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Message started by betson on Jun 13th, 2009 at 12:42pm

Title: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by betson on Jun 13th, 2009 at 12:42pm

( :D  Am not sure how to word this so you take it seriously enough to comment on...)

While floating/meditating a few minutes ago, I saw only two other entities.  They were separately in their energy fields of dimmer light that surrounds a brighter center. The first one was typical of what I've seen before for entities that are incarnated humans, (dim ovals surrounding a brighter ovalish center and variations of those)
but the second one was very strange --

It was a long, narrow dim shape and within it the bright shape was very linear, almost like a section of picket fence ! with a lit lantern- like shape off the right front corner.  ??
As soon as I started to say "What in the world was that !?" the answer came--"A cat."

If I'd even thought of seeing some other species, I'd have thought it was more like a centipede. I've never seen another species before!

So I'm wonderring--
have you seen the energy fields of other animals ?
or have you seen a wide variety of shapes to these light fields/energy fields that sometimes show up while meditating?

Do you even think cats have energy fields?

I guess I thought that (human) souls had to do with energy fields  and that animals had spirits but not evolved souls.

Any help will be appreciated  :D

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by vajra on Jun 13th, 2009 at 6:53pm
I can't comment from direct knowledge, but the way of these things in human history seems to be that these definite distinctions that position humanity as fundamentally different to other life forms arises from the same motivation that originally placed the earth at the centre of the universe. i.e. artificial mind made conceptions designed to boost self importance but not necessarily based on fact.

Intuitively speaking cats or other animals seems very little different to humans - other than that their intellectual/conceptual processing capability seems  less, at least in our terms. From observation their motivations seem very similar, except perhaps compared to the very few humans who have transcended the lower drives.

It's not even like intellect seems to amount to very much, more often than not we use it to avoid connecting with reality...

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by betson on Jun 14th, 2009 at 9:20am
Thank you Vajra,

Intellect as rationalization? then perhaps rationalization as a means of dealing with a tattered old paradigm? I hadn't thought of it that way, but I do agree!

Probably when a new paradigm bursts onto the scene (hopefully it does and soon) we can use our intellect to rationalize it for an age before it needs tearing down too.

I thought I'd climbed into the new paradigm, but being so startled by that cat spirit shows that my Interpreter-brain is lagging behind.


Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by Vee on Jun 14th, 2009 at 1:05pm
Hi Bets. I was glad to see your question this morning. My cat, Louise, who I have written about on the Board now and then, has a brilliant and easy-to-see energy field. The only other energy field I have seen that is as easy to perceive is that of green plants set against a light colored wall.

But Louise's energy field is easy to see any time of day. I don't know if I can see it at night!! Never tried. Can't see my own energy field at night either, come to think of it. Anyway, I posted quite a while ago a note about Louise's field.

Her field used to be quite bluish, but as time has gone on, (she is 17 now) it is more clear and whitish. It is easy to see the outline of her little body, the little ears sticking up, the tail, all of it. When I lived in the north of BC, we had moved after being in a smallish cottage, and we had moved into a larger house up north. The day I moved in, she went wild with delight and ran down the front steps, throwing purple, gold and white-light stars out of her Field. The stars were totally visible, brilliant and very large. The purple one was as large as she was, almost. I have never seen that before ever in my life, or since.

In that same house, one day, she was sitting in the middle of the living room looking around. As I watched, I could see my very first ever sight of a "smokestack chakra". Her field was, as usual, visible all around her body. But out of the center of her back a column of light rose very clearly and went right up through the ceiling and disappeared from my view. I presume it was a filament, like in Bruce's drawings of our connection to the discs and then the connection to the life force streaming out behind the disc.
So maybe cats not only have energy fields, but also are connected to discs as well. Maybe this is how everything is connected to the Force that is within and without the Matrix of the universe.
But of course everything has an energy field. If you sit on a kitchen chair and observe another chair across from you, you will see clearly, between the constructed parts of the chair, the shimmering, moving energy field. I like to do that, and stick my hand slowly out and into the opposite chair's field, feeling the slight "buzz" on my hand as I enter its field. We are always connected to everything and are both in and of the Matrix field of light energy. Always plugged in...!!

Well, anyway, those are my thoughts on cat's energy fields, but I can see my dogs field too. If you speak loving words to your pet and watch the field, you will see a flash of white light zip out of the animal's field to you. Sometimes if my dog is in the other room, I have seen a stream of light going between us, connecting us, right around the corner into where he is lying on the "dog's couch" in the next room.Vee

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 14th, 2009 at 9:02pm

betson wrote on Jun 13th, 2009 at 12:42pm:

( :D  Am not sure how to word this so you take it seriously enough to comment on...)

While floating/meditating a few minutes ago, I saw only two other entities.  They were separately in their energy fields of dimmer light that surrounds a brighter center. The first one was typical of what I've seen before for entities that are incarnated humans, (dim ovals surrounding a brighter ovalish center and variations of those)
but the second one was very strange --

It was a long, narrow dim shape and within it the bright shape was very linear, almost like a section of picket fence ! with a lit lantern- like shape off the right front corner.  ??
As soon as I started to say "What in the world was that !?" the answer came--"A cat."

If I'd even thought of seeing some other species, I'd have thought it was more like a centipede. I've never seen another species before!

So I'm wonderring--
have you seen the energy fields of other animals ?
or have you seen a wide variety of shapes to these light fields/energy fields that sometimes show up while meditating?

Do you even think cats have energy fields?

I guess I thought that (human) souls had to do with energy fields  and that animals had spirits but not evolved souls.

Any help will be appreciated  :D

Hello dear betson,

During my NDE i saw animals, if my pet dog is not there, i dont want to go to heaven

When he died almost 40 years ago i cried for a month and could not eat for days, i have never felt such sorrow even when my beloved parents passed on strange?

I am getting near the front of the qeue and should I pass on I will do my best to make you feel my souls energy



Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by kirolak on Jun 15th, 2009 at 2:27am
If I may add my tuppence worth - I believe (& it was corroborated by a Guru I used to follow) that there is only CONSCIOUSNESS, not cat/dog/human/whatever-consciousness, but just Consciousness.  Its interaction with matter via the body/container that it inhabits, will shape the point of vision it adopts & its mode of experience; & we each get the type/shape of body-vehicle that best expresses our needs at the time of incarnation. (It seems that here we have all realised that our "appearance" in spirit form is very dependent on our own view of ourselves?)

This makes the greatest sense to me.  I could never accept that human consciousness was in any way "superior" to any other kind, especially not cats, who in my experience have shown themselves to be amazing, psychic beings ( allowing for varying individual abilities, of course)

PS When my little Dachshund was killed 2 years ago, he came & placed his head on the edge of my bed & looked up at me with such love & affection, in a perfect replica of his earthly body.  It was only when he faded that I realized something was wrong. . . . .

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by betson on Jun 15th, 2009 at 10:00am
That's an excellent reminder, kirolak,

thank you and thank you all !

Consciousness is what Bruce started us with, so I don't know why I needed to try to figure out energy bodies, subtle bodies, sheaths, etc. Based on the survey I just did of those terms, there's no agreement on them anyway.   :)  Consciousness takes care of it!


Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by spooky2 on Jun 15th, 2009 at 9:33pm
I'm a bit confused about what you've said.

(1) There's only consciousness
(2) There's an interaction of consciousness and matter (organisms).

So, there's not only consciousness, but consciousness and matter?
In my view, matter and it's forms are part of consciousness.

(3) quote: "we each get the type/shape of body-vehicle that best expresses our needs at the time of incarnation."

From this, there's not only consciousness, but apparantly fractions of consciousness ("we each"). So you could speak of human consciousness or cat-consciousness.

Well, I just want to say it's not that simple...


Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by betson on Jun 16th, 2009 at 10:00pm

here's a beautiful expression of animals' souls that by coincidence was sent my way today:

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by kirolak on Jun 17th, 2009 at 1:22am

spooky2 wrote on Jun 15th, 2009 at 9:33pm:
I'm a bit confused about what you've said.

(1) There's only consciousness
(2) There's an interaction of consciousness and matter (organisms).

So, there's not only consciousness, but consciousness and matter?
In my view, matter and it's forms are part of consciousness.

(3) quote: "we each get the type/shape of body-vehicle that best expresses our needs at the time of incarnation."

From this, there's not only consciousness, but apparantly fractions of consciousness ("we each"). So you could speak of human consciousness or cat-consciousness.

Well, I just want to say it's not that simple...


Hi, I do see what you're saying, I didn't express it very well - writing fast as I'm at work is my excuse! But I must agree that All that Exists is apparently "made" of the same "substance", whatever we may call it.  I suppose I understood it as the body being like a diving suit for incarnating into the "grosser" level/world, & the self-spirit as the "rider in the vehicle", looking out of the eye apertures etc. . . . .mmm, but that doesn't  solve the problem of WHY a spirit /consciousness should be considered as "different" from the more "solid" consciousness that functions as "body" here, does it?

I DON'T KNOW NOW; my theory does not seem to hold up. While I was also trying to say was that our perspective is coloured by the body that we inhabit,  of-course the question remains:  IS the body's substance fundamentally DIFFERENT from the "thing that says I" ?  

I realize I am only speaking/reacting intuitively, & see that the logic does not hold up.  

How do you see it?  

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by moonsandjunes on Jun 17th, 2009 at 8:39am
Betson, there is a resident buddha outside my doorstep. This morning I went outside to view the sky and sat for a while. This obviously part Siamese was sitting a ways down the balcony with her paws touching in front of her, perfectly rounded in front of her, touching precisely together in the most serene pose possible. The 'perfect' distance away, the single black plastic sandal of a favored apartment dweller lay outside his door, for no reason, for some reason, who knew? That cat was perfectly happy about that shoe. I just knew it. It was looking at me, and that look said it all. Hey, I've got this beautiful morning....and I've got this shoe.

I'm not really sure I think like a cat, or that I could. But, for a minute or two, there was really not a thing wrong with this world, with this picture, with this reality. I thought she was worth a word or two, for no particular reason, just because she was there.

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by Vee on Jun 17th, 2009 at 11:36am
Well, darn, that's the thing about cats, isn't it?? They would all agree with you, moonsnjunes.

With regard to kirolak's last post there, I thought when I read it, there are a couple of different things going on that raise thoughts. One is, the question about what is it all made of.

I could suggest Braden's book The Divine Matrix, which talks about the energy web that is everything, holds everything and that includes spirit since the Matrix appears to be what we call God and is in us, through us, around us and connects everything to everything else. I am on my second read of the book as there is something in there I want to really grasp and didn't quite get the first read around.

As to the question about, is the thing that says "I" the same stuff that the body is made of, I guess it probably is, more or less, as the consciousness of the "I" mind, is the same consciousness that created, creates and keeps the Matrix in place.

And reading Curiosity's Father (Moen) I guess that curiosity that needs us all to be here and keeps us here and IS, in some way, US, is the same consciousness that is the Matrix.Looking for more info and thoughts, here...Vee

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by betson on Jun 17th, 2009 at 12:05pm
That's wonderful, moonsandjunes.  Many thanks for sharing it.

Vee, I cannot postpone getting that favorite book of yours any longer!  Maybe we could get a discussion of it going here at this site, if Bruce wouldn't mind.


Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by Vee on Jun 17th, 2009 at 12:16pm
Hi Bets. Well, we all have our personal obsessions and mine has always been to find the Secret of the Universe and All That Is. Sometimes you find a book that almost seems to hand the answer to you. Of course, the author is another one obsessed with finding that same thing, but he gets to travel a lot more than I do, specially Tibet. I guess he has maybe got at least some part of the answer. Probably we get the answer once we leave the physical (maybe) but if you have to wait that long, you don't get to claim the winner prize. Vee

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by moonsandjunes on Jun 17th, 2009 at 2:12pm
Someone just sent me this link. I kid you not!

"Roomba Driver" (cat rides one of those vacuum 'thingies' that roll around on the floor by themselves and suck up all the dust)

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by spooky2 on Jun 17th, 2009 at 10:41pm

When I perceive something, it's in my consciousness; but then everything I perceive would be my consciousness, and the term "me" becomes meaningless because everything would be me. But yet I feel like there's a me and a there. Paradoxical, and this has given fodder to the people's minds since some thousand years.

When I would make up a theory, I'd say something greater is divided in (at least) two parts: The me and the there (=an "individual" and the "outside world"), but both parts are modi of the same. The physical body then is part of the "outside world", the part of the outside world which I (seemingly!) can influence the most and is the thing which is closest to me.


Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by Vee on Jun 18th, 2009 at 1:18pm
Well, Spooky, I know what you are saying, but I often think, as I struggle with my midlife expanding waistline, that the body is the thing I can LEAST influence. Indeed, influencing the outside world by winning the lottery would probably be easier. Well, just a small joke. Unfortunately, a true one! Vee

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by spooky2 on Jun 18th, 2009 at 11:38pm
Not a joke Vee, indeed, it's an observation which is at the heart of the issue. What you noticed shows the "outward" character of "our" body. It's still the thing which we can control the most, but not to the extent we want to. Think as well of heartbeat frequence, breathing (while sleeping even!), blood pressure, and all the zillion issues we have with our body, and the zillion functions which are running without our conscious control. This clearly indicates that there is a "me" and there, outside of me, is a body. My body is part of the world which I perceive. And when you drive a car, and you suddenly have to react to something in traffic, you might realize that your body is not only flesh, but as well your car (no matter if Volkswagon or Lamborghini). Isn't it?


Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by kirolak on Jun 19th, 2009 at 3:32am
BTW has anyone read the writings of Michael Topper (I don't have a link to hand, sorry, but if you google him or go to the Biblioteca pleyades you should find his work)  I find his style annoying of amusing, but what he says on the subject of  "you don't create your own reality" is very intriguing. (Sorry  -if off topic here maybe a kibnd Mod could move this??)

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by Vee on Jun 19th, 2009 at 3:42pm
Thanks for your thoughts, Spooky, yes, I think it's true that so many things are extensions of our bodies. And our body is clothing that we have on, like animals have fur I guess, and it isn't always running purr-fectly! I continue to seek understanding of how to manifest in
physical reality. That's so key and is a real Holy Grail in my life.

Kirolak, I will go look up Michael Topper. Thanks. Vee

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by betson on Jun 22nd, 2009 at 3:09pm
Hi again,

I was re-reading this and noticed that a misunderstanding might have developed. What shocked me originally was that I was seeing the astral body or some subtle body/ energy field pattern of a non-human.  I didn't mean it was the aura / halo of color that surrounds a physical form.
I'd never seen any other species than human while in a state where their energy fields show up.
All comments are still valid, I see. I ust want to clarify why it was important to me.

:)  Bets

Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 22nd, 2009 at 3:19pm

spooky2 wrote on Jun 15th, 2009 at 9:33pm:
I'm a bit confused about what you've said.

(1) There's only consciousness
(2) There's an interaction of consciousness and matter (organisms).

So, there's not only consciousness, but consciousness and matter?
In my view, matter and it's forms are part of consciousness.

(3) quote: "we each get the type/shape of body-vehicle that best expresses our needs at the time of incarnation."

From this, there's not only consciousness, but apparantly fractions of consciousness ("we each"). So you could speak of human consciousness or cat-consciousness.

Well, I just want to say it's not that simple...


My NDE showed me you retain your own unique conscious of self, I am Alan and will always be Alan, like a water molecule in the great ocean we call god

While we remain ourselves, we also have access to the source of existence, indeed it was unimaginably invigoration to somehow become God and expand my mind to full the universe and for a while I think I became omniscient


Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by spooky2 on Jun 22nd, 2009 at 10:09pm
Quote Alan:

"My NDE showed me you retain your own unique conscious of self, I am Alan and will always be Alan, like a water molecule in the great ocean we call god
While we remain ourselves, we also have access to the source of existence, indeed it was unimaginably invigoration to somehow become God and expand my mind to full the universe and for a while I think I became omniscient"

My theoretic approach to the dilemma of being I and All at the same time is, the I is merely an empty attribute. When everyone merges into one this means everyone shares all knowledge with everyone; yet everyone is remaining an "I", then the only solution is the "I" of everyone is identical (being a mere function), and has ever been, only the memories are different, and these merge into one big memory with one "I".


Title: Re: Animal spirit-soul-subtle bodies
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 23rd, 2009 at 12:47am

spooky2 wrote on Jun 22nd, 2009 at 10:09pm:
Quote Alan:

"My NDE showed me you retain your own unique conscious of self, I am Alan and will always be Alan, like a water molecule in the great ocean we call god
While we remain ourselves, we also have access to the source of existence, indeed it was unimaginably invigoration to somehow become God and expand my mind to full the universe and for a while I think I became omniscient"

My theoretic approach to the dilemma of being I and All at the same time is, the I is merely an empty attribute. When everyone merges into one this means everyone shares all knowledge with everyone; yet everyone is remaining an "I", then the only solution is the "I" of everyone is identical (being a mere function), and has ever been, only the memories are different, and these merge into one big memory with one "I".


Hi Spooky I searched for the right words and you expressed it so much better than me, nice precise concise post


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