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Message started by george stone on Nov 15th, 2009 at 9:44pm

Title: 2012 true or false
Post by george stone on Nov 15th, 2009 at 9:44pm
What will happen in 2012.its been on the history chanlel all this week.will the world be distroyed? George

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by Beau on Nov 15th, 2009 at 10:12pm
Perhaps a new world will be born for those who want it.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by b2 on Nov 16th, 2009 at 6:31am
for goodness sakes, the world is being destroyed right now...and i'm not lookin too good anymore either....


i'd love to think it's all peace and light raining down on us but 2012 hoopla makes me think the work is almost over when i can see clearly that it is not

will all the lights go on and we all discover the truth? seems like the lights are on all over the place for anyone who wants to notice     stop following your own shadow, anyone?

kidding, i don't know what's in the future except that we're here now, are we having fun yet?

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by Beau on Nov 16th, 2009 at 6:57am
My first bi polar experience was during the harmonic convergence. I was in NYC at the time. It  seemed very little changed but I think time stopped then and that OUI still live in the 1980s we are no older than then. this future is just an illusion and perhaps 2012 will wash it away. We weren't ready then for what was to come but now I think we are. Not distruction maybe except of old ways. We live and love forever like a wheel and it's turning. We are perpetual motion and we will see the stars. We have the perfect president to take in that age now. I truly believe this and if you don't you just aren't seeing it the way I do. I say Make it so and Engage. :)

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by b2 on Nov 16th, 2009 at 9:08am
Now that's interesting. Time stopped in 1980? We weren't ready? Somehow that all makes perfect sense to me.

Yes, Obama. It would be nice if I could believe all the sweet words about human rights, freedom of expression and religion. It certainly sounds very good, and, yes, none of us is 'predestined' to be another's enemy. So, all very well and good.

Let me see an end to war. Let me see it first.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by floriferous on Nov 16th, 2009 at 12:18pm
as far as i was aware, the Mayans calendar ends in 2012 not because the world ends but because they said we will think of time in a different way therefore there will be no need for a calendar after 2012. But of course a lot of people fail to acknowledge this key element and just assume the world will end.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by Beau on Nov 16th, 2009 at 1:23pm
It will be the end of the world for those who like by the Calendar, I guess

I think the earth will process on it's axis and shake things up a bit, but no biggie for those who are ready for it. It might happen over night.

But I should point out that the Modern Day Mayans think 2012 is strictly a western ideology. Then again most people don't believe in much these days...but I dare say that is going to change.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by detheridge on Nov 17th, 2009 at 6:18am
According to Barbara Hand Clow ( and Carl Johann Calleman ( the Mayan Calendar actually ends in August 2011.
So it's later than you think? :(


Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by Beau on Nov 17th, 2009 at 7:23am
2011 is the info I get too. It was my first experience with the calendar. Thank you for reminding me. I think it is sometime around Obama's birthday for what it's worth. I'm glad he's in there. I trust him implicitly.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by juditha on Nov 17th, 2009 at 1:00pm
hi i think myself that in december 21st 2012,everyone in the world will be more spiritually aware as when i went to the spiritualist church ,there was a medium there and he said spirit were saying that everyone will know that the spiritworld exists,there will be no doubt anymore and also that the world will not end and will never end as it is there for the learning so that we can evolve,so i dont beleive that there will be any catasthrophic disaster.

love and god bless love juditha

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by Beau on Nov 17th, 2009 at 5:20pm
Glad to see you cheering up Juditha! ;)

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by Beau on Nov 19th, 2009 at 7:26am
I saw 2012 today and while it was exciting it was very much a Hollywood take on the disaster/. I beleive we will have help from above whatever that means to you.

Danny Glover was an excellent president and I am sure his character was based on OBAMA. I know we have the right man in office to make 2011 or 2112 as some say a very high understanding of world peace. He can play the game but he knows why he is here as much as we do. Live long and prosper my sweet friends. We have a freindship without end and it can never sink. If it does I will find you and swim you to the nearest shore. I love you all.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by CharleyTuna on Nov 19th, 2009 at 11:52am
False. It will just be another day.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by recoverer on Nov 19th, 2009 at 4:20pm
Perhaps the validity of Barbara Hand Clow is worth questioning.

She is yet another so-called channeler who speaks of Lucifer. Such a being doesn't exist. The book of Isaiah speaks of a fallen king of Babylonia, a physical person. About a thousand years later Pope Damasuc commissioned a man named Jerome to do some translations,  and Jerome made a translational error and changed a fallen king into a fallen angel.

People who claim to channel higher level beings and speak of Lucifer really show their ignorance of what Biblical history shows. They also show how they make things up, because why else would they speak of a being who doesn't exist?

It is unfortunate that many people have no problem questioning religion, yet they have a hard time questioning channeled sources.

detheridge wrote on Nov 17th, 2009 at 6:18am:
According to Barbara Hand Clow ( and Carl Johann Calleman ( the Mayan Calendar actually ends in August 2011.
So it's later than you think? :(


Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by juditha on Nov 19th, 2009 at 4:34pm
hi recoverer i wonder why jesus talked of satan,he talked of this many times in the bible,with all love and respect to you, even jesus recognised that satan was about as he sent satan out of this man into a herd of swine and also commanded satan to leave this mad person,so why did jesus mention satan if he did not exist.

love and god bless  love juditha

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by recoverer on Nov 19th, 2009 at 4:57pm

The Bible speaks of Satan in various contradictory ways. Some people believe the story of Lucifer explains Satan's origin, but it doesn't, since a fallen angel named Lucifer never existed.

Consider the below. Jesus referred to Peter as Satan. Certainly he didn't actually believe that Peter was Satan or that Satan spoke through Peter. Peter said what he said out of concern, not because he opened up to evil influence. As seen below, Jesus told Peter that he is seeing things merely from a human point of view. He didn't say an evil viewpoint. Satan is a generic way of saying adversary or false accuser.

Matthew 16:21-23:
“From then on Jesus began to tell his disciples plainly that it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, and that he would suffer many terrible things at the hands of the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. He would be killed, but on the third day he would be raised from the dead.

But Peter took him aside and began to reprimand him for saying such things. “Heaven forbid, Lord,” he said. “This will never happen to you!”

Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's.”

Another example,

Revelation 2:13 reads: “I know that you live in the city where Satan has his throne, yet you have remained faithful to me.” When considering if a supernatural being is referred to with this verse, it is important to note that when the messages to the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatria, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea are given, only Pergamum is named as the city where Satan has his throne. Pergamum is the city where a temple with a statue of the mythological Greek God Zeus was kept. Some scholars believe that Revelation 2:13 refers to this statue. Perhaps John (the author of Revelation) was opposed to the fact that such a temple and statue existed within Pergamum.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by heisenberg69 on Nov 19th, 2009 at 5:19pm
I am reminded of my old RE teacher who assured the class that the greatest trick of the Devil was to convince people that he did'nt exist ( after C.S Lewis I think). Even my teenage brain could see through the fallacy of this one. Some of the greatest tyrants in history have seen the work of the Devil in many things  ( Tomás de Torquemada 'the grand inquisitor', witchfinder general Mathew Hopkins ) indeed that was their 'raison d'etre'.

If I was the Devil I would be trying to get people to see me everywhere ...


Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by recoverer on Nov 19th, 2009 at 6:07pm
If a person allows his (or herself) to buy into that Devil's greatest trick thing, due to fear he won't allow himself to question with an open and intelligent mind whether or not Satan exists. This is quite a trap to bind one's self in. 

How can a person possibly determine if a being such as the devil exists, if he is afraid to find out?

I don't know the history behind this saying, but it is probably a platitude some unknowing person made up one day, and many people have since been led astray.

I've had a number of experiences that let me know that as long as a person chooses to live according to love and light, there is no evil being out there who has the power to force such a person to act against his will.

heisenberg69 wrote on Nov 19th, 2009 at 5:19pm:
I am reminded of my old RE teacher who assured the class that the greatest trick of the Devil was to convince people that he did'nt exist ( after C.S Lewis I think). Even my teenage brain could see through the fallacy of this one. Some of the greatest tyrants in history have seen the work of the Devil in many things  ( Tomás de Torquemada 'the grand inquisitor', witchfinder general Mathew Hopkins ) indeed that was their 'raison d'etre'.

If I was the Devil I would be trying to get people to see me everywhere ...


Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by recoverer on Nov 19th, 2009 at 6:54pm
I believe people who tell other people they can't question whether or not Satan exists insult the intelligence of the people they try to limit with their fear-based, unexamined ideas.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by b2 on Nov 19th, 2009 at 8:05pm
It is certainly enlightening to understand the real meaning of the word 'Satan', but that doesn't really help so much if someone is convinced you are the 'devil', calling you Satan, just worked up all about the idea of Satan. To such a person, Satan is real, seems to me. The word is said, sometimes, like a curse, like an evil curse on whatever or whomever someone or their preferred group doesn't like in life.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by recoverer on Nov 19th, 2009 at 8:25pm
It is unfortunate that some people believe that you have to believe in the existance of Satan in order to be on track spiritually.

Positive inspiration is much more meaningful than being feared into acting in a particular way.

To get back on track  ;), positive inspiration will lead us into 2012 better than a fear based approach, because a fear based approach will cause people to be combative rather than embracing.

Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by heisenberg69 on Nov 20th, 2009 at 10:39am
very true - but a belief in a devil figure seems to be a big part of many people's belief systems. I wonder if a kind of thoughtform Satan exists because so many people believe in him....much like the 'fear of death' harpy Bruce encountered.


Title: Re: 2012 true or false
Post by Ralph Buskey on Nov 20th, 2009 at 11:43pm
   Knowledge is the key to unlock the fear of the unknown. Everyone needs to self educate themselves in order to prevent stupid mistakes.

   A Mayan elder came forward recently and said that the writings were miss-interpreted. It really means that Quetzalcoatl will be returning after that date, not that a catastrophe will come.


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