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Message started by Alan McDougall on Oct 26th, 2009 at 5:42am

Title: The immorality of abortion
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 26th, 2009 at 5:42am

Pro-abortion groups recognize that allowing a person to be convicted of the murder of a foetus indicates that there was a living person who was murdered. If the fetas is a human person, then it should not be allowed to be killed, even at the request of its mother.

So how can these laws be applied selectively to unwanted killing of a foetus, while the complicity of the mother in the same killing is completely legal? Here is an excerpt from the California Penal Code

What I find really bizarre about the law are the exceptions to it. If someone were to kill or have their own child murdered, complicity on the part of the mother or father would not make it legal. But this is the exact exception made in the law in regard to the foetus. Somehow, the foetus only has value as human life if it is wanted by the mother. If someone kills a fetus that the mother wants to keep, it suddenly becomes a living human being who can be murdered.

If a human is only human on the basis of whether or not he is wanted, then this leaves open the option of killing "street people" and handicapped individuals simply because they are "unwanted."

In contrast to what the liberal agenda says, the Bible says that all people have equal worth, since all are created in the image of God.2

Although liberalism teaches that certain "unwanted" humans have less inherent worth than others who are wanted, the Bible states that all human life has worth in God's eyes.3

I am anti-abortion but then I have never had my body molested or being raped, what are your comments on this topic?


Title: Re: The immorality of abortion
Post by b2 on Oct 26th, 2009 at 8:00am
Logically, Alan, if you look at your own words, you indicate that you have some sympathy for certain women. Your question contained the statement "although I have never had my body being molested or raped". So, I suggest, look at how you have asked your question.

Whether you are 'for' or 'against' -- which seems to me to be a somewhat 'false' description of most people's emotions when faced with difficult life decisions -- let's put that aside for now.

Take a look at this world. Take a look at what women face in giving birth to children who will be often raised away from them in public schools, greatly influenced by more powerful people, while the mother herself can be unprepared in huge ways for childbirth, and equally ill equipped to understand or function in the 'system' in which they are all now culturally 'trapped'.

How exactly do we 'force' women to give birth? That is not going to happen. Think about it.

Who is going to question and document her 'choice' and give her permission? Who has that right?

When this planet offers a beautiful life, and unreserved love and support for each child born here, I'll be happy to revisit this topic in a different light.

Title: Re: The immorality of abortion
Post by betson on Oct 26th, 2009 at 10:24am

ideally children are begotten and born in Love, but we know this isn't always  what happens. Some of us believe that a child born of terror and pain ( such as the victim of a forcible rape would experience) will absorb those feelings during its development.

We also now know that consciousness extends to and affects life at a cellular level.  It's difficult to extend our Higher Consciousness into our own cells that have known past pain, hatred, fear. Mistreated parts of our bodies seem to hold onto memories that we'd rather forget. Why send those negativities  into a new being?

Perhaps the job of infusing Love into this world starts with loving ourselves even to the extent of loving our inner individual cells. (As I wrote this I tried sending loving thoughts to a bruise I have and  felt that whole area relax.)

(I don't know how human law should deal with responsibilities for the effects of rape and molestation. )


Title: Re: The immorality of abortion
Post by supermodel on Oct 26th, 2009 at 11:16pm

wrote on Oct 26th, 2009 at 8:00am:
Logically, Alan, if you look at your own words, you indicate that you have some sympathy for certain women. Your question contained the statement "although I have never had my body being molested or raped". So, I suggest, look at how you have asked your question.

Whether you are 'for' or 'against' -- which seems to me to be a somewhat 'false' description of most people's emotions when faced with difficult life decisions -- let's put that aside for now.

Take a look at this world. Take a look at what women face in giving birth to children who will be often raised away from them in public schools, greatly influenced by more powerful people, while the mother herself can be unprepared in huge ways for childbirth, and equally ill equipped to understand or function in the 'system' in which they are all now culturally 'trapped'.

How exactly do we 'force' women to give birth? That is not going to happen. Think about it.

Who is going to question and document her 'choice' and give her permission? Who has that right?

When this planet offers a beautiful life, and unreserved love and support for each child born here, I'll be happy to revisit this topic in a different light.

Very well put.

Title: Re: The immorality of abortion
Post by kirolak on Oct 27th, 2009 at 3:03am
This is such a complex topic - I have never given it much thought because I 've always been very liberal in my approach to other people's rights, & have no direct personal experience of it - but recently I was sent a really disturbing link, graphically showing how abortion is actually carried out; it is a violent, bloody, dismemberment & I was traumatised for days.

I don't presume to know the answer here - I just know that, emotionally, I am horrified & filled with sadness that we should feel we need to do this to other beings - the "human" argument doen't touch me at all here or anywhere else - for me it is ANY being.  This is surely not the way we are meant to live.
Namaste all

Title: Re: The immorality of abortion
Post by goobygirl on Oct 27th, 2009 at 3:35am
There are plenty of things in this world I wish we could all dispense with. However, I think that whether a woman has an abortion or not, she still has to live with the aftermath, and it is never an easy thing.

I believe that in the case of an abortion or a miscarriage that the soul is not harmed, it simply has decided not to stay, similar to what happens when a person that is born dies, after one day or 100 years. The soul leaves, the body is merely a covering.

While abortion seems to be an abhorrent thing in and of itself, I can see why some may choose it.

I ultimately believe that there is no judgment on the other side for these is what it is...just as I believe we all have lived lives, many lives, in which we have done things a human may say is "morally" wrong, but that we ultimately choose to experience in order to enrich our soul's knowledge.

Losing judgment over these things frees the soul IMO.

Title: Re: The immorality of abortion
Post by Lucy on Nov 3rd, 2009 at 11:18pm
At least 10-20% of pregnancies are thought to end in miscarriage.

Should we be doing retrievals for those miscarriages? Heck, should we be doing retrievals for those abortions? Why or why not? Why have I not heard of such a retrieval exoperience?

What should we be doing for the kids who die because there isn't enough food or water for them? Shoudl I worry about abortions when I don't know what to do aboiut kids who starve to death? We can't feed all the ones we've got. If child A lives, and child B dies, and A lives because it ate the food that would have saved B, does that mean A killed B? We let that happen all the time. And that's with kids who are breathing for themselves already.

My brain isn't big enough for all this. It can't figure this all out.

Maybe Guardasil should come with birth control pills.

Why did only women respond. Hmm must be a reason.

Title: Re: The immorality of abortion
Post by senote on Nov 23rd, 2009 at 9:33pm
Some of the replies to this are quite deep, my own opinion is quite simple. Some people shouldn't have kids, some people shouldn't have so many kids, and all people should be careful and take protection.

People who shouldn't have kids include people who don't want them, can't handle them, would actually make bad parents, are actually bad people etc.

People who shouldn't have so many include anyone not able to support a large family, it's sad but more and more we see girls young girls with 2 or 3 kids and while they may be happy and that is important it doesn't make it right. Living on a planet with finite resources and an economy that can only support so many people we should all practice some responsibility.

One of the biggest arguments against abortion has always been the fact that you are essentially ending a human life, but if you believe that the spirit and the body are in fact separate entities then it's logical that either the spirit enters the body on birth or that the aborted fetuses contain no spirit and thus no real life, or that those spirits for some reason had chosen or needed to experience that life.

Title: Re: The immorality of abortion
Post by Beau on Nov 26th, 2009 at 1:23pm
I have given ny opinion on this subject but it is certainly off topic. Nothing is EVER lost and only information is gained. I have partaken in two abortions from the male perspective both times leaving it up to the body that was truly in question. I have struggled with the second many times but I believe since the girl already had a child she couldn't care for it would be cruel to bring her another into the world and I have my hands fulll with my son. She said she was on the pill, I know I know. The first was my first wife who feared she would abuse the child in some way if she had one. Both decisions were correct in the eyes of ME. My son came to me at the perfect time and though his mother and I parted he has grown up just as I would have wished...brilliantly.

Happy Thanksgiving even though the native Americans may see ours as the greatest abortion of all time. I do love turkey and dressing. My best to you all for the rest of this glorious year..

Yours, Always N Allways,


Title: Re: The immorality of abortion
Post by hawkeye on Dec 1st, 2009 at 3:50pm
kirolak, who ever sent you that link you spoke of must be one twisted individual. Not all abortions are cutting up little babies and pulling them them out piece by piece. Although late term abortions are exactly that.
lucy, many people will meet those connected to them spiritualy who did pass by abortion, sids, childhood death. Acceptance of the reality of being with them again, and the fact that they were never really killed or died, may be a path to healing of any associated guilt feelings. Your not killing anybody, as knowbody truely dies,  but may be preventing the expression of life for them by aborting. But there are those who would in their efforts to control and delay your spiritual advancement hold you to feelings of guilt and remorse. The child/being will not hold you responsible but will fill you with expression of overwhelming love for you when you meet them again. I promise!

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