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Message started by juditha on Aug 17th, 2009 at 3:45pm

Title: The world trade centre
Post by juditha on Aug 17th, 2009 at 3:45pm
Hi I watched the movie"World Trade Centre"for the first time,i felt so much hate for who, had done this to your country America,the bravery that your people showed in this terrible act upon the world trade centre,i cried after the movie had finished,i want to say from me and all of England that we send much love to all in America,and our prayers that your country knows only peace and Gods protection of love and light surrounding your country each day.

Love and God bless America love juditha from England

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by b2 on Aug 18th, 2009 at 2:12pm
Thank you for remembering, Juditha. Although there was a lot of horror and fear on that day, there was also so much bravery.

I am sorry for the path we took as a country after the events of that day. But, that is just me. Your kind thoughts are very much appreciated by me, and I will never forget how I felt that morning, watching the events unfold on a small television we wheeled into the office.

I work in an office which has responsibility for an entire department at a university, and we were told to carry on with business 'as usual'. That was not to be. But, I stayed at my desk, made the phone calls I needed to make, listened to those who reacted in whatever way they felt they needed to do -- to leave their jobs so they could feel safe with their friends and families that day.

I remember professors in their classrooms that morning, being faced with the dilemma: what do I teach my students on this morning?

We all knew so little. We could see it on tv, and we knew the airplanes were all grounded, but none of us in this country knew what was coming next.

I cannot say that I have ever really suffered, the way that some people did, on that day, and afterwards, because of those events. In many ways, I've been protected, where I am.

But, nevertheless, I will never forget that day. I will always regret where it has led us, although that is my own, very small perspective.

So, on behalf of those who don't speak, thank you.

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by Ally on Aug 18th, 2009 at 2:26pm
In my opinion, when that happened, it was the turning point when the whole country went down the drain. I think it is an act of terrorism, no doubt, and so many suffered, but I don't depend on movies to show me that. I have learned that big media and large corporations cannot be trusted to tell you the truth.

Has anyone ever heard about the Conspiracy about 9-11, that perhaps the Real reasons why the two buildings collapsed was Not because of the airplanes, but Controlled Demolitions? Watch the old videos. Many, MANY eyewitnesses talked about Explosions from underneath the building before the collapses. Molten metal pouring out which could Not have happened without explosives. Watch the collapses again. Note tiny little smoke plumes that shoot out windows before the collapse gets there. Those plumes are Characteristic of controlled demolitions. So, if that is the case, then Someone had to have orchestrated 9-11 from the Inside. In other words, it was an elaborate hoax to give the US a reason to start another war. It is all tragic, and from what I have read about the conspiracies, the truth may be far more tragic than any claims of Al Qaida, Jihad, or Osama Bin Laden having done it. :(

P.S. If anyone wants to see a video that shows some proof of this, watch this one.

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by balance on Aug 18th, 2009 at 7:59pm

I have had two astral viewings to do with 911. The first was, the whole thing was to do with OIL! And the second, I was shown a man driving into the basement car park, it was empty! after he parked his car,I was shown him going to the boot. When he opened that up, there were large quantities of explosives!

So the conspiracy theorists do have something right, all is not how it seemed on the day.

I'd like to add here, that for the tragedy that is 911, it did do one thing for the world for all who lost there lives on that day. And that thing is ,it made people question the system and not just take what the media preach as truth.

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by spooky2 on Aug 18th, 2009 at 9:45pm
I've seen many documentaries about it, but the one from the French brothers who planned to make a documentary about the NY firefighters just sticks. But I can't really recommend watching it. You know, afterwards you're so full of emotions. And it doesn't really help. We know already what's good and what's bad when we remember the moments of love and joy in our lives.


P.S. These documentaries often show what happened to single persons, and a short biography of them, so that we find, they were just trying to lead a life, as they thought would be good. I saw no one involved in hateful attacks against religions or communities. This might be a good watch for terrorists-to-be. But probably, they won't get the chance, or just don't want to see. It's always the same, taking the look away from the individual, you get a mass of people insteaed, which is easier to demonize.

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 19th, 2009 at 6:17am
I recommend to see the movie "Spirit of time". Basically bullshit, but it's not the only film and publication giving very convincing evidence, that these were acts, prepared by the US Authorities. Islamic terrorism is a myth, useful for military industry and secret agencies. The same with explosions of the houses in Russia. Those, who told and proved the truth, that it was FSB (ex-KGB) who actually did it to justify the war in Chechnya, are already there, where you use to do the retrievals. Go find them and ask.

The first was, the whole thing was to do with OIL!

Sure. To make the nation approve the war in Iraq. And probably, soon in Iran too... To me, it would be nice to sweep Iran from the face of the Earth, they are a real threat. If they only possess nuclear weapons, the US will be drown in blood, and Israel will just disappear. Too many offences and threats from their leader. If I were the President of the US, I would use strategic nuclear weapons for spot strikes to destroy all their industry and infrastructures to ashes. Mentality of medieval times deserves medieval approach. And people always deserve their government and the order they have in their country.

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by tgecks on Aug 19th, 2009 at 8:50am
Go to google videos and watch LOOSE CHANGE. But do not be surprised if it results in a belief system meltdown.


Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by recoverer on Aug 19th, 2009 at 1:14pm
I haven't researched the matter, but I heard that a number of engineers have said that airplane crashes wouldn't cause the buildings to collapse in the way they collasped.  The fact of how the 3rd building went down is really curious.

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by george stone on Aug 20th, 2009 at 8:18pm
Hey you chuld send that link to CNN they would love to have it and get the truth.George

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by recoverer on Aug 21st, 2009 at 1:51pm
I doubt a major news network would be so bold. Why don't any of them talk about something such as how thousands of sophisticated crop circles have appeared? Instead, they'd rather talk about something such as Michael Jackson over and over and over again.

george stone wrote on Aug 20th, 2009 at 8:18pm:
Hey you chuld send that link to CNN they would love to have it and get the truth.George

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by juditha on Aug 21st, 2009 at 2:46pm
Hi I often wonder what my grandad would have thought of this as he served in the 2nd world war as he would have felt sad about all the wars going on,he lost all his hair and when he came home on leave my grandmother said he used to sob the night before he went back to fight and when the war finally ended and he came home
He could not bare loud noises and he developed cancer and in his day there was not so much help for people who had cancer then and my grandmother told me that in the end he layed in his bed begging God to take his life as he was in so much pain and he was only 45 yrs old and gran said that when he died,he said he was free and this smile appeared on his face and he slipped away.

War is a terrible thing what it does to peoples lives,i mean grandads two brothers were blown to bits in the first world war,he grew up and suffered in the war and suffered after the war,if only all countries could live in peace and harmony together,but that will only ever be wishful thinking.

Love and God bless  love juditha

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by recoverer on Aug 21st, 2009 at 7:16pm
You're right Juditha. The people who justify war wouldn't be so quick to do so if they truly understood what people go through because of war. The ill effects keep spreading in various ways.

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by Ally on Sep 2nd, 2009 at 11:54pm

tgecks wrote on Aug 19th, 2009 at 8:50am:
Go to google videos and watch LOOSE CHANGE. But do not be surprised if it results in a belief system meltdown.


Tgecks, I watched Loose Change recently and yeah, it pretty much proves that the government 110% cannot be trusted, as well as media giants. It was obviously an inside job. Why were the news talking about building 7 having collapsed BEFORE it actually collapsed?!!! If that alone is not enough proof that the whole thing was staged, then I don't know what is. There is a cruel structured organization living behind the facade known as the US government, and every other government in the world is it's lackey. These people are all related by race and family as well, and they have their own agendas. Basically, the whole world is their slave. I know that may sound crazy, but I've seen much more than just Loose Change to bring me to that conclusion. Just wanted to shed some light on it to everyone here.

Love and Light,


Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by vajra on Sep 3rd, 2009 at 9:35am
I think it's fairly clear that the Iraq war was about securing access to oil supplies (both existing and new), and securing a new strategic blocking position in the gulf as the military presence in Saudi Arabia was becoming unwelcome, and the country looking a lot less stable.

The blocking aspects probably included shutting down Saddam Hussein (as a threat or despot, a very minor consideration - but heaven sent as a PR justification), positioning to counter the growth of Iranian power, blocking Russian and Chinese access, and covering possible developments between India, Pakistan and China over Kashmir.

It seems quite likely that the public perception of the Iraqi regime and 9-11 were massaged/brought about to create the required public support for the invasion, along with hyping the terrorist threat to justify the 'war on terror'  ::) which among other things enabled the move into Afghanistan.

This whole struggle for dominance between the superpowers across the crescent that starts in Syria, and proceeds through Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and Tibet to China, and for control of access to oil and the Gulf has been going since the 1800s when it was known as 'The Great Game'.

This is why China is intent on maintaining a strong presence in  Tibet. Even the recent events in Georgia where the Russians called NATO's bluff were probably a part of this.

A really good and informative read on the history of this struggle and the current scenario across all of this territory is 'War at the Top of the World: The Struggle for Afghanistan, Kashmir and Tibet', by Eric Margolis:

Once you've read this you'll never look at any of these issues in the same light again. Notice how it is that pretty much all of the countries in this crescent have been labelled as a threat to enable invasion, or have had internal wars kicked off by externally supported internal groups, or are regarded as disputed territory.   

The pity of it all is that it's the ordinary people on both sides that always suffer in this sort of scene, while the big guys at the top play games....

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by Volu on Sep 3rd, 2009 at 10:39am
"The pity of it all is that it's the ordinary people on both sides that always suffer in this sort of scene, while the big guys at the top play games...."

Pyramid structure scheme - power is moving from the bottom to the top. I think it's more difficult to find organisations on earth which do not follow the pyramid structure than the other way around. The most successful infiltration is when it's right in front of ones incarnational nose and yet the creepy smell isn't recognized. Expiration date? Eons ago.

Democracy - majority rules. People that enjoy boards like these are not part of a societal majority. - Tree huggers. Fringe nobodies. Tin foil loons. Cloud riders. And so on.

Another thing is that power mongers seem to let people have the illusion of power. It's as if the people is for the government, when it's supposed to be the other way around.

As for the buildings in the topic, 9/11 Plane In Site and 9/11 Ripple Effect are two of the better ones I've seen about the subject.

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by vajra on Sep 3rd, 2009 at 5:29pm
That video seems to be gone Volu.

The whole hierarchy issue is a funny business, but i think the more talk there is about democracy and freedom the less there actually is.

Modern communications technology and especially IT systems have been used to concentrate power in the hands of a very few at the top of organisations. While they can and have on occasion have been used for the opposite purpose (to place authority, information and responsibility in the hands of the wider organisation/population, and to enable input) they have mostly been used in government and business to impose control, eliminate wider input, and enable hijacking by a few.

This was arguably was one of the major causes of the financial crash, and is in my view the greatest risk to world peace. It's only since very recently that those in power have been able to release such enormous amounts of destructive force.

There's lots of other factors too. The media defines ever more tightly the permitted cultural norms - of fashion, dress, opinions, respectable topics; and people are becoming more and more conditioned to be conformist (scared to be or think for themselves) despite claims of individuality.

All of this plus sophisticated psychology makes the manipulation of whole populations ever easier and more effective. The inspiration of fear (of terrorism, of Islam, of 'them' as required) is a primary tool, along with so called patriotism and so on.

Resistance to manipulation (and most positive  strengths)  follow not from conformity, but from acceptance of diversity. Put another way - the highest truth is never to be found in the majority view. The opposite in fact - term lowest common denominator comes to mind.

In the meantime it's those least suited to power and position that as a result of their hunger for these that usually end up in charge. Many of those more suited as you say are not perceived as leadership material.

It's a two way street mind you, in that populations consistently place the most dodgy people in power, and as you say the sort of view here will not be the majority one for a very long time.

There's a Buddhist saying to the effect that societies (in terms of wisdom, compassion, efficiency and effectiveness as a reducer of suffering) always come to reflect the moral (in the macro sense) centre of gravity of the population.

One of the first and most important steps we can take on the spiritual path in moving towards 'seeing' more truly is to drop the conditioning society lays on us to respect the major pillars of society - for example the legal system, academia, medicine, mainstream religion and the public/political  systems.

One of my favourite (originally Zen trained) spiritual teachers Richard Rose wrote widely on this in his book 'The Albigen System': Don't be put off by some of the stuff on the site selling his books, it's run by a family member, and seems to have headed in all sorts of unlikely directions. Richard is  dead now, but the organisation he founded continues on:

The point is not that we should attack the insitutions, or other dysfunctional aspects of our world, in that the saying above suggests that what they are is inevitably what they are given what people are - that the only way to address the issue is to work to raise the wisdom/awareness/consciousness of the general population. i.e wars, revolutions, destruction, systems of control and so on can only bring suffering.

And guess what - loving behaviour toward each other is the way to do this - to remove the fear they feel, and to help people to access their heart side and change. I guess it's not enough to just blame the leadership and walk away...

Title: Re: The world trade centre
Post by Volu on Sep 4th, 2009 at 2:48pm
"That video seems to be gone Volu." Maybe this will play for a while.

"[...]Resistance to manipulation (and most positive strengths) follow not from conformity, but from acceptance of diversity.[...]"

You've got good observational skills, and I've enjoyed reading your observations.

"And guess what - loving behaviour toward each other is the way to do this - to remove the fear they feel, and to help people to access their heart side and change."

I know that's the silver lining for many if not most here, and so be it for those who think that's right. I've given love back when facing both nasty physicals and spirits, and supposed loving physicals and spirits, and did so though it felt wrong, because I had read that was the right thing to do. Didn't listen to my self. My most honest feeling when confronted with somebody who wants to overtly or covertly to control me, is to make myself very clear right off the bat. It feels equally terrible when I am the stupid doer of douchebag actions. - I'm not afraid anylonger to turn up the VOLUme to defend my individuality, or rock the boat. My goal has changed from wanting to change the world, to wanting to change my self, and let others change themselves. For a parent, doing what's best for the kids, regardless of their permissions, is their responsibility. But treating adult incarnations as kids I think is messed up.

"I guess it's not enough to just blame the leadership and walk away..."

Discs/higher selves have many incarnations experiencing both light and dark. And I do not think they doze off while our incarnations are up to no good. It's not always as easy as it seems, but sometimes I think walking away makes good sense, and allow spirits to progress in their very own tempo.

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