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Message started by Romain on Jul 16th, 2009 at 12:12pm

Title: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Romain on Jul 16th, 2009 at 12:12pm
Thought some of you might be interested in reading this ...thing...:(

Catholic bishops tell nuns and other to stop practicing Reiki:

Here the PDF on it:

The Church is at it again... :o

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Romain on Jul 16th, 2009 at 12:15pm
Oops sorry guys this should have been posted in the spiritual healing with PUL forum..sorry..

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by supermodel on Jul 16th, 2009 at 12:24pm
Thanks for the PDF. You have to have an account to read the article on NY TImes.

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Beau on Jul 16th, 2009 at 3:04pm
If their church had it their way they would not even allow us ordinary folks to pray for ourselves, let alone practice a technique...hmmm, prayer strikes me as a bit of a technique too...I suppose its only a matter of time till we are doomed to the dark ages once more.

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by spooky2 on Jul 17th, 2009 at 6:15pm
Ridiculous. But I have a suggestion to the Catholic Church: The Catholic Church could replace all non-correct angels who may appear in any Reiki-teaching with correct Catholic ones, and then re-name the whole thing into, well, Catholic Christian Hand Laying or something...


Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Romain on Jul 19th, 2009 at 5:30pm
Beau..we are doomed to the dark ages once more...let's hope NOT..the'll burn us is ridiculous agree maybe they want to re-name it the father/son/holyghost healing hand technique..:)

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Mark Andrew on Jul 19th, 2009 at 6:35pm
This kind of thing is sad.

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by MikeV on Jul 19th, 2009 at 8:27pm
This goes to shows how restrictive some belief systems can be, even though I realize that the bishops only mean well, it's still sad to see such a positive thing forbidden, it's only a healing technique after all there's not anything even remotely "darkside" about it.

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Volu on Jul 20th, 2009 at 7:00am
What's good for some is bad for others. Pointing out different aspects of a belief system is one thing, demanding that others do what you like is another, and is quite in line with the mentioned BS. Even though something is conveyed as "it's best for you" (change names, make it happen), it's still what it is. If this is how someone would like to live their lives, why not? Churches have power to do stuff like this, because power is handed over to them. Still someone's possible choice to hand over power.

Reiki's not darkside, but if someone got to know they could do this themselves or others than the deities, power would perhaps be taken back, and thus the decline of that BS. But that's up to the practitioners to decide. I think the BS is BS, but it's not for me to decide what they choose to do, unless they knock on my door and want me to convert, then I'd say nope, not interested and close the door.

I don't believe in the unconditional part in PUL, but I do like freedom to do what you want as long as you don't force your or someone elses stuff on others.

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Lucy on Jul 20th, 2009 at 1:04pm
I don't have adoration for the Catholic hierarchy but I live in a strongly Catholic community and endeavor to hold my tongue because I always manage to step on toes. However, I do notice that the masses do tend to be eclectic in their Catholicism, often I think practicing a "Take what you can use and leave the rest to rot" modality. They don't always take the parts I think are useful or important, but they do pick and choose a bit, Thank God. Otherwise, we aren't so far removed from some of the Islamic fundamentalists who seem to be stuck in the middle ages.

The excursion workshop I will mention else where was held at a local monastary that rents out space for small retreat-type events. They cooked lunch for us both days and on the 2nd day one of the brothers or priests joined us for an exercise. I don't know what he thought of the experience but since hemi-sync is more science than religion I imagine it was all OK. The monastary conference room is a lovely place to have a retreat like that. You can see trees and rocks and birds and turkeys and sky out the windows. You can walk a short trail with Stations of the Cross monuments along the way and also walk a stone labyrinth they made (solvitur ambulando). I do hope the hierarchy would approve of hemi-sync!

I don't believe in the unconditional part in PUL, but I do like freedom to do what you want as long as you don't force your or someone elses stuff on others.

without the unconditional part, what is there????

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Ally on Jul 21st, 2009 at 3:23am
This article is blatantly lying about Reiki not having any proven basis in science! According to this article here:

Reiki has been proven by science, at least that the body is a conductor of electricity, and has an electromagnetic field. That is why acupuncture can be proven by science! This article just wants to discourage Christians and Catholics from venturing outside their 'comfort zone' of religion.

Here is a part of a previous post I put in the 'Spiritual Healing with PUL' forum under Lucy's thread 'How does Reiki feel to you?'

"I am new here, and relatively new to Hemi Sync and afterlife experience, but I have known a thing or two about Reiki, or as I like to call it, Chigong, or Qigong, which is the Chinese term for the same energy use.

Yeah, you have to be careful to choose people with good, loving intentions to use it on you.

I have never 'formally' practiced it, or went to classes for it. I learned what I know about it solely from someone I met teaching me firsthand, and afterwards, I started practicing on my own, fairly often.

I do believe it is true that if you want to use Reiki for healing, you need to already have a good loving heart, open to PUL energy, and at least aware of your capacity to love and truly reach out and give to people. Plus, you have to be confident that it works and is real.

I have tried healing other people with my Reiki energy, and back when I first started practicing and using it, I tried healing physical pain in other people. It actually worked!  But, the problem was that it was temporary. Within an hour or so, whatever pain the person had that I relieved would return. I did that for someone that had a bad toothache. I completely got rid of their pain! But, within the next 15 or 20 minutes, the pain came back. My intention was probably incorrect, at the time.  I should have been thinking about just healing in general, and not just healing pain.

I have even healed pain in myself, as well. I had some severe period cramps one morning, before I had to go to work, and I knew that I wouldn't make it through the day in that kind of pain, but I had no medication with me to take. So, the only thing I had was Reiki, and I focused very hard, pushing the energy through my palms into my abdomen where the pain was, thinking only about healing the pain. And, within the next ten minutes, the soothing heat and energy I was generating caused the pain to melt away entirely, and it did not return!

I have been reading in a book about Chinese Qigong (Reiki) Meditation, that you can use this energy to reach 'enightenment', or connect with the spiritual. So, I think Reiki is like a tool to use to bond and become close to the spirit, and spiritual world. If you always have the right intentions, then the more you use it, the closer you will get. I believe this is what people used to reach the kind of altered, heightened states of consciousness that you can reach with Hemi Sync, now. But, without any outside aids; only yourself.

I read that if you focus your energy into your abdominal area, which acts like a 'battery' for energy, store up enough, and then move it up towards the middle of the forehead, or the 'third eye' you can begin opening the third eye up, which will bond you ever closer to the spirit world."

So, anyway, my point is that how that article is saying that Reiki is neither scientific, nor divinely spiritual is a bunch of baloney! Reiki is BOTH! They are just trying to discourage people from an alternative approach to help people.

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Lights of Love on Jul 21st, 2009 at 9:11am
What most people don't realize is that Reiki, and all other modalities of healing such as white light, RAM's energy bar, prayer, etc. are all tools to help the healer focus their intent.  It is not the modality that heals, it is the intent of those involved.  All are metaphors people use to focus their intent.  It doesn't matter what tool is used as long as it works for you.  The best tools are the ones you develop yourself.  All that is required is focused intent.


Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by goobygirl on Jul 21st, 2009 at 8:12pm
I would go further and say it's not even the intent as much as a person who is attempting to assist the healing process acts as a conduit. GOD(DESS) is the one who does the healing, IMO.

Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by DocM on Jul 21st, 2009 at 8:59pm
My experience is the same as that of Kathy.  When our intent sinks down into our subconscious as belief, it becomes reality.  The universe, collective unconscious, or what some may call the god/goddess, are reactive to our intent.  I liken it to a template.

I therefore dislike the notion that we are a conduit for an outside energy source, because I think this notion completely misses the point.  It is more, as Kathy mentions that our creative potential imprints intent/belief onto a membrane of the universe, and the outcome (a change of probabilities in the physical world) is bound to happen.

In healing, it is essential that we see the person as being whole, healthy and smiling.  That we apply our intent, and accept it.  Give thanks for it.  Cultivate the feeling of the person as healed and happy.  The joy and laughter.  When our intent is combined with a knowing or belief, a healing should occur.  

Too often, we see people putting their intent or belief in a source outside of them, more as a supplication than an intent or belief.  This may be sincere, but unless the person who prays has a deep seated belief in their own healing, it is less likely to have an effect.

Interestingly enough, the Christian church encourages people to cultivate their own faith and healing.  Quotes such as "your faith has made you whole," and the famous sayings "ask and ye shall receive," and "If you have the faith even of a mustard seed and say to a mountain to move, it will" invokes the creative power within ourselves.  I think it is a mistake to believe that faith has to be in something apart from ourselves; we are part of the process.  It is not egotistical or conceited to see ourselves as a co-creator with God.


Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Rondele on Jul 22nd, 2009 at 11:34am
Hi Doc-

Your post raises some really provocative questions!

You said <<When our intent is combined with a knowing or belief, a healing should occur. >>

I realize you are referring to healings, but here's the rub.....if a radical muslim believes wholeheartedly that he'll be serviced in the afterlife by 72 virgins as a reward for killing infidels, why wouldn't that occur?

Maybe there's a filter of sorts that nullifies those kinds of intents, but if we really are co-creators with God, couldn't we create unsavory outcomes as well as beneficial ones, such as healing?

Placing intent along with belief is powerful, but I wonder where (or if) the line is drawn.


Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by DocM on Jul 22nd, 2009 at 12:03pm
Hi Roger,

I don't honestly know.  However, my experience tells me that the great balancing equation is the love vs. fear/hate factor in the individual.  Would a terrorist go to some sort of belief system territory after death, possibly with virgins, etc?  Perhaps.  But soon, he would find himself with others who kill, maim and destroy.  Kind of hard to find paradise that way.  His belief that the paradise is what he will find can't overcome the lack of love - the fear and hatred which he unleashes.  

I am not saying that belief works 100% of the time in either the earth plane or the spiritual plane.  Only that in my experience, the combination of intent and belief is a powerful, probability changing force, that has been used and known about for centuries on earth in one way or other (magic, shamanism, healing, material achievements, etc.).

When I use the term co-creator with God, it is with the understanding that we act out of love, because acting out of fear and hatred may cause things to happen, but the path and destination is very dark and usually entangles one in karma (pay back) and misery.  

It is why wiccans make a supplication to the goddess/god before casting a spell, why many at TMI ask guides/helpers and deceased family members to let the outcome be for the highest good, prior to setting intention.  And I'm sure it is found as a prayer in the major religions of Judaism and Christianity.


Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Rondele on Jul 22nd, 2009 at 12:57pm

I agree with your points, except that the radical muslim in this example is going to think he's actually in heaven and is truly reaping the promised reward by Allah for his murderous acts.

I can understand why a thief would sooner or later understand that he's in a BST and that love is the way out, but our other friend is going to be convinced that a loving Allah came through for him.

So it would be difficult, maybe even bordering on impossible, for him to perceive a lack of love in that particular BST where the virgins comply with his every wish.  In his case, he really did die and go to heaven. And even if he's surrounded by other like-minded radicals, they too would be enjoying their rewards.  In their case, murders of infidels is a positive attribute.

For him, leaving would be tantamount to a rejection of his own god. A tough sell!

Unless, however, he eventually tires of the 72 virgins and gradually comes to realize the truth of the old saying "be careful of what you wish for."


Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by DocM on Jul 22nd, 2009 at 1:43pm
Interesting points.  My two cents, Roger, are that the terrorist would arrive in an afterlife, perhaps appearing to be what was promised.  Yet his inner state is such that misery, violence and grief are what he reaps and sows.  Could there be "virgins and palaces?"  Perhaps.  yet what happens next?  Is he ambushed, attacked, beheaded by another zealot for a perceived slight?

I would imagine that his negative state of mind and deliberate lack of love and compassion would make enjoyment of this focus level nearly impossible.  

It is also possible that he would be with murderers and thieves who are of a like mind, and that his belief in his rewards won't materialize in a hell or belief system territory - I really don't know for sure.

Either way, he reaps what he sows.  


Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by Lights of Love on Jul 22nd, 2009 at 2:12pm
Hi Goobygirl,

Matthew does an eloquent job of explaining this concept.

It is intent that moves consciousness from one state of being to another on all "levels"... our personal ELS intent, our "higher self" intent, which is not always known, but continually penetrates into the ELS self, as well as the greater "God/Goddess" consciousness system intent. For example, I've seen aura's for over 30 years. The aura is basically consciousness that carries information from the non-physical into the physical, but the aura itself is only a metaphor that filters from my total being consciousness to my ELS consciousness.  

I can understand why some may think healing/spiritual experiencing are outside of themselves, but they're not. The person simply is not aware of his/her higher consciousness being his/her self. Receiving info this way can be very useful, but it is not necessary. I know very effective healers that have never "seen" auras. It is the quality of intent that deems effectiveness.

To think that we are separated from the larger system is incorrect. We are a part of it and it is a part of us. None of these levels of being are truly separate. And at no time are we ever not a part of the entire larger system.  It only seems that way because of the various laws/rules that the larger system places within the lesser systems for the purpose of growing/becoming/evolving the whole of consciousness.

Hi Roger,

Hope you don't mind me putting my two cents in, too.

I'd say, as Matthew mentions, if the person believed that would be his afterlife experience, then quite possibly that is what he would experience. At least until he learned/experienced and integrated into his consciousness something different, which of course could take place in numerous ways. For example, he may at some point become more aware of his total being. Remember we are only a stream of our soul/total being.

Certainly we do create unsavory experiences both here and in the non-physical world. There are probably more opportunities to do so in the non-physical world as there are here because the non-physical has fewer laws/rules that govern it. The evolution of consciousness is set up to explore all potentialities to discover those that serve the whole system in the most beneficial way. Lines are drawn with the rules/laws that exist within the various realities.  Absolute free will is an intricate aspect of the total consciousness system, so free will reigns free within the governing laws of any particular reality.  


Title: Re: Reiki is non-Christian
Post by spooky2 on Jul 22nd, 2009 at 6:12pm
Regarding the terrorist-in-personal-heaven, there are some points which won't allow an easy access to such a heaven.

  Someone who hears about a promise of such a heaven, but has never learnt to love wholeheartedly, and has never learnt to enjoy life isn't likely to move to such a heaven, simply because of the lack of a vision of such a heaven.

  Someone who has had no other perspective in life than being only accepted through obeying a set of rules, making him/her "worthy" and others, who don't do so, viewing as "unworthy" is likely to continue this pattern in the afterlife, and this could mean to go to a nonphysical place where this behaviour is just repeating, again with the promise that "after this, you'll go to heaven", until this pattern is seen through.

  Wishes and expectations which are not rooted in the whole of the person can become weak in the afterlife. Terrorists often are masters of suppression of their own traumas, fears, and obsessions. Compared with these masses of suppressed stuff an expectation of going to heaven can crumble very quickly.


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