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Message started by Alan McDougall on Oct 13th, 2009 at 12:15pm

Title: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 13th, 2009 at 12:15pm

The physical universe

All information, both past, present, and future, exists in the ““Superconsciousness”.” The “Superconsciousness” (or Collective Mind) transcends time and space and with diligent practice, is consciously accessible from the deep state of awareness.

Sentient“ intelligent beings in the universe are interconnected in what I call the Superconsciousness” this is not God, it is where information comes from for all accurate predictions and visions, whether auditory, visual, or emotional. It encompasses all that is and all that will be in our universe. In truth, it is where our thoughts go to and come from.

We only perceive these whispering thoughts in our brain and usually take little notice of them but we should try to be more aware and connect with this source of universal knowledge for the benefit of humankind, we have learned to filter out them to our disadvantage.

I see it as something similar to the hive mind of the bee or ant but that, which connects all higher beings in one consciousness throughout the universe. I speculate this “Superconsciousness” is finite consisting of finite albeit highly intelligent life forms throughout the universe and “is not the infinite creator God” but one of his creations. A sort of galactic, or universal internet, think how useful this source would be if only we could gain access to it when we want to?

Maybe the universe is a sleeping giant a sort colossal being and we are just neurons within it, but I don’t really like this idea of a living evolving intelligent universe

The physical universe is unimaginably beautiful a crown diamond the most precious jewel in of Gods crown his achievement a creation with for he was well pleased, exploding with life and light. These are some of the heavens that declare the glory of God

Strange worlds revolving around other stars within other galaxies, are painted in a myriad of colors unknown and unseen of earth blazed, flashed, revolved in glorious maelstroms like colossal aurora borealis in such glory in the heavily planes and the physical universe that would have blinded human eyes.

Cerulean clouds of energy rolled and merged changing into aubergine, incarnadine and green viridity, gladeen, misord, bladgreed, blueploom, surgrrezeing, astromosterdram, these words for some of these colors just entered my mind and I remembered then for this document. Beings on planets such as these communicate by flashing colors of a billion different shades and spectrums, each subtle shade can have a particular meaning of mean more than all the data on earth in a moment

There are plasma beings Dwellers on the furnaces of the suns, to them the inferno we call the surface of a sun or star is cool life giving warmth. They survive on magnetic energy.

I went amongst the stars, saw their mighty glory and glorious multi-colored planets, and observed great beings with huge gossamer wings that were a million kilometers from wingtip to wingtip, which sailed on radiant light in the dark oceans of space that makes up most of the universe.

Some worlds were so similar to earth that at first I thought I was looking at earth or a city of earth. But a closer look revealed odd differences, the gait of the beings, their transport vehicles all differed minutely.

On other world the entities were so odd so different that I thought they were just part of the background a rock or a long thin dark looking tree, but they are highly evolved sentient beings like us.

Size is relative and there are huge entities and entities unimaginable small, most very small life form are hive based minds and at the hive level sentient and intelligent with purpose.

Some lived at a much slower rate than humans, their year a billion years compared to ours. They do not know we exist; we are fleeting vibrating electrons to them.

Far in the utter dark of space dark worlds exist in the void remote from any other are worlds hanging alone in the abysmal cold of absolute zero. But are these worlds dead and void of life? Not so, beings exist on them and they live so slowly that the life of the universe is but a day to them. To them ice is a raging inferno.

Other beings come into existence like a fundamental particle, live and die in one infinitesimal moment, to small for our best instrument to measure, but they are intelligent living beings like us.

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 19th, 2009 at 5:32am
No response??, I tried to answer a few questions that the forum might have

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Lights of Love on Oct 19th, 2009 at 9:22am
Hi Alan,

I like your post. Like you, I have seen other worlds as well. What we call the nonphysical is only our perception because our consciousness is focused and constrained by ELS. When your consciousness is focused in other worlds/frames of reality, like you mentioned, there exists all sorts of beings.  Other worlds, like ELS is teaming with life of all types imaginable and unimaginable.

However, I wonder why you say this: "Maybe the universe is a sleeping giant a sort colossal being and we are just neurons within it, but I don’t really like this idea of a living evolving intelligent universe."

This is exactly how I think the universe is.  We are all evolving consciousness, individually and as a whole.  You've experienced the beauty of how consciousness has evolved so far.  A gigantic, brilliant being of love consciousness... Just think of how much we don't know and how more glorious consciousness could become as all of us individualized consciousness grow spiritually in love, reduce our entropy, thereby becoming more organized, brighter and even more beautiful. Each of us have an effect on the whole consciousness evolution system... what is most beneficial/profitable to that system will continue to survive and become even more of what it already is... how lovely.  Words cannot even begin to describe...


Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by pratekya on Oct 19th, 2009 at 4:19pm
I feel like maybe I shouldn't respond, as Alan and I have our past differences, and don't get along.  However some of this is simply ridiculous and deserves a rebuttal.  This original post is why, in my opinion, sometimes new age thought is treated as nutty and ridiculous.

All information, both past, present, and future, exists in the ““Superconsciousness”.” The “Superconsciousness” (or Collective Mind) transcends time and space and with diligent practice, is consciously accessible from the deep state of awareness.

Sentient“ intelligent beings in the universe are interconnected in what I call the Superconsciousness” this is not God, it is where information comes from for all accurate predictions and visions, whether auditory, visual, or emotional. It encompasses all that is and all that will be in our universe. In truth, it is where our thoughts go to and come from.

If this is true, and 'with diligent practice is consciously accessible from the deep state of awareness', then we should have people accessing it all of the time with no problem.  I'm not saying I'm diligent enough for this, but wouldn't the requirement of just being diligent be a low bar to set for knowledge of 'all that is or will be in the universe?'  If that were the case, why couldn't certain predict horrible natural disasters and accidents with 100% accuracy?  Why couldn't people predict lottery numbers?  Wouldn't governments hire these people, and wouldn't they be treated as national treasures?  With over, what 7 billion people on the planet, you'd think that some would be diligent enough to be tapped in to the knowledge of 'all that is or will be in the universe'.  Wow, what a sweeping claim, with no evidence.  I agree that people can tap into a higher reality, and be aware to some degree of future events and dangers on a need to know basis, but I'd say that usually you have enough information to move forward one step in a choice, but hardly knowledge of 'all that is or will be in the universe'.  I also would say that Alan's interpretation of  knowledge and wisdom implies action, power and initiative on the part of the practitioner, rather than allowing the action of Spirit to come into someone's life with a word of knowledge or intuition about something that is happening.  In Alan's view we are not dependent creatures but rather Gods ourselves.

Cerulean clouds of energy rolled and merged changing into aubergine, incarnadine and green viridity, gladeen, misord, bladgreed, blueploom, surgrrezeing, astromosterdram, these words for some of these colors just entered my mind and I remembered then for this document. Beings on planets such as these communicate by flashing colors of a billion different shades and spectrums, each subtle shade can have a particular meaning of mean more than all the data on earth in a moment

and this is where Alan starts to confuse pondering and pontificating about what he thinks the universe is like with being an actual explorer on ranks that far supersede Bruce or Swedenborg.

There are plasma beings Dwellers on the furnaces of the suns, to them the inferno we call the surface of a sun or star is cool life giving warmth. They survive on magnetic energy.

I went amongst the stars, saw their mighty glory and glorious multi-colored planets, and observed great beings with huge gossamer wings that were a million kilometers from wingtip to wingtip, which sailed on radiant light in the dark oceans of space that makes up most of the universe.

Some worlds were so similar to earth that at first I thought I was looking at earth or a city of earth. But a closer look revealed odd differences, the gait of the beings, their transport vehicles all differed minutely.

On other world the entities were so odd so different that I thought they were just part of the background a rock or a long thin dark looking tree, but they are highly evolved sentient beings like us.

Size is relative and there are huge entities and entities unimaginable small, most very small life form are hive based minds and at the hive level sentient and intelligent with purpose.

Some lived at a much slower rate than humans, their year a billion years compared to ours. They do not know we exist; we are fleeting vibrating electrons to them.

Far in the utter dark of space dark worlds exist in the void remote from any other are worlds hanging alone in the abysmal cold of absolute zero. But are these worlds dead and void of life? Not so, beings exist on them and they live so slowly that the life of the universe is but a day to them. To them ice is a raging inferno.

Other beings come into existence like a fundamental particle, live and die in one infinitesimal moment, to small for our best instrument to measure, but they are intelligent living beings like us.

Yeah, the rest of his post is just stuff he is making up; wild claims that are unbelievable.  I have gotten to see Alan's character in action a bit over the last couple of years and find it hard to believe he is the explorer he claims to be.  The problem is that his claims are untestable, like much of the afterlife discussions, so its tough to prove him wrong.  I'd say its a safe bet to consider two things however; consider the source and consider the claims.

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by pratekya on Oct 19th, 2009 at 5:47pm
Bruce helped me with this earlier, but I'm having trouble finding his help... how do I properly quote something on the boards?

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Oct 19th, 2009 at 5:50pm

If this is true, and 'with diligent practice is consciously accessible from the deep state of awareness', then we should have people accessing it all of the time with no problem.  I'm not saying I'm diligent enough for this, but wouldn't the requirement of just being diligent be a low bar to set for knowledge of 'all that is or will be in the universe?'  If that were the case, why couldn't certain predict horrible natural disasters and accidents with 100% accuracy?  Why couldn't people predict lottery numbers?  Wouldn't governments hire these people, and wouldn't they be treated as national treasures?  With over, what 7 billion people on the planet, you'd think that some would be diligent enough to be tapped in to the knowledge of 'all that is or will be in the universe'.  Wow, what a sweeping claim, with no evidence.  I agree that people can tap into a higher reality, and be aware to some degree of future events and dangers on a need to know basis, but I'd say that usually you have enough information to move forward one step in a choice, but hardly knowledge of 'all that is or will be in the universe'.  I also would say that Alan's interpretation of  knowledge and wisdom implies action, power and initiative on the part of the practitioner, rather than allowing the action of Spirit to come into someone's life with a word of knowledge or intuition about something that is happening.  In Alan's view we are not dependent creatures but rather Gods ourselves.

If you believe that the collective consciousness exists, and understand our relationship with it, then it should be obvious that with practice, humans can learn to access this level.   We exist within the collective consciousness- we are a part of it.  It is true that knowledge comes to us through intuition on a nearly daily basis from this higher reality.  However, to claim that we cannot learn to access it consciously is wrong- a very limiting belief. 

It's a bit presumptuous to assume that there are not people who have direct access to the collective superconsciousness, and that there are not people who have the ability to predict future events, and that the government does not take advanage of people with these abilities.  There is in fact much evidence which proves all of this.. doing a little research goes a long way sometimes- especially in a debate, or "rebuttal."  I have read of many explorers of consciousness who access the collective consciousness levels.  There have been many people in history who have predicted important future events.  Nostrodomus comes to mind.  There also exists government programs who utilize gifted individuals with psychic abilities to carry on top secret projects- many books have been written on them.  What you would have to do is prove that none of this is true.  Good luck. 

As to saying that Allan is making up his experiences in other realms and with other consciousnesses... perhaps that's a bit harsh.  But maybe you know something I don't.  I have experienced other forms of consciousness in other dimensions, so I wouldn't doubt that in our infinite multidimensional universe there exists beings of the likes that Allan has described.

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 20th, 2009 at 3:03am

I accept you critique and disbelief, but have you been to Timbuktu or even know it exists.

You are in the wrong forum if you do not like the mysterious or supernatural and if I am a liar so are the majority of members on this great forum of esoteric and metaphysical thinkers. You see many of the guys here have had experiences more profound than mine and that includes Bruce Moen the Administrator

Go to my blog at the bottom link and read some of my stuff and you might read that I am not so one dimensional like you think

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by betson on Oct 20th, 2009 at 8:22am

I was just going to respond to the critique but Alan has done so far better with much more grace and calmness than I had ready.

Alan truly has the prespective and skills that are the basis for his writing.  He has visited my home many times OB/phasing/? and is most welcome by us all -- my husband, my dog who notices his arrival before I do, and myself.


Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 20th, 2009 at 8:59am

Lights of Love wrote on Oct 19th, 2009 at 9:22am:
Hi Alan,

I like your post. Like you, I have seen other worlds as well. What we call the nonphysical is only our perception because our consciousness is focused and constrained by ELS. When your consciousness is focused in other worlds/frames of reality, like you mentioned, there exists all sorts of beings.  Other worlds, like ELS is teaming with life of all types imaginable and unimaginable.

However, I wonder why you say this: "Maybe the universe is a sleeping giant a sort colossal being and we are just neurons within it, but I don’t really like this idea of a living evolving intelligent universe."

This is exactly how I think the universe is.  We are all evolving consciousness, individually and as a whole.  You've experienced the beauty of how consciousness has evolved so far.  A gigantic, brilliant being of love consciousness... Just think of how much we don't know and how more glorious consciousness could become as all of us individualized consciousness grow spiritually in love, reduce our entropy, thereby becoming more organized, brighter and even more beautiful. Each of us have an effect on the whole consciousness evolution system... what is most beneficial/profitable to that system will continue to survive and become even more of what it already is... how lovely.  Words cannot even begin to describe...


Hi Kathy I believe you in the absolute. Those who have not experienced what we have might like Pratekya suggest or say outright we are liars.

My statement about Timbuktu was many people think it is a city of fantasy not real, but I know it is real and located in the country of Mali. Because pratekya has not been there he could suggest to people who have that they are lying or delusional


Thank you for your kind comments and you know as well as many others on the forum I have proved to the forum that I posses psychic gifts

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 20th, 2009 at 9:08am

Please go to this link and you might read I can back up my claims with fact

(September 1, 2005)      

On April 26, 2005, webmaster Kevin Williams received an email from near-death experiencer Alan McDougall informing him of a dream he had the previous night. The subject of the email was "Dream of a disaster from Alan" and this was the contents of the email (verbatim):

"Dear All, Last night the 26/4/2005 at 4 a.m. I dreamed of a disaster happening somewhere on the Earth at the time that the young peaches are still green in South Africa. This is between August and October. Love, Alan."

Alan also predicted the Tsunami Disaster that hit Indonesia on Dec. 26, 2004 (see Near-Death Newsletter Jan. 15, 2005)

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by pratekya on Oct 20th, 2009 at 3:14pm
I'll respond to OOBD first, as I've been busy and haven't had a chance to respond until now.


(1) If you believe that the collective consciousness exists, and understand our relationship with it, then it should be obvious that (2) with practice, humans can learn to access this level.   

1.  I don't necessarily believe the collective consciousness exists; I think it’s honestly somewhat irrelevant compared to the questions of does God exist and does the afterlife exist, and what are they like.  I am not opposed a collective consciousness existing however.
2.  I don't think this is a valid argument; it is not at all obvious that we should be able to access what Alan is talking about here as biological beings

A sort of galactic, or universal internet, think how useful this source would be if only we could gain access to it when we want to?

Indeed, how useful it would be.  The trouble is that there is a lack of verifiable evidence to support this that people have access to this whenever they consciously want to know anything.  Seriously,  if this was done at will, in a very demonstrable way, natural disasters would be avoided, national defenses and offenses would be bolstered, there would be billionaires made through the stock market and lotteries, and there would be people and nations flocking to these people to learn how to do just this.  The absence of worldwide consistent verifiable evidence to support this seems to suggest that it is not obvious; in fact your point has not been made… following your logic actually, the fact that we don’t see these verifiable evidences of this is makes the case against your argument of a collective consciousness existing.

However, to claim that we cannot learn to access it consciously is wrong- a very limiting belief.

Interesting comment, as I am not making that strong claim that it cannot be accessed, if it exists.  You are beating a straw man here.  I do believe in intuition, and the spirit of God as it moves with knowledge to people.  I do not believe that God is a means to our end of glorifying ourselves or satisfying our own curiosity however.  The spirit of God does as it pleases, not the other way around.  And like I said, I do not know if the collective unconscious actually exists (and think in the bigger scheme of things, it is not as important as other issues).  I also tend to believe that Bruce Moen and Swedenborg have done some valid exploration, although I wouldn’t necessarily subscribe to everything they have written because of the inherent subjectivity of the experiences.

There is in fact much evidence which proves all of this.. doing a little research goes a long way sometimes- especially in a debate, or "rebuttal."  I have read of many explorers of consciousness who access the collective consciousness levels.  There have been many people in history who have predicted important future events.  Nostrodomus comes to mind.  There also exists government programs who utilize gifted individuals with psychic abilities to carry on top secret projects- many books have been written on them.

Um, lets see the evidence?  Nostrodomus is your evidence?  Maybe, but his quatrains were so lyrical and non specific that you could find quite a bit in there that was probably not intended.  Governmental programs?  I’ve read about a couple, and it seems like they are all discontinued; remote viewing and such, because they could not get constantly correct and verifiable results.  It’s hard to launch a missile strike on someone’s impression if they may be wrong.  Did these programs have some successes?  Sure, but nothing like ‘with diligent practice is consciously accessible from the deep state of awareness’.  In addition, if these programs were successful, wouldn’t we have our whole intelligence agency based on these principles?  The absence of these natural consequences argues against your conclusion.  Again, these are people who had some insight from beyond, but to be 100% correct and certain about these things would be making a strong claim that is not supported by the evidence.

What you would have to do is prove that none of this is true.  Good luck. 

Actually, again, I am not claiming that I know for certain that the collective unconscious doesn’t exist, so I do not need to prove that your evidence of Nostradomus and governmental programs are untrue.  Nonetheless, I think I have shown that your support of Nostradamus and governmental programs as support of the existence of a collective unconscious are very weak at best, and definitely unconvincing.

As to saying that Allan is making up his experiences in other realms and with other consciousnesses... perhaps that's a bit harsh.  But maybe you know something I don't. 

I was saying that when it comes to unverifiable sources, we should “consider the source, and consider the claims”.  Just because Alan is parroting a lot of New Age ideas that people already subscribe to doesn’t mean he is an authentic messenger.  And as for knowing something that you don’t; I have shown in past posts how Alan has been a plagiarizer and when his veneer of sweet spirituality is stripped aside he is very nasty and arrogant, attacking me on grounds of being more important than I, attacking me because I would question him, and only later coming to admit that he was plagiarizing information.  Unfortunately I can’t find the posts at the moment; maybe Alan deleted them.  I also posted how I thought his spamming of crap had pretty much ruined this site that used to have actual seekers and critical thought going on as opposed to self aggrandizing claims and references to one’s own website such as “Alan McDougal Master of Wisdom” (I’m not making this up – do a search, it’s the title of his webpage).  He later claimed he was joking when he made the name of the page.

On to Alan’s responses.

have you been to Timbuktu or even know it exists.

By analogy, I assume you are arguing that since I have not been to your realms you supposedly experienced then I don’t know if it exists or not.  I agree.  I would say there is no verifiable way to know if your realms exist or not with certainty, with a deductive argument.  I would say we could make an inductive argument that it is unlikely your realms as you described them exist because I don’t believe you are a reliable messenger based on your past actions of arrogance and plagiarism.

  You are in the wrong forum if you do not like the mysterious or supernatural

I am in the right forum at times when people who like the mysterious and supernatural also like critical reasoning and thought, which is not always the case here honestly.  In reality, I would say I’m more in the spirit of Bruce Moen than you are, with his emphasis on testing and verifying to oneself that one’s own reactions are correct.  In addition, since Bruce has an engineering background and I have a science background I think we simply share a similar way of looking at the world that doesn’t take everything at face value.

and if I am a liar so are the majority of members on this great forum of esoteric and metaphysical thinkers.

No, again not true, and good job trying to link yourself with the whole group as a bunch of victims against my evil questioning and critique, along with a healthy dose of flattery to the group.

Because pratekya has not been there he could suggest to people who have that they are lying or delusional

No, the difference is the city you are mentioning secondly is experimentally verifiable, which is different in kind, not degree, from your stories that casually include visiting other worlds with strange creatures.

On April 26, 2005, webmaster Kevin Williams received an email from near-death experiencer Alan McDougall informing him of a dream he had the previous night. The subject of the email was "Dream of a disaster from Alan" and this was the contents of the email (verbatim):

"Dear All, Last night the 26/4/2005 at 4 a.m. I dreamed of a disaster happening somewhere on the Earth at the time that the young peaches are still green in South Africa. This is between August and October. Love, Alan."

1.  Wow talk about vague.  Let me start us off, and I will do the same thing that Alan has done.  Please write this down; note this – here is my prediction: In the month of November and December of this year, there will be a disaster that happens somewhere in the world.  Now in a couple months we can revisit this issue, and everyone can admit (if you buy this logic) that I am just as much of a predictor of the future as Alan is.  Is this argument for real?  I’m stunned…  I have a son now and I would hope that by the time my son is in middle school he would be able to realize that this is an invalid argument.  If you make your predictions vague enough, they will come true.  Making extremely vague predictions couched in lyrical language does not prove you have psychic abilities, even if submitted to a website that is uncritical.  While it may be fact that you have made an incredibly vague prediction, that doesn’t mean that your prediction is either useful or actually coming from anything but a self deluding mind that wants to be recognized as something great (Alan McDougal, Master of Wisdom).

This vague prediction directly contrasts with what Alan has been inferring that he is in contact with, which is as follows:

All information, both past, present, and future, exists in the ““Superconsciousness”.” The “Superconsciousness” (or Collective Mind) transcends time and space and with diligent practice, is consciously accessible from the deep state of awareness.

So how about something a little more useful?  Like something like “Hey if you live in Louisiana or Florida or Mississippi, get out because a monster hurricane is coming your way, and it will hit about August 27th, 2005.  This is what we should expect if people like Alan can tap into the superconsciousness that is consciously accessible.  Again, the absence of such warnings (from anyone, not just Alan) is evidence that lends itself to the argument that this superconsciousness either doesn’t exist or people who access it aren’t consistently reliable enough to depend on.

I want to state or ask in conclusion:

1.  I do believe that something like a superconsciousness might possibly exist, but I don’t assume it does or doesn’t a priori. 
2.  Is it possible to think critically, not automatically accept every story that someone wants to share and still explore ideas of the afterlife?  I believe the answer is yes.
3.  Is it reasonable to accept what everyone claims as their experience as objectively true?

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Oct 20th, 2009 at 5:59pm
It is obvious that the collective consciousness levels are available to us as human beings(assuming they exist) for the same reasons any other dimension of reality is available.  They just are.  We are multidimensional beings existing in a multidimensional universe.  Our experience of being separated from our greater reality is an illusion- one that can be penatrated with a little work.  With practice, one can explore dimensions beyond the physical.  With more practice, one can choose where one wants to explore.  This is first hand experiential knowledge.  There are dimensions of reality for each level of consciousness, from the cell level to planetary system levels and beyond.  So why would the human consciousness level be left out?  Its not- it can be experienced, and it is.  When psychics and channels recieve information relating to another human individual that they had otherwise no way of knowing, where do you think this info comes from?  It is the human tapping into a higher level of their consciousness, in this case, the collective consciousness.

As for my "evidence"-  my point of bringing these things up is that you claim that people cannot develope skills to gain higher knowledge, when this is obviously not the case.  I don't really want to do a research report on it, but think of all the psychics and channels throughout history and even today- they all utilize their developed skills to gain higher knowledge.  The reason why it is not common is because our society is more focused on materialism than developing spirituality and gaining true knowledge.

As for the government programs- if you have done any extensive research into any of them, you would see that the skills of these individuals used are highly accurate.  It is a mistake to believe that they have all been discontinued- this is simply misinformation.  You assume that intelligence agencies do not utilize psychics.  Inside reports show quite the opposite however.

But for me, the issue isn't whether the collective consciousness exists, or if it can be used to gain results with 100% accuracy.  My goal is to expose the false belief that humans are cut off from higher levels of their greater reality, as you seem to insinuate.  Yes, we are biological beings- but that is not all we are.  We are actually spiritual beings in a biological illusion.

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Berserk2 on Oct 20th, 2009 at 6:11pm

Of course, the questions of verification must consider at least 5 possible interpretations: (1) One incarnate person reads another incarnate human's mind and gleans information about a third party. (2) One incarnate person reads a discarmate person's  mind without his knowledge or active participation and distorts this by repackaging the experience as a soul to soul communication.  (3) One incarnate person communicates with a discarnate person who knowingly engages in conversation.  (4) A demonic spirit impersonates a deceased person by sharing information gleaned from the deceased prior to his demise, when in fact the deceased no longer exists.  (5) An incarnate human contacts no discrete mind, but rather reads the information from the Akashic records or the Collective Unconscious.

New Agers tend to select the most comforting explanation without regard to what is counter-intuitive.  I agree with Pratekya's main argument: one might expect spectacular breakthroughs in knowledge on a wide front if we really could tune in to alleged Akashic records.  To control the wishful thinking of groupthink, we must analyze Deafening Silence.
In other words, if I can really contact a discarnate spirit or the Collective Unconscious, what would I expect to learn that is in fact unavailable to me?  For example, the dead spirit might say, "Contact my sister Mabel Shaw in Pittsburgh.  She has my baseball card collection in a blue box in her attic.  The failure to address Deafening Silence is the Achilles heel of New Age pretensions to afterlife contact.


Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Oct 20th, 2009 at 7:02pm

If I were you, I'd be out there exploring the truth rather than speculating about it.

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Berserk2 on Oct 20th, 2009 at 7:10pm

I'll bet I've had more paranormal experiences and supernatural experiences of guidance than you have.  Even so, integrity demands that I consider the possibility that I have been deluded or have misinterpreted what I've experienced.  That's the only path to true knowledge. 


Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Oct 20th, 2009 at 9:26pm
If you believe you've had more paranormal experiences then I have, thats fine.  This is not a contest.  However, quality is more important than quantity when it comes to spiritual experience.  During my experiences in higher realms, in realms more spiritual than anything I have ever imagined possible, my consciousness has been merged with a power so much greater than anything I have consciously known.  I experienced states of higher knowing, of absolute truth of my true existence, of my true spiritual nature.  I have experienced the bliss of my higher states of being- and it is within this bliss that true knowledge is found.  Only after first hand experience of this higher knowledge can one be truely sure of the nature of their inner being and the greater reality.    

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Berserk2 on Oct 21st, 2009 at 1:36am
[OOBD:} "If you believe you've had more paranormal experiences then I have, thats fine.  This is not a contest." 

Ah, but you implicltly make it a contest by ducking the issues under discussion and patronizing me with your demand that I do more exploration. 

[OOBD:] "However, quality is more important than quantity when it comes to spiritual experience." 
Yes, but quality must be measured by aftereffects, and on a public site like this these aftereffects should include claims of some level of verification, even if these are far from probative.  Your tone seems to assume that your experiences are higher in quality than mine.  Yet you have had limited exposure to my reports of such experiences of "oneness."

[OOBD:] "During my experiences in higher realms, consciousness has been merged with a power so much greater than anything I have consciously known." 

I describe my prolonged mystical union in an amphitheatre in the same terms.  My sense of union was so real that I feared my sense of ego identity would be totally absorbed in the omnipotent mind that merged with mine.  This fear quickly changed to indescribable awe as wave on wave of liquid love surged through my being with such ever escalating power that I wondered if I would survive.  I was forced against my will to speak in tongues at the top of my voice by this relentless force of omnipotent Love. 

Experiences of mystical union are commonplace.  Claims of meaning in the context of dialogue require verification that other spiritual explorers can hope to replicate.  I challenge you to summarize yours; here re some of mine which were at least psychologically compelling:

(1) A witness to my "mystical union" ecstasy saw that something bizarre was happening.  She entered the amphitheatre, and sat and stared because, she claimed, my face was glowing in the dark. 

(2) In that state a skeptical Lutheran minister barged in and asked me to touch him.  When I did, he exploded into speaking in other tongues.  Previously, he had been skeptical of such experiences, but my touch in that blissful state overwhelmed his resistance. 

(3) In the aftermath of this experience, I began to have easily verified clairvoyant experiences, including verified death premonitions that prompted me to warn one victim--alas, to no avail. 

(4) In the aftermath of this experience, I was transformed from a rather ordinary student to the student with the highest grade point average in my Canadian province.  This mystical experience literally transformed my capacity for memory and critical analysis.  Of course, I credit all this to the grace of God destroying my skepticism of His existence, opening uip blocked channels of my mind, and calling me to a passionate quest to know Him better by deepening my mystical union with Him. 
[OOBD:] "I experienced states of higher knowing, of absolute truth..".

"Higher knowing" is a question-begging New Age phrase that is inappropriate for a forum like this unless you provide solid verification.  I claim "higher knowing" too, but I don't invoke it as a warrant for a digression from a serious debate.  Unthinking fundamentalists of every stripe make your claim to "absolute truth" based on experience.  This is just a pious phrase to short-circuit the hard work of honest and open analysis.  You have blissful subjective experiences of uncertain epistemological relevance--nothing more.  Or... can you provide more?


Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 21st, 2009 at 3:22am

/2005/0115.html[b]Near-Death Experiencer Foresaw Cataclysmic Disaster in Asia
     (Jan. 15, 2005)

On April 16, 2002, Kevin Williams published on his website the near-death testimony of Alan McDougall which contained the following vision of the future:

"While this omnipotent being was speaking, I could see a panoramic view of planet Earth, as if I was a space man observing the Earth, all the time, from the window of a space vehicle. The voice that I took as God, was not pleased with what was happening on our planet, and kept referring to humanity in the terms of "mere mortal man, I am displeased with you" (I cannot remember why he was displeased). While this unseen being "God" was speaking, the Earth was revolving and stopping at intervals over each continent, in turn, where a warning message was given to each continent. What I can remember was that he was saying to humanity that he was displeased with their evil actions in some way. The frustrating part is that I could not retain all that was said to mere mortal man, by this being, while I was with him viewing the Earth. I do, however, clearly, remember two warnings. One that a cataclysmic event would start from the Indian subcontinent. The other that the Middle East crises would not be solved by the peacekeeping efforts of man and that divine direct intervention would eventually come to the Earth, sometime in the future, because of the unbelievable evil that some mere men were perpetuating and directly responsible for on Earth (rape of the planet)."... [Read more]

Below is a fuller version!!

blinkstar.gif (494 bytes) Alan McDougall

The reader might ask the question, "How true is this article"? My answer would be that they are absolutely subjectively true. It is a true reflection of what I experienced, while in a deep coma in altered state of consciousness when very ill. Are they true reflection of some of the mysteries on the other side of life? I cannot say with certainty.

I am going to attempt to describe my near-death experiences while very ill and in a deep coma. This is an almost impossible task, as one has to try and relate the strange alien multi-dimensions of the other side of life in a way that can be understood in our three dimensional material world.

Firstly I emphasize that my experiences where atypical in the sense that I had no life reviews. Also these experiences were partly brought on by my desire to know the enigma of the origin of evil. They were experienced between 1990 & 2001. My body was not in a near-death state but in a deep coma in an altered state of consciousness and very ill.

During a number of extremely deep comas, between 1990 and 2001, while very sick, and in altered states of consciousness, my soul, spirit, mind, call it what you will, left my body and I sometimes experienced the typical tunnel of NDEs then. There, I was sometimes met by a being of pure light, not a human form, but pure point of light, who communicated with me mind to mind, via some form of telepathy. I believe it was an angel! I could not see either end of the tunnel as we were in total darkness, except for the point of intelligent light. It was an out of-body experience.

It was explained to me, by this being of light, that this tunnel had two ends. One into the glorious light of God, and the other into the darkness of the evil void. I would like to interject here, due to your prime question relating to judgement in the afterlife. " Darkness (evil) cannot invade the light, (one candle dispels the darkness) but light (goodness) can impact into the darkness (evil)."

At first I was taken up through the tunnel into a place of learning (library) into the glorious light at the one end of this almost infinite tunnel. While in the light I experienced great feelings of elation, love and peace. Here I was shown great events that were to come to planet Earth, sometime in the future. There was a being with me all the time that I could not see, but hear. It spoke with a male voice. I believed it/he was what we mortals refer to as God.

While this omnipotent being was speaking, I could see a panoramic view of planet Earth, as if I was a space man observing the Earth, all the time, from the window of a space vehicle. The voice that I took as God, was not pleased with what was happening on our planet, and kept referring to humanity in the terms of "mere mortal man, I am displeased with you" (I cannot remember why he was displeased). While this unseen being "God" was speaking, the

Earth was revolving and stopping at intervals over each continent, in turn, where a warning message was given to each continent. What I can remember was that he was saying to humanity that he was displeased with their evil actions in some way.

The frustrating part is that I could not retain all that was said to mere mortal man, by this being, while I was with him viewing the Earth.

I do, however, clearly, remember two warnings. One that a cataclysmic event would start from the Indian subcontinent. The other that the middle east crises would not be solved by the peacekeeping efforts of man and that divine direct intervention would eventually come to the Earth, sometime in the future, because of the unbelievable evil that some mere men were perpetuating and directly responsible for on Earth. (Rape of the planet)

It was also shown to me that we are not really judged by God, but by our own actions in life, which dictate ones eternal destiny. If all our actions had become totally evil, by the end of our life, we would become a being of darkness and it would have simply become impossible for us to enter the light of God. (Darkness cannot penetrate the light!). To reach this point we would have to have become totally depraved being (like Hitler), with no redeemable qualities. The destiny of this type of person, by his own actions, would be eternal banishment down into the deepest darkness of this vast infinitely long evil end of the tunnel, remote from the love of God forever. I was also shown that there are degrees of punishment in the void. Ranging from a gray depressive atmosphere, progressively down into utter horror, terror, hopelessness, despair and desolation in black darkness. I did not see any lake of fire! I, however, got the clear impression that God will one day thrust all evil away from him into the infinite utter remote darkness of the deep and forget them there forever, where they could perform their awful perversions upon each other forever. Indeed reaping what they had sowed. They could call out to God for eternity, from this awful place, and never hear from God again. Separated and forgotten by him forever, by they're own evil actions. (Self-inflicted punishment). What an awful horrifying thought.

But enough of this gloom!

Anyone reading this article is not destined for the awful place depicted in the last paragraph. It is a fact that all of us do wrong and make mistakes in life! But in us are also light, great love, compassion, caring and consideration for others. Therefore we all have varying degrees of light in us that will allow us into the glorious light of almighty God in the light end of the tunnel, at the end of our earthly life. God can work with the light in us, make us pure and allow us to progress up the various levels of heaven into his eternal blissful presence of everlasting peace and joy! It is a progress of eternal learning. Then we become one with God, but retain our unique.

Getting off the point a bit, I would like to refer to something else that were shown me while on the other side.

Time, as we experience on Earth, it is an illusion, something like an infinitely stretchable or shrinkable string of elastic. (Perhaps that is why some days seem to take an eternity to pass and others mere moments)?  The end event (end of time) will not come at some set chronological time, but when a certain set of future events synchronizes.[/b]

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Neil Gordon on Oct 21st, 2009 at 4:00am
From some discussions I've had with Alan back channel my conclusion is that he is definitely clairvoyant.

He mentioned some very specific stuff about me and my circumstances which should be impossible for him to know, since I do not know him from a bar of soap.

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Oct 21st, 2009 at 4:02am

My suggestion to do more exploration(that of a nonphysical nature) arrises from my observation that you are too focused on physical verification to allow yourself to truly see the bigger picture.  I am not sure what the cause of your lack of faith in your own experience is, but I believe it is stunting your growth into larger realities.  Have you learned anything new or grew in any significant way over the last three years since I joined this forum?  Not meant as an attack, more from curiosity... you seem to be asking the same questions, stuck with the same ideas.  Personally, my beliefs have changed greatly, as well as the quality of my life and consciousness.  This progress has occurred because I trust in my experience and my inner nature, which has allowed me to access higher realities, both physical and nonphysical.

As to my experiences:  It is difficult to verify that which can have no true physical verification.  My experiences occurred while out of body in higher nonphysical levels.  What I have experienced in these levels is nearly impossible to accurately describe in physical terms due to their abstract nonphysical nature.  These experiences supersede the intellect and really require no verification, for they occurred during spiritual unison with my higher self in which I remembered everything- including who I truly am.  What I am saying is that when one has experienced their true nonphysical nature in higher dimensions, one realizes that physical proof is close to meaningless when it comes to issues of our greater reality and higher aspects of being.

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 21st, 2009 at 4:40am

I Am Dude wrote on Oct 21st, 2009 at 4:02am:

My suggestion to do more exploration(that of a nonphysical nature) arrises from my observation that you are too focused on physical verification to allow yourself to truly see the bigger picture.  I am not sure what the cause of your lack of faith in your own experience is, but I believe it is stunting your growth into larger realities.  Have you learned anything new or grew in any significant way over the last three years since I joined this forum?  Not meant as an attack, more from curiosity... you seem to be asking the same questions, stuck with the same ideas.  Personally, my beliefs have changed greatly, as well as the quality of my life and consciousness.  This progress has occurred because I trust in my experience and my inner nature, which has allowed me to access higher realities, both physical and nonphysical.

As to my experiences:  It is difficult to verify that which can have no true physical verification.  My experiences occurred while out of body in higher nonphysical levels.  What I have experienced in these levels is nearly impossible to accurately describe in physical terms due to their abstract nonphysical nature.  These experiences supersede the intellect and really require no verification, for they occurred during spiritual unison with my higher self in which I remembered everything- including who I truly am.  What I am saying is that when one has experienced their true nonphysical nature in higher dimensions, one realizes that physical proof is close to meaningless when it comes to issues of our greater reality and higher aspects of being.

The reason for Dons lack of progress is that he is basically a fundamental Christian Pastor trying to save our souls by surreptitiously winning our hearts to Christ and thereby save our very lost souls

Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by Rondele on Oct 21st, 2009 at 11:55am
<<The reason for Dons lack of progress is that he is basically a fundamental Christian Pastor trying to save our souls by surreptitiously winning our hearts to Christ and thereby save our very lost souls>>

Alan-  I would put it a different way.  To me, Don is like a serious medical practitioner.  Someone comes to him with a serious medical problem and he prescribes a tough, difficult regimen in order to get well.  Maybe not the kind of regimen the patient wants, but the one that has been demonstrated, via empirical evidence, to get the best results.

On the other hand, there are some "patients" who would rather turn to some sort of alternative medicine technique instead.  Maybe fly down to Mexico for the latest and greatest "in vogue" treatment being hyped by some Hollywood type or internet websites. 

Those types of folks are vulnerable to snake oil salesmen for a lot of different reasons.  Mainly they want a shortcut, whether it be in terms of curing their disease or learning about the afterlife.

Thing is, shortcuts don't always produce the kind of results that are the most beneficial.  Sometimes they lead to dead-end roads.  And then the person just has to learn the hard way.


Title: Re: Strange worlds and lliving beings in the universe
Post by recoverer on Oct 21st, 2009 at 1:04pm
The speaking in tongues phenomena is interesting. On the one hand people such as my self experience divine love but "don't" end up speaking in tongues, while other people do. Perhaps in some cases divine spirit affects a person according to his or her expectations.

When it comes to Acts from the Bible, it seems to me that the purpose of speaking in tongues was so that people could speak in a different language when they taught people. This is quite different than what some people experience when they speak in tongues. When I've seen videos of people speaking in tongues I wasn't able to hear that they were speaking a human language.

Betty Andreasson is a person who states that she was abducted by friendly beings. I haven't researched her case thoroughly enough to know how true it is.  She had the below to say about speaking in tongues.

"Betty asked why she was here with the Elders, and they said:

"Don't you remember your blessing?"

She didn't know what they were talking about, and in response they used a machine to show her a scene from earlier in her life. It was at a church service, and what happened was this:

Betty stood up and gave testimony and pledged to use her talents for the glory of God. This was probably not unusual for this type of service. But then the minister suddenly began speaking in tongues. His wife jumped up, ran down the aisle to Betty, put her hands on Betty's head, and began speaking in tongues herself. Then the minister interpreted his wife's tongues; it was a message for Betty:

"You have given all that you have ... thou shalt be blessed above women ... "

This was evidently the scene as Betty remembered it from when she was younger. But now in the strange replay on the mother-ship, she noticed some differences. Some of the people had a light around them - these included Betty, the minister, and his wife. And two Elders were present in the room, unseen by the congregation. One of the Elders stood behind the minister and put his hand on the man's shoulder - and this is when he began speaking in tongues. Then the Elder whispered in the ear of the minister's wife, and this is when she jumped up and administered "the blessing" to Betty. Evidently the whole scenario had been orchestrated by the Elders."

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