and others I think I'm starting to understand that something else is transferred, or some kind of magic is made, when we stand with them.  Is this retrieval?  Do we become "beacons" of some kind, or "vibrations" of some kind that they can "lean" on and "tune in" to in order to become clear and unstuck?  Our emotions at the time of giving must be really important, I would think. "Pity" maybe not so good as "love". 

Then again, Recoverer is talking about being able to do this same work without even being physically near a person, or even knowing where they are!  That's pretty amazing.

Title: Re: Retrieving earthbound aspects of living people
Post by betson on Dec 16th, 2009 at 10:06am
Recoverer is an amazing person!

I didn't know such Earth-bound healing interactions were possible although previously we've discussed that we can be involved in regular retrievals without setting intent. Thanks, Recoverer!

Calypso, you bring up another point that's interesting: a phrase or comment will sometimes pop up and make a topic clearer.  That's one reason why I love this forum so much--even if an idea has been discussed many times, one may come across wordings that speak particularly to them. I guess any forum would present these opportunities but this one's my favorite.


Title: Re: Retrieving earthbound aspects of living people
Post by recoverer on Dec 16th, 2009 at 1:41pm
Thanks Bets, but eeh gad, I'm just a helper, and couldn't do so if there weren't spirit beings who seek my assistance. I've received messages and had dreams about healing, but never received information about a specific case except the one I mentioned above.

What was yesterday like? I got annoyed while at work because I'm swamped and an amazingly non-user friendly computer application is making things much worse than they need to be. I came in this morning and found that more work was added to my list. Surprise! Surprise! I'll try to do better today, because I don't like it when I get grumpy.

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