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Message started by Heimdall on Jun 28th, 2009 at 7:13am

Title: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 28th, 2009 at 7:13am

Mr. Moen during his Workshops teaches how to plug one's consciousness in a "charging device". So it works like a flash light. Are there any means not to charge for a while, but to provide a constant supply of power? Or better to use technical devices, such as Orgone (Chi) generators?

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by betson on Jun 28th, 2009 at 8:54pm

Deep breathing while in a mood of PUL is the most vitalizing source I know of.  I also add a glass of super-sweet limeade before retrievals,


Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 29th, 2009 at 11:32am

in a mood of PUL

Please, explain me what it means? Mr. Moen teaches how to take three relaxing breaths, and then someting remindig REBAL, also using three energising breaths. He says, basically it shouldn't depend on breathing (if I get it right). One has to establish recirculation, which doesn't depend upon the pace of breathing, and upon breating in general. But how much time will the incoming energy flow last? I think, only during the excercise. No, I'm wrong? Then correct me, please.

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 29th, 2009 at 11:37am
Also, such a question. It's being done without Hemi-Sync sounds. So why is it more efficint, than Yoga, for example? Why is it possible to learn so quickly?

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by betson on Jun 29th, 2009 at 5:22pm
Greetings Heimdall,

In the early stages of your development the deep breathing does lasts a short time.  Then your system will enjoy the benefits of deep breathing so much that you will naturally start breathing more deeply at all times. I used to breathe so deeply so long that I felt I might almost burst but then came gentle movement and increased lung capacity.

In my opinion we learn these skills so quickly because 'soul'/ consciousness is so hungry to be useful and fulfilled. So much has been taken over by the brain in the past century. Finally now we have reasons and methods to use our full consciousness, thank goodness!


Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 29th, 2009 at 6:39pm
Hi Betson,

Thank you for your reply. But still I don't understand, how long this flood is feeding you. As long as you breathe so? And keep thinking about the energy charging you? What when you stop concentrating on it and stop breathing this way?

If our Souls are hungry, then why Yoga doesn't work so efficiently and one has to practice veeery long?

Finally now we have reasons and methods to use our full consciousness, thank goodness!

You say FULL CONSIOUSNESS? In my opinion, the one, who's able to use all the potential of his consciousness can, for intance, stop AIDS and save Africa. Why don't you instantly save Africa, where almost all the population is infected? Let them die and get full freedom? As Mr. Moen thinks about death. That it gives full freedom.
OK, you, guys, over here are all advocates of death. It's clear. Another example. If death is good, why don't you use your FULL CONSCIOUSNESS to help the extra-terrestials, whom Mr. Moen describes in the chapter about the Planning Center in his Book Volume 3 to destroy Mankind? Inhale deeply and say to yourself: "Plus Manifest Nuclear Winter, Plus Create Nuclear Winter." And exhale :).

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by betson on Jun 29th, 2009 at 10:05pm

How long the flood of breath lasts hasn't been measured.  :)  I do  notice though that I can go into altered states without breathing preparation now. Deeper breathing becomes natural, without concentration. After retrievals I need to do some 'remedial' breathing again. (Fortunately I'm not in stressful situations now where my breathing would become constricted again more easily.).

Yoga seems more artificial than breathing. Doesn't one have to be trained in yoga?  Since I don't practice yoga, I shouldn't say.

You point out I misspoke regarding 'full' consciousness. My own little point of consciousness has grown many times over since beginning work with Moen's ideas, and some others say the same of theirs.

I get a different interpretation when I read Moen's work. Aliens, extra-terrestials, Unknown Flying Oddities --there are many ways to refer to energy forms or non-physical entities; every reference has different meanings and yet they are all mysteries to the human brain.  My brain, for example, does not see these beings with a physical form. It sees energy patterns so I am spared  comparing them to sci-fi interpretations...huff-puff   ;)  


Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 30th, 2009 at 8:28pm
Hi Betson!

Thank you. Great, but what you are able to do with your advanced consciousness? Can you materialize/dematerialize a physical object? Are you capable of teleportation? Can you fly? Can you heal any diseases? Can you regenerate organs? Can you walk on the water? Can you Resurrect somebody?
Ok, maybe you can materialize some Astral entity?

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by betson on Jun 30th, 2009 at 10:27pm
Hi Heimdall,

I don't think deep breathing advances consciousness, maybe it just reveals broader aspects of consciousness than previously I personally had available.

(Now we're off the topic of this thread.)  

Those abilities you question were not goals of mine, yet some seem related to what we do. Why do you mention them?

Objects are not of interest here, unless we are shown an object as part of information given by a deceased soul to us when we are retrieving or visiting this soul.

Have you read 'The Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook' by site host Bruce Moen? Do you know what the purpose of that book and supposedly this site IS? We don't 'resurrect' but we do raise those who have passed on from their mistaken lower levels to higher levels of being, i.e., 'retrievals.'

'Flying' is slower than projecting consciousness, so why would we need to fly? or to walk on water?

For healing records please see the forum on this site called "SHWP."

For regeneration, pay me the cost of an MRI and I will test myself to see if that has happened.  :D  It feels like a possibility that it has.

Materializing Astral entities? Some of us visit each other in astral form and we are all entities, so all I need to do is point out to you who and when and get their confirmation, right?  :D

So it seems it is happening more than your challenges presume.
Please  learn to practice these retrievals and join us in these 'side effects.'  :)


Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Heimdall on Jul 1st, 2009 at 11:08pm
Hi Betson,

"We don't 'resurrect' but we do raise those who have passed on from their mistaken lower levels to higher levels of being, i.e., 'retrievals.'"

Who told you that levels are higher? How do you judge, what was a mistake, what wasn't?

I guess the activities you are all invilved in have a simple name - Necromantia (or Necromancy, in modern language - Necromagick). A sick thing. Even the Blackest Magicians feel sick of that.

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by betson on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 2:24pm

The 'higher' realms' have a higher energy vibration which can be felt and also seen since the energy creates more light.  So we move the lost souls into the light. So no judgement is involved.
We're off topic still.

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Heimdall on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 5:39am
Hi Betson,

Higher energy vibrations? A Microwave oven has high enough. Have you tried to place someone's head inside it?  :) Imagine waht a light you'll get. An explosion of light  ;D ;D ;D.
the Sun is also extremely bright. The energy of it's thermonuclear explosions reaches very far. Have you sent somebody there? ;)
Maybe to an atomic reactor? Also a good idea, isn't it?

Not everything that shines bright or vibrates high is useful for a Human.

How do you figure out they are lost? Never asked then if the want back to The Earth? I'm sure you didn't. No, into the light!!!

Bye, Betson.
Anyways, thank you for answering my questions.

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 5th, 2009 at 4:56am

Psychic energy can be both depleted or absorbed from the very people you live with.

Some people draw your vital energy into themselves, these are nearly always self centred people who are only interested in what they have to say and dismiss anything you state.

Surround yourself with altruistic people who love to laugh they emanate beautiful energy

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by george stone on Jul 20th, 2009 at 6:42pm
I have energy in my body.but I dont know where or what is using it.but I comand it.I say move my right leg,and it arms my whole body.I was laying on my back on night and I said I want to turn on my side,and I turn slowley onto my side by just thinking my spirit is doing it.George

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Alan McDougall on Aug 1st, 2009 at 4:41am

george stone wrote on Jul 20th, 2009 at 6:42pm:
I have energy in my body.but I dont know where or what is using it.but I comand it.I say move my right leg,and it arms my whole body.I was laying on my back on night and I said I want to turn on my side,and I turn slowley onto my side by just thinking my spirit is doing it.George

Hi George,

My leg moves without me asking it to, you are killing me dear dear George  ;D

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by george stone on Aug 1st, 2009 at 12:56pm
you dont beleive me alan.its true.I can also stay above water with moving my arms or legs.I can do this as long as I want to.George

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by vajra on Aug 3rd, 2009 at 9:12am
Coming in late on this.

The significance of breathing is that there is a direct  link between the breath, and the mind. When we breathe slowly and deeply it has a stilling effect on the mind, and vice versa. When stressed or uptight we breathe shallow and fast, but naturally take deep slow breaths in order to calm ourselves.

This is why correct breathing is inevitably a central part of meditation methods.

The energy issue is in a sense related. When centered, in the moment, and in our natural loving state we both receive higher energy, and burn much less. When on the other hand we're angry, upset, frightened or otherwise dominated by ego we (a) block our ability to connect with that energy/remove ourselves from the realm of that energy, and (b) burn lots more while attempting to maintain what is entirely a mind made reality/state.

There's an energy price to maintaining what is our normal but not our natural state of mind.

Breathing exercises can temporarily energise us for this reason - given that they calm the mind, and while not eliminating ego activity they do greatly reduce its intensity.

Energy levels (often perceived as mood, or vibe, or state of being) steadily improve with spiritual work. It takes considerable time (at least it did for me) to build enough cumulative effect that the mind calms so we can feel it - this is the result of our getting better at meditation (accessing a centred state more easily), and of a cumulative effect where our underlying mind state becomes steadily calmer and less intense.

Instances where e.g. things of beauty like a mountain view still the mind give rise to short lived periods of calm, or ah-ha-aaaaaa moments too.

With enough self training/practice these states become our norm, and we start to experience periods of what feels like pure joy, not necessarily for any very obvious external reason, and an underlying equanimity where nothing very much fazes us.

A deep, intuitive knowing, wisdom and compassion start to emerge too - with the emergence of this people start to find that others sense it and respond very differently and much more gently to them. (when we experience aggression its usually because we're projecting a hostile vibe, or else because the other is so caught in an aggressive mind state that they cannot perceive our putting out something else)

There are physical effects too. People who have raised their vibe in this way and entered a new state of being tend to 'glow'. You can see it in a lightness that surrounds them.

The more highly realised demonstrate amazing levels of energy (which in some cases eventually may be manifested in more physical ways), and experience a fairly continuous joy of just being.

This stuff is for real, there's no 'magic' about it. What you put in (provided your methods are appropriate, and provided you do enough work - which is why its often a good idea to join a credible organisation teaching methods of becoming as opposed to dogma and beliefs for a while, if only for the moral support - and you don't grasp after progress or belonging and turn it into another reason to get uptight) is what you get out. Which is why so often we talk of the importance of practices like meditation and self enquiry. We're heavily biased to value intellectual chatter by our culture, but too much intellectual noise and the associated intensity take us in the opposite direction by intensifying mind, blocking our higher connection and giving ego space to operate within....

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Alan McDougall on Aug 3rd, 2009 at 10:44pm
Hi Ian,

I have been busy writing essays on the metaphysical and esoteric and this is why I have been absent from the forum for a while.



Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by vajra on Aug 4th, 2009 at 8:01pm
Hi Alan, sounds like fun.....

Title: Re: How to establish a constant energy supply?
Post by Romain on Aug 4th, 2009 at 10:14pm

wrote on Aug 3rd, 2009 at 9:12am:
A deep, intuitive knowing, wisdom and compassion start to emerge too - with the emergence of this people start to find that others sense it and respond very differently and much more gently to them. (when we experience aggression its usually because we're projecting a hostile vibe, or else because the other is so caught in an aggressive mind state that they cannot perceive our putting out something else)

There are physical effects too. People who have raised their vibe in this way and entered a new state of being tend to 'glow'. You can see it in a lightness that surrounds them.

Very well said Alan.....and totally agree here..thanks for sharing.

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