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Message started by Beau on Nov 12th, 2009 at 12:19pm

Title: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by Beau on Nov 12th, 2009 at 12:19pm
Hi Bruce,

I've had some epiphanies of late and you may have of covered this in the books and I somehow missed it, but is it possible that F27 is actually a future vision of C1.

I have been playing with idea that C1=F20.

I know it stretches the idea a bit, but I have written my big fat TOE and if you would like to see it I will email it to you. It's only 8.21 pages long, that's right not 821 pages like some have used. If so just pm me or reply.

Your books have been incredibly instrumental in my way of looking at things. Thanks a ton.


Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by Beau on Nov 12th, 2009 at 1:31pm
Guise, anyone can comment on this, I just wanted to get Bruce's attention too.

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 12th, 2009 at 3:16pm

This is going to sound strange.  But.  If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to see your big fat TOE.

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by recoverer on Nov 12th, 2009 at 3:44pm
Mt big toe is that nobody's big toe is completely right. :)

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by Beau on Nov 12th, 2009 at 3:50pm
i follow the kiss principle..keep it simple stupid.

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by Bruce Moen on Nov 14th, 2009 at 5:04am

Beau wrote on Nov 12th, 2009 at 12:19pm:
is it possible that F27 is actually a future vision of C1.

I have been playing with idea that C1=F20.

I feel something similar to what you are asking about.  Sort of like, "what would happen if all the barriers between compartments of human consciousness, the 'walls or veils' between C1 and F27 for example, suddenly dissolved.?"

Everyone physically living in C1 could see, hear and be in F27 at will.   What would that be like for people?

That's kind of my version of C1=F27.


Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by detheridge on Nov 14th, 2009 at 7:16am
Hi Bruce,
is this already starting to happen?
The reason I'm asking is thanks to Thomas (Tgecks) who posted some time ago that the BSTs are being cleared.
Ready for the jump to F27?

Best wishes,

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by Beau on Nov 14th, 2009 at 9:46am
Thank you Bruce,

What you have said is exactly what I mean and it means so much to me that you replied. I couldn't have finished my TOE with out books and discs. you are amazing.

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by Beau on Nov 14th, 2009 at 10:01am
I wrote this song for you Bruce,

Focus: Twin E's Heaven
You tell me Heaven is a place
Maybe not with pearly gates
But still a place that places you among the status quo.
I don't know

You tell me the climate changes
Are not your concern of late and
God's got all this trouble we see under control
I don't know

I would like to have a place to go
When the water flows too far above my head
It wouldn't really be a place for show
But in the end it's not a bad place to be dead
I could sing with my friends and party there
With lots of the good life for us all to share
That's when I always get your cold blank stare

Focus 27 (twin Es Heaven) may be the place for me
Maybe Focus 27 could hold the key
It makes good sense as a means to an in
I think I could say Bon Voyage to your trivial sins and YES OUI you could be in
Because Focus 27 may be my own Godsend
For me

Brother do you see E?
For energy is everything
Brother you see E
And energy waits not for thee
The M.O. 's the inner G  this time around
This Modus Operandi casts your life upon the town
Mass Energy M -E -M -E -M -E, that's ME! You! We! Oui?
Brother, you see E

My mother taught me how to chase
My father taught me not to waste
My sister teaches me not to be in haste to close my show
I don't know

All your words are passionate
But I think that's too rational
Aren't my dreams just as real as this world you suppose
You don't know
Br. U C E  M.O. E is N
Bm C, Bm C, Bm C  D C G D,  F#  C#  B

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by carl on Nov 14th, 2009 at 3:01pm

detheridge wrote on Nov 14th, 2009 at 7:16am:
Hi Bruce,
is this already starting to happen?
The reason I'm asking is thanks to Thomas (Tgecks) who posted some time ago that the BSTs are being cleared.
Ready for the jump to F27?

Best wishes,

I heard that too from a person who was running a spiritual retreat on a 20 acre property I was attending in the late 1990's. She said that the lower astral sub-planes(BST's, Hollow Hells etc in Monroe speak)were slowly being cleared out! Sincerely. Carl

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by DocM on Nov 14th, 2009 at 3:23pm
I would love to be optimistic, but if people go to wherever their mind takes them, judging by the current state of love and morals we see across the world, the hells and belief systems should be gaining ground day by day.  The only way I could believe in the belief systems being cleared would be if it was being done on the spiritual plane by those from focus 27, in some way. 

I like Bruce's notion that even if the focus levels are still there, the barriers may come down so that we could see from here to the other areas without much effort.

The knowledge that we survived death in the physical world would change many things.


Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by Beau on Nov 14th, 2009 at 3:39pm
The G.O.D.s are among us, Matthew. Just waiting for us to decide which way we're gonna go. Good luck finding something else you can stick with.

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by DocM on Nov 14th, 2009 at 3:42pm

Not sure what you are talking about Beau.  I like your posts, but think you sometimes might not be reading mine.  Something else?  Beside what?

This idea that the hells and BSTs are emptying out was not found by most people.  It was a guess, a question really.  Bruce did not mention it. 

I tend to be one of the more optimistic, love oriented posters on this site (if I do say so myself).  I think maybe you are on an acronym high, or something.

Good luck to you too.


Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by Beau on Nov 14th, 2009 at 4:07pm
Peephole see what they want to see, Matthew. I'don't mean disrespect and yes I do read you all your posts since I got on board, as best I can tell.

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by Beau on Nov 15th, 2009 at 11:49am
Matthew all I meant by something else was that in case you aren't open to my idea that you find something that you feel comfortable with. . I love you posts and wouldn't want them any other way. You make me think mister.

Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by heisenberg69 on Nov 15th, 2009 at 1:35pm
The question of whether spiritually, things are improving over time is an interesting one ( re- the hollow heavens/hells). I rememeber attending a large mediumistic exhibition several years ago when the medium was asked if he ever encountered 'evil' beings in his work. His answer impressed me. He said he encountered the sad, the lonely, the frightened, the angry, but not the evil....and he would keep encountering them as long as we kept sending them over like that ! In other words it was up to each of us to do something about it.

On balance I think we are improving 'spiritually'. The tv may seem to suggest otherwise but as a student of history I see the acceptance of behaiour in the past which we simply would not accept today. My theory is that as we grow instances of cruelty, intolerance etc. show up in ever increasing contrast so that examples of such are given ever increasing attention and subsequent soul searching.Because of this attention psyhologically we think things are getting worse.The truth is in the past we simply would'nt have noticed it.

In my lifetime attitudes have changed so much - my children are aghast to learn how beating was accepted at my secondary school. Now the teachers would be prosecuted.In the past state torture was an accepted practice now we recognise that its wrong behaviour.

I certainly believe, however, that we have a long way to go !


Title: Re: A question for Bruce Moen
Post by heisenberg69 on Nov 15th, 2009 at 1:38pm
Sorry about the typos- heavy night of 80s disco dancing last night !


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