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Message started by betson on Aug 19th, 2009 at 10:56am

Title: Prophecy or Joke?
Post by betson on Aug 19th, 2009 at 10:56am

this dream I'm wondering about was so brief and so vivid that maybe it was a vision that meant something more than I've found. Also it repeated about three--four times, like a loop of super8 film ( :) if anyone here is old enough to remember those  ;) ).

In the dream a bright gold car, brighter gold than I'd ever seen on such a large object, was coming at me from the side while I was driving. As quickly as possible, which seemed slow, I twisted the steering wheel, only to find this put me broadside to its path with it directly at me! I feared a serious collision!
Pop, then I awoke, then drifted off, then it repeated, etc etc.

The next morning, yesterday, I was getting ready to leave a parking lot. No one was driving fast. I checked out my side window--and here came that same gold car! Bright gold! It came right at me, then slowly turned sideways and parked, as I turned my steering wheel and left.

No one got hurt! Everyone was going slow. Only my Fear had made me suspect that the vision was about a major wreck!  ;D :D ;D

Here is another part, funnier--the car model was a Focus ! Is that a message or what?!  :D Most cars around here are beige, grey etc; I'd never seen such a bright gold car before.

Here is another layer (but do I want another layer?  :-?  Maybe the parking incident was enough?)--
Is it prophetic   because my maiden (unmarried) name is similiar to the car's, and the gold could represent $$ that came close but were averted--because part of my late father's estate is being contested. So maybe this was a prophecy about not getting that bequeathal $$.  ?


Title: Re: Prophecy or Joke?
Post by Vee on Aug 19th, 2009 at 7:52pm
LOVE that dream experience, Bets. Very cool. You could try what I have done now and then, go to your father in the park and have a talkwith him about that money thing, maybe he can make a difference? Vee

Title: Re: Prophecy or Joke?
Post by spooky2 on Aug 19th, 2009 at 9:33pm
Wow, a dream of something in future! That alone is amazing. Put together with the other things (Focus, your maiden name being similar as the car's) it gets complex. Some ideas about a message:

-Have a focus on your dreams/gold/wealth
-Working with Monroe's Focus Levels is gold for you
-The golden car represents you in the future, which is somehow golden and focused

That this dream had repeated somehow seems to show some importance, it had been made certain you won't forget it.


Title: Re: Prophecy or Joke?
Post by betson on Aug 20th, 2009 at 8:41am
Thank you for those ideas,
Vee and Spooky!

Now I have more possibilities to try out!


Title: Re: Prophecy or Joke?
Post by hawkeye on Aug 21st, 2009 at 2:05pm
Perhaps it is a lession that wasn't picked up on. Repeated, so you have the opportunity to "get it". Something like Bob Monroe's dog "Steamboat" lesson.
Something like... avoid the emotional energy of desire for gold/riches/ that could move towards you or come at you. That it could be better not to focus on it. Rather, to let it come towards you. It is not a danger. Or....

Title: Re: Prophecy or Joke?
Post by recoverer on Aug 21st, 2009 at 5:22pm

I'll interpret your dream according to how I receive messages. Perhaps there's a match. Cars usually symbolize me, or a way of being. Numerous times while meditating, I'd suddenly experience myself being blocked by a car in some way. A gold car is a grand sign. Perhaps you were being told that you can be a light being, as symbolized by the gold car. It's up to you.

Title: Re: Prophecy or Joke?
Post by betson on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 11:03am
Many thanks, Hawkeye and Recoverer!

All these interpretations make alot of sense to me.  Guess I can use some 'work' in many directions!


Title: Re: Prophecy or Joke?
Post by supermodel on Aug 26th, 2009 at 1:50am
My vote was a prophecy. Wow!

Title: Re: Prophecy or Joke?
Post by b2 on Aug 27th, 2009 at 7:30pm
Repeated dreams always have a meaning. You are trying to tell yourself something. Perhaps, do not worry how the  energy of 'gold' approaches. It will all line up as it should, in a peaceful and non-threatening way. The color gold must symbolize some kind of happiness coming your way.

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