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Message started by MikeV on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 8:59am

Title: Retrieval Dreams
Post by MikeV on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 8:59am
About a month before this experience I had a dream in which I helped a meth' addict realize that he was no longer physical and that he had no need for drugs, in this dream I was being escorted by someone who felt like a teacher or a supervisor. At first I wrote this off as 'just a dream' and something to aim for. The following dream featured the same person so it has made me question some of my past dreams.

Dream starts, I am at the entrance to what looks like an underground passage there is someone with me it’s that teacher figure again! There Is a large rock slab covering the entrance a person (a guard) points out that I can move it. I move the heavy slab to the side with ease, my partner and I proceed inside, the hallway is barley lit by old lamps hanging from the ceiling there are rusted pipes along the walls and ceilings it looks very much like a maintenance tunnel at the end of the tunnel there is a larger room, there are lots of beds and lots of people looking very busy on their phones and arranging things with each other, everyone is in a suit. I try talking to one but he ignores me he seems way too busy, my partner looks at me and then I suddenly get the sense that everyone in this room is no longer physical but has been locked in by their physical worries about work.

There are about 4 men and 4 women I can’t quite pick up their conversation, as we move further back I can perceive a sound or a vibration it sounds much like a hemi-sync sound except i can feel it, it’s keeping everyone awake (so they can work more?) there is a control panel with three “people” at it I get the sense that they are different from the rest (non-physical) they are trying to use sound or vibrations to set these people free and I get the feeling they have been here for a long time. I talk to them and pull out my MP3 player from my pocket and suggest they try the deep sleep track, one of the beings plugs the MP3 player into the control console and the deep sleep track starts to play. After a few seconds everyone stops what they are doing and goes to lay down in a bed, the beings at the console are in complete shock, they seem absolutely amazed that it worked, they go from being very serious to very joyous they start dancing around and celebrating. I get an overwhelming sense of achievement and love, the dream ends.

Retrievals are something I am interested in but I have always felt like I wouldn't be ready when the time came. Now the curiosity has me so I have to find out more, I will order a few of Bruce's books soon.

Anyone have any input on this experience? Do you think dreams of retrievals are genuine retrievals?

Title: Re: Retrieval Dreams
Post by Vee on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 1:22pm
Mike, I know that some groups believe they do retrievals all their lives while asleep, like the Eckankars believe that. They can't remember them though, like you did here. This is a nice "dream" retrieval, sounds like you helped them get a breakthrough. I have never had one like that. Vee

Title: Re: Retrieval Dreams
Post by MikeV on Sep 5th, 2009 at 8:49pm
That's very interesting I will look more into that, thank you. Looking back through my journal I find similar dreams in which a faceless figure guides me to a person who has died, usually the dream ends there but these past 2 dreams we seem to reach a solution.

Another interesting thing to note is I don't seem to be in control of my actions like in a conscious projection or a lucid dream. It's more comparable to a movie except I am viewing it first person.

Title: Re: Retrieval Dreams
Post by betson on Sep 5th, 2009 at 9:56pm

The sense that you are doing the actions but not of your own will is part of the Guidance system.  Your Higher Self or Guide is directing 'the plot'.  That can include who you retrieve, where and how it is done, even including costumes when needed. :)

That's why, in my understanding, that beginner/novice retrievers are told not to worry about whether they will be able to deal with a stranger -- the retrievee. In part we humans are there to learn that we can be interactive with other beings in non-physical realms, and so to have our consciousness expanded.
:)  It's not like on Earth where we have to check the weather and traffic conditions etc before we attempt anything.


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