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Message started by cutie on Oct 31st, 2009 at 11:22am

Title: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Oct 31st, 2009 at 11:22am
I'm a Christian and I sometimes read the bible.
Most of the sites that I read about the afterlife say that there is no Hell, lake of fire, the bible says otherwise .
Please, what am I suppose to belive? obviously I do not want to belive in Hell as it scares the Hell out of me(no pun intended) but I'm also scared that if I do not belive in Hell then I will end up there.
I'm in a bit of a dillema.
The bible is Gods word but was the bit written about Hell just from man?
The thing I dont understand is that God is meant to be loving and merciful, surely if this was the case there would be no Hell but why is it written in the bible if there is not one?
I just need my mind put at rest that I do not have to worry and and that I will go to a nice place when I die and if someone could please explain to me why there is a Hell, lake of fire written in the bible that would be great.
I hope someone can please help me.
Thnak you.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 31st, 2009 at 11:37am
Hi cutie,

There are hell like realms, would you like to be in the company of evil entities like Hitler, Bundy, Darhma in the afterlife, of course not?

But if you are worried that you might end up in one of these hell like realms , relax and rejoice you are one of Gods own and will go to paradise when you die

And you know who you will meet there, the Lord Jesus himself with loving arms outstretched



Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by Seraphis1 on Oct 31st, 2009 at 11:40am

cutie wrote on Oct 31st, 2009 at 11:22am:
I'm a Christian and I sometimes read the bible.
Most of the sites that I read about the afterlife say that there is no Hell, lake of fire, the bible says otherwise .
Please, what am I suppose to belive? obviously I do not want to belive in Hell as it scares the Hell out of me(no pun intended) but I'm also scared that if I do not belive in Hell then I will end up there.
I'm in a bit of a dillema.
The bible is Gods word but was the bit written about Hell just from man?
The thing I dont understand is that God is meant to be loving and merciful, surely if this was the case there would be no Hell but why is it written in the bible if there is not one?
I just need my mind put at rest that I do not have to worry and and that I will go to a nice place when I die and if someone could please explain to me why there is a Hell, lake of fire written in the bible that would be great.
I hope someone can please help me.
Thnak you.

Hi cutie: Have you read Bruce Moen's books? All the answers are in those books... I consider Monroe and Moen the Rosette Stones of mysticism and cosmology... Moen explains the Hell's and the Hollow Heavens... my advice to you is to read them in order tho... that is the best way to get the most out of them... they were written in a stream of consciousness chronological technique that makes them interdependent.

Seraphis1  ;)

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by b2 on Oct 31st, 2009 at 11:52am
Hi Cutie. I grew up being taught what's in the Bible. At least for a few years, until my father decided he'd had enough of it.

I think that your relationship with the Bible is personal, and I respect it. In answer to your question, I have gone along perfectly well all my life making my own mistakes, meditating, studying in a highly undisciplined way, and not believing in hell.

Now that I'm almost 50, I think that if there is really a lake of fire, some kind of horrible hell that a God throws 'bad' people into, well, I've never seen it anywhere. No one has come to smite me for my disbelief in hell.

I believe people create their own hells, sometimes through no fault at all of their own. The goal is to let the smoke clear until I can see what's really out there.

I think, if you are walking somewhere, look at your own feet, then look up and see where you are going. Is that where you want to be? If not, change direction. I think you have that power now, and I think you will have that power then.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Oct 31st, 2009 at 12:16pm
My bible is not personal to me, infact I'm thinking of leavig christianity as it is getting to much for me, just got over a nasty bout of depression thinking about it.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Oct 31st, 2009 at 12:19pm
I'm thinking of leaving christianity, do you think I will be safe from Hell if I do?

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by Seraphis1 on Oct 31st, 2009 at 2:57pm

cutie wrote on Oct 31st, 2009 at 12:19pm:
I'm thinking of leaving christianity, do you think I will be safe from Hell if I do?

As long as, you hold a positive mental attitude upon death and look for the light and move toward it you will find a version of the TMI focus 27.


Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Oct 31st, 2009 at 3:43pm
And you can promise me that I will be safe from Hell if I think possitive?

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Oct 31st, 2009 at 6:08pm

What you need is to restructure your Afterlife belief system.  I recommend reading Robert Monroe's The Ultimate Journey as a start- this will give you basic, yet important insight into the true nature of the afterlife.  As for the bible, it was written by man, perhaps even for unsavory reasons- you are mistaken if you believe it was channelled from "God."  If it causes fear, then put it down- it is obviously something you do not need at this time.  Once you change the limiting beliefs you hold, chances are it will not have the same negative effects as before.  However, no one can help you but yourself.  Take action and begin to explore the truth for yourself.  Research and first hand experience of nonphysical realms are excellent ways to gain the knowledge you need.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Oct 31st, 2009 at 6:20pm
All I want to know is, is there physical pain in the Hell realms?

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by goobygirl on Oct 31st, 2009 at 8:32pm

You should try educating yourself about the bible and the afterlife as suggested by others on the board. You can indeed send yourself to hell, if that's what you expect to encounter. That's why it's important to find out about these things now, discover the areas of the "afterlife" now which is really not an afterlife as much as you switching your attention or focus. It's all here right now on one continuum, just depends upon whether you choose to see it or not.

In my opinion, Christianity is not practiced as Jesus explained it, and he really didn't even want a religion to rise up under his name. He was a revolutionary here to teach how to go within and find our own truths. Much of the Bible is in "code" so to speak, and it even says so when Jesus talks about parables and what others may see.

You have to go deep, very deep to understand much of it.

I suggest Bruce Moen's books as well are reading William Henry's works ( and about the bible and reincarnation (

If you are afraid now, that fear can translate in the "afterlife." Better to get over it now.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Oct 31st, 2009 at 8:50pm
I have educated myself on the bible, that is why I'm thinking of leaving christianity, in my eyes a loving God would never have eve thought of a horrendous place like Hell.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by goobygirl on Oct 31st, 2009 at 8:57pm
Read more about focus points and life on a continnum at

Most of the Bible is written in code, so to speak, the parables being stories for the quote "simple folk" and the underlying ways of how to become enlightened being a bit more under the surface. There are valuable things in the bible, but much of it is hidden and the hateful stuff just rubbish.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Oct 31st, 2009 at 8:59pm
Taking a look at that site now.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by recoverer on Nov 1st, 2009 at 7:30pm
Hello Cutie:

First of all, there are Biblical scholars who will tell you that the Bible doesn't actually support the premise that God sentences souls to hell for all of eternity.

For the most part our overall state of mind and the resulting energetic signature determine where we go.

When deciding what to believe, listen to your commone sense and heart. If you have good intentions you'll be okay. God nor any other being who lives according to love and wisdom want you to choose a path that is based upon fear.

The love in our heart is our compass when we move onto the light, not fear.

Years ago I had a night in heaven experience. I experienced a realm that was definitely a heavenly realm even though I was an atheist. Why? Because I was basically a good loving person.

I went through a period of time where even though I basically didn't believe in the fire and brimstone approach, I still had an aspect of mind that represented such a way of thinking. What helped me gain freedom from this aspect is realizing that if I'm wise and loving enough to realize that it wouldn't be right to send good loving people to a firey inferno simply because they don't believe in a particular way, then certainly God and Christ have the same love and wisdom, even more so.

Just as you can't be intimidated into loving another person, you can't be feared into loving that which is divine. So listen to your heart, and forget about fearmongering of others.

If we have a beautiful song to share with a friend do we need to scare her (or him) before she'll listen to it? Of course not. So why would we need to scare her before she'll choose heaven?

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Nov 1st, 2009 at 8:37pm
Thank you for your message.
Please may I ask how you hads that heavenly visit?

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 1st, 2009 at 9:50pm
The experience of "higher," or "heavenly" realms, can be had through any variation of the projection of one's consciousness from this physical realm.  This includes astral projection, phasing, lucid dreaming, ect.  If you are interested in exploring the higher realms, you should look into beginning a spiritual practice routine including daily meditation and projection attempts.  When I first began "leaving my body", I would only explore the Real Time Zone and the mid-astral planes.  However, with spiritual practices, one's energy signiture increases frequency, which allows access to higher realms.  In these realms one is usually in tune with their higher mind and experiences the true nature of reality.  One realises the true nature and purpose of ones own existence in a way quite difficult to describe, kind of like a "knowing" which radiates from one's core. 

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Nov 1st, 2009 at 10:07pm
I have actually been thinking about meditation.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by goobygirl on Nov 1st, 2009 at 10:08pm
There are Moen's books that you can order here that will help you, as well as free information he provides on his site.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Nov 1st, 2009 at 10:23pm
Nothing matters anymore.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by goobygirl on Nov 1st, 2009 at 10:42pm
That's too bad. and true if you believe it.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Nov 1st, 2009 at 10:45pm
I'm going to be with my Grandmother soon.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by Mactek on Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:32pm
Oh Good Lord!   >:(

Cutie, you are experiencing a belief system crash.  Death is not imminent.  I repeat.  Death is NOT imminent!!

Folks have been kindly trying to steer you in a clearer direction since you first posted.  Please don't be the person that has to make everybody else feel bad because you temporarily do.

I'm so sorry that the brand of Christianity you were brought up with created this boogieman in your mind.  You don't have to subscribe to it.

Instead of focusing on self-inflicted suffering, why don't you help someone.  You know, volunteer in your local community.  When you help someone else, you'll find that you get helped too.   :)

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:42pm
There's no easy way out of your situation.  Not even killing yourself.  You need to step up to the plate and start helping yourself.  We have all pointed you in the right directions.  Now you need to take some action. 

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by supermodel on Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:45pm
I have left Christianity and I'm better for it. Your bible is personal to you and I respect that but I don't believe in a god that supposedly loves you and that would throw you in hell just because you may or may not believe in him.

I went through the same phases that you are going through right now. That was one of the most troubling times of my life. But I'm better for it because I have left the faith altogether.

I'm on  a new journey...a spiritual one, devoid of all religion.

I'm very happy and finally at peace with myself. I DO NOT fear Hell, nor do I believe anyone puts you there.

You place yourself in a hell. No one else can do that!!!! ;)

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:47pm
I'm thinking of leaving christianity but dont know how to.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by supermodel on Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:53pm

cutie wrote on Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:47pm:
I'm thinking of leaving christianity but dont know how to.

Just do it. Take one day at a time like I did. You don't have to be an atheist, or whatever overnight.

One day at a time. I know that this is a huge step because it was for me. I felt like, I too, was dying. But I've never felt so alive.

When you break those chains, you feel more free.

One day at a time.....

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by Mactek on Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:53pm
Piece of cake!  :)

You just stop going to church.  Worked for me.  Now, I get to sleep as late as I want on Sunday.  No fuss, no Muss.  ;D

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by supermodel on Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:54pm

Mactek wrote on Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:53pm:
Piece of cake!  :)

You just stop going to church.  Worked for me.  Now, I get to sleep as late as I want on Sunday.  No fuss, no Muss.  ;D

Amen to that!

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Nov 1st, 2009 at 11:55pm
Do you think I will be better off for it?

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by supermodel on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 12:07am
That's entirely up to you.

It was a long transition for me. I did lapse into some old behavior and had the same issues that came up...but after time, all that fades away.

You have to remember that a loving god would never do those things to you....even if you didn't believe in him.

I love my daughter unconditionally and I would never damn her to any hell and torture her...even when she didnt listen to me.

Why would a god be any different?

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by cutie on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 12:08am

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by b2 on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 7:37am
Hi again, cutie. I just noticed your pm and responded to it. I was so pleased to hear your story, if you ever care to share it here on the board sometime. We love hearing about anything that happens in the way of encounters of any sort, as well as talking about our ideas about them here, anytime.

I think it is, perhaps, a tall order to simply 'remove' yourself from a spiritual practice. Surely there are one or two good things you can take with you and be appreciative about, a few happy memories there that you wouldn't want to part with, even if you feel that you must stretch your wings in a different direction for a while.

There is no need to be 'all or nothing' with God. My interpretation of God is that God is absolutely fascinated with every twist and turn of your journey, and there is no way to actually 'lose' God along the way.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by recoverer on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 1:56pm

Due to several spiritual experiences I've had I believe that the man Jesus Christ did in fact exist, and his spirit plays a key role in the divine plan today.

The thing is, I don't consider this a problem, because I've found it is possible to believe in Christ without believing in the fire and brimstone approach some people advocate.

If you pray to Christ for help in your troubled time, his spirit will help you. Open your heart and mind and find out what he's really about. He's a wonderful being who inspires with love rather than intimidating with threats.

If you read some near death experiences you'll find that there are people who have experienced Christ's presence in a way that is meaningful and beautiful.

I did as many people have done. First I was a Catholic. I didn't like the fire and brimstone approach and stopped believing. Eventually I found that Christ is a divine reality, but as  I said, in a positive way, not an oppresive way.

It is unfortunate that some Christians turn people away from Christ with their fire and brimstone approach. A lot of the people who minimize Christ's importance after leaving fundamentalism are people who didn't proceed further in order to find out what's true.

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by CharleyTuna on Nov 3rd, 2009 at 12:56am
George Carlin........Religion easily has the greatest (edited)story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good (edited )story. Holy (edited)!

Title: Re: Please, I'm in desperate need of help.
Post by b2 on Nov 3rd, 2009 at 8:50am
You're funny, Charlie Tuna, or Carlin is. I do kind of wonder about the 'man in the sky' part sometimes. It really seems to me that religion is often used to keep people in societal roles that they might feel restrain them.

That is why I think it is important to be free, if you can. There will be plenty of people around to let you know what they think, and they will also let you know what they believe you should think.

Throw all that off and be who you want to be. Be and do that special thing in this world that only you can. If religion is confining you so that you cannot be as big and as bright as you can do, why not let it go a little bit, just trust a little more?

I find that when I let go of religion and just trust in the future to unfold as it should, well, it generally does.

It's not a matter of holding onto 'God' and gritting my teeth about it. If a person doesn't want to believe in God, I do not, by any stretch of the imagination, think the universe will slap that person down for their ability to function in such a mind-space.

It's not a matter of going to the 'right' focus levels to find information to prove it to yourself. If you watch your 'world' closely, the one you live in, the one which is very important to you, because you wake up in it, you go to sleep in it, you live in it, you die in will see that this world reacts to you in the most amazingly subtle ways, no matter what you 'believe' about it. It has many things to teach us all, this world, about how to use our minds with a greater and more powerful kind of love.

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