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Message started by supermodel on Aug 31st, 2009 at 4:54pm

Title: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by supermodel on Aug 31st, 2009 at 4:54pm
So I had this really weird dream....I'm not sure what to really make of it because I don't know if I dreamed it because I wanted it to happen or did it just....happen?


I found myself in an older model vehicle (late 40's early 50's) but very very stylish! The vehicle was driven by an unseen driver.

I was sitting in the backseat with none other than MJ himself. He looked like the MJ of 1982.

He was just having such a good time. I remember being in "awe" of him. I was so excited to meet him and couldn't get over his celebrity so to speak.

We did share some affection but I don't remember ever "touching him" so to speak. He shared the affection back with me but he was more interested in giving me a tour of the surroundings.

I just remember that he was very much a jokester. Laughing the entire time we were together. The car stopped and we went a few places...(My memory fails me when I try to think of where)

Then it sort of just faded away and I woke up.

What do you think?

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by tgecks on Sep 1st, 2009 at 9:23pm
I think you were and are a devoted fan who misses this man and feels the loss, almost personally.

I for one cannot remember what he looked like in 1982....


Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by supermodel on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 12:57am
Hey Tgecks

Thanks! I was all of three in 1982 and really wasn't allowed to listen to his music until I was almost grown!

religious parents lol :D

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by Pat E. on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 1:47am
As one who was never a fan, I find it amazing how much time and energy has been spent by so many people on this man.

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 4:03am
Some say he is still alive...

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by b2 on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 5:40am
What a nice dream for you, Supermodel. It sounds to me like you are reconciling yourself to his death, and a new life in other realms, a new life which you would like to share in some way, in a friendly way. It's interesting how the death of someone who is an important figure to us can release strong emotions within us, allowing them to be expressed more openly, perhaps.

Yes, some say he is still alive, and he will be alive in many ways.

There was a recent hoax, admitted, in which someone created and circulated a video of an actor copying Jackson's mannerisms, showing him hopping out of the ambulance at the hospital, 'proving' he was alive.

So, people say a lot of things, do a lot of things.

Happy dreaming, Supermodel! I believe that where Michael Jackson is, cars are not really necessary, but I'm glad you were invited for a fun ride.

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by CharleyTuna on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 12:38pm
MJ was a great performer but also a very odd individual. He lived in his own little world here, and it wouldn't surprise me if he has created his own "There". He may be stuck for a while

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by supermodel on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 2:48pm

Pat E. wrote on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 1:47am:
As one who was never a fan, I find it amazing how much time and energy has been spent by so many people on this man.

Since you're not a fan, I guess you don't understand. I don't understand why so many people loved Elvis but I let them have their moment.

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by supermodel on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 2:50pm

wrote on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 5:40am:
What a nice dream for you, Supermodel. It sounds to me like you are reconciling yourself to his death, and a new life in other realms, a new life which you would like to share in some way, in a friendly way. It's interesting how the death of someone who is an important figure to us can release strong emotions within us, allowing them to be expressed more openly, perhaps.

Yes, some say he is still alive, and he will be alive in many ways.

There was a recent hoax, admitted, in which someone created and circulated a video of an actor copying Jackson's mannerisms, showing him hopping out of the ambulance at the hospital, 'proving' he was alive.

So, people say a lot of things, do a lot of things.

Happy dreaming, Supermodel! I believe that where Michael Jackson is, cars are not really necessary, but I'm glad you were invited for a fun ride.

Hey b2. Thanks for your reply. I don't think cars are necessary either...unless you feel that they are.  :)

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by Ally on Sep 3rd, 2009 at 12:12am
Sounds like Michael Jackson is having a pretty good afterlife experience!  :)

Though it could very well be that he is living in a belief system territory of his own making. But if that were the case, then why did supermodel see him recovering in Focus 27 in an earlier dream? I think he is enjoying the heck out of himself in Focus 27, right now, living in his own custom 'place'. We all have one, right? I think right now he is in his. I'm very happy for him. I'm sorry that he died so soon, but he most certainly is in a better place, now. :)

RIP, and much PUL, Michael. You deserve it.


Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by betson on Sep 3rd, 2009 at 9:13am

The Reception Center is in Focus 27.  Most souls who have just passed go there first to meet friends and helpers and adjust to their new state. Then after some past life review they go to their BST, if it differs from 27. So Supermodel must have seen him in both those places.


Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by hawkeye on Sep 3rd, 2009 at 3:23pm
From Neverland to Everland... MJ is doing just fine. I must say how happy I am that Supermodel has been able to hook up with his energy. I don't find it unusual at all, and most believable. Focus 27 is a BST, so if that's where he has chosen to hang out then I am happy for him. He could have chosen many differant areas. Some not so easy to reach out to. The unfortunate thing, about his life was, that he was prosecuted by the media. Funny how judge and juries can find someone innocent but some individuals just cant except that truth. Their hate and distrust could end up effecting where they go once they drop their bodies. People who live in glass houses shouldn't through stones. You must really have love for him Supermodel. Keep up your good work! If you need him, he will be there.

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by CharleyTuna on Sep 3rd, 2009 at 5:35pm
I have never found the park but from what I understand it is not in the belief system territories. The park will be there whether or not you believe or don't believe in it. It was supposedly created by humans a very long time ago to help people recover after life on earth. I think there may be some kind of bridge, gap, or null zone that separates the 2. Those with certain beliefs will go to the place in the territories they resonate with, those with no beliefs and are not burdened by any emotional earthly ties will pass by the belief territories and find themselves in the park.

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by supermodel on Sep 3rd, 2009 at 9:53pm
Thanks Hawkeye and Betson! If it weren't for you guys and many others here, I would have thought I was going insane! ;)

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by Ally on Sep 4th, 2009 at 2:52pm
Okay, so is Focus 27 a BST or not? Or is it like a 'higher' BST with more freedoms than from the lower ones created only by humans still 'trapped' in the lower earth realms? Does anybody know? The reason why I ask is because the people who have posted are saying two things: that it is a belief system territory, and that it is not. So which is it? Or could it be both?

And no problem, supermodel. Glad we could help!  :)

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Sep 4th, 2009 at 6:33pm
There appears to be video proof that MJ is still alive, as well as audio and journals of him speaking of planning his death hoax dating from last year.  I must admit, if this is true, it is really a brilliant plan on his part.  Not only did he escape a 400 million dollar debt, but he has earned millions in sales since his "death."  Plus, he can now live comfortably out of the public eye.. or so he thinks...

Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by Rondele on Sep 4th, 2009 at 7:39pm
Yes, that's true.  MJ is still alive.  He participated in the cover-up of those who placed dynamite in the WTC, which as we all know was the real cause of the collapse.

Very few folks know he was working with the Bush administration, just as Elvis worked with Nixon in the early 1970s.

Which is why his death was faked: people were beginning to catch on to his involvement and his life would have been in grave danger.

We need to hope that he's not outed, for his own safety.


Title: Re: Another Possible Visit with Michael Jackson?
Post by hawkeye on Sep 4th, 2009 at 8:54pm
BST's..23 to 26 being the BST's as described in TMI's Lifeline. Personally, I put 27 in as a BST because of the relationship with the physical and it being an area where decisions are made in direction. Including moving back into the physical or continuing on an outward flo. Perhaps someone who has better recall of the BST's can comment. I recall little to nothing of any extended visits(time) there, other than to do drop offs from recoveries, and to check up on idents. I am being led to believe that something I read at Gateway or in Journeys OOTB pushes me in this direction of believing it to be a BST. 
And by the way, MJ is not dead. He just doesn't have a body he is using at this point. You never really die. Thats the thing. if people would just get over the dying thing, they wouldn't fear going OOB and would figure out what they truly are. So you guys are partly correct..hes not dead.

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