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Message started by Seraphis1 on Nov 11th, 2009 at 10:20am

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 11th, 2009 at 10:20am

Robert Monroe told me I was a member of his cluster

I'd also like to hear the story behind this!  Good idea for another thread perhaps...[/quote]

Hi Dude and Others:

About a week before I went to TMI Guidelines, I was doing my daily sessions when I saw Robert Monroe… I said hello and he said hello… he appeared at least twice more and we talked… in one of the talks he said I was a member of his disc… (This is why I was asked not to die [see my thread the day my universe changed]. In Guidelines when I went to Focus 21 I found out I have a residence there… it is a Greco/Roman portico... white marble... stone seats on either side a recliner... it overlooks a lovely blue lake against a backdrop of white granite mountains... much more happened, I had a healing of my male/female polarities… when this happened Nancy Monroe appeared in the foreground… and Robert stood slightly behind and to her right, my left… essentially, I am TOO male… they worked on my energy fields and I am in the process of balancing my male/female polarities…

There is a lot more... don't want to bore you folks...!!  :-?

Hope this was interesting to you all…

Seraphis1 ~ Sun God of the Temple of Isis  ::)

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by betson on Nov 11th, 2009 at 10:42am
That's wonderful, Seraphis!

No wonder you are so enthusiastic!

Had you read much of Monroe's work before you went to TMI and met him?


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 11th, 2009 at 10:48am

betson wrote on Nov 11th, 2009 at 10:42am:
That's wonderful, Seraphis!

No wonder you are so enthusiastic!

Had you read much of Monroe's work before you went to TMI and met him?


Hi Bets: I first read jootb when it first came out in the '60 (???)... then, I seemed to get a signal over the years, but, I ignored it...  :-[.  Finally My Universe changed and things just dropped into place... I guess the Disc... figured I was ready and they don't want to lose anybody... reeling everyone in must be some... job...  :) But, I'm ready, willing and able...  ;D

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by betson on Nov 11th, 2009 at 10:54am

Several of us here are on that schedules. It's like the www internet had to get developed to give us the chance to share live, on-going information and connections.

I'm not trying to barge in on Monroe's Disc family; I sense that mine differs.  But we can still learn from and support each other through these M and M websites  :)


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Beau on Nov 11th, 2009 at 11:21am
It occurs to me that perhaps you are neither He or She but simply E. E=M(mass) see square ;). You're not really a square, buddy.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 11th, 2009 at 11:58pm

Beau wrote on Nov 11th, 2009 at 11:21am:
It occurs to me that perhaps you are neither He or She but simply E. E=M(mass) see square ;). You're not really a square, buddy.

Hi Beau: There is a whole process involved... and much more to the story, but, I won't go into it because it is quite involved... I will tell you this... it has to do with my past lives and their effect on me in present time... Nancy and Bob have been working on me for sometime without my knowledge... guidelines threw some light on this... it goes back quite a ways... I am only now putting all the pieces together and understand the depth of their involvement with me... and quite unknown by me until Guidelines... they are serious about getting... escape velocity...  8-)

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by goobygirl on Nov 12th, 2009 at 1:24am
It seems that eventually we all return to the light, or origin, eventually. If that is true, then why should escape velocity matter when it happens?

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Beau on Nov 12th, 2009 at 4:32am
When the stage goes dark the actor has little choice but to look for the light. Unless he wants to remain in the dark all his life. what good is that?

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 12th, 2009 at 8:13am

goobygirl wrote on Nov 12th, 2009 at 1:24am:
It seems that eventually we all return to the light, or origin, eventually. If that is true, then why should escape velocity matter when it happens?

Hi: All I can say about that is this... the subject is far too involved for this forum... see far journeys and ultimate journey... Look for monroe's description of the disk wink out... see moen's voyage of curiousities father... he talks about the goal of the disk and in his cosmograph he gives the sense of the primary goals... essentially long and short... monroe is gathering all the members of his disk in to wink out... the disk generally will not wink out without getting all its members together...  :)

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 12th, 2009 at 11:49am

goobygirl wrote on Nov 12th, 2009 at 1:24am:
It seems that eventually we all return to the light, or origin, eventually. If that is true, then why should escape velocity matter when it happens?

Hi Goobygirl: Here are the references to review if you want to get into the goal of the disk and winking out:

Bruce Moen's ~ Voyage to Curiosity's Father Chapter 2: Curiousity's Story Revisited. Chap 22 - Disk Consciousness

Of course: Ultimate Journey (Maybe Far Journey.. I don't have access to these books at the moment.)

Let me know if you really care about this because there is an interesting walk-in writer who describes the mechanics of the disk construction...

Seraphis1 :)

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by spooky2 on Nov 12th, 2009 at 9:46pm
I, too, had the impression of meeting Bob on some of my mind journeys. He told me something about "inner" and "outer" perception. Does that ring any bells?

And yes, as far as I remember, in "UJ" (I think) he mentioned the Institute would help to gather together his I/There cluster, to complete it, so that it can wink out and create another system.


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Beau on Nov 12th, 2009 at 11:51pm
Guise, all that goo is fine with me I'm just saying is it a vision of the future C1. Heaven on Earth for God's Sake, that's all I'm saying :D

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 13th, 2009 at 1:19am

spooky2 wrote on Nov 12th, 2009 at 9:46pm:
I, too, had the impression of meeting Bob on some of my mind journeys. He told me something about "inner" and "outer" perception. Does that ring any bells?

And yes, as far as I remember, in "UJ" (I think) he mentioned the Institute would help to gather together his I/There cluster, to complete it, so that it can wink out and create another system.


Hi Spooky: Remember there are a lot of probes who are members of Roberts Disk... how many I have no idea... if robert is talking to you... you certainly could be in this disk... but remember what Moen says about this... all the members must be gathered in... the disk rarely leaves anyone behind... read Voyage of Curiosities Father...(sp???) You also must return voluntarily...

In Ultimate Journey the Monroe disk is allowing three thousand years to complete the project to achieve escape velocity...


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 13th, 2009 at 12:28pm
I must admit, and I'm sure a lot of people were thinking this- it seems a bit far fetched, in fact even pompous and self-delusory, to claim that one is a member of Monroe's disk.  I even believe that Moen is going a bit overboard with this claim.  You must realize that there are most likely hundreds of Monroe/Moen followers who believe they are members of their disks.  I mean, your experience is your experience, and if someone says that Monroe came to them and told them they were in his disk, then I take their word for it.  But keep in mind there are other possibilities regarding the nature of this experience.  It just seems soooo unlikely.  I mean, consider the odds of this.  Borderline ridiculous.  It's just very hard for me to take this seriously.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 13th, 2009 at 1:55pm
Just wanted to add, I don't mean to offend anyone!  Seraphis...  You're the man! 

Perhaps what I am looking for is a little convincing.  Not that it should be important to you to convince me, but this is what I am asking for, so hopefully you can humor me. 

I just think that if one is going to make such a bold claim, it should first be analyzed thoroughly from all angles. 

One angle is the experience of talking with Robert.  Are you sure it was really him and not a manifestation of your mind?  Did he prove his reality to you in any way?  Why are you convinced it was him?  Did he go into detail about your involvement with him and your Disk?  Can you reconnect and talk to Monroe again, at will?  Why did he come to you then?  I'm Not saying that I doubt your experience!  I'm just looking at it with a broader perspective.  I'm truly interested, or else I wouldn't be asking these questions.

The second angle is proving to yourself that you really are part of Monroe's Disk, first hand.  This involves the nonphysical experience of your disk- connecting with your higher self in an altered state and seeing if what Monroe told you is true. 

A conversation with a being in an altered state of consciousness is obviously not proof that this being was who he said he was and it's not proof that what was said to you is true.  I personally don't need proof of these things- but I feel you should have the desire to obtain this proof for yourself.  I'm sure it must feel amazing to be convinced that you are part of Monroe's Disk.  But is there any substance to this conviction?  This is something you should be exploring, my friend. 

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by DocM on Nov 13th, 2009 at 2:02pm
The disc concept is, what TMI and Bruce's exploration has shown to be part of a soul grouping or higher self.  However, this is their experience.

Other writers such as past life enthusiast Michael Newton, have written about "soul groups," which we belong to.  Swedenborg talks of this in the 17th century.  We know this in some ways, when we meet someone or have a friend so close we feel we have known them forever.

So on the one hand, I think it is intuitively obvious that we have clusters of spirits/friends we travel with and are attracted to.  On the other hand, I still put the disc theory of soul evolution in as a theory - the greater reality being their is no separation between us as individuals and everything else. 

The idea that people doing TMI are part of Monroe's group or disc may or may not be true (no way to verify for sure, since the disc theory is just that a theory). 

From one perspective, since we are all part of a unity under God, it strikes me as adding unnecessary subdivisions to invent a disc to return to.  Because then that disc must return to a greater unity, and eventually God. 

Most references to God in the great religions refer to monotheism and warn against idolatry.  In some ways, they are warning against just this concept.  Why not worship the disc as all powerful and all knowing?  You see what I'm saying?  Man runs into problems because while incarnate on earth he sees himself as separate from God and creation (the basis for many Eastern religions).  So why on earth would we then construct a disc theory which we must go through on our journey back to God, when we could open ourselves to love, love to our fellow beings and God, and cut through the red tape of false divisions of duality.

However, while I'm in my unique perspective of dualism, I don't doubt that there are soul groups we commune with and belong to, and return to mull things over with after death, and in life.

Has anyone thought that this forum sort of acts as one big disc, where we interact, learn and exchange ideas?


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by recoverer on Nov 13th, 2009 at 3:32pm

I don't believe people are into worshiping disks/higher selves/I-theres/whatever name you want, that would be like worshiping one's self.

One is just as likely to worship one's disk, as one is likely to worship a soul group.

Therefore, it isn't about worshiping idols.

In a way, it is like being connected to your spirit family.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by DocM on Nov 13th, 2009 at 4:02pm
I'm just saying, be careful, Albert, because there is a component of idolatry/self worship involved.  Look at the recent discussion threads.  Some have stated their ultimate goal/goals as merging with their disc.  So the disc is something to be looked to as the crowning achievement.  But where does God fit into all of this, and where is the unity of it all?

I liken this to Swedenborg speaking of people arriving in the post-mortem state and not understanding that the trinity really represents God, but not separate entities.  Some would worship the Father, some the Son, or the holy Spirit, when in fact, as ES God was the foundation behind the love that we all strive for, and was the totality that encompassed the trinity (without separation).  Those who couldn't grasp the concept, went off on their own.

The unifying principle of PUL/love seems so elegant to me.  That there is a God who is the source of it seems so obvious as to be almost too obvious (and therefore missed by many).  When I think of the above two lines of thought, and then I hear that for some people, the main goal is to merge with the disc to complete their task, I feel something is missing. 

But that is just my take on things.


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by recoverer on Nov 13th, 2009 at 4:17pm

I agree that the goal is to come closer to God, not to become one with our disk with no thought given towards God. 

Disks and soul groups are a means to a greater end.

I believe a day will come where we will be a part of the oneness, and it'll be hard to think of our disk mates/soul group members as being closer to us than other beings.

I believe disks operate according to divine will.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by recoverer on Nov 13th, 2009 at 4:24pm
I'd like to add that love can be shared in many ways. Sometimes with lovers, sometimes with friends, sometimes with family members, sometimes with disk members, sometimes with soul group members, sometimes with other beings, sometimes with God.

Also, some people don't know what to make of God because of some of the labels he has been associated with. If people seek spiritual love, they are headed in the right direction.

I figure God has no problem with us finding it joyful to share love with each other in the various ways we exist. I don't believe he becomes jealous.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by recoverer on Nov 13th, 2009 at 4:47pm
I'd like to add that I stopped reading Swendenborg's heaven and hell because even though he has some good things to say, on more than one occassion he stated that some people end up in hell "forever."

In one paragraph he wrote that some people are cast into hell right after death head first with their feet sticking out.

When he spoke of people going to hell he made no mention of why many people develop in a negative way. There are so many negative influences in this World. Many people are likely to be influenced in a negative way.

One of the reasons we incarnate into this World is so we can learn to live according to love and choose wisely. It isn't reasonable to expect people to be done with the lesson plan before they have a chance to complete it.

Therefore, when I listen to my heart and common sense, Swedenborg is too indifferent to souls who supposedly end up in hell forever.

I doubt souls would choose to incarnate into lives that have negative influences if they understood there is a good chance they might end up in hell for all of eternity, or as Swedenborg says, forever.

Life in this World is a means to a greater end, not a way to get many souls stuck in hell for all of eternity.

Since Swedenborg lived in the 1700's, perhaps he wrote what was relevant to the time period. Perhaps today a more enlightened and less accusatory approach (they get what they deserve) is required.

Perhaps it is possible to set up a system where all souls find their way back to the light, especially those who took on the more challenging lifetimes.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by b2 on Nov 13th, 2009 at 5:02pm
I believe that system already exists. Love on.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by recoverer on Nov 13th, 2009 at 5:06pm
:) :) :)

wrote on Nov 13th, 2009 at 5:02pm:
I believe that system already exists. Love on.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Beau on Nov 13th, 2009 at 6:08pm
That system is called the Clan McManus. that's what I channeled today while driving in the car in deep meditation.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 13th, 2009 at 8:21pm

I believe that the ideas of God and unity fit in very nicely with the Disk concept.  I see the disk concept as a neverending expansion of consciousness and creation- we are a part of our disk, our higher self- our disk is part of it's higher self, the disk's higher self is part of its higher self, and so on, into infinity.  Each higher self a larger aspect of All That Is, each one on a spiritual path to discover the higher aspects of their being.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by DocM on Nov 13th, 2009 at 9:13pm

I haven't yet gotten enough evidence for or against the disc.  I prefer thinking of it as a soul group, but I still see the whole cosmology as something which misses the forest for the trees.  Exchanging the false belief in separation of the earth plane for a different set of beliefs in subcategorization of discs.  I prefer to look for God directly by realizing that he is the foundation of love and all of our actions.  In doing so, I don't need to go the rather impersonal disc route, which is really based upon experience but is not necessarily synonomous with love. 

I respect that Bruce's journeys have brought him to understand higher self and describe it.  I guess I just believe that is a longer more tortuous path which elevates large conglomerates of individuals to form a disc, rather than to be wowed by and participate with God as what we are directly searching for.  I maintain that seeking the disc is a distraction rather than seeking love and perfecting ourselves in love.  I am crystal clear on this, but respect the views of others.

Hey, but to each his or her own.  If we get to the same place in the end, you and I can have a beer on the other side and exchange stories of the paths we traveled. 


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 13th, 2009 at 10:39pm

I feel ya man.  I'm not sure if the disc theory is true or not either.  I have experienced my higher self, but not to the extent where I can say for sure I know the truth regarding the specific details.  I do know that my higher self exists and have experienced the overwhelming love that we share and our intimate connection. 

But I feel that if we are connected to our higher self in the way that Monroe and Moen, then reintegration is a path that we all must take if we want to progress as spiritual beings.  If we are loving individuals then it will make the journey back to our true self that much easier/fulfilling.  If we lack love, then perhaps it will take some self healing and growth before the reintegration.  But if this is the nature of our reality, then it is what it is. 

I suppose its more a matter of perspective.  It can be about love just as much as it can be an unneccessary illusory subdivision.  But, like I said- if the disk theory is true, then there's nothing unneccessary about it- it's simply the nature of reality.  It seems a bit obvious that subdivisions of certain types are an integral part of our reality.  Our atoms being one subdivision, our cells being another one on a higher level, the body parts they form being another subdivision yet even higher, our total human form being the highest.  Just as we have planets within solar systems within galaxies within the universe within the multidimensional universe.  There are many examples of this subdivisory nature.

I see the disk as a unification of our conscious self with our total, higher self, a return to our true nature, our true state of being, to progress into higher levels of reality, experience new productive challenges, and grow in love.  It is also possible to view it as a means of futher separation from our true source- but our higher selves are our source, even if they are only one subdivision higher- our consciousness still originates from this higher being- so I say the disk/HS is actually a means, maybe THE means, to a true relationship with All That Is.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by spooky2 on Nov 14th, 2009 at 1:23am
Well yes OobDude, your initial criticism of the phaenomenon "meeting Bob" is quite right. I have exactly the same thoughts. And it still could be true that I've met, in some form, Bob. My approach is, I experienced this and that, but what's "true" of it, I simply don't know. It is of course appropriate here to mention the psychological mechanism of "I want to belong to something", and that this desire might trigger this and that.
    When being neutral on whom one really has met, and about what the disk-thing belongs, we can still take into consideration that those "Bob-meetings" are symbols for portals of knowledge we desire to gain; independent from what source the infos might stem from. We could even compare those messages and see if there is something in common.


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 15th, 2009 at 12:47am

spooky2 wrote on Nov 14th, 2009 at 1:23am:
Well yes OobDude, your initial criticism of the phaenomenon "meeting Bob" is quite right. I have exactly the same thoughts. And it still could be true that I've met, in some form, Bob. My approach is, I experienced this and that, but what's "true" of it, I simply don't know. It is of course appropriate here to mention the psychological mechanism of "I want to belong to something", and that this desire might trigger this and that.
    When being neutral on whom one really has met, and about what the disk-thing belongs, we can still take into consideration that those "Bob-meetings" are symbols for portals of knowledge we desire to gain; independent from what source the infos might stem from. We could even compare those messages and see if there is something in common.


Hi Spooky: Have you done any of the TMI seminars? Do you use any of the hemi-sync products... such as Wave I - Discovery etc.


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by spooky2 on Nov 15th, 2009 at 1:20am
Yes, Gateway Voyage and Lifeline. I have used Hemi-Sync daily for about a year after Gateway, and now I use it every now and then. The sounds can make me relax, and the verbal guidance keeps me focused, although sometimes I've used tracks from which I removed the verbal guidance. Depends on my mood.


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 17th, 2009 at 1:00am
I feel like the verbal guidance on the TMI hemisync tracks is more of a neussance then anything.  I have been also meaning to remove the vocals from these tracks.  I am hoping that the conversions neccessary to do this will not affect the quality and effectiveness of the frequencies.


Which hemisync products do you use? 

I personally feel that although I most definitely would like to attend a TMI program, it seems to be an overall waiste of money.  Sure, the experience of actually being there, interacting with the other participants, and experiencing the overall energy of the place is unique and gratifying in its own way, but the whole purpose of the programs can easily be achieved in one's own home for free.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Beau on Nov 17th, 2009 at 7:27am
I like Going Home Disc seven and Surf told to me by Thomas plus I just got the gateway 3 disc set and I love them, but I can see how the voice could become a problem after some study with it. I also use Boxed Nirvana and Adrian's Beyond the Abyss. On Campbell's site some guys post stuff too for free that is amazing.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by spooky2 on Nov 18th, 2009 at 2:15am
Quote OobDude:
"I feel like the verbal guidance on the TMI hemisync tracks is more of a neussance then anything.  I have been also meaning to remove the vocals from these tracks.  I am hoping that the conversions neccessary to do this will not affect the quality and effectiveness of the frequencies."

Yes, sometimes the voice can be distracting, but sometimes it helps me to concentrate, especially when I'm at the edge of sleep.
About removing the voice parts, when you just cut it out it won't affect the frequencies. What I have noticed though, RAM/TMI apparently have taken some care to time the length of the different stages of their tapes, so I found the structure of most recordings is quite good, and if long voice passages are cut out, it might be good to replace them with copied snippets from before and/or after the cut point. I once made a loop of a nonverbal passage which I liked, and found it wasn't as good as it was in it's original position. Clicks of course have to be avoided, so take care to cut at zero-crossings or make gentle crossfades.


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Beau on Nov 18th, 2009 at 6:24am
I find the 3 CD Gateway set to quite good for me but I am new to it all. I use Enja and REM to really explore too. I find the vocals help keep me focused. I highly recommend REM Reveal and Around the Sun. But I use some stuff like Adrian Cooper's Beyond the Abyss to get into the state as well and it's not vocalized at all.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 18th, 2009 at 3:57pm
Yes, the vocal guidance does assist in bringing my awareness back if I am drifting off too deeply.  However, it also tends to disrupt my altered states, which is very bothersome.  I'm a music producer, so the actual process of editing should be no problemo.  I was more worried about the conversion in and out of my editing software lowering the quality of the original frequencies.  I suppose I can try to boost them with some equalization.  I'm not exactly sure how subtle the frequencies are or what it would take for them to be damaged.  Ill give it a shot and see how it goes.  Maybe I'll throw some of my own vocals in there for the warm up...  I usually do something different than what Monroe instructs.

Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by spooky2 on Nov 19th, 2009 at 5:20am
The only cause for loss in audio quality might be a re-calculation of mp3s, but when you use 192kbit/s or more it shouldn't be a problem. And programs such as mp3cut are lossless. The HemiSync center frequencies are, as far as I know, around 60-1000 Hz and shouldn't be affected so much by data compression anyway.


Title: Re: Robert Monroe speaks to me!
Post by Beau on Nov 19th, 2009 at 8:02am
I use ear buds and Monroe's voice seems to come in at the perfect time. I like that he's passed on because I feel a closer connection to the ethereal when I listen. But I still dig the non vocalized tracks too. It's just that I don't feel I can stay as focused.

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