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Message started by Heimdall on Jun 26th, 2009 at 3:24pm

Title: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 26th, 2009 at 3:24pm

Can anyone tell me, in what Book Mr. Moen gives a very detailed description of Focus Fifteen with thourough explanation of what the Energy of Focus Fifteen is, how to use it, how to properly use Intent in Focus Fifteen e.t.c. I heard, he wrote a lot about this Focus in one of his Books (as I was told, in the last one), paying a special atttention to it. But they guy said this Book isn't yet available on the Web...

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Bruce Moen on Jun 26th, 2009 at 4:20pm
It is in Voyages into the Afterlife, the third book, in chapters on the Coordinating and Planning Centers


Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 26th, 2009 at 9:49pm
Hello Mr. Moen,

Many thanks. Will purchase it for sure.

In the Fifth Book, You explain how to shift the Attention Point to other realities (I read just the table of contents). You mean only non-physical realities or alternative physical realities too?

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 26th, 2009 at 10:06pm
By the way, Sir,

The one message I want to be sure to deliver before I die is that when you board your ship for the Afterlife, as we all someday must, there's an opportunity to live in complete freedom.

Why are You so sure, we MUST? It's the XXI century, there are many scientific ways for physical Immortality. And there are Magick ways too. In my opinion so called "death" is a pathology of collective consciousness, a disease of human minds. Human is God, he MUST Live Forever. His physical body is Sacred, it's the Manifestation of his Soul. If Soul is Immortal, why Body shouldn't be?

Complete freedom? A Man can be free only if he Fights the Entire World. Breaking its goddamned laws. Like Jesus once did. Freedom is inside each human being, not "out there". To feel Free, one shan't run away, he should run in his enemies, Fight and Win. He shan't obey someone's laws, which aren't comfortable to him, he should proclaim and defend His Own Laws. Then he's a true Human, it means God. All the ancient Lords were People. If one isn't a Warrior, he'll be a slave, wherever he hides or tries to escape.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Bruce Moen on Jun 27th, 2009 at 3:02pm

Heimdall wrote on Jun 26th, 2009 at 10:06pm:
Why are You so sure, we MUST? It's the XXI century, there are many scientific ways for physical Immortality. And there are Magick ways too. In my opinion so called "death" is a pathology of collective consciousness, a disease of human minds. Human is God, he MUST Live Forever. His physical body is Sacred, it's the Manifestation of his Soul. If Soul is Immortal, why Body shouldn't be?

Complete freedom? A Man can be free only if he Fights the Entire World. Breaking its goddarned laws. Like Jesus once did. Freedom is inside each human being, not "out there". To feel Free, one shan't run away, he should run in his enemies, Fight and Win. He shan't obey someone's laws, which aren't comfortable to him, he should proclaim and defend His Own Laws. Then he's a true Human, it means God. All the ancient Lords were People. If one isn't a Warrior, he'll be a slave, wherever he hides or tries to escape.

Hmm . . .
I would have to agree that my assumption that all of us will experience entry into an afterlife with the death of our physical body should rightly be questioned.  Afterall, it is only my opinion.  All evidence I've gathered from my present level of experience existing with what we call physical reality in what we call physical form points in that direction, but it is only my opinion.

It is also my opinion that we are already immortal beings so I see no reason to be too hung up on existence in one reality, say physical, over any other reality.  If we are eternal beings I prefer a little variety.  As I've often said, living "over there" where the eternal nature of our being can be more "in your face" can probably get a little boring, so,  I view my lifetime here in physical reality as a vacation from eternity.

I find your logic regarding "Human is God, he MUST Live Forever. His physical body is Sacred, it's the Manifestation of his Soul. If Soul is Immortal, why Body shouldn't be? " flawless if we assume God is a physical being.  But, I don't share the opinion that God is limited to a physical existence.  God appears to exist within every where and every when I have explored and I assume God exists far beyond the tiny fraction of existence I've explored.  So, using your logic, we humans ought to be capable of the same thing.

When you say, "A Man can be free only if he Fights the Entire World . . . If one isn't a Warrior, he'll be a slave, wherever he hides or tries to escape." I could not disagree with you more.

There is a Chinese proverb that asks the question, If after a journey of a 10,000 miles you begin a fight to the death, what should be your one wish?  The proberb's answer is, That you are not the one who made the journey.  Fighting the entire world is in itself an enslavement that costs too many their freedom because they are too busy fighting to be free in my opinion.  Warriors are, in my opinion, just slaves to the next battle.  

I prefer not living in a reality populated entirely by warriiors and slaves.  I believe we have other choice available to us.  Personally, I would prefer to exist within a reality in which all the inhabitants see it as their duty to never force their will or their beliefs upon any of the other inhabitants.  In such a place I live by my law, live and let live, and in doing so I am free to pursue whatever I desire.


Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Bruce Moen on Jun 27th, 2009 at 3:06pm

Heimdall wrote on Jun 26th, 2009 at 9:49pm:
Hello Mr. Moen,

Many thanks. Will purchase it for sure.

In the Fifth Book, You explain how to shift the Attention Point to other realities (I read just the table of contents). You mean only non-physical realities or alternative physical realities too?

Shifting ones focus of attention can be into any reality from my experience.  That would include physical, non-physical and any other kinds that exist.


Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 27th, 2009 at 4:12pm
Dear Mr. Moen,

Thank You for your replies. I ought to read Your Books.

I believe we have other choice available to us.  Personally, I would prefer to exist within a reality in which all the inhabitants see it as their duty to never force their will or their beliefs upon any of the other inhabitants.  In such a place I live by my law, live and let live, and in doing so I am free to pursue whatever I desire.

I would prefer it too. But to win Freedom, one must first Fight. There's nothing in the Universe, that would be given for free. First comes War, then Peace. For example, in the U.S. Americans had to fight for Independence from the British Crown. What would be America under the Brits now? Any peaceful pacific reality will be destroyed or enslaved by an aggressive one. The Humanity is enslaved by the extra-terrestials and their human incarnates and representatives. Don't You think so? This started from the fall of Atlantis, when People Were Gods or Semi-Gods at least, and who dared invading, was destroyed. On the contrary, the Atlantian Empire together with other civilizations controlled a huge area of the Universe. The destructive forces managed to spoil the Humanity, they'll do it again. We build, they ruin. So they shall be destroyed (sanation), our reality needs to be clear of them.

Fighting the entire world is in itself an enslavement that costs too many their freedom because they are too busy fighting to be free in my opinion.  Warriors are, in my opinion, just slaves to the next battle.  

To me, Aggression, Conquest and Domination are primary features of Homo Sapiens. The First Creation was an act of aggression and expansion against the Void, the Nothingness, which existed before. That's why the Life itself is Aggressive in the nature, and we'll Fight Forever. It never stops. The Earth and The Solar System should be peaceful Domains, I agree, so that the Human-Lords may Rest on the Earth like in Heaven. No need to part with one's Body to reach all the Realms. But like in the Crusaders' time, always keep their Swords near at hand for far campaigns.

By the way, our Eternity has been crippled. Reincarnation deletes one's memory, and it means the loss of Individuality. That's why I consider reincarnation a pathology.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jun 28th, 2009 at 3:40pm
Just what would the US be like if it was under British rule? They would be drinking more tea, instead of coffee. Is there a problem with the Brits? Glorification of war seems just so "American" to me. You would think that having Canada(Brits) and the Viet Cong kick the US's butt around during their two wars (about a hundred years apart) would have left a impression that war isn't everything. Neither one attempted to enslave the USA when it was over. Unlike the ideology of economic enslavement that the world has been under for the past hundred + years and in many ways more so from the USA. Might does not necessarily make right.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 28th, 2009 at 6:49pm
Those, who appeal to you with sweet words about peace, just want to kill you, take your home, rape your wife and enslave your children.

Those, who say the word "Love" too many times a day, in fact live by hate. Because they vulgarize this word. It means their soul (if they have one at all) is vulgar.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jun 28th, 2009 at 9:16pm
Sounds like you have had a little indoctrination through propaganda. I would bet there are are a number of places, both here and there, throughout the world, that teach, what I believe to be, this sort of trash that you speak of. To keep people in fear, in order to control them. If I say to you that "I love you", do you really beleave I am showing you, or yours, some sort of a harm? That I live by hate? Where do you live Heimdall? You must have a life full of fear. Or do I have a wrong impression?  

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jun 28th, 2009 at 9:34pm
on focus 15, I love my "no time" there. I find using Bob Monroes tapes(hemi sync) the easiest why to get and maintain the experience. I think it important also to remember that the experiences that we have in the different Focus Levels are as different as the people experiencing them. When Bruce writes about his experiences at the Coordination or Planing Centers does not mean that you will experience the same connections or have the same sort of experiences. Bruce was fortunate to be able to figure out his communication exchange. Not all of us are so lucky as to have figured out the NVC(non verbal communication) so quickly. After a number of years I am just scratching the surface of this type communication.
I believe you said it "ought to read the books". There great reading and can be of some help in understanding his view point. By the way, welcome to the forum.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 29th, 2009 at 12:11pm
Hi Hawkeye,

Thank You for your Welcome.

Propaganda? We all live among big amount of information, which can be called “propaganda”. But each of us picks up, what matches him, if he isn’t zombified of course. The best way to find out if one has been brainwashed or not, is to ask him about his attitude to trust. Or to faith. If he says, that both are great, you may be sure, he’s either under some influence, or will be. If he says, that only Knowledge is Power, no beliefs or trust, than you may don’t worry about this guy. I say – KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge is already a fulfillment, by the way.

I think it important also to remember that the experiences that we have in the different Focus Levels are as different as the people experiencing them. When Bruce writes about his experiences at the Coordination or Planing Centers does not mean that you will experience the same connections or have the same sort of experiences.

Yes, but the question is either it was true, what he experienced, or not. In other words, do these creatures and the Centers exist objectively (for all) and influence all. Can they really murder a big part of Mankind? Are they already doing it? If they are, is it normal to tolerate it? Was it normal to submit to German Nazi Regime, when they murdered millions of people? I’m sure, it was normal to do, what our countries did. Destroyed them.

Does Mr. Moen accept what he has perceived as something Good for Mankind?

Are you sure these Focuses, haven’t been prompted to Mr. Monroe by these aliens? That they have been created artificially, for the need of the aliens? For control over Humanity? That visiting these “stations” one also gets under their influence?

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 29th, 2009 at 12:23pm

To keep people in fear, in order to control them.

For this purpose exist "white" religions and cults.

Wearing "pink spectacles" won't save, when it comes to a fight. If you think it'll never come, this is what makes you absolutely vulnerable. Because, if all thought SO, it would be SO. But it's far from it yet. Unfortunately. Denying active resistance is a way to slavery, nowhere else, since there are lots of hungry beasts around.

If I say to you that "I love you", do you really beleave I am showing you, or yours, some sort of a harm? That I live by hate? Where do you live Heimdall? You must have a life full of fear. Or do I have a wrong impression?

I simply won't believe you. If you show it by action, not just words - it's another sort of thing.

My life is full of Struggle and I'm in constant Battle.

I'm Russian.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jun 29th, 2009 at 1:05pm
We both live in and around countries that are expert in propaganda and mind control. If you watch television, your being led by the nose in a direction your (or mine) government wants us to go. Of that there is no doubt. Only a few short years back this conversation couldn't have happened because of government fear. Many countries are experiencing these same controls as we write these notes back and forth. Having trust and belief in your own thoughts could even become suspect.
As for Bruces experiences and their being true, only Bruce knows. I can speak for myself and tell you my experiences. I have visited a number of Education Centers in Focus 15. I do not believe they are trying to influence you by some sort of mind control or something like that. They are leaving open a door to you, so as to allow for your own personal growth.I have talked with others not of this planet and communicated with people who have gone through phyical death only to find that they did not really die. Just as you can. I am not sure what creatures you speak of. Nor what you are talking about when you speak of murdering millions of people. Can you explain what you are talking about? Please direct me to this source of your information.
When it comes to the Nazis...submission was more from fear or a hunger for power depending on what side you would have been on. I also agree that it was completely normal for the rest of us to seek their (Nazism) destruction. Not Germany's. The Germans were only being led around like sheep.
A lot of the current struggles we have are caused by just as you say. pink spectacles. That go for here and now and in the afterlife. But when I hold my hand out in friendship to you, must you be in fear? Just who is wearing those glasses you speak of? Perhaps it is time to not struggle so much and end this battle you are in. Perhaps time to hold your hand out back to me. You never know, I might just shake it in friendship.
I am Canadian. ( ;)try living with our neighbours)

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 29th, 2009 at 4:58pm
Hi Hawkeye,

You have no idea what I'm speaking about? Are you kidding? Or lying? So, what did you say about frienship and trust? Here I've caught you 8-). It’s here in the Chapter, named “The Planning Center”. Maybe you haven't read it? Then, read, if you want. In this chapter some entities talk to Bruce and explain how they control Human Lives from Focus Fifteen. They have launched AIDS, for example, to cause depopulation. And were planning to exterminate lots of people more. The reason? To protect ecology from the Human influence and to protect the Christian Faith from gays. Because even true Christians hate gays, and thus Christians may start blaming themselves in not loving their neighbour. Also increasing greed for accumulating, but not spending money. I wonder why Jews aren't mentioned.
A typical Nazi-style bullshit.

Voyages into the Afterlife: Charting Unknown Territory Volume 3

This is what Mr. Moen recommended me to read about Focus Fifteen.


Do you really think I've never communicated and made friends with foreigners? Pay attention to my command of English. My good friend was one South-Californian man, a former Marines Officer, Vietnam Vet, awarded with the "Purple Heart".

Perhaps it is time to not struggle so much and end this battle you are in.

We'll fight till the last of our enemies is dead, ride through their blood, that we gladly have shed. ManowaR's words, not mine. But great words. And a great crew.
Watch the clip: The song is named "Call To Arms".

This Fight started from the first day of Creation, and soon it'll meet its climax. In 2012-th.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 29th, 2009 at 5:01pm
BTW, I don't watch TV at all. And hate Putin and the Government.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jun 29th, 2009 at 6:58pm
perhaps you should read that area of the book 122, where is says that  AIDS is just a new form of the disease processes spawned by overpopulation. Where does it say that " they" launched AIDS? There work is more in preparing for an onslaught of new entries who will be finishing out there time here on earth. You should read a few pages back on that. 120 and 121. Your getting some of it but there seams to be some confusion still. Like..there not out there helping Christians. They don't give a darn if your Christian or not. Nor if your living a gay experience this lifetime. They don't care. Just like I don't care if your a Russian or a Jew, black or white. Does it really matter. True Christians don't hate Jews. Anyways, re read those pages. You will see what I am saying.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 29th, 2009 at 7:21pm
I read very attentively. Place a quote here if Mr. Moen permits. But quote ALL the talk about the extermination plans.

There work is more in preparing for an onslaught of new entries who will be finishing out there time here on earth.

Isn't just this enough? Finishing why? Because these "Necromongers" decided so.

onslaught of new entries

Sounds as if at the butchery. Or in Auschwitz.

I don't know if they care what race or religion you belong to. They use religions for enslavement (religion has no other purpose) nations. That's why if gays make Christians less confident in their religion of the worms, then AIDS is double good to them. It kills all plus gays.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by spooky2 on Jun 30th, 2009 at 12:54am
What you're going to do in the afterlife? Start a war? Cause remember, even warriors must die. Probably sooner than most civilians.


Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jun 30th, 2009 at 12:32pm
Sorry Heimdall, I don't know how to post from Bruces writing. He is on line as I write this and perhaps he can oblige. I suggest getting the book and reading it.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jun 30th, 2009 at 2:17pm
Where are you getting your information about what is in Bruces books if you haven't read them?

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by recoverer on Jun 30th, 2009 at 2:46pm
Well I for one don't want to be a physical being for an extended period of time. My spiritual experiences have shown me that it is much more preferable to exist as a spirit being.

Regarding freedom, I believe that freedom is a matter of having the freedom of mind to determine what the most wonderful way of existing is. If we get caught up in our beliefs and attachments, we won't have the requisite freedom of mind.

I agree with Bruce in that things like the holocaust and the state of this World happen not because such occurences are imposed on us from above (nor below), but because many humans are living their life in a negative way.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 30th, 2009 at 3:29pm
Hi there,

Well I for one don't want to be a physical being for an extended period of time. My spiritual experiences have shown me that it is much more preferable to exist as a spirit being.

Then why you don't make this moment closer and simply overdose with heroine, for example? Quick and efficent to achieve your preference.

Regarding freedom, I believe that freedom is a matter of having the freedom of mind to determine what the most wonderful way of existing is. If we get caught up in our beliefs and attachments, we won't have the requisite freedom of mind.

I agree. Knowledge is way higher, than any beliefs.

I agree with Bruce in that things like the holocaust and the state of this World happen not because such occurences are imposed on us from above (nor below), but because many humans are living their life in a negative way.

It's a method of suggestion the feeling of guilt. All the "white" religions and teachings manipulate the Adepts via such statements. Bruce describes a mere Nazi ideology which (from his words) he perceived from some entities of higher development. I hope he perceived it being stoned on pot (I guess he enjoys it, because he smacked his lips on describing the term "stoned" and talking about pot, while the Workshop in Poland). Let it better be his trip report, than truth. If so, most likely it's his own point of view. Sneaking hatred to gays. And to wealthy people, like his Teacher Robert Monroe, for example.

What you're going to do in the afterlife? Start a war? Cause remember, even warriors must die. Probably sooner than most civilians.

I don't accept terms like "afterlife". All are Physically Immortal, but a few know it. Read Grigory Grabovoy. If to people like you, I die, then I'll Rise again for Revenge. Until I kill all of my enemies.

Sorry Heimdall, I don't know how to post from Bruces writing. He is on line as I write this and perhaps he can oblige. I suggest getting the book and reading it.

Sorry Hawkeye, how could I write and argue about it, if I hadn't read it?

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jun 30th, 2009 at 3:38pm
Perhaps a re-read is in order because to me it seams pretty apparent you didn't fully understand what you were reading or the context in which Moen writes of his experiences are above what your current reality can except or understand. I thought you had said in an earlier post that you had not read the book.(the third post on this blog) In fact, you seam pretty angry to me. Are you or am I wrong? Did you attend that workshop in Poland or are you getting the information second hand?

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 30th, 2009 at 4:00pm
From the point I asked my first question to Bruce Moen some time has passed, hasn't it? So, I've already read it. Does it take much time?

Angry? No. I used Hemi-Sync for a period of time as a good supplement to the Atlantean Magick by Grabovoy. Grigory Petrovich recommended to use meditations to reach the state of coherent work of hemispheres. I found that Hemi-Synk is better, that any meditation. Besides both the Personality of Robert Monroe and his voice are very pleasant to me.

Found this site, because read somewhere, that his Adept Bruce Moen described Focus Fifteeen in details. I wanted to know how to work properly with this point in consciousness, because my experience shows it's very dangerous for a Magician himself. It's the Chaos Magick, very close to what Austin Osman Spare did.

Now I only can confirm in my suspicions. The things seem even worse.

I'm not angry. I'm opposite to Moen's ideology. And to ideology of most of you.
Must read his reply attentively. To hit the weakpoints in it. There are really lots of them.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jun 30th, 2009 at 5:06pm
Thanks for the clarification. Four days since the posting isn't to long. You must have just flowen through the book. I have re-read his books a number of times and get something new each time I read them.
I also find the Hemi Sync tapes the best way in achieving the F15 state and holding it there for exploration. Bob Monroe did have a great voice. I hope you find the answers your looking for Heimdall. Good luck on your explorations.
(hold fast your dreams)

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jun 30th, 2009 at 6:27pm
I take it you are a follower of Grigory Grabovoy work. There are a few things that he has spoken about or claimed that I have a bit of a problem with, but other parts can not be totally dismissed. Raising the dead...well....I am not so sure about that. Communication with them is a differant thing. Same with him being the second incarnate of Christ. Man, there a lot of them out there. From LRH to Jim Jones to him. If I said I was the Christ, would that make me him?  Its not up to me to say who or what is right to believe in. But for me....experiences I have had make me know that there is a lot of bung out there and a lot of people who are tring to make money off other peoples weakness and pain. The true Christ wouldn't be holding out his hand for payment. I think that the Russian courts thought he might be tring to pull a fast one also. Perhaps it was some members of his cult that are the ones who did the miss deeds. What say you? What was his understanding of communication with those who no longer have a body?

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by recoverer on Jun 30th, 2009 at 6:44pm

You seem to have no problem being blunt, so I'll be blunt. If you're following Grigory Grabovoy, you're following a cult leader. Guys like him who claim to be the second coming of Christ are a dime a dozen. They are psychopathic narcisists.

Below is an article about him. If you're trying to recruit people for his cult, you're barking up the wrong tree. Sorry for all the cliches, but all these false Christs are nothing but a bunch of cliches.

"Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy (born November 14, 1963 in KazakhstanKazakhstan
Kazakhstan, also Kazakstan , officially the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a large Eurasian country in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Ranked as the List of countries by area as well as the world's largest landlocked country, it has a territory of 2,727,300 km? ....
) is a RussiaRussia
Russia , or the Russian Federation , is a list of countries spanning more than one continent country extending over much of northern Eurasia....
n psychic who claims the ability to abolish death, resurrect the deadResurrection
Miraculous resurrection of one sort or another has been a recurrent theme or central doctrine of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and other Abrahamic religions....
, cure cancerCancer
Cancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cell display uncontrolled growth , invasion , and sometimes metastasis . These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited, do not invade or metastasize....
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a disease of the human immune system caused by the HIV ....
, teleportTeleportation
Teleportation is the transfer of matter from one place to another, more or less instantaneously, either by paranormal means or through technological artifice....
, and pinpoint and resolve at distance mechanical and electronic problems on airplanes, space stations, atomic electric power stations and any other technical constructions. He discusses his abilities in his three volume book The Practice of Control. The Way to Salvation. The goal of the teaching of Grabovoi, according to himself, is passing on the Knowledge of The Lord to the people all over the World in order to save them from the possible global catastrophe, enable each one to reach perfect health, physical immortality, resurrect in their physical bodies everyone who's gone and provide the eternal constructive and harmonious development of the entire mankind. He also claimed himself as a second advent of Christ on EarthSecond Coming
In Christian theology, the Second Coming is the anticipated return of Jesus from Heaven to earth, an event to fulfill aspects of Claimed Messianic prophecies of Jesus, such as the general resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment of the dead and the living and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth , including the Messianic...
. According to prosecution in 2005, Grabovoy promised grieving mothers of the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisisBeslan school hostage crisis
The Beslan school hostage crisis began when a group of armed terrorists, demanding an end to the Second Chechen War, took more than 1,100 people hostage on September 1, 2004, at School Number One in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia-Alania, an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation....
, that he could resurrect their dead children. The Mothers of BeslanMothers of Beslan
Mothers of Beslan or Beslan Mothers' Committee is a support group and interest group of parents whose children were among the more than 365 victims of the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis in North Ossetia-Alania....
later accused Grabovoy of an attempt to "zombify" (brainwashBrainwashing
Brainwashing consists of any effort aimed at instilling certain attitudes and beliefs in a person ? beliefs sometimes unwelcome or in conflict with the person's prior beliefs and knowledge, in order to affect that individual's value system and subsequent thought-patterns and behaviors....
) them and accused the Russian secret service of provocationProvocation
A provocation is an act that causes a response.Provocation and provoke can refer to:* Provocation , a type of legal defense in court which claims the "victim" provoked the accused's actions...
"aimed at discrediting and getting rid of" the movement. Afterwards Susanna Dudieva (the Chair of the Mothers of BeslanMothers of Beslan
Mothers of Beslan or Beslan Mothers' Committee is a support group and interest group of parents whose children were among the more than 365 victims of the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis in North Ossetia-Alania....
) gave an interview praising Grabovoy's efforts . On April 7, 2006, Grabovoy was arrested in a MoscowMoscow
Moscow is the capital and the largest types of inhabited localities in Russia of the Russian Federation. It is also the largest European cities and metropolitan areas, with the Moscow metropolitan area ranking among the largest urban areas in the world....
hotel and detained on suspicion of fraudulently obtaining money from parents of the Beslan tragedy, a charge that carried a sentence of up to three years in prison.

According to Novaya GazetaNovaya Gazeta
Novaya Gazeta is a Russian newspaper well-known in the country for its critical and investigative coverage of Russian political and social affairs....
, the followers of Grabovoy promised to sue for "incitement of religious hatred" every media publishing negative information about their leader. Grabovoy sued newspaper Komsomolskaya PravdaKomsomolskaya Pravda
Komsomolskaya Pravda is a Russian tabloid newspaper. It was the All-Union newspaper of the Soviet Union and an official organ of the Central Committee of the Komsomol between 1925 and 1991....
for 1.2 billion roubles (approximately $50 mln) but lost in the Savelovsky Court of MoscowMoscow
Moscow is the capital and the largest types of inhabited localities in Russia of the Russian Federation. It is also the largest European cities and metropolitan areas, with the Moscow metropolitan area ranking among the largest urban areas in the world....
. One of the activists demanding persecution of Grabovoy, Evgeny Saurov, was arrested and sentenced to a conditional one year sentence for the alleged threats to his former wife that is an active supporter of Grabovoy. Novaya Gazeta also alleged that Grabovoy had so strong protectors that it needed a personal order by Vladimir PutinVladimir Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was the second President of Russia and is the current Prime Minister of Russia as well as chairman of United Russia and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Union of Russia and Belarus....
to arrest Grabovoy.

On July 7 2008 Tagansky Court (Moscow) found Grabovoy guilty of 11 episodes of fraudFraud
In the broadest sense, a fraud is a deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction....
on exceptionally large scale and sentenced him to 11 years of imprisonment. According to the court sentence, Grabovoy organized a pyramid schemePyramid scheme
File:Pyramid scheme.svgA pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, often without any product or Service being delivered....
, franchisingFranchising
Franchising refers to the methods of practicing and using another person's philosophy of business. The franchisor grants the independent operator the right to distribute its products, techniques, and trademarks for a percentage of gross monthly sales and a royalty fee....
his "followers" to practice the cult provided that they remit 10% of receipts to Grabovoy. The court considered these receipts from the relatives of deceased people (an average of 40 thousand Russian roubles for resurrection of the dead) as an outward fraud. Relatives saw neither the resurrected dead nor money.

The court sentence is not yet in force, leaving Grabovoy's defence time to file an appealAppeal
In law, an appeal is a process for requesting a formal change to an official decision.The specific procedures for appealing, including even whether there is a right of appeal from a particular type of decision, can vary greatly from country to country....
, which they intend to do s. On 15 September 2008 a group of Russian advocates brought an action to institute criminal proceedings against Vladimir PutinVladimir Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was the second President of Russia and is the current Prime Minister of Russia as well as chairman of United Russia and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Union of Russia and Belarus....
and ruling President of the Russian Federation MedvedevMedvedev
Medvedev and female Medvedeva , from Russian medved' , meaning the animal "bear", are Russian surnames.Notable bearers of the name include:...
to the United NationsUnited Nations
The United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are to facilitate cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, Social change, human rights and achieving world peace....
, the Hague Tribunal, the International Criminal Court for Grigoriy Grabovoy’s criminal prosecution. One of the initiators of this appeal is Mikhail Trepashkin, the famous lawyer. He was interviewed in the Russian service Voice of AmericaVoice of America
Voice of America is the official external Radio broadcasting and television broadcasting service of the Federal government of the United States....
about this matter."

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 30th, 2009 at 8:50pm
What you read in Wikipedia has very little to do with truth. The English version just copies the Russian one. The same with TV. Brainwashing as said by yourself. Grabovoy claimed his intent to become the President of Russia. He had a powerful support. It's prettty enough to get imprisoned. There was Khodorkovski before him. No esoteric, just a millionaire. First was sentenced to 11 years (later they reduced to 8), second to 10 years. It's a pure political case with numerous violations of human rights and Konstutution. Both cases are fabricated. Read about the defence actions. His case is already in Strasburg. It's a semi-fashist dictatorship in Russia.

As to Jesus Christ, it's a falsification by his closest people, who wanted to take his seat. Though some falks keep speculating on it even now. There are 3 churches of Grabovoy in the US. He hated it. Those who try to make money on his name or The Teaching are our enemies. I promised the woman, who runs one of his churches is the US to hang her on the inverted cross with her guts out. A pay for discreditation of our Goal and Ideas.  
The same with Beslan. A lie. He never visited Beslan and promised them anything.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jun 30th, 2009 at 9:01pm

What say you? What was his understanding of communication with those who no longer have a body?

He Resurrected four people. It's notarized. But mostly taught to do it and many other things. Read the book, you'll know. The cases are there and methods are there.

The money was taken by his environment. He was plunged into scientific research and his plans. Didn't notice was was happening under his nose. His mistake was that President thing, also suggested by "friends". Now he's in prison, the thieves and marauders are free. We hunt them down and kill one by one, using Black Magick.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by spooky2 on Jul 1st, 2009 at 5:16am
So much about "belief" and "knowledge".

I wish you some other, more pleasant delusions.


Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Volu on Jul 1st, 2009 at 10:51am
"We hunt them down and kill one by one, using Black Magick."

When reading your posts about resurrection, my initial thought was that to be so consumed by the physical, the possibility of a dark polarity adherence was pretty big. While you let your body take control of the steering wheel of your life, you're forgetting about the real selves of those you portray to have power over, the beings that can be found if you while out-of-body follow the silver cords from the bodies to the end of the lines. Their plans for their incarnations will never be diverted, no matter how hard you try, using black magick, beautiful but poisoned flowers, evil but funny looking facial expressions, nor grim tickling of the funny bone. What your plans and outcomes are I couldn't possibly tell, but I wouldn't be surprised if your and YOUR plans are totally different.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by recoverer on Jul 1st, 2009 at 12:32pm
Heimdall wrote: "I promised the woman, who runs one of his churches is the US to hang her on the inverted cross with her guts out. A pay for discreditation of our Goal and Ideas."

Recoverer responds: "Chances are you are so brainwashed that you won't listen to me, but nevertheless I'll try.

The afterlife does in fact exist, and this is where we end up after we die. We end up in a place that matches our overall state of mind and energetic level. With the kind of intention you stated above, it sounds like you're on the wrong path. I suggest that you come up with the courage to question your beliefs, so you can find your own way. Grabovoy does not hold the key to your spiritual destiny. It is completely up to you to decide if you want to live according to positive qualities such as love. If you find that you are not able to seriously question him and see yourself out of his influence, perhaps you should be concerned.

P.S. I didn't get what I posted from Wikipedia.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by moonsandjunes on Jul 1st, 2009 at 1:10pm
Heimdell, I have been reading your posts, and those of others here, with interest. Wouldn't it be a conflict of interest/purpose/intent to promote eternal life through resurrection while maintaining murderous thoughts toward other human beings here on earth? I am having difficulty following your logic when I hear you speak about your 'enemies' here on earth. Even if resurrection is not involved, but only immortality, by whatever means, how do you justify your thoughts of revenge toward others? For someone who wants eternal life, what is the satisfaction of a life which includes the destruction of others? I don't believe that a true teacher of integrity would support a mentality of war while claiming to care for others. That is my own belief, of course. You may take it for what it's worth.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jul 1st, 2009 at 11:19pm

I understand your questions and wonder.

Heimdell, I have been reading your posts, and those of others here, with interest. Wouldn't it be a conflict of interest/purpose/intent to promote eternal life through resurrection while maintaining murderous thoughts toward other human beings here on earth? I am having difficulty following your logic when I hear you speak about your 'enemies' here on earth. Even if resurrection is not involved, but only immortality, by whatever means, how do you justify your thoughts of revenge toward others? For someone who wants eternal life, what is the satisfaction of a life which includes the destruction of others? I don't believe that a true teacher of integrity would support a mentality of war while claiming to care for others. That is my own belief, of course. You may take it for what it's worth.  

When in the state of War, the Laws of War do take place. We are in this state. Attempts to kill weren't started by us, but by our enemies. Some of us have very serious health damages. We just fought back. Now we assail and ruin their energy protection, killing without mercy, like it was many times in Atlantis. If not we, then they will kill us.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jul 1st, 2009 at 11:22pm
Each huge step to a more positive stage or a new Era is usually revolution, not evolution. And revolution is impossible without bloodshed. Unfortunately it's so.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by moonsandjunes on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 8:10am
Ah, revolution.

Heimdall, I could swear I corrected your name after my last post. You see, that is much more important to me than fighting anyone.

So, I simply thank you here for reminding me of that fact. And then, (or is it now?) I can have peace.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by recoverer on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 12:38pm
Perhaps if people just ignore Heimdall's posts he'll go away. I for one am not going to read them anymore, because anybody who justifies murder and black magic does not represent divine will, no matter what kind of justifications they come up with.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by recoverer on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 2:52pm
I will add one thing. If Grigory Grabovoy has magical powers such as the ability to teleport, why didn't he teleport himself out of jail?

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by Heimdall on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 5:18am

So, I simply thank you here for reminding me of that fact. And then, (or is it now?) I can have peace.

I don't remember, that I reminded you of anything. If you misspelled, I didn't and don't care.


Perhaps if people just ignore Heimdall's posts he'll go away. I for one am not going to read them anymore, because anybody who justifies murder and black magic does not represent divine will, no matter what kind of justifications they come up with.

Don't worry. This forum makes me feel sick. I hate the "advocates of death" as I call folks like you, and I hate Necromancy, you all are obviously into.
It's YOU, who are actually murdering people. You push them hell knows where and hell knows for what "divine" purpose, hell knows by what infernal forces suggested to you. All of you exchange energies with inorganics, because no journey to the "beyond" is possible without it. The same with lucid dreams. So you are already half-humans. Your impersonal, faint, bloodless replies just affirm it. This what's really DARK.
And we are in War. In the state of War killing each other is normal. The more so, we didn't start it. And the more so, we know, that finally we'll Resurrect these scoundrels too, if they are Humans of course. Resurrecting Pleiadians and other ETs is not our business.
Why do you have so negative attitude to murders? Your ideology is freedom by getting rid of Physical Bodies. So, from you point of view we FREE our enemies. It must be good for them? And, BTW, why don't you kill yourself? What are you waiting for?
"Divine will". Whose "divine will"? I know only one Divine Will, this is of My Own.
OK, if you mean the Will Of The Creator, then He Gifted you with your Physical Bodies Once And Forever. And you consider them some crap, which slows down your evolution or development. Have you read Bible? Everyone Shall be Resurrected in his Physical Body. You don't accept the Holy Bible? Then of what "divine will" are you speaking about? Perhaps the "divine will" of the entities from the Tunnels of Set, which you name "non-physical friends"?

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." Aleister Crowley.
When you do, what YOU REALLY WILL to do, this will be not only your Will, but also the Will of God. Not the will of various mind parasites.

I will add one thing. If Grigory Grabovoy has magical powers such as the ability to teleport, why didn't he teleport himself out of jail?

One of FAQs. Many people suppose, that FSB (ex-KGB) have worked on his brain a bit, using psychotronic generators. Do you know the abilities of the modern psychotronics? By the way, Hemi-Sync is a psychotronic technique too, but useful by itself. I highly respect Robert Monroe and believe, that his invention just has accreted with an ugly cult of death, his adept have developed. Each cult serves for making money by zombifying people. This is an example. When Mr. Monroe controlled TMI, it was almost non-commercial.

That's all. I say Good Bye to all of you.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by moonsandjunes on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 7:41pm
It's okay if you don't remember. I will remember, and I will continue to care about you, wherever you may find yourself, Heimdall. That's a promise. No doubt, there will be many there, and it's okay if you don't notice me.

Heimdall wrote on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 5:18am:

So, I simply thank you here for reminding me of that fact. And then, (or is it now?) I can have peace.

I don't remember, that I reminded you of anything. If you misspelled, I didn't and don't care.

I say Good Bye to all of you.

Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by detheridge on Jul 4th, 2009 at 8:13am

Heimdall wrote on Jul 3rd, 2009 at 5:18am:
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." Aleister Crowley.

This is the one they all quote wrongly, as it leaves out the second part of the entire thing:
'Love is the law, love under will'.
-which then adds a completely different complexion on it.
Not that it appeals to me -done that bought the T shirt, etc.
Most of the black magic, chaos magic stuff TO ME (obviously anyone else can decide differently) seems rather irrelevant. Great for those who want to control this world -and there seem to be a tremendous number who don't actually get anywhere; Crowley ended his days in very mean circumstances.
For other seekers, there are far more interesting and benevolent ways to get there.

Best wishes,


Title: Re: In what book Mr. Moen describes Focus Fifteen?
Post by hawkeye on Jul 5th, 2009 at 7:25pm
Non the less of how many here are reacting to your beliefs, you have the right to believe in what you wish. Not many here, including myself agree with all that you have said. In the/our end we will all find what we are looking for. I wish you well on your journey of knowledge and understanding. I personally believe that the truth of God is within all of us. There is no need of a resurrection of the Christ within another human being, only a desire for one. Don't let your desires overtake your real and true understanding of love and of God. I hope when you reach the end of your search, that what you find is what you were looking for in the first place. I leave my hand extended to you.  

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