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Message started by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 17th, 2009 at 6:55pm

Title: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 17th, 2009 at 6:55pm
I noticed something while meditating this morning.  I was in a state of mental silence, and started to enter an altered state when a thought came into my head.  This thought wasn't mine.  It was a young woman, blonde, slightly overweight.  She was thinking that she did not want to move from her current home, and wondered where she was going to live.  I momentarily became her. 

I regained my normal awareness and realized what I had just experienced didn't originate in my own personal mind.  I soon fell into another deep state, where I began experiencing another line of thoughts which were not mine.  This time they were some man's.  I cannot recall what the thoughts were, but I instantly knew they weren't mine, and experienced myself as being that man while I thought those thoughts.

I realized that this happens to me often, usually when I am drifting off to sleep, passing through various altered states, and also when I meditate.  I usually take it for granted that they are just fantasies of some sort, but my experiences today seem to hint at another possibility.  When I was thinking these thoughts, it seems that I temporarily adopted the mind of that individual; I was that person during those thoughts. 

Yesterday while meditating I also experienced this phenomenon.  It was the first time I really began to consider the possibility that maybe there was more to these thoughts than just fanatsy. 

There are a couple of possibilities that I am playing with.  One is that I am entering a state where my mind is connected with the minds of others in some sort of mental plane, and my consciousness is merging with these individuals. 

The other idea I have is that these thoughts are coming from members of my higher self/disk.  I am entering a state in which I am temporarily aware of our connection through our oversoul. 

Both of these possibilities raise the question: What is the significance of these thoughts?  Is there a reason why I am experiencing them?  Is there a reason why I am connecting with these specific individuals in particular?  Are they random people, or do we have a connection of some kind?  Is it important that I be aware of these individuals' thoughts?  Do they have some kind of significance in my own personal life?

I will have to explore this deeper to find the truth.

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by Beau on Nov 17th, 2009 at 7:15pm
I'm not sure I buy into experiencing others thoughts. If we have free will I think our thoughts are our own, but I could be wrong. I've thought about this a lot. Perhaps if someone gives permission then I would say it is certainly possible.

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by Vicky on Nov 17th, 2009 at 7:52pm
I had once experienced my husband's thoughts, word for word.  To me, I thought he had spoken out loud because I wasn't looking directly at him when I heard it.  Later we found out he was only thinking it and never spoke.  There was even a third person there as a witness to confirm what was and was not said. 

Now that I'm divorced, I can see how this kind of phenomenon probably contributed to many of our weird arguments, ha ha. 

Dude, can you remember back if you perhaps had set some intention to experience a new experience along this line?  Sometimes even subtle thoughts can work as intentions that bring new experiences to us. 

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 17th, 2009 at 8:34pm

I strongly believe that we telepathically communicate with each other during every interaction.  Usually we just pick up on other's feelings, but some are able to read others' thoughts.  There is much evidence of this in the parapsychological field. 

It has nothing to do with free will, but rather tapping into a natural, yet latent, function of our minds/brains.  We project each thought out into the universe, they are not just kept within our heads.  So when you think of it, all reading thoughts is is one individual picking up the thought energy projected from the other individual. 

And if you realize that we are all actually just one consciousness, and there exists above the astral planes the mental planes, in which all residents share a group mind (this has been experienced by many expert explorers), and that the mental planes are in fact the source of our thinking minds, then the idea of thought transference begins to appear more realistic.

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by recoverer on Nov 17th, 2009 at 9:03pm
There have been a few occasions where it seemed as if I experienced the life of another person for a short while. There have also been occasions where to a lesser extent I experienced the thoughts of other people.

There was one occasion when I was on a 9 hour airplane flight, I tried to meditate, and I experienced thoughts and imagery that seemed to have nothing to do with me. Perhaps I picked up on the mental activity of some of the passengers, or the people the plane flew over, or even elsewhere.

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by goobygirl on Nov 17th, 2009 at 10:52pm
I sometimes hear other people's thoughts as if they are speaking them. It freaks my family members out because I don't know the difference and they remind me, "hey, I didn't say that out loud" (usually they are thinking a question and I respond with the answer). Maybe that's just from knowing them well. The one time I really remember this is being in the doctor's office with my sister and I voiced a question she had for the doctor in her mind and later she said, "I HATE when you do that..."

But I heard her say it out loud (or so I thought) and I thought I was just merely repeating it...

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 17th, 2009 at 11:43pm

I don't believe I set any intentions to have this type of experience.  It's been happening for as long as I can remember.  I just recently began to become more consciously aware of it, which has led me to discover it's not just me thinking someone else's thoughts, or someone else's thoughts being put into my head, but more like I am actually becoming these other individuals, like our consciousness is merging in a way that makes me believe I am them.  Often times I will become some else who is engaged in a conversation with another individual on another level, talking about things or being involved with events that have absolutely no relation to my current life.

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 18th, 2009 at 12:29am
Recoverer, cool experience on the airplane.  My wife and I are flying back to Brazil soon-  I'll meditate on the plane and see if something similar happens. 

I feel that if we pay more attention to our thoughts while drifting off to sleep or during deep states of meditation, we will find that this phenomenon occurs more often than we may have imagined.

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by Beau on Nov 18th, 2009 at 6:18am
Dude. I wasn't discounting your experience. I was really more asking about free will. Yes, I believe in that dream state we are open to all kinds of possibilties. I am taking a lot of narcotics right now for my bi polar disorder to keep from getting out of control so I can go down and see my son. I think on the higher level we invite others into our minds so that we can share the universal. Rock On.

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 18th, 2009 at 3:45pm

It's fine, you're entitled to your beliefs.  I just wanted to share my perspective on the matter with you so maybe you could see it in another light; see where I am coming from. 

By the way, it happened again last night as I was meditating before bed.  All I remember is some sort of dialogue between me, who wasn't really me, and someone else.  I remember snapping out of it and telling my wife.  She thinks it's crazy lol (in a good way- she's very open minded).

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by Beau on Nov 18th, 2009 at 3:59pm
Dude, I think you are on to something. I had my first possible experience with f27 today. I wonder if your experience is rather related to a person who has given permission to have their thoughts read and even be inhabited. Ruth Montgomery wrote about it a lot and more and more I'm thinking she is not so crazy. ;)

Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by DocM on Nov 18th, 2009 at 3:59pm
You know, I've read of several different sources that tell of immediate communication by telepathy in the afterlife.  Some people write of "thought balls," which basically take the place of many minutes of verbal communication. 

Fascinating occurences, Dude.  I see one of several possibilities.  One is, as you outlined, that you may be connected to these people in some way (soul group or disc).  The other, is that you are traveling astrally and opening yourself to random low level mergings with dead people - though ultimately you are the boss.  A third possibility would be, that if reincarnation is real, these are past versions of you that are being encountered. 

Discernment can be difficult here.  I would add that you should set intent when you go OOB and add a prayer that the highest good guides your actions (some tapes at TMI do this - others say a prayer of protection). 

Either way, I'll be interested to see where this goes.



Title: Re: Experiencing others thoughts!?
Post by b2 on Nov 18th, 2009 at 7:46pm
Interesting, Dude. It would be interesting, also, to see if you can find out who they are, if it wouldn't be too invasive.

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