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Message started by Ralph Buskey on Sep 5th, 2009 at 3:27pm

Title: Antigravity Theory
Post by Ralph Buskey on Sep 5th, 2009 at 3:27pm

My latest meditation gave me a new idea.

   Being happy raises my energy level, as well as perception of my surroundings. When people are super happy they get light headed. Could it be that the brain is generating antigravity and is hovering around in the skull when someone gets too happy?


Title: Re: Antigravity Theory
Post by betson on Sep 5th, 2009 at 4:26pm
Wow -- Bingo again, IMO!

I wonder if this anti-gravity stuff of happiness is some of the loosh that Robert Monroe speaks of ? Monroe said it came from emotions, although he didn't single out happiness as the best loosh-maker.
It seems to fit.


Title: Re: Antigravity Theory
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Sep 5th, 2009 at 7:08pm
I think if this was the case, scientists would be aware of it by now.  Rather, when one is happy, certain chemcials are released, namely endorphins, which cause these pleasurable sensations.

Title: Re: Antigravity Theory
Post by Ralph Buskey on Sep 5th, 2009 at 8:23pm
You're right, it's a stupid idea.

   I think I'm onto something though. I feel that there is a certain state of consciousness that can allow someone to cancel out the force of gravity. Someday, maybe I can find it.


Title: Re: Antigravity Theory
Post by betson on Sep 5th, 2009 at 9:45pm

Maybe endorphins ARE Loosh.


Title: Re: Antigravity Theory
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Sep 5th, 2009 at 10:03pm
I believe you're right, Ralph.  There have been many cases of levitation in history.  There is even a pretty legit youtube video of some type of sorcerer levitating during a ritual. 

As for endorphins being loosh, perhaps they are one form of loosh.  Perhaps they are a physical counterpart of loosh, loosh of course in its base form being a nonphysical energy rather than a physical chemical.  According to Monroe, loose is raw emotional energy/lifeforce, not neccessarily positive or negative, or rather, it is both.

Title: Re: Antigravity Theory
Post by betson on Sep 6th, 2009 at 8:34am
You guys may be on to something here!

According to wikipedia ---
"Endorphins are endogenous opioid polypeptide compounds. They are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during strenuous exercise,[1] excitement, pain and orgasm,[2][3] and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a sense of well-being. Endorphins work as "natural pain relievers", whose effects may be enhanced by other medications." (my emphasis in bold)

The above description sounds much more like Monroe's loosh!

We (well, I do anyway) generally think of endorphins in connection with the happy effects but their wider range puts them very similiar to Monroe's descriptions, as I recall.


Title: Re: Antigravity Theory
Post by balance on Sep 6th, 2009 at 8:20pm
[quote author=64575A465E360 link=1252178846/0#0 date=1252178846]Greetings.

My latest meditation gave me a new idea.

   Being happy raises my energy level, as well as perception of my surroundings. When people are super happy they get light headed. Could it be that the brain is generating anti-gravity and is hovering around in the skull when someone gets too happy?


I don't think its a stupid idea, in-fact I think your on the money. Gravity is caused by energy. One pulling on another. Being we are held in a dense body and the center of the earth has a higher frequency than we. This is what causes us to be held on the earth.

So your theory that as we gain in vibration, we are able to lift our consciousness, would be correct.

Title: Re: Antigravity Theory
Post by Ralph Buskey on Sep 6th, 2009 at 8:40pm
That's great.

   I also thought of something new. It's not antigravity, but it still is an idea. What if we raised our vibrations enough to at least cling to a wall, like rock climbers. It would be a boost in the right direction.


Title: Re: Antigravity Theory
Post by Ally on Sep 7th, 2009 at 8:55pm
Very interesting stuff, here. :)

Not long ago, I had a flying dream. I didn't go lucid, but in the dream, I actually believed that I was making my physical body fly! :D

Whenever I have these sort of dreams, the sensation of flying really feels real and legit, like it can be done in the physical! Although I may not achieve it in this life, what an incredible thing it would be to be able to fly here in your body like you do in the non physical!

What's strange, is that I feel like I already know how to do this, the sensations, and everything, but have not 'tapped into' it, if that makes any sense. I also feel like I have telekenisis, the ability to move things with my mind. I used to have lots of dreams about doing that, also.

Title: Re: Antigravity Theory
Post by vajra on Sep 8th, 2009 at 9:13am
Peculiarly enough gravity is one of those phenomena that's not at all understood by science. What it does is up to a point quite well known (e.g. as in predicting gravitational effects in space flight), but why it arises, what exactly it is and how it acts seems not to be.

Ditto I'd say  with scientific conceptualisations of the nature of energy. While again we can handle it pretty effectively in certain contexts (e.g. electricity generation and use, steam, fuels, heat transfer in materials) it's pretty clear that (especially around living beings) there are forms of energy that science can't even agree exist...

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