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Message started by Rebecca on Jul 24th, 2009 at 5:24pm

Title: The Natural Ability of a Child
Post by Rebecca on Jul 24th, 2009 at 5:24pm
I just HAVE to share this story with you regarding my four year-old son, Jack.

So, I'm sitting on the couch watching my son and husband play a video game on the laptop.  Jack says something that triggers me to say this phrase that my husband's beloved grandmother used to say quite often.  My husband then tells me not to make fun of his grandma...I tell him that I wasn't making fun of her, I LOVE Oma!  

Jack (who only knew Oma when he was a couple months old) says, "I love Oma too."  My husband replies, "Do you even remember Oma, Jack?"  Jack says, "Yea, Oma's dead now...she goes to the park and comes back sometimes."  Up until that point, I wasn't really paying attention...but the word, "park" obviously piqued my interest!

I start to ask Jack some questions:

Me: "Did you say that Oma was at the park?"
Jack: "Yes, she goes to the park."
Me: "Who told you about the park?"
Jack: "Nobody, I just know it."
Me: "But how do you know Oma is at the park?"
Jack: "Because I saw her last night, when I was sleeping in my bedroom...then she went back to the park."

My mouth dropped!  Seriously, I was so excited about this little conversation!  My husband was completely oblivious, but now I have confirmation that our beloved Oma is not "stuck" somewhere in F-23.  I'm so happy and I'm so happy that she comes to visit my kids! have the natural ability of a child.  I'm so pleased.  I hope you enjoy this experience.

Title: Re: The Natural Ability of a Child
Post by spooky2 on Jul 24th, 2009 at 7:56pm
Yes, I've enjoyed it. What's so refreshing of your son's child view is, Oma's at the park, period! No wondering whether it's real or "just" a dream.


Title: Re: The Natural Ability of a Child
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jul 24th, 2009 at 8:30pm
Thats pretty amazing!  

Title: Re: The Natural Ability of a Child
Post by Mark Andrew on Jul 24th, 2009 at 10:11pm
Wow.  Thanks for sharing that!  Pretty amazing!

Title: Re: The Natural Ability of a Child
Post by tgecks on Jul 25th, 2009 at 9:15am
Children have not learned that this is all made up yet....

With great good luck and love from you, he may retain this certain knowledge into adulthood as so many of the Crystal and Indigo children have done. How fortunate he is to have a supportive mom to nuture it, and how fortunate mom is to have such a wonderful bright light as her son and friend!

Thanks for sharing this wonderul story.


Title: Re: The Natural Ability of a Child
Post by moonsandjunes on Jul 25th, 2009 at 9:21am
Rebecca, your experience is so perfectly clear. How much more will we know when we each take the time to listen?

Title: Re: The Natural Ability of a Child
Post by betson on Jul 25th, 2009 at 6:31pm
Thank you, Rebecca,

for sharing that wonderful experience!
Jack sounds like a true wonder!


Title: Re: The Natural Ability of a Child
Post by Romain on Jul 26th, 2009 at 4:49pm
Thank you Rebecca for sharing this.
Love it ....yes the natural ability of a child..:)

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