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Message started by Seraphis1 on Nov 9th, 2009 at 2:38pm

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 9th, 2009 at 2:38pm
Beginners Corner

If you are a beginner at the art of out-of-body experiences post here with your problems and goals. We may be able to help each other.


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Calypso on Nov 9th, 2009 at 3:26pm

I have not yet had an out of body experience, at least not that I am aware of.  I have, for a few weeks, been reading some threads here, and have started reading Robert Monroe's "Journeys out of the Body". 

How would you recommend that I begin?  Are there some tools I need to have first, tapes, etc?  Should I complete some reading before I begin?

How did you begin?

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 9th, 2009 at 4:13pm

Calypso wrote on Nov 9th, 2009 at 3:26pm:

I have not yet had an out of body experience, at least not that I am aware of.  I have, for a few weeks, been reading some threads here, and have started reading Robert Monroe's "Journeys out of the Body". 

How would you recommend that I begin?  Are there some tools I need to have first, tapes, etc?  Should I complete some reading before I begin?

How did you begin?

Hi Calypso: “Journeys” is a good start. Start with the fundamentals… Moen is not a good writer to jump in on because of his stream of consciousness style, but, I would recommend start with Voyages into the Unknown then Voyage beyond Doubt… you want to prepare yourself to use Appendix B – How to Eliminate an old or outdated belief?

This is the most fundamental thing you can do… it may be the biggest barrier to projecting… the idea that you might be afraid to do it…

Then, with that under your belt get Robert Bruce’s “Mastering Astral Projection – in 90 days… that is the best start you can make in my opinion.


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by george stone on Nov 9th, 2009 at 4:25pm
As far as I know,we leave our bodys every night but forget what we experienced.George

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 9th, 2009 at 5:12pm

george stone wrote on Nov 9th, 2009 at 4:25pm:
As far as I know,we leave our bodys every night but forget what we experienced.George

The literature says projecting is a natural reflex you are right... the astral body (sylvan Muldoon) must leave the body to absorb cosmic energy for the Being to remain alive physically. Doing it consciously is a matter of putting the body asleep and remaining mentally awake...   :D

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 9th, 2009 at 6:56pm
I have been projecting for about 8 years now- the majority of my explorations occuring within the past 3.  I have tried just about every method under the sun, and there is one that really stands out as the most reliable and effective.

The method which works best for me is the Suneye method, or the sleep/wake/sleep method. What you do is go to sleep for about 5 to 6 hours, then get up and stay awake for an hour, and then go back to sleep while meditating on the goal of leaving your body. 

Set your first alarm for 5-6 hours after you go to bed at night.  As you are going to bed, focus on your third eye chakra and affirm, intend to yourself that you ARE leaving your body.  You ARE projecting.  Be sure to state your affirmations in the present, rather than the future.  Repeat this affirmation until you fall asleep.  When you wake up in 5-6 hours, get up and focus on your goal of leaving your body.  Focus on your intent for the entire hour you are awake.  When you go back to bed, do the same thing you did the night before:  do a third eye meditation while stating your intent to leave your body.  Convince yourself that you ARE leaving your body.  Feel the joy that will come with the experience as if it is happening in that moment.  Do this until you nod out. 

The rest of the process happens naturally.  You will likely either witness your body falling asleep, and then you will separate from it through the natural process, or you will fall asleep momentarily, and wake up as you are separating from your body. 

This is the technique I used to leave my body for the first time back when I was 14, and still works like a charm to this day.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 9th, 2009 at 7:08pm

I Am Dude wrote on Nov 9th, 2009 at 6:56pm:
I have been projecting for about 8 years now- the majority of my explorations occuring within the past 3.  I have tried just about every method under the sun, and there is one that really stands out as the most reliable and effective.

The method which works best for me is the Suneye method, or the sleep/wake/sleep method. What you do is go to sleep for about 5 to 6 hours, then get up and stay awake for an hour, and then go back to sleep while meditating on the goal of leaving your body. 

Set your first alarm for 5-6 hours after you go to bed at night.  As you are going to bed, focus on your third eye chakra and affirm, intend to yourself that you ARE leaving your body.  You ARE projecting.  Be sure to state your affirmations in the present, rather than the future.  Repeat this affirmation until you fall asleep.  When you wake up in 5-6 hours, get up and focus on your goal of leaving your body.  Focus on your intent for the entire hour you are awake.  When you go back to bed, do the same thing you did the night before:  do a third eye meditation while stating your intent to leave your body.  Convince yourself that you ARE leaving your body.  Feel the joy that will come with the experience as if it is happening in that moment.  Do this until you nod out. 

The rest of the process happens naturally.  You will likely either witness your body falling asleep, and then you will separate from it through the natural process, or you will fall asleep momentarily, and wake up as you are separating from your body. 

This is the technique I used to leave my body for the first time back when I was 14, and still works like a charm to this day.

Good luck!

My most recent exit that was very nice came with a combination of sleep deprivation and water fasting. But be careful Calyso with avoiding the path I laid out... if you follow my advice you will get Moen's doubt and struggle with what was real and not real... Robert Bruce will give you theory and the most important tool is How to change of eliminate belief systems... go to fast and you could do yourself a lot of damage... take care... these guys forgot how much background they accumulated before the actual exit event... I'm giving you background and theory to bolster the event and support it.


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 9th, 2009 at 8:02pm
Sleep deprivation and water fasting are rather extreme.  It is very possible to have regular projections while following a normal, healthy eating and sleeping schedule. 


I think it is important to keep an open mind and release expectations.  All you need to do is keep in mind that out of body experiences are a real phenomenon which are natural to every human, and if other people can acheive them, so can you.  I recommend trying my technique until it works- my guess is it will work within a couple days.  See what it is like to leave your body- experience all the sensations and see what kind of reaction you have to them.  You may have no negative reactions whatsoever.  I remember I had very few.  I was a bit cautious and timid at first, but you eventually learn that it is unnecessary to feel this way.  It has been confirmed by many other projectors that the sleep/wake/sleep technique I outlined is the most effective, so give it a shot and let me know how it works out.  ;)

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Old Dood on Nov 9th, 2009 at 8:29pm
I got started with this site here:

The lady's name is Anne and her site somehow helped me.
It could be many reasons why her site help me though.
Maybe I was just ready then.
However, I got a good vibe from her and 'trusted her' advice.

Her site was one of the first ones I found on the net...
Did not cost me one penny either.   8-)

You just have to simply request/demand/command that you can 'project' and it will happen at some point.
I did not Ask, Plead, promise to 'Be Good' or any of that.  ;D
I just Willed IT to happen and it did!
Because I KNEW that simply Dreaming is an OBE and since I KNEW that it makes it much easier.

I still think of myself as a n00b though...
I know I would love to meet face to face some of the 'Old Timers' here and on another site I frequent once in a while.

I still say to spend the money on a Digital Hand Recorder.
One that will download to your PC.
Much easier for me anyways to record my dreams and my OBEs right when I wake up.
Much more efficient then fumbling around looking for paper, turning on a light and writing it all down.
I forget things when I just wake up so by having a recorder then those few seconds count.

LINK for Description of Device.

This one even looks to be better then mine (and cheaper then what I paid) but, mine is a few years old now.

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Calypso on Nov 10th, 2009 at 11:46am
You are all very helpful, thank you very much.  I will continue with my reading as Seraphis suggests, and I will get a hand recorder as Old Dood recommends.  Then, I will get up my courage and try Outofbodydude's technique.

Any other reading recommended?  I'm now reading Frank DeMarco's "The Sphere and the Hologram".  I'm not sure if he goes out of body or not, but he communicates with the upstairs very easily, it seems.  Anyone read his material yet?

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Beau on Nov 10th, 2009 at 12:31pm
This may seem like I'm an idiot but where can I find Dude's technique? :)

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Calypso on Nov 10th, 2009 at 12:44pm
6 posts up, the paragraph that starts

"The method which works best for me is the Suneye method ...."

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by goobygirl on Nov 10th, 2009 at 12:57pm
I use a microphone for the IPod. It was $19. Another option for recording.

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 10th, 2009 at 1:53pm

Calypso wrote on Nov 10th, 2009 at 11:46am:
You are all very helpful, thank you very much.  I will continue with my reading as Seraphis suggests, and I will get a hand recorder as Old Dood recommends.  Then, I will get up my courage and try Outofbodydude's technique.

Any other reading recommended?  I'm now reading Frank DeMarco's "The Sphere and the Hologram".  I'm not sure if he goes out of body or not, but he communicates with the upstairs very easily, it seems.  Anyone read his material yet?

Hi Calypso: Dude is one of those guys who will take a child out into the middle of the lake and throw him/her in and say swim you can do it.

Well now I am force to jump you over material you should gradually come to in reading… but, if you use dude’s method… you may find yourself in sleep paralysis which is the most frightening thing a novice can encounter… here is what you do…

     1. Stay calm.
Understand this is a good thing… it means your astral body is traveling or charging up. Ideally if you have presents of mind call to it and ask… “where are you astral body”… if you get an answer… shift your point-of-consciousness into it and you will be in an o.b.e… but, you should not attempt to stay out of your body for long periods in the beginning… you should return to your body, relax and try again… repeating in short stays outside… get the feel of it…
     2.  If you are not up to communicating with
             your astral body and want to get pulled   
             together, Robert Monroe suggests
             moving a big toe… or a little finger… any
             movement you can accomplish will
             cause the astral body to return.


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by b2 on Nov 10th, 2009 at 2:13pm
Seraphis1, I don't see Out of Body Dude that way at all.

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by DocM on Nov 10th, 2009 at 2:36pm
I also find, Seraphis that your tone in your posts gets confrontational and a bit smug.  On the one hand, you don't want experienced board members in on some of your threads to encourage the exchange of newbies views.  On the other, you say that Calypso should gradually come into reading material on projecting using your method the same way that you did.  You emphatically add that Dude's methods might cause frightening sleep paralysis (which is an opinion only a very experienced projector could substantiate).  You imply Dude's advice is not worthwhile or somewhat dangerous. 

You also asked in a thread about entrances into the physical world to back up posters statements with facts and citations only (not conjecture).  I had to smile when I read that one.  My friend, one can give you sources for entering the physical world (The Tibetan book of the Dead, etc.) but in the end, the fact that they are referenced sources doesn't make it any more of a "known" reality vis a vis your question (how do we enter the world with a contract as Monroe described?).

So, I would mellow out.  These forums are perfect for people to state their experiences, their musings, thoughts.  Many of us will cite references or go into detail as to why our experience seems to be verified.  Some will not, but will just "know" that it was true.

We are interested in hearing your opinion, and experience.  In sharing.  Hopefully you will be interested in letting others, like Dude do the same.


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 10th, 2009 at 6:50pm

The problem with your approach is that it seems to be rather fear based, and will consequently tend to instill fear in those who believe that you actually know what you're talking about (not that I'm implying you don't, but I get the feeling you may be less knowledgeable than you let on).  I am interested to know the extent of your experience with OBEs.

Not everyone begins projecting with fear based beliefs.  In fact, many may acquire such negative beliefs by reading various sources and taking advice from, well, people like you (no offense), who give advice in an authoritarian manner without the experience to back it up, and put emphasis on negative aspects of the experience. 

When I first began projecting I didn't read one piece of literature on the subject, besides the method of inducing an OBE.  I believe this is one of the main reasons why I succeeded so easily.  I had very little false belief going into the experience, and did not expect anything bad to happen, and therefore nothing bad did happen.  Had someone told me I needed to rid myself of fear and beware of the terrifying state of paralysis, or that it would be damaging to begin projecting "too quickly" (sound familiar?), this itself would have generated fear and stunted my growth and progress.

Being just a beginner yourself, do you really think you are fit to be giving other beginners advice in the authoritarian manner you are?  I recommend offering suggestions based on your personal experience, while realizing that you yourself still have much to learn, not everyone will experience things the way you do, what works for you may not work for others and visa versa, and that with more experience you may change your beliefs about certain ideas you now consider to be "knowns."

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Vicky on Nov 10th, 2009 at 11:38pm

I liked your method, it's simple and makes sense, especially since sufficient rest is key to maintaining focus of intent. 

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 10th, 2009 at 11:43pm
Thanks Vicky

The method allows for the ideal state of mind and body for achieving OBEs.  The body is still somewhat tired, allowing for it to sleep easily, and yet the mind is awake and alert, allowing one's consciousness to remain aware as the body goes back to sleep. 

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Vicky on Nov 10th, 2009 at 11:50pm
Yep.  I often have those surprise mini-OBEs first thing in the morning, not realizing I'm OBE at first, and then I start to get up and realize I wasn't actually awake yet!  I need to put your method into active intent mode so that I can utilize that natural ability and recognize while it's happening.  I cannot tell you how many times I used to wake up being able to see my room clearly and thinking, "Wow, it's so odd how I can see through my sleep mask".  By the time I realized the phenomenon wasn't that I could see through the sleep mask but that I was out of body, I had already managed to wake myself up for real, spoiling the out of body state rather than prolonging it and playing around with it. 

So yeah, really focusing on your intent is so important for those early stages in the morning when your mind is so clear you really can kind of forget a lot of logical duh, you dummy, you're not seeing through your mask, you are OUT OF BODY!   :)

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Beau on Nov 11th, 2009 at 5:07am
Okay I'm beggin Dude. What is the method? Just point me to it on here as I'm having some difficulty. I'm sure its great way.

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 11th, 2009 at 5:38am
Sure buddy.  I'll repost it.

The method which works best for me is the Suneye method, or the sleep/wake/sleep method. What you do is go to sleep for about 5 to 6 hours, then get up and stay awake for an hour, and then go back to sleep while meditating on the goal of leaving your body. 

Set your first alarm for 5-6 hours after you go to bed at night.  As you are going to bed, focus on your third eye chakra and affirm, intend to yourself that you ARE leaving your body.  You ARE projecting.  Be sure to state your affirmations in the present, rather than the future.  Repeat this affirmation until you fall asleep.  When you wake up in 5-6 hours, get up and focus on your goal of leaving your body.  Focus on your intent for the entire hour you are awake.  When you go back to bed, do the same thing you did the night before:  do a third eye meditation while stating your intent to leave your body.  Convince yourself that you ARE leaving your body.  Feel the joy that will come with the experience as if it is happening in that moment.  Do this until you nod out. 

The rest of the process happens naturally.  You will likely either witness your body falling asleep, and then you will separate from it through the natural process, or you will fall asleep momentarily, and wake up as you are separating from your body. 

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Beau on Nov 11th, 2009 at 5:53am
Many thanks Dude, and good luck with your movie. Ron Howard is directing mine. It's kind of an all day long affair 24/7. Is 24 heaven? Well it can be. You're the best, Dude.

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by betson on Nov 11th, 2009 at 10:48am
Hi Beau,

Noticing your posting times, (if you got any sleep earlier last evening before waking to post,)  I'd say your consciousness is already in the mode to progress. Your mind wakes up after several hours asleep?  That's a perfect time to go OB! 


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 11th, 2009 at 11:00am
Just my point of view: This was meant to be a beginners corner... none of us know the psychological make up of the posters... sleep paralysis is not the only thing that can cause problems for novices... I won't go into them... but care must be taken to insure a safe environment for everyone not just the advanced practicianers... that is my opinion... I hope I am entitled to it. What I laid out for calypso was a toe in the water approach... enough underpinning and psychological and emotional support to insulate the beginner from some of the surprising and ominous things that can happen... sorry if you are all offended... by that approach... :-[


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Beau on Nov 11th, 2009 at 11:27am
I love your opinions, Bets. By all means keep me in check. I sleep about 4.5 or maybe 3 hours the past few daze. Thanks for checking on me.

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 11th, 2009 at 12:26pm

I doubt that anyone is offended.  Did you really get that from my post?  Maybe you need to reread it. 

Of course you're entitled to your opinion.  But when you give your opinion as if it is the Word, as if it is the one true path, then this can be very misleading for those looking for help.  And as you can see from my previous post to you, the "emotional and psychological support"  you offered could very well have done more harm than good.  Just keep what I said in mind, that's all.

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by b2 on Nov 11th, 2009 at 1:36pm
Seraphis1 appears to be making almost identical posts on the Monroe site I just visited, although some have additional information in them. I haven't taken the time to compare the posting times and dates, but they are quite close. The posts are almost identical, as I said, but part of at least one thread on a completely different forum. That explains the 'disconnect' I felt when reading her posts, and the odd tone at times. She is not actually visiting and posting in 'real time', in my opinion, if she is posting on two separate sites. The posts on the Monroe site sometimes have additional information about personal experiences.

Just my momentary observation, with completely neutral thoughts attached.

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 11th, 2009 at 2:28pm

wrote on Nov 11th, 2009 at 1:36pm:
Seraphis1 appears to be making almost identical posts on the Monroe site I just visited, although some have additional information in them. I haven't taken the time to compare the posting times and dates, but they are quite close. The posts are almost identical, as I said, but part of at least one thread on a completely different forum. That explains the 'disconnect' I felt when reading her posts, and the odd tone at times. She is not actually visiting and posting in 'real time', in my opinion, if she is posting on two separate sites. The posts on the Monroe site sometimes have additional information about personal experiences.

Just my momentary observation, with completely neutral thoughts attached.

Hi b2: I'm also posting to Robert Bruce's Hall of Learning in the Graduate program where I am receiving one-on-one tutoring from the great man himself Robert the Bruce... I hope this is okay with you.


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Calypso on Nov 11th, 2009 at 3:37pm
Comments above noted.  I will sum them all to mean "don't be scared, even if it feels scary".

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by DocM on Nov 11th, 2009 at 4:42pm
Regarding fear and projecting

In my experience Calypso, the vast majority of people could not hurt themselves by attempting to go out of body or staying out of body too long.  In fact most sources feel that we do this unconsciously when we dream all the time.

Those who have reported back from NDEs and OOBEs sometimes see a cord connecting us to our bodies.  By most reports, as long as we are alive, this cord is unbreakable, and infinitely long.  Thus, the idea that we will float away and not come back is hogwash.  The bonding of you to your physical form is so strong, that it would be laughable to imagine otherwise.  Think about it.  Your soul/mind created and grew your physical body all these years, from the tiniest phase. 

Anyway, the minor warnings that exist have to do with possession and malevolent spirits.  Most cases have involved Ouija board communications, and require us to "invite" the unwanted guess in to use our bodies.  This is what a ouija board does, and why its use is highly discouraged by most mystics. 

When someone projects, setting good intention for the highest good, is usually enough.  Some say a prayer of protection, though again, I think this is unnecessary for 99.999% of the time.

You will find others who disagree with me.  Some see evil, everywhere and fancy themselves spiritual warriors fighting off dark side.  I remember one description where Robert Bruce from Astral Pulse, described how he interceded in a possession and had invited a spirit to inhabit him instead (this is as per my recall of one of Don's posts).  At one point, he had blackouts, and found himself standing by his child's bed with either an axe or some other awful object (I can't remember), and had to work hard to expunge this unwelcome guest from controlling him.  The key thing is not to make an invitation via Ouija board or otherwise in the first place.

But Robert writes books on psychic defense and finds intrusions a lot more often than most of us.  I have yet to see one case of an intrusion like this or hear about it in any of my acquaintences, friends or patients.  So, most people will not encounter these events - ever. 

I believe that being alive in the physical world means that you have thousands of times more control over your body than any immaterial spirit ever could.  This is why the billions of people who project every night during sleep don't encounter problems and wake up the next day.  It is why you should not worry about it.

Some people as I say set intentions for a voyage for the best possible outcome with safety in mind before meditating or, state quite casually while they are relaxing that they will enjoy the experience and be completely safe and protected.  This minor prayer with a definite stating of intent may give a person that tiny bit of extra protection, if there are any concerns. 

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Beau on Nov 11th, 2009 at 5:23pm
I respectfully disagree about oui ja boards. I think they are harmless. It's your own mind you have to look out for, but it's never a bad idea to invite a prayer of protection, just in case cause hey, you hardly every know.

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by recoverer on Nov 11th, 2009 at 9:07pm
I don't know what has been said, but the thing about Ouija boards is that you have to let a spirit have access to your subconscious mind in order for the board to work.

How do you know who you are giving control to?

I doubt that a light being would choose to make contact in such a way.

One night I had an OBE where I flew over a lower realm and felt completely safe, because I knew that the spirits within could leave only if they chose to move on to the light.

Immediately after the OBE ended the thought came into my mind, "sometimes they find their way out when people use ouija boards." I figure there are other ways.

Beau wrote on Nov 11th, 2009 at 5:23pm:
I respectfully disagree about oui ja boards. I think they are harmless. It's your own mind you have to look out for, but it's never a bad idea to invite a prayer of protection, just in case cause hey, you hardly every know.

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Vicky on Nov 11th, 2009 at 10:58pm
Some of you might want to keep in mind that there are many levels of the out of body experience, or types of perception.  It seems that the newbie focus in this thread is on but one level of the OBE. 

Also keep in mind that in your attempts to "leave your body", you aren't going to an actual "place".  You are merely going to be experiencing your reality with a type of perception you aren't used to.  And by "your reality" I mean your own consciousness.  What you experience out of body will still be filtered through your perceiver-interpreter, or in other words through your conscious awareness. 

When you go "out of body", you aren't going to be going outside of your conscious awareness or your consciousness.  You won't be actually "going" anywhere.  But you will be able to begin to perceive other parts of your consciousness and other levels of awareness that you aren't used to, or aren't able to, experience during waking reality. 

So, our explorations out there are a way for us to explore these other parts of ourselves.  Our reality, no matter in what form or place we are experiencing it, is our consciousness. 

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Beau on Nov 11th, 2009 at 11:27pm
Albert I promise i love ya, but that doesn't fly with me. Who could possibly be in control if not you. If not us, who? And if you say Jeez us you know what I'll say to that.

Jesus was a person of god (g.o.d.) = Jodie for me.
Hey Zeus. Jesu. Whatever, it's just a name and that is an enemy to anyone who doesn't know what's going on. We are one Clan. ouiRone.

E's everything and it can be any letter you like cause it's just a meta for. There is only on or om. There is no off. O = 1, so zero is an illusion. You can't not be in control. The only demons are yours. I can't make it any simpler. We are all persons of Jodie. The O in the middle is the only thing matters. It goes round and round just like me n u.


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 11th, 2009 at 11:35pm
[quote author=78535F713C0 link=1257791922/30#30 date=1257972179]Regarding fear and projecting

In my experience Calypso, the vast majority of people could not hurt themselves by attempting to go out of body or staying out of body too long.  In fact most sources feel that we do this unconsciously when we dream all the time.>>

My understanding about real-time-zone projections and Astral projections and staying out a long time has to do with developing skills... the fourth requirement in Robert Bruce's four requirements for o.b.e. is to have enough psychic energy to sustain the state... if you stay out too long in the real-time-zone and use up the available psychic energy it may affect your confidence... but I will ask Robert about this and report back... to you...

<<Anyway, the minor warnings that exist have to do with possession and malevolent spirits.  Most cases have involved Ouija board communications, and require us to "invite" the unwanted guess in to use our bodies.  This is what a ouija board does, and why its use is highly discouraged by most mystics.>>

Robert Bruce says there seems to be a "invite" for discarnate entities to interact with you... so don't invite any being you get a bad vibe from to interact... but... Rosalind McKnight said in a lecture to the Guideline group... there are some pretty nasty characters out there... but, our guides protect us and help us experience only those things we can handle and learn from on a fairly were defined gradient curve... there are lesson to be learned... and we must learn them on our own, but, only to the extent that we are capable of learning... also, remember in your astral form... you are indestructible... 

<<When someone projects, setting good intention for the highest good, is usually enough.  Some say a prayer of protection, though again, I think this is unnecessary for 99.999% of the time.>>

I might ad TMI graduates have the Resonat Energy Balloon as a defense...

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 12th, 2009 at 10:41am
Hi Gang: Here is Roberts answer as to why a novice does best to take short exit and reentry procedures:

<<Once you exit, your physical body mind begins falling into deeper and deeper levels of sleep. The deeper the sleep the more difficult it is for reintegration to occur.

For obe to happen, the body mind must be asleep or falling asleep. For reintegration to happen, the body mind must be awakening.

In deep sleep, the returning projected double cannot rouse its physical counterpart. Memories of the obe are generally lost.


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Vicky on Nov 12th, 2009 at 12:19pm
Seraphis, do you have your own goals and intents in mind as far as wanting to learn the OBE? 

Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Seraphis1 on Nov 12th, 2009 at 2:46pm

Vicky wrote on Nov 12th, 2009 at 12:19pm:
Seraphis, do you have your own goals and intents in mind as far as wanting to learn the OBE? 

Hi Vicky: My job is to do everything I can to get back to my disk... to prepare for escape velocity... I finally picked up the signal and am working hard to follow its dictates... I am one of Curiousity's probes who is ready to return to its origins. How many of us there are out there I don't know... but I am on board for the final exit.


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by recoverer on Nov 12th, 2009 at 2:47pm
Love you too.

Beau wrote on Nov 11th, 2009 at 11:27pm:
Albert I promise i love ya, but that doesn't fly with me. Who could possibly be in control if not you. If not us, who? And if you say Jeez us you know what I'll say to that.

Jesus was a person of god (g.o.d.) = Jodie for me.
Hey Zeus. Jesu. Whatever, it's just a name and that is an enemy to anyone who doesn't know what's going on. We are one Clan. ouiRone.

E's everything and it can be any letter you like cause it's just a meta for. There is only on or om. There is no off. O = 1, so zero is an illusion. You can't not be in control. The only demons are yours. I can't make it any simpler. We are all persons of Jodie. The O in the middle is the only thing matters. It goes round and round just like me n u.


Title: Re: Beginners Corner!
Post by Calypso on Nov 12th, 2009 at 3:47pm
I will answer Vicky's question, too, for whatever it might add to the thread. 

..."do you have your own goals and intents in mind as far as wanting to learn the OBE?"

To experience reality with just my consciousness, and not my body, because if that can happen for me, I will have proved to myself from actual experience that my consciousness might survive the death of my body.  That's my first goal.  Just a little goal!   :)

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