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Message started by supermodel on Jul 20th, 2009 at 1:09pm

Title: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by supermodel on Jul 20th, 2009 at 1:09pm
I had a dream this morning of a salamander...a little persistent one if you ask me.

I was at home (didn't look like my house but I assume it was) and he was just crawling all over the place.

I got up and grabbed a can of Raid (bug killing spray) and tried to kill him with that, but it made him more angry and more persistent.

It got to the point where I asked him, "What do you want?"and it just stopped!

Then I woke up.

As I stated in another post, I'm not a dreamer so I'm curious as to why all the vivid dreams lately.

Thanks for your input.

Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by betson on Jul 20th, 2009 at 6:24pm
Wow!  You are doing so well,

Vivid dreams are a part of awakening your consciousness to wider experiences --and   you  are  on  your  way !!  :)

I like that about stopping it in its tracks with your question.  :)
That sounds like lucid dreaming to me, since you were not just passively letting it all happen.

So you've proven to your Guides that they have got your attention and that you are in control, with Raid and questions.  :D

I expect your non-physical experiences are going to get even more amazing soon!


Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by supermodel on Jul 20th, 2009 at 9:17pm
Thanks Betson! Like I said, I'm not much of a dreamer but my dreams are coming more frequently.

I wonder if the salamander represented someone or something..or if there is something I should be paying attention to or become more aware of.

Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by supermodel on Jul 20th, 2009 at 9:21pm
After looking it up, this is what I found...

Some prevelant symbolism of the salamander include:


Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by spooky2 on Jul 22nd, 2009 at 8:18pm
...and within the four-elements-concept they stand for fire, at least the fire-salamander.


Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by supermodel on Jul 23rd, 2009 at 12:18am
Hey spooky...

I wonder what it could mean for my life?

I'm going through a very depressed stage right now. I hate everything about my life and I honestly go back and forth with suicide.

I'm on the verge of some writing projects coming to fruition but am very scared of failure. I have a stressed out job that almost made me quit today....(I drive a bus in the city)

I don't know what to make of it..but its possible that it didn't mean anything and was just a dream.

Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by spooky2 on Jul 23rd, 2009 at 8:18pm
Well yes, maybe it's not that important, but if you don't mind me phantasizing a bit...

  The fire, in the four elements concept, is the basic life energy, it stands for existence, life, power. So, on the one hand it came to you, on the other hand you didn't want it to come closer.
  Maybe it shows a dilemma: On the one hand you're exhausted and you could need more energy. On the other hand you're longing for a rest, quietness (because you're exhausted) and therefore energy seems not to fit. It's a vicious circle.
  A solution could be that you invite this energy, but use it in a new way which is not going to stress you, not going to set you under pressure, and is compatible with inner peace.


Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by supermodel on Jul 24th, 2009 at 12:29am

spooky2 wrote on Jul 23rd, 2009 at 8:18pm:
Well yes, maybe it's not that important, but if you don't mind me phantasizing a bit...

  The fire, in the four elements concept, is the basic life energy, it stands for existence, life, power. So, on the one hand it came to you, on the other hand you didn't want it to come closer.
  Maybe it shows a dilemma: On the one hand you're exhausted and you could need more energy. On the other hand you're longing for a rest, quietness (because you're exhausted) and therefore energy seems not to fit. It's a vicious circle.
  A solution could be that you invite this energy, but use it in a new way which is not going to stress you, not going to set you under pressure, and is compatible with inner peace.


Thanks Spooky. That made a lot of sense. I am exhausted but I energy is what I'm going to need to finish some of the projects I have.

My job takes A LOT out of me. I drive the bus in some of the roughest neighborhoods in Chicago. But I still have to find time for my child and getting this writing career off the ground.

I've made some advances but not enough for me. :(

Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by spooky2 on Jul 24th, 2009 at 8:36pm
  I see. Our oh so great modern civilization may prolongue our lives, but sometimes it seems most of the time we have to deal with things (including idiotic bus passengers) we are not a bit interested in, and keep us apart from things we ARE interested in (like being with our children, and express ourselves in our own personal way).
  People who did great works of science, art and literature were in a state of "not enough". It seems to me, some were consumed by their "not enough" attitude, and some could sublimate it into a natural flow, where they had not to advise themselves to make more efforts on their work, but let themselves drift in the stream of creativity.
  I've heard of a writer who said that at a point he realized that it is not so much what the author wants to write, but what the book wants to write the author to; the book becomes a being of it's own, and the author has to listen and write it down.


Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by supermodel on Jul 26th, 2009 at 12:47pm
Wow Spooky. That was pretty neat.

I especially like the last part about the writer has to listen and write it down.

Sometimes when I get ideas, I feel like they are not my own...almost as if someone or something is using me as a conduit.

Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by Lucy on Jul 27th, 2009 at 1:17pm
I recently saw the PBS show that discusses the variety of salamanders in the Appalachian Mountain region of Carolina-Tennessee, where the diversity is at a peak. What I thought when I saw all the film of the salamanders was that their big-eyed faces looked like pictures of extraterrestrials; if you hid the bodies could you tell the difference?

What big eyes you have, little salamander!....All the better to spy on you, said the Salamander-Alien.

I'm not sure that's the right thing to bring up if you are feeling down. But then maybe that will help jog your mind to see whatever it is that salamanders symbolize to you.

I'm impressed that you can drive a bus; I've never felt I have good enough depth perception to learn to make the corners in a bus. It can be horribly stressful too. Here in boston, there have sometimes been shootings or other violence on busses, and now drivers aren't allowed to carry a cell phone, though I've heard drivers say in private their two-way radios don't always work well.

Do you write about your adventures on the bus? That could be either dramatic or funny? or maybe you prefer another kind of writing.

Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by supermodel on Jul 29th, 2009 at 1:16am

Lucy wrote on Jul 27th, 2009 at 1:17pm:
I recently saw the PBS show that discusses the variety of salamanders in the Appalachian Mountain region of Carolina-Tennessee, where the diversity is at a peak. What I thought when I saw all the film of the salamanders was that their big-eyed faces looked like pictures of extraterrestrials; if you hid the bodies could you tell the difference?

What big eyes you have, little salamander!....All the better to spy on you, said the Salamander-Alien.

I'm not sure that's the right thing to bring up if you are feeling down. But then maybe that will help jog your mind to see whatever it is that salamanders symbolize to you.

I'm impressed that you can drive a bus; I've never felt I have good enough depth perception to learn to make the corners in a bus. It can be horribly stressful too. Here in boston, there have sometimes been shootings or other violence on busses, and now drivers aren't allowed to carry a cell phone, though I've heard drivers say in private their two-way radios don't always work well.

Do you write about your adventures on the bus? That could be either dramatic or funny? or maybe you prefer another kind of writing.

Hey Lucy...I'm still trying to figure out what that salamander meant. Maybe I'll ask for guidance from my spirit guide.

AS far as driving the bus, it took at least a year to get the hang of things. But I drive without thinking about it anymore.

I really don't write about my experiences driving the bus because one would believe them. They are just so wild and out there, people would insist i was fabricating them.

I do listen to people talk and enjoy hearing different conversations. I can make up interesting stories in my head and catch different phrases that are colorful enough to include in my writing.

Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by spooky2 on Jul 31st, 2009 at 9:58pm
You might consider, Supermodel, that a collection of wild stories might sell quite well! Just call it "Unbelievable stories of a bus driver" or so  :D .


Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by supermodel on Jul 31st, 2009 at 11:36pm

spooky2 wrote on Jul 31st, 2009 at 9:58pm:
You might consider, Supermodel, that a collection of wild stories might sell quite well! Just call it "Unbelievable stories of a bus driver" or so  :D .


LOL Spooky. I get that suggestion a lot from friends. One day, I may write my experiences down and share them.

Trust me...they are a trip. I've seen things...even some spooky, unexplained things that I don't have an answer for.....

Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by Lucy on Aug 1st, 2009 at 10:09pm
Ha! You aren't getting off the hook that easily! I mean about sharing your experiences on the bus. This is the place for discussing things that don't have an answer. After a lead like that, you have to tell us! Maybe not in finished (publishable) form, but you have to tell us. Tell us about your alien (i.e. strange, exotic) experiences.

I mean, it can't be any stranger than things I've heard of around hospitals and nursing homes. ... Can it?

Title: Re: A Dream of a Salamander...
Post by supermodel on Aug 3rd, 2009 at 9:22pm
Okay Lucy...

Well I've picked up passengers that disappeared on my bus. Especially late at night. I've drove by some spots and have seen people suddenly reappear.

I was trying to tell myself that it was late and that I was tired.  But the farebox doesn't lie when they put a card in that actually works.

The machine counted those people even when one simply disappeared.

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