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Message started by tgecks on Aug 16th, 2009 at 9:01am

Post by tgecks on Aug 16th, 2009 at 9:01am
Greeting Fellow Travelers.

I cannot wait another day. As no one else seems to be sourcing these things much, I will.

To this end, I propose a Partnered Exploration to The Park on Focus 27. This is the area at the end of the "Tunnel of Light" which near-death expereiencers describe, where loved ones wait to greet and comfort the departed, and where there is a wonderful and extensive "world." In reality, this is where we go, out of body, each night as we sleep, to the so-called "Sleeper's Class" and where we have a private and personal safe place, a refuge.

It is to this personal refuge, our safe spaces, that I propose we travel, meeting after at The Fountain in The Park to celebrate as a group.

It is not hard to do, my friends. Sit comfortably or lie down, relax and breath. Close your eyes and imagine what you would create for yourself for a refuge just for you. Mine is on a mountain top, a treehouse like the Swiss Family Robinson, with a lake and a view and more (much more). Imagine your own: perhaps on a beach, or at the top of a skyscraper, or whatever. Fill it with things that comfort and nurture you: books, crystals, food, music, whatever. At TMI they encourage you to create a conference table/area, and imagine chairs, and who comes to sit in those chairs at your bidding (Bob Monroe may even show up).

Anyhow, I hope you get the drift. And then, after some time, imagine yourself back at The Park, and look for the giddy and loud group of people. Often this group shows up in feathers and gowns and such.

Some time over next weekend, take about 30 minutes just for you. Join us out there and have a PE with us. I expect to "see" all the regulars there, y'all. And if you can't get there next weekend, just drop in anytime. There is no time there, you know.


Post by betson on Aug 16th, 2009 at 9:27am
My intent is set!   :)
Thanks for 'organizing' this, tgecks!


Post by Ally on Aug 16th, 2009 at 5:06pm
Sounds good. :)

I'd like to go, but I've never tried this, before. I still have trouble discerning the difference between my imagination and a real event. But, I'd like to try. :P

Post by betson on Aug 16th, 2009 at 5:29pm

don't let inexperience stop you! Or you'll never .. well, you know how that goes!  :) Set your intent to be there-- it's fun!

These partnered explorations/gatherings were my first proofs that setting intent  would get me there --others saw me, and what I thought I saw was described by others!

"Setting intent' may involve more strongly using willpower than the word 'pretending' may imply --you have to really want to be there. A problem with the word 'pretending' could be that alot of us think of it as some sort of woozey daydreaming.  Firmly set your intent to be there and then notice your sensations.  Then see if they match what you and others post about it on the Partnered Explorations Forum here.  :D


Post by Pat E. on Aug 16th, 2009 at 7:20pm
For a novice (me), who is working on the Gateway Experience CDs and only on Focus 12 so far, would anything on the first two CDs (Focus 10 and Focus 12 exercises) be helpful in getting me there?  I'm terribly grounded in my head or more of a control freak than I want to admit or both and not a great visualizer, so I haven't been completely successful in the OOB exercise on the Focus 10 CD (like not at all) or the consciousness expansion of Focus 12.  In the latter, I definitely experience a higher/different energy level than in Focus 10 but haven't clearly perceived signs of consciousness expansion.  Maybe I don't know what to look for.  I'd love to join the group and will use Bets' suggestions, but if there is more I can do, I'd welcome the suggestions.   :)


Post by spooky2 on Aug 16th, 2009 at 8:12pm
Pat, a free flow 10 would be good. Focus 10 you can use for everything, it won't hinder you to go to Focus 27. Just remember what you've read about Focus 27 and then imagine you would go there. Even when you think you aren't good at imagining things, the imagination exercise "Imagine your own special place" seems to work for everybody. From there, you just move over to the neighborhood, where the fountain is :) .


Post by Pat E. on Aug 16th, 2009 at 8:32pm
Thanks, Spooky.  I've read Bruce's first three books and am nearly finished with Bob Monroe's second, having read his first back in the 70's.  So I feel an affinity for Focus 27, for sure. 

Hope to join you all this weekend.

Post by b2 on Aug 18th, 2009 at 1:18pm
The park sounds great. I think I will go barefoot. :)

Post by Ally on Aug 18th, 2009 at 3:42pm
Alright, Betson. I shall set my intent, and see what happens. :) Wishing to see you guys there!

Post by tgecks on Aug 19th, 2009 at 8:33am
HURRAY! Do not get too engaged in the details. I agree that just "intending" is a powerful force, and is quite enough on its own. Remember that this place is very familiar to your Higher Self than your conscious ego self remembers, and that is is your own safe inner refuge, a place you feel safe and "at home" where you go at night and between lifetimes. YOu will be naturally drawn to it and have an affinity for it.

The Fountain in the Park is also a familiar place to most. It is just that: a large multilevel circular fountain in the middle of a large expanse of park.

That is is on Focus 27 in Monroe speak is not at all a barrier. Do not think that because it is "beyond" Focus 12 and Focus 15 that it is in reality any farther away, or that you have to "travel" to it. It is not a level that you "earn" by going to a certain program. This is you natural right, and is no farther than your Inner Self away. I literally sit and visualize myself changing the channel on a huge TV (like we used to before remote controls), and everything aroind me changes. I do no "go" anywhere. Perhaps you will find this techniquue less cumbersome. Bob Monroe used to say, "Just listen to the frequencies..."

And when you do it is not important. It is non-local "out there", meaning there is no time, not in a linear sense. You need only accept this, even if you do not understand it.

So- Everything is set, and "they" know we are coming. Expect a miracle, friends.

We are the people we are waiting for.....


Post by Vee on Aug 19th, 2009 at 7:50pm
Great, I will be there too, and the barefoot thing sounds good, b2.Vee

Post by Ally on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 3:11pm
Hi, aghhhh.  I feel frustrated right now, because I just started posting my PE experience, and right in the middle, the power went out and my whole post was lost! Now I have to rewrite it! Oh well.  :P

Looks like I'm the first one to post about this, so here goes. :)

I used a hypnosis Hemi Sync CD with no words to help me with  my experience. Everything looked very surreal and dream-like. I forgot to go to my special place, I don't even know what it looks like! I just found myself going directly to The Fountain. I saw appear a Huge, white colored, circular multi-leveled water fountain, like I was drifting down from above. It had a huge circular base, big like a pool. Surrounding it, was a large expanse of well-groomed green grass, and further away a sparce scattering of trees.

I turned, and saw a big group of people gathered next to the fountain. They were dressed in normal clothing, and the group looked partially like a black mass, and everyone was laughing and talking and hugging.

I finally came down, and tried to mingle. No one really noticed me too much at first. I decided to start introducing myself to people. I said "Hi, I am Allison, Ally." People started coming to me trying to make introductions all at once. I got one woman who said her name was Trina or Trisha. I didn't recognize her. She looked caucasian with shoulder length, straight brown hair. Other people were trying, also, but I noticed something was going on in the middle of the group. People were looking up. Somebody was shooting up and down in the air, and they looked like half human, and half bottle rocket. :P Everyone was laughing and yelling and enjoying it. I didn't feel like I knew anyone, yet. I wasn't feeling much emotion, either.

Finally, I announced that everyone should start gathering PUL. Suddenly, everyone had formed a big circle, holding hands, and started doing the Monroe "Whooooo Ahhhhhhh!!!!" technique. I could feel PUL, but very weakly. There was a bright pillar of light that appeared in the center of the circle, and it kept growing, getting brighter, until it finally 'consumed' everyone, including me.

I couldn't see anything except white light. Then, faces began to emerge, smiling, loving. I felt stronger love, but not intense. I started feeling like the faces were more familiar. It felt warm and nice. Finally, I saw people begin to hug and kiss each other. I can't remember if I was part of it or not. But, everyone was still in a circle, except, it was like they were standing inside a big white disc into a groove around the edges, kissing and hugging. The disc seemed to begin to levatate, like a spaceship, and 'took off'. 

Then, it was like we were on a space ship off in space. There were aliens there, and in the center, there was  a bright glowing light bulb orb attached to a base, and a gray alien was observing it. Finally, it seemed like the alien touched it or something, and it 'shot' down, leaving the original ring platform we all were on. We came back down to The Fountain.

Everyone was relaxed, happy and smiling. I finally started recognizing people. I think I saw b2. She recognized me, I believe. She looked like a young caucasian woman with pale skin, and dark long hair and red lips. We laughed and hugged saying it was nice to meet you. Then, I think I saw Betson. I called to her. She looked like a blonde woman in her 30's. She was exited to see me. We hugged.

I looked around, and saw Recoverer. He was a somber looking lanky man with brown hair, and smiling to himself saying he liked it here. another man, who seemed tickled to death, laughing and having a good time I think was Tgecks, he looked like an Indian-African man, and he was really having fun. I think he and recoverer were the ones who had been 'shooting' up and down. Then, I looked for Vajra. Asking myself, "Where's Vajra?" Then, I saw an old man with a gray beard, kind of husky looking sitting aside. He smiled at me. That's you? I said. Then, strangely, part of him 'split off' and he looked younger, like in his 30's, with brown hair and eyes and started taking to me about how fascinating this was.

Then, it seemed like everyone paired up in a couple, and split up together in the Park. I went with Vajra. He seemed to be getting even younger, like almost a teenager. His hair and clothes resembled the 70's style. We held hands, and I don't remember what we talked about, but felt a connection. We went to a slightly wooded area, looking up at the trees. I think we might have kissed.

Then we went back to the Fountain, and people were gathered there again, and I pulled Vajra with me to the pool and jumped in, pulling him in with me. He seemed shy, but enjoying himself. I started splashing, and yelling and laughing, having fun. Everyone followed me, and started doing the same. I was running around in circles around the pool, and underneath the first big level, which was kind of dark underneath, still playing with Vajra, and other people. He was chasing me, too. I pushed him into the water, and fell in with him, and kissed him under the water. We came up, and fell into the water again. It was fun. I think we had climbed into the second level by then. Everyone else was having a blast in the fountain.

Finally, we got out of the fountain, dripping wet and laughing, and separated back off into couples. Me and Vajra returned to our place on the edge of some woods, and layed down on the grass and ground. I had been wanting some apples, and wished for some apples. Suddenly a huge TON of apples fell on top of me and Vajra both.  ;D :P :D  It didn't hurt and had no weight, but Vajra gave me this look that was 'what the heck?' It was funny. Then he started throwing apples at me. I threw apples back. I took some bites out of some of them, but they didn't seem incredibly real  for eating as for Throwing! Now That was fun!

And that's the end!!  All I remember. :)  :D 

Sorry, Vajra, if you didn't go consciously, and wound up with me dragging you all over!

Later, guys!

Much PUL.  :)  :-*

Ally   :)

Post by b2 on Aug 22nd, 2009 at 10:23pm
Have not read the other posts yet. I plan to go back, but I had a waking interlude today, while holding a long conversation with someone else, actually, listening.

I felt an urge to 'float away' and enjoyed a glowing feeling for a short while, just a nice image of the group, and people feeling good, and grass, and the fountain. The water was coming down on me and I noticed that I was dry when I walked away from the fountain.

There were dandelions, and puffballs floating around. They were whipping around in huge arcs, like no dandelion puffballs I have ever seen.

It was fun, a little whimsical, and I had the feeling of several groups of people, some sitting under a tree.

As I said, I will go back when I have time to meditate on this properly, but may not be until Sunday night. Which is fine, no time, after all.

Post by tgecks on Aug 23rd, 2009 at 10:27am
Great post Ally!

I too saw the group at the Fountain, and was compelled to jump in as well. As many tmes as I have been there I have never jumped in to the water before. It was like crystals of light: very cleansing and sweet and full of Chi. I saw a man dressed in a sothic cone (pointed hat) and robe like a sorcerer, long grey beard, who I thought looked like Dmbledore in Harry Potter. He was in the water, too, and yes, once walking away from it I was not wet, either. We gathered in a circle and generated that Pillar of Pure Unconditional Love, and our circle was reinforced by another and another and another of angels and loved ones, ancestors and descendents to come. What a  celebration and affirmation of our love and our hearts and our intention for Peace and goodwill!

I love this confirmation! Thanks Ally. And I think I went for a spaceship ride, too...


Post by spooky2 on Aug 23rd, 2009 at 8:51pm
Hi, here's what I sensed:

Thursday: I sit with others on the edge of the fountain's pool, feet in the water. My clothing has a light-yellow color (I've never noticed this color at my clothing in my mind-journeys before), then my clothing (or my body) looks like consisting of tiny golden sparks (although it maybe was another person, as often I see myself "there" from a vantage point). Another person's clothing is white, light-woven and long, and slowly moved by the air. A coin on the pool's edge, others in the water, and a goldfish. Somebody carries a tabby cat. The light is like evening light. Above the fountain appears a bright light. I focus on the light. The scene disappears, and instead there's black space with star-dots. Little glowing spheres near me- the group? I still seem to be in human form. The scene changes again, now there are specks of all colors moving in slow pace all around me, like confetti; the specks are irregular in form, like torn out paper pieces. For a brief moment a rhino appears.

Saturday, using HemiSync up to F27: I imagine to "take by the hand" anyone who likes to participate in case someone wants this guidance. The person with the white, flowing clothes again. Someone in a jacket, and under the jacket a violet shirt, wearing a necklace with a pendant. F21: A meadow in high mountains. F23: Mist with stardots. F25: My human form appears to have lessened, instead tiny dots appeared. Through mist into F27: Park, evening, warm, everything like glowing, being itself the source of the light. Briefly being at my own special place, I then move to the fountain, approaching it flying, hovered a while, looking down at it. Went down, near the fountain is a person with a sort of "royal" looking cape with fur collar. I look at my hands, they are black, in the black tiny dots and thin lines like golden tinsel appeared, changing into black star-dotted space. I look back to the person with the cape, and that person opens the cape and inside it the same black star-dotted space appears. For a brief moment the whole surrounding is like outer space. Some more persons are at the fountain. Above the fountain there is a sphere, and we fly into it, and around us it looks like outer space, but this time the blackness changes perodically to deep violet color. I cannot sense other people anymore. Searching inside instead of outside; feeling of connectedness to others. Glowing, swirling spheres. I feel like I'm inside of something big. I ask to get relaxation for my tensed right physical leg. I move back to the physical.


Post by spooky2 on Aug 23rd, 2009 at 9:24pm
Haha, yes Ally you seem you had a good time.
A detail you wrote: "the group looked partially like a black mass" matches with seeing my hands and that guy with the robe as black (with star dots), which is uncommon and unexpected.
Your vision of the fountain matches with mine I had a while back at another PE.


Post by Vee on Aug 24th, 2009 at 1:39pm
Entered the PE only late Sun night, had a brief foray there with the following results:
First, and this is way off obviously, I saw a lovely baby (girl, I think) in a white cotton nightie with pink rosettes on the bib, in a stroller, it seemed that one of you brought her with you. She was asleep. The strongest image was next, of a woman in late twenties, early thirties, shoulder length blonde hair, wide eyes, staring right at me. She continued to look at me, fascinated, during my stay there. She was wearing a cream colored crocheted top over her other clothes, and some kind of boots on her feet. I saw Spooky in conversation with an Asian or Chinese man, Spooky was swishing a drink gently around in a clear glass with ice in it as he talked. In the background there was a tree with small red fruit on it. A lot of you were sitting on an edge that ran around the fountain. Very familiar with each other now, very comfortable atmosphere. There was a table early on, for a few moments, with a group sitting at it, near the fountain. It didn't appear for long though. That's all I saw. I seemed to be at a distance from the rest, looking on. Vee

Post by b2 on Aug 24th, 2009 at 7:57pm
Oh my God, is this a fun time, or what?

I never could get into the meditation mode this weekend, tho I tried. But what a great read this is!

Ally, you have described me. :)

For the rest of it, read it yourself, and see you next time... :)

Post by vajra on Aug 25th, 2009 at 10:52am
Hi all, i'd not been following this thread. It seems Ally that i may be unconsciously up to all sorts of stuff!  :)

I've no recollection of the scenario you guys are describing, but what is striking is the way that your description captures what feel like attributes of mine.

There's definitely and old guy dimension, a reserved 'hanging back' dimension, a light hearted but slightly insecure kid dimension, and even a certain husky blockiness of demeanour, and even of physical form.

Anybody hazarding any views as to the deeper or symbolic significance of the scenario??


Post by Ally on Aug 25th, 2009 at 10:27pm
Hi, all. :) 

There's been so much to respond to, I haven't known where to start!  :D

Vajra, I hope you didn't mind all the giddiness, and display of affections. I was probably manifesting my gratitude for your care and help into love. It's very interesting that you feel I described your multiple 'selves' accurately. :) I suppose these all are my first confirmations of an afterlife experience. It seems to be as easy as imagining it all. But, the scenes happen almost with the same spontenaity as my dreams when I first go into them. It feels normal, like what I usually go into in my 'dreamland' and seemed easy enough to get there. :)

B2, best of wishes, and perhaps sometime you shall 'go' and remember more about the experience! I think it's awesome that I described you right! Wow, my perceptions are better than I thought! I'm glad you enjoyed the good reads!

Very interesting experience, Vee. :) Certainly a different perspective of the same scene. Nothing that matches very closely to mine, except the Asian-Chinese man who I think I saw, also, but he also looked African to me, I think he was Tgecks, and he was talking and laughing with a man, who I thought was Recoverer, but perhaps it was Spooky?

Spooky, nice experience, also. Yet another very different, but similar perspective of the same scene. The blackness I saw mixed in with the people could have been another perspective of what you saw, because I felt like it was the people, but not bad or harmful, just another 'view'. Thanks. :) I did have a good time, very interesting, indeed, and fun, too. I imagine a lot of people got a kick out of the 'Apples' scene.  ;D :D What can I say? I have a weakness for tasty food and fruits. But, somehow my sense of taste is very weak over 'there', I barely tasted them!  :P
Spooky wrote: "For a brief moment the whole surrounding is like outer space. Some more persons are at the fountain. Above the fountain there is a sphere, and we fly into it, and around us it looks like outer space,......I feel like I'm inside of something big." That part sounds like it matches with when everyone took off into space on the disc after generating PUL. I too, saw black, star dotted space when it took off. Then it became a space ship. :P

Thanks, Tgecks!  :)

I like your experience, it matches very closely with mine! I didn't see anyone in costumes, though. :( I would've liked that. I feel like I was the first person to have the idea to jump into the fountain. I got it, because in my time spent in Mexico, I noticed in the city, many kids like to play in the public fountains, and no one cares
if they do! :) I never saw anyone do that in the USA. All public fountains seemed 'forbidden', like you could never jump into them, no matter how tempting they might look. But, in Mexico, people seem more free about it. Nobody seems to mind, though people don't do that all the time. ;) But, that was where I got the idea. It seemed to entail a sense of freedom to me. I like your perspective of angels reinforcing our circle while generating PUL. I wish I could have felt it more strongly. So, Tgecks, was it you that was so happy and giddy, laughing, and having a good time? No one has yet confirmed about the mysterious persons who were 'shooting' up and down like rockets, from the middle of the crowd, but, I can't help feeling, especially from your giddy almost mischievous laughter that it might have been you. Was it? Do you remember? :P

Also, two people have confirmed not feeling wet after exiting the fountain, but I never noticed becoming 'dry' though I think I did. I think the 'transition' happened naturally without me taking notice. :P But, immediately upon getting out of the fountain, I noticed everyone including myself was sopping wet. But, yeah, I think once we got down from it, we were dry again, it just seemed such a natural 'transition' I didn't notice.

I loved reading everyone else's experiences. This was nice. :) We'll have to do it again!

Post by tgecks on Aug 29th, 2009 at 11:13am
What a great time people had. I forgot to mention the merry-go-round that was there....

It seems like we added to what we had the last time we were there, and this is consistent with the thought formmodel of the "place" Monroe called Focus 27. I think it is easier to hold it as The Park, and The Fountain, as it comes without baggage or front-loaded thought form (which is a prison, friends).

I think we should do this again, over Labor Day weekend (next weekend) and I will post a new topic about it.

Let's keep this PE energy going. And yes, I admit, it was me that was so giddy, just like I feel now. Whenever two or more are gathered....

Thanks for showing up, everyone. Let's do it again.

Same place, same thing, next weekend. THe Park, The Fountain, and your special place of refuge.....

Love and Light

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