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Forums >> Afterlife Knowledge >> Where Are All The Explorers?

Message started by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 17th, 2009 at 12:00pm

Title: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 17th, 2009 at 12:00pm
This is an afterlife knowledge forum, so obviously the members here are interested in gaining knowledge of the nature of the afterlife.  And if anyone has read about Moen's explorations, or has simply browsed some of the posts here, it becomes apparent that it is possible to explore the realm of the afterlife while still physical and acquire firsthand knowledge. 

So my question to you is:  Why aren't you doing this?  Why aren't you exploring?  Or if you are, why aren't you speaking up and sharing your experiences? 

There are over 1000 members on this board.  And yet maybe maybe only 3% of us are actively communicating and sharing.  And maybe not even half of this 3% are engaged in conscious nonphysical exploration(or share their experiences anyway).

I challenge those members lying low and holding back to step up and become involved.  Join in on the conversations!  Share your thoughts!  Take active steps towards learning the art of conscious nonphysical travel!  Contribute to the life and vitality of this board and add to the richness of the diverse base of knowledge and experience!

You've been officially called out!!!    :D

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by DocM on Nov 17th, 2009 at 1:24pm

I applaud your call for posts.  I think Bets said it best on another thread/post - that it is amazing for most people in the West, with their fast paced lifestyles, kids, obligations, long work hours (and such), to have a minute to themselves.  So for many of us, we may be able to meditate for a short amount of time (with interruptions) each day.  This may not be enough for the vast majority of us to break through in a meaningful exploration.

Its not really an excuse, but a fact.  I myself have had a directed OOBE, and have seen that my deepest thought, done in relaxed meditation, changed probabilities in the physical world, akin to what some might see as "magic."  Those two experiences, plus a few direct dreams of my father immediately after he passed away, give me strong confidence that we are more than our physical bodies.  I certainly can not project like R. Bruce.  But I feel with continued meditation and stating intent, I will learn more and more.

I would like to see what others who haven't posted have to say, but understand if they don't want to post.


Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Beau on Nov 17th, 2009 at 1:49pm
Here Here! You go Dude--Awesome.

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by b2 on Nov 17th, 2009 at 3:35pm
I would love to see more postings of all kinds of experiences here on this forum. But posting and 'proving' of experiences should not be expected, rather received here in the spirit of cooperative sharing. Those who have hesitated to post their experiences need not be shy. Just 2 cents.

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Beau on Nov 17th, 2009 at 4:14pm
I'm kind of afraid of outer space and I think that holds me back on my journeys. I dream about playgrounds, but I feel silly talking about how that has influenced me, I guess. I'll try to do better.

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Rebecca on Nov 17th, 2009 at 9:10pm
I try, TRUST ME, I try.  I just don't "get it!"  I am able to dream lucidly and explore that way, but it doesn't happen very often.  The reason I stumbled onto Monroe and Moen is because I woke up outside of my body one morning and it scared me to death.  As a result, I researched possible reasons and came upon Monroe's books, then Moen's...I couldn't get enough.  If you are willing to come and get me nonphysically, I would be more than thrilled to explore "out there."  I'm just purely frustrated!!

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Vicky on Nov 17th, 2009 at 10:21pm
I have a blog where I've been posting some of my experiences. 

But as far as doing some of the things I set out to try and do...I'm not always lucky.  I try to figure out what is blocking me and work at all the facets of relaxation, meditation, intent, trust, focus, perception, does take a lot of committment and practice.

Thanks for asking people to share more, I agree!  I love to be able to share mine as well as read other people's experiences. 

Here's hoping I'll have something worth sharing soon...would love for a neat retrieval experience to happen...I want more experience with those. 


Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by spooky2 on Nov 18th, 2009 at 2:29am
I have been exploring more in the past and posted about it. Eventually, I got the feeling that the way I used to explore won't provide me with much more insights. I used the soft-phasing method, or as Bruce calls it, Focused Attention. While this is probably the most easy to learn method, what bugged me was that I couldn't blend out my body/the physical to a degree, where more vivid and detailed perceptions are possible. I'm working on a method which would start with Focused Awareness and eventually leads to a total fade out of physical perception, as I know it from my few OBEs. It's not easy for me, as I really seem to be quite glued to my body, except when I sleep and dream.


Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Beau on Nov 18th, 2009 at 6:37am
I have been exploring how the afterlife effects the here and now. I believe the afterlife has it's place but from this perspective it is a teacher of the NOW. So I don't push to explore but I do love to read about your exploits Dude. They are one of the main reasons I am here.

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Calypso on Nov 18th, 2009 at 10:16am
I'm trying hard to get out of body, even a few inches, but so far, no luck.  I am dying to reach the afterlife, but apparently will take a while.  No humor intended!

Has anybody been following the work of Monroe Institute grad Frank DeMarco?  He continues to have direct contact with afterlife entities, and put his transcripts of conversations with the entities in his book The Sphere and the Hologram.  It's pretty mindblowing.  The way he describes it seems like it is crazy simple to do, and I wonder if anyone else has had similar experiences? 

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by recoverer on Nov 18th, 2009 at 7:21pm
I've found that I receive information and have experiences according to what I need for my own growth, rather than having experiences that are exploratory in nature.

I've also found that regular dreams, waking dreams, lucid dreams and OBEs can be equally valid when it comes to receiving information. Information is information.

Nevertheless, I had an OBE this morning where everything seemed quite real and I was quite conscious,  yet I noticed at times that I wasn't able to see everything with perfect clarity not because it didn't exist in a clear manner, but because I didn't focus my attention sufficiently enough. As this took place I made a point of not doing anything that would cause me to phase out of the OBE.

I could sense a guide behind me as this took place.  At one point I saw a tunnel and flew through it. This tunnel had a square shape rather than a round shape. It was black. It led to a realm where I saw city streets with people walking around.  This place looked like an ordinary city, and I wondered why it didn't look heavenly in nature. It didn't feel heavenly.

On the other hand it didn't feel like a lower realm, and the people didn't seem negative. My guess is that they were materialistic while in the physical World, and are hanging out in this non-physical realm until they seek a higher way of being.

During the latter part of this experience I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked creepy. A shadow part of myself was being referred to. I'm not certain why. The other day I went to Whole Foods and only 2 registers were opened. I waited in line for more than 5 minutes and then a register opened to the right. People who just showed up went to that register without considering if some people had been waiting in line. The same thing happened with a register to the left, I became angry, asserted myself, and went to the front of the new line.

I figure it's okay to see how it isn't right for people to be so inconsiderate, but I didn't have to become angry.  I believe the creepy reflection I saw made the point of saying that I don't need to become feisty in order for things to be okay. Strength and uncontrolled anger aren't the same thing.

A few other things happened during the OBE but I figure I've shared enough.

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by betson on Nov 19th, 2009 at 6:10pm

Recoverer, do you suppose your OBE after the Whole Foods incident was based on a theme that large scale commercialism is deadening to the soul?  (Even in a whole Foods Store  :)  )

Regarding the question where the explorers are-- I am so leery of reporting any OB experiences anymore because I've caught my Interpretor mixing up so much! And with no lag time or sense of uncertainty! It's only after some time passes or when a 'prophecy' happens in C1 that I know what the exploration was about, and then it's so late that the fun of discovery is gone.

Also I've been befuddled by the changing nature of my OB experiences.  Many people equate OB with astral body travel, as I did when I first came here. But when the method changes, without any signs or signals as to what is going on, it's easy for me to get confused, at least until I realize  "oh, now I must be using my Mental subtle body rather than Astral;" and then later mental gets traded in for the next one.

Now I've come to realize that one's astral body can be out picking up some perceptions, while the mental etc etc bodies are out too, doing other things!

Since I'm chatting on about these, yesterday I had a new exploration: a probe went out of me to a neighbor's and did a healing, all on it's own! All I did was think to myself that those neighbors  unfortunately seemd to be having some trouble and i wondered how one could help without getting nosey.  I felt a line with a blip on the end unravel from my head and shortly its sense of movement stopped, then I felt the purr or gentle vibration of PUL but it was out at the end of the line. I asked what was going on and got some sort of answer like 'neighbor healing.' That's a new one for me and I have no idea what subtle body was doing that exploration, if indeed it could be called a subtle body.

Explorers may be out exploring and not know how to report their explorations.  :)


Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Ralph Buskey on Nov 21st, 2009 at 1:47am

I felt a line with a blip on the end unravel from my head and shortly its sense of movement stopped, then I felt the purr or gentle vibration of PUL but it was out at the end of the line. I asked what was going on and got some sort of answer like 'neighbor healing.' That's a new one for me and I have no idea what subtle body was doing that exploration, if indeed it could be called a subtle body.

Hello Betson.

   I could feel myself perform the sentence as  I read it, but just end up back in my body. I have such a strong pull to my physical body right now that I can't break away. When I attempt to sleep maybe I'll get lucky.


Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by nonphysicalguy on Nov 21st, 2009 at 7:36pm
Its been a while since my last OOBE, but this morning I had a lucid dream which was pretty neat.  I was being chased by some people, and the only way to escape was to fly away.  I tried, but it was difficult- I wasn't getting that high off the ground.  Then I realized- wait- if I can fly, then I must be dreaming.  Im dreaming!  I flew up as high as possible, until all that was around me was blackness mixed with hues of different colors of the rainbow.  I then hit a ceiling, as if I was in some kind of sky dome.  I remembered that I was dreaming and could do anything, so I started to go through it.  I felt the ceiling go through me, it was a very strange sensation.  I got halfway through and got stuck.  I then squirmed my way all the way out.  I slipped back into my normal dream state after this.  Short expeirence, but cool.  You're right, I should be doing this more often, I realize Im being lazy.  I need to being some kind of program to have these experiences all the time.  Any suggestions?

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Vicky on Nov 21st, 2009 at 8:25pm
Nonphysical guy,

If you want to have more lucid dreams, keep doing what you just did...tell yourself when you are dreaming.  Some practice for this is to ask yourself during the day, "Am I dreaming?"  The answer is no, but you need to allow yourself to reason why the answer is no.  Feel why the answer is no.  The point of it is that your mind will do this out of habit, and after a few days you will find yourself doing this during a dream...asking yourself if this could be a dream.  Then, something in the dream will alert you to the fact that it is indeed a dream.  It's just a way to cause a habit of thinking in this way. 

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Ralph Buskey on Nov 22nd, 2009 at 4:06pm
   I remember in one of his books, Carlos Casteneda was taught by his nagual teacher Don Juan Matus to think of seeing his hands while in a dream, then he could make it a lucid dream and do what he wanted in it.


Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by tgecks on Nov 22nd, 2009 at 9:18pm
I am glad to see the replies as well. I often have felt "out on a limb" when I post, and have been the only one organizing any PEs at all it seems. Practice is the key, and intention, of course. But 95% of it is intention.

I am an avid explorer, and have used other methods, like Drunvalo Melchizedek's FLOWER OF LIFE Merkaba Meditation, and High-Spin M-state materials like White Powdered Gold and other platinum group metals to enhance the expanded state of awareness. I believe we are exploring an overtone of the fourth dimension when we go to (monroe-speak) Focus 27, the Park at the end of the Tunnel of Light, the Rainbow Bridge, the Antekarana-- there are many terms for it. Actually I believe (as Drunvalo said, too) that this is really an inner exploration.... I have come to realize that TMI does not really let you go very far at all. Thankfully, with practice, one can soar with the wings of an eagle, no matter where it is we explore. It is only important that we do.


Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Ralph Buskey on Nov 22nd, 2009 at 10:35pm
   When I was a member of Eckankar, I learned that you have to shed your etheric and astral bodies before you can reach the Soul plane. Once you reach the soul plane then out of body travel is no longer necessary. You travel as yourself, or soul (atma).

   This is how we should be to reach the God worlds.


Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Beau on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 6:34pm
I'm just beginning to explore but I'm enjoying the ride. I've been busy here figuring out what I think about this place and how to bring a, pardon the term, Heavenly change about by using my imagination . Yes I Imagine (I'm a genie) get it? ;D

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by nonphysicalguy on Nov 29th, 2009 at 12:33am
I'll tell you where all the explorers are:  on the Astral Dynamics and Astral Pulse forums!  Those forums are swarming with explorers: verterans,  rookies, and everyone in between.  Granted, those forums have far more members, but it seems they also have a much higher percentage of members actually exploring and posting their experiences.

I see that several members on this site also post on those other sites, and I see why.  There is too much speculation without experience here; on the AD and AP forums there is a higher percentage of theory based on or backed by personal experience.  As I recall, there have been members from these other forums who come here and are immediately turned off by the know-it-all and intolerant attitudes of several members here; on the other forums it seems that posts are more experience-oriented and therefore more helpful and knowledgeable.

I must admit, however, that certain members here definitely know what they are talking about, and this forum seems to have a more personal touch, perhaps do to its smaller population. 

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Beau on Nov 29th, 2009 at 1:07am
I spent a little time on astral pulse and got some of Frank Keppler's stuff to try. It was pretty cool. I like it here because it is friendly mostly. There are a few who are very experienced but dealing with some kind of weird fear for others that gets on my nerves a bit, but mostly everyone is polite and quite kind.

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by b2 on Nov 29th, 2009 at 7:45am
Perhaps it is good to note that this forum might serve different purposes than one devoted more exclusively to 'exploring'. Many types of searchers find their way to this forum, grieving all kinds of personal losses, fighting suicidal feelings, confused over religious issues, etc. etc. We have grievers and dreamers and singers and debaters. Just a grab-bag of possibilities here, and not always focused on the nitty-gritty details of exploring.

But that is not to say that more explorers would be unappreciated. What becomes confusing for some people is that the types of exploring can be so numerous. OBE, F27, etc. etc. are terms which don't always have meaning unless someone is actively searching for that meaning. There are overlaps and disagreements in understanding of terms, just to start off.

So, perhaps we are fortunate that we achieve any exchange of a meaningful nature. I think if a person is sincerely practicing opening up, they will find a suitable location to learn what is needed. Sometimes a more 'challenging' learning environment is just right for some purposes.

For me, a huge benefit to this forum is that the activity is heavy enough to remain lively over time, but light enough to be followed fairly closely, without a huge investment in personal time. This allows me to notice interactions which I might have missed on a larger or differently focused forum. But I can easily see that improvements could be made, anytime, by anyone who would like to contribute.

Title: Re: Where Are All The Explorers?
Post by Beau on Nov 29th, 2009 at 9:38am
I was very happy to have this forum when we lost our nephew Jeremy. Now I know he is with his Dad, Mitch playing guitar in my pub in f27. Man that kid can play. I will miss him till I see he's back or I'm there again. So much work to do in the meantime.

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