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Message started by Premierre.operator on Aug 16th, 2009 at 6:25am

Title: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 16th, 2009 at 6:25am
Has anyone tried to?

I mean:

1. Getting in touch with an energy ally (example - one of your past incarnations, much more powerful than you).
2. Transformation of one's personality, merging with a powerful archetype from collective subconsciousness.
3. Manifestation of an archetype in order to create a mighty guardian, for example. Etheric or even physical.

I know the methods, but they are quite complicated.  In some Focus, I'm sure, it will be easier. Have anybody tried? In what Focus?

In general, what Focus in your opinion is the best for creation a tunnel to subconsciousness? Linking consciousness and subconsciousness? Control over one's subconsciosness means, that this person is SemiGod. So great his abilities are. Because it's a well known fact, that subconsciousness can process any reality like computer data. And change it any way you wish, like a powerful computer work station. 

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by tgecks on Aug 16th, 2009 at 8:24am
Guidelines, a program at The Monroe Institute, is designed specifically for developing a rapport with your guide(s), which for me meet all of your qualifications for archetype. After reflection and exploration, it is my belief that these guides are higher aspects of (who else) YOU. The program uses mostly Focus 21, but I find my Best and Highest Self much farther "out", in Monroe-speak, Focus 42-Focus 49. These are levels which are part of the Starlines program, which is Monroe's most advanced program.

There is a LOT more, in fact, most of "it", beyond Focus 27.


Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 17th, 2009 at 5:44am
Thanks Tgecks,

But these Focus levels (except 21) and these programs can't be found on any CDs or DVDs, can they? Only at TMI residental programs, right? So, I'm not an American, what would you recommend? I saw Focus 27 in presets for BWGen, but... I'm not afraid of anything, and I've already tried it with BWgen, no effect. I suppose it won't work without guidelines. To be sincere, I couldnt get into Focus 21 even with a licenced CD.

Never heard, anyone can rise higher that Focus 27. It's the threshold of physical death, isn't it?

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 17th, 2009 at 8:03am
It sounds like "The Gateway Experience" is something outdated and not efficient. Something for the very beginners...

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by hawkeye on Aug 17th, 2009 at 1:11pm
PrenOp, I use my tapes all the time. Best investment I made in myself, ever. They are from from outdated and they go up to F21. Of course going to Virginia and doing Gateway was a far larger experience for myself but what I received from the tapes was incredible. By the way, Gateway at TMI, same as its been for years. Something just never go out of date.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 18th, 2009 at 5:45am
Hi Hawkeye,

According to Tgecks, there are new and much more efficient programs at TMI. But as far as I know, Focus 27 was the last, discovered by Robert Monroe. Perhaps, it's something new... I don't inderstand. "The Gateway Experience" worked GREAT for me, but gave me less, than I expected. Mayby, the affirmation was wrong. Maybe I didn't work hard enough. I'd like to go it through once again.

In your opinion, what Focus provides the closest cooperation with subconsciousness? Regression to past incarnations, for example? I want to manifest one of my incarnations - a man of very Big Power. He lived about 200 000 years ago. I feel him, can view him, but the contact is too weak. I want to possess his Power and Might. Why not? He's a part of my Higher Self.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by spooky2 on Aug 18th, 2009 at 8:39pm
One thing is expectations, the other what you actually get. "Gateway", in my own experience, is just the right name; it can open you up, but it won't necessarily fullfill all of your expectations.

"Archetypes", in the original sense of Jung, aren't past lives and aren't gods, although gods usually carry a lot of archetypes, as without, they won't resonate too much with us. Archetypes are simply common hermeneutical structures of humans, myths, independent from culture. You cannot simply merge with an archetype, as archetypes basically are stories, not persons or any other mighty entities. In dreams, meditation, or drug-induced experiences you might encounter archetypes, but you never can "be" an archetype. It's not a person, and it's not a force. It's a psychological structure.

As to manifest  previous-life persons, in my experience you, again, can become conscious of their psychic structure, and maybe getting hints from them, but can't "manifest" them. Because to manifest them, you had to manifest their body, their surrounding, their historical age, short: The very time and space of them.
   Another possibility is you mean being overtaken by a previous-life-person, possessed. Maybe that's possible. But reasonable?

A suggestion: Find out how your previous-life-person has gained it's power, what this power is about, and how that person's life end was. This may give you interesting results. And it is a prerequisite to master this person's power.


Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 18th, 2009 at 11:48pm
Hi Spooky,

Thank you.

Yes, there are 2 types of archetypes. What you describe, are common archetypes of collective subconsciousness. According to Jung. Also there are personal archetypes, informational structures existing in one's personal subconsciousness.
I'm not so sure, that one can't merge with a collective archetype. Russian military psychologists stated to have proved, that it's possible. I don't believe words, unless I have my own experience.
But at Russian schools of Magic and energy-informational development, all grown from the KGB and military forces, and all being kind of totalitarian sects (easy to join, hard to leave), they really use their past incarnations as subpersonalities. Sometimes as a dominating subpersonality. And, of course, like energy allies. I took lessons from one well-known Russian Master, but that program didn't include working with all and any incarnations. It was a program for total physical and mental domination, called "OverHuman" or "OverLord"or "Superior Man" (not sure how it's should properly sound in English). In German it's exactly: "Über Mensch". In Russian: "Sverhсhelovek". "Сверхчеловек". Invocation of invincible unvulnerable Warrior achetype was part of the exercises. But a weak point is that it was meant only for destruction of the enemies. In a Berserk-like transe I could take over lots of people. First - suggestion, like a snake, making them kid of stoned, then attack, and all were scattered arround, no none could stand. I full force stab of a razor-sharp knife or a slash of a Japanese sword did nothing to me. Firearms always missed. They couldn't take aim, or bullets just flew in wrong direction, difficult to say. In this way special troops are trained in Russia, and this Master is an ex-instuctor of such troops. His name is Vadim Schlachter.
How to use it for constructive purposes... I don't know.

As to manifest  previous-life persons, in my experience you, again, can become conscious of their psychic structure, and maybe getting hints from them, but can't "manifest" them. Because to manifest them, you had to manifest their body, their surrounding, their historical age, short: The very time and space of them.

Why historical surroundings, age? Saint people resurrected those who had "gone" long ago, and with no historical surroundings.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by tgecks on Aug 19th, 2009 at 8:58am
I do not mean to insinuate that the programs at TMI are more efficient at all. They do take you beyond Focus 27 via their specific pathways, but those pathways are quite limited in scope, and the vast majority of my exploration has been outside of these parameters (Voyager 8 space ship and Space Station Alpha). However, having done Remote Viewing at TMI, I know that there are frequencies that are never used publicly in Gateway or Guidelines or any of the "lines" programs, and that are reserved for special guests and occasions. Just to make the point, Skip put on an exercise at Focus 21 called "Transcendance of Time and Space" which kept asking, "WHO AM I?" which left people literally staggering down the hall. People were asking "What the hell was that?" and these were folks who were very experienced with the usual frequencies. It was reportedly made, Skip said, from reverse engineering the eeg of a well known person while they were RV'ing. It was powerful beyond every other tape I have done there ever, and I have done all the programs except one.

Many others make binaural things. Check our Dr. Jeffery THompson. He has a Gamma Meditation system that is great, and poroduces frequencies that are not (for a fact) on the TMI cds. I use my CDs and mp3s all the time, but they are only training aids, and such changes and expanded staes can be reached and maintained while awake, wit eyes open.

Practice, practice, practice.


Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by tgecks on Aug 19th, 2009 at 9:02am
Oops. Forgot to answer the question. I like Focus 10 the most, and Focus 27, but have cut and pasted the CDs to make them longer and take the chit chat out, so they are Free Flow and last one hour.

And I like the Gamma Meditation system from Jeffery Thompson, who also has an Awakened Mind 2.0 series i find very nice, too. I go to some level, but do not always call it bya Monroe  label. I would encourage you to no fall in to the trap of thinking there is certain way to do it and it is only taught at TMI.


Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by recoverer on Aug 19th, 2009 at 2:37pm
I believe it is a mistake to try to grow in power by making contact with a past life that was supposedly powerful.

Real power is having the freedom of mind to find the best path for your soul, which means finding a way that includes unconditional love and respect for other beings, divine will and what the oneness requires.

Real strength comes from aligning one's self with the light. A self-centered, self-serving approach is doomed to fail eventally.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 20th, 2009 at 4:56am
Many thanks, Thomas!

I'll find what Dr. Thompson offers, you bet.

In another thread I asked you about that Space stuff. Space Station, Voyager, I don't understand if these are TMI programs, or not TMI programs? Is it somehow connected to ETs?



Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 20th, 2009 at 5:31am

Real power is having the freedom of mind to find the best path for your soul, which means finding a way that includes unconditional love and respect for other beings, divine will and what the oneness requires.

In this quote you use two contradicting words: "freedom" and "requires". If somebody or something requires from you anything - it can never be Freedom. It's an illusion, a mental prison, like Tgecks says. It's their reality, not yours. DO WHAT THOU WILT - SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW. A. Crowley. That's true FREEDOM.

Atlanteans were the most powerful and developed Civilization which ever existed on The Earth. Nothing to be compared with this one. So, embracing the Might of a Titan whom you were thousand years ago - is the best one can do, I suppose.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 20th, 2009 at 7:47am

Many others make binaural things. Check our Dr. Jeffery THompson. He has a Gamma Meditation system that is great, and poroduces frequencies that are not (for a fact) on the TMI cds

Thank you. Already found. What these programs have done for you, if not a secret? What abilities have developed, what new abilities have appeared?

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by recoverer on Aug 20th, 2009 at 12:50pm
Freedom isn't a matter of being able to do whatever we want regardless of how it effects others. When a person seeks such a path, he (or she) seeks it because he is caught up in his self serving attachments and psychological conditioning.

When a person is truly free, he will open his heart to love and humility, and find a way that not only serves himself, but all living beings.

When a person is truly free, he is able to see that the most wonderful and joyful thing he can do, is live according to love. Nothing makes a person feel more complete and at peace within, than when he or she is able to love another.

Premierre.operator wrote on Aug 20th, 2009 at 5:31am:

Real power is having the freedom of mind to find the best path for your soul, which means finding a way that includes unconditional love and respect for other beings, divine will and what the oneness requires.

In this quote you use two contradicting words: "freedom" and "requires". If somebody or something requires from you anything - it can never be Freedom. It's an illusion, a mental prison, like Tgecks says. It's their reality, not yours. DO WHAT THOU WILT - SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW. A. Crowley. That's true FREEDOM.

Atlanteans were the most powerful and developed Civilization which ever existed on The Earth. Nothing to be compared with this one. So, embracing the Might of a Titan whom you were thousand years ago - is the best one can do, I suppose.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by betson on Aug 21st, 2009 at 9:05am

This thread is off topic.  Let's move on to better concerns.


Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by recoverer on Aug 21st, 2009 at 12:32pm
Premiere Operator:

I have never been to TMI, and I don't assume that everything Robert Monroe and Bruce Moen say is true. I'm not saying they are wrong, it is just that I haven't had all of the experiences they had, and until I experience something for myself, I'm skeptical.

If you'll take notice, you'll find that I'm trying to be helpful. I don't know what your life story is about, but for some reason you've chosen to take a path that seems to lack love and light. You'd do yourself a really big favor if you stepped back for a while, and looked at your life in an honest way. The more you do so the more you'll seek to love "everybody" rather than judging some people to be expendable simply because they don't agree with you. Ask yourself what you're turning yourself into. Eventually you'll have to do so, either here or in the hereafter, whether or not you are willing to acknowledge this to yourself.

Premierre.operator wrote on Aug 21st, 2009 at 6:41am:
I don't see any Love in your posts. What I see is irritation and attempt to fight back my posts. You are under the control of the TMI egregore, closed to thoughts beyond the limited number of dogmas your agregore sustains in your mind.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Aug 23rd, 2009 at 3:34am
lol This guy is hillarious.  I agree with basically nothing he says, yet I'm getting such a kick out of it.  I guess maybe cause I've never come across anyone with these off the wall beliefs and this radical way of thinking.  Its just hard to imagine P.O. being for real.  Like hes really just a teenager pulling a prank of everyone and laughing to himself at home for starting such a commotion. 

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by tgecks on Aug 23rd, 2009 at 10:47am
Have you ever noticed that when you make a stand and say, "This is who I AM, my Highest Self, the ME I really am in my heart..." and that when it is full of love and passion that sometimes the exact oppposite appears someplace? This is still a place of polarity (though not for much longer, I think...).

If you look for judgement and condemnation, you will find it. If you look for love and forgiveness, you will find it. Call me naive, but I much prefer the way I feel when I choose love and forgiveness.

Opposition perpetuates and strengthens. Demonstrate for peace, not in opposition to war.

I am sorry you cannot find this in your heart, PO, because it is there. Look again, change your mind. Simple as that.


Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Aug 23rd, 2009 at 1:51pm

If you enjoy it and ask me for it - ill simply kick your ass. OK?

Hey man I gave you a compliment!  I said I think you're funny!  What's with this hostility?  If you were really a premier operator you wouldn't need to kick my ass, you could just project and do your damage in the RT.  But do I really deserve it?  To get my ass kicked for speaking my mind?  That kind of logic would only come from an very unadvanced human consciousness.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 23rd, 2009 at 6:49pm

Hey man I gave you a compliment!  I said I think you're funny!  What's with this hostility?  If you were really a premier operator you wouldn't need to kick my ass, you could just project and do your damage in the RT.  But do I really deserve it?  To get my ass kicked for speaking my mind?  That kind of logic would only come from an very unadvanced human consciousness.

What hostility? Are you kidding? I also gave you a compliment. I don't kick anyone's asses. Maybe if I offered you such an honor, you are a chosen one in my opinion?

Do you know, what is premier operator? What he's able to do, how he operates? Projections are your ignorant belief system. There's no projection. Every mind control action is being done via the collective subconsciousness. If you aren't acquainted with a person. If you are, no problem in establishing a structural link. Machines, though, permit doing it via a photo or other rapport, even if you aren't acquainted. Sometimes the text is enough to get one's energy-informational signature.

Don't worry. I won't kick you ass, if you don't want me to. You sounded like you did.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Aug 23rd, 2009 at 11:14pm
LOL sorry I failed to realize that an ass kicking from you would be honorable.  Like I said, you're a funny man.

Do you know, what is premier operator? What he's able to do, how he operates?

I don't actually.  I've never heard the term, or title, whatever it is.  Feel free to fill me in, I'm interested.  I actually did a search on google but nothing came up.

Projections are your ignorant belief system. There's no projection. Every mind control action is being done via the collective subconsciousness

I guess projections are part of my belief system, just like my normal daily activies arise from my belief system as well.  I wouldn't say it is a false belief that I project my consciousness from my physical body, because I do.  Everyone does.  It may be a false concept in a greater sense, for this whole experience is an illusion, including projections, but it's all relative to one's perspective. 

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Premierre.operator on Aug 24th, 2009 at 5:43am

I wouldn't say it is a false belief that I project my consciousness from my physical body, because I do.

Robert Monroe later called it "phasing". Meaning, that actually you don't project your consciousness anywhere, but shift the focus of perception rather inside, than outside, or in other words, not detaching from body. If I get it right of course.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by betson on Aug 24th, 2009 at 9:34am
Hello --

Whether we phase, project, or tug our silver chorded blue astral body out, etc, --  all  ways of moving into other realms may be determined by what experiences of other 'realms' our consciousness is ready to accept.  At least that's how it seems to me at this stage.


Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by recoverer on Aug 24th, 2009 at 1:34pm
If a person doesn't seek to grow in love, there are places he will never get to visit, regardless of whether he thinks in terms of "go out of body," "phase out," whatever. It's a matter of increasing your vibrational rate. You do so only when you let go of limiting ideas that separate you from others.  Sometimes people act as if they are brave because in truth they are afraid.  When they act in such a way they aren't much different than a growling dog. Either they can choose to listen to their self-defense instinct, or to their heart.

Which approach contains the winning formula?

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Aug 24th, 2009 at 2:26pm

Robert Monroe later called it "phasing". Meaning, that actually you don't project your consciousness anywhere, but shift the focus of perception rather inside, than outside, or in other words, not detaching from body. If I get it right of course.

Phasing and projecting seem to be slightly different methods of accessing the same inner dimensions.  I have both types of experiences, and there are definitely differences between them.  It seems phasing is more of a mental projection with little to no awareness of any type of body, where during the classic out of body experience/astral projection my consciousness takes the form of one of my subtle energy bodies.  Check out Robert Bruce's work if you want more information about astral projection- it is most definitely a real phenomenon... meaning it happens.  It happens to people who don't even know what it is.  But like I said, projecting is in essence an illusion, because there is no "outside" of ourselves, everything is in reality contained within our consciousness.

Robert Bruce confirmed to me that phasing is a mental body projection to the astral realms, where astral projection is an astral body projection to the astral. 

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Lights of Love on Aug 24th, 2009 at 3:54pm

It seems phasing is more of a mental projection with little to no awareness of any type of body, where during the classic out of body experience/astral projection my consciousness takes the form of one of my subtle energy bodies.

I agree and in my experience phasing or becoming "point consciousness" is much less limiting than oobe. If you really want to explore the deeper dimensions, why drag a body along?

projecting is in essence an illusion, because there is no "outside" of ourselves, everything is in reality contained within our consciousness.

I may be misunderstanding what you're saying, but there is both external and internal. We interact mostly with our internal self, usually in relationship to the external environment created by the larger consciousness system that defines the rules/laws that make up the external environment. ELS would be one example, but there are many worlds with many different rules/laws. The non-physical would be another example with differing rules/laws.


Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Aug 24th, 2009 at 6:40pm

What I am saying is that even the "external" world is actually internal.  The physical world is a product of our brains and our minds.  What we see, feel, hear, taste, touch, is actually empty  It is within us that this energy is given physical attributes.  But the physical world that we percieve is an illusion.  Quantum physics shows this to be fact.  I love it how science is starting to prove these spiritual concepts which in the past were laughed at by the majority.

I'm sure we can agree that all energy is consciousness... including the energy we percieve to be the physical world.  And of course, we are intimately connected with all consciousness.. we are a part of the earth consciousness.. of the universal consciousness.. of source consciousness.  So even the energy which appears to be "outside" of ourselves is actually contained within us.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by Lights of Love on Aug 25th, 2009 at 9:52am
Ok, I see what you're getting at now. Yes, I agree the physical world and the non-physical world for that matter is a product of, and experienced within mind/consciousness, but that doesn't mean is isn't real. I guess I don't like the word illusion because for many people it implies that our world doesn't exist or that it isn't real.

Many physicists are using the word virtual to describe our reality and explain our physics. Or in other words, ELS is a virtual reality much like a virtual computer game and we, as an "individualized consciousness" are all players. While I still remain skeptical, much of what is said about our reality being virtual makes sense as well as fits in nicely with my understanding and experience with the larger consciousness system.

The only thing that fundamentally exists is consciousness, everything else, including energy, light, vibrations, etc. are metaphors.


Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by recoverer on Aug 25th, 2009 at 2:00pm
Premiere Operator:

Unfriendly spirits have told me things such as they are going to kill me, but obviously they didn't. I didn't respond to them with anger. On some occasions I sent them love and suggested they move on to the light. I've been told that some of them have done so.

I say this with all sincerity:
A day will come when each of us will be a part of the light. We'll love each other completely. In fact, I love you now, even though I don't agree with your approach. I don't mind if you call me a hypocrit, because even though I'm not perfect, I know that I have good intentions and that I'm a good person.

Title: Re: Fishing the archetypes from subconsciousness.
Post by DocM on Aug 25th, 2009 at 2:55pm
Enough of this garbage.  Nobody should talk like that on a forum that is supposed to openly exchange ideas.  When someone gets that mean spirited that they talk about bloodying you up - I mean, it then becomes beyond the ability to have an intelligent conversation.  Who honestly wants to respond to a post like that?   

I can debate as well as the next guy, maybe even better, but I draw the line at getting personal.  P.O., you want to explain your ideas - fine do it.  People have listened and will respond agreeing or disagreeing.  There is no reason to talk of stomping on Recoverer, or annihilating your "enemies" here.  No one on this forum is looking to wrestle with you on that level. 

Make your point, if you want to, but leave the personal crap out of it.


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