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Message started by Ralph Buskey on May 12th, 2009 at 12:22pm

Title: Meditation Is Important
Post by Ralph Buskey on May 12th, 2009 at 12:22pm
Greetings to all on this board.

  This morning I was meditating on my hammock after the lawn mowing activity finished. They left piles of grass in the road to be picked up by a special vacuum/mulcher truck. In the middle of my meditation the truck came by. I sensed the potential for negative thoughts as it was a disturbing noise. Instead of letting negative thoughts take over my mind, I instead transformed the thoughts into a constructive energy by reasoning out the fact that it was all being done for improving the beauty of the ground. I mentally turned the noise into an atmosphere of happiness for the improvement being made. Instead of feeling annoyed, I now was engulfed in a feeling of accomplishment in generating positive spiritual energy. I used this energy to create a space of well being while I continued my meditation.

  After the truck left the area, I could feel an external happiness and boost of energy internally. It's amazing what the mind can do if only we could focus our thoughts on the right things. Uncontrolled reaction to external stimulus is base and can generate negativity that will multiply around the event. However, a controlled mind can cut off a bad situation to the quick and turn it into a constructive learning event.


Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by spooky2 on May 12th, 2009 at 8:55pm
I must say this sounds as if addressed to me. I can get in a really bad mood from all that various noise I hear in the big city I live in. I sleep and meditate with ear-protection.
But I, too, know what a difference it can make when I can manage it to "bypass" the noise. With the method you mentioned that the noise is for a good reason, or that "I don't need to pay attention to it" "that is not my business now" etc. .

Sometimes I'm good in that, sometimes I'm not.


Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by vajra on May 12th, 2009 at 9:13pm
I couldn't agree more guys - not for nothing is it the essential practice in self work in almost all spiritual traditions.

As it's taught in Buddhist circles Spooky as you know it's centrally about  developing the ability simply to let the mental noise (thoughts as well as inptuts from the senses) stream by without our getting sucked into engaging with them - following a line of thought or whatever.

It's only over considerable time that the mind becomes well enough trained that thoughts eventually cease, and we're only peripherally aware of the physical.

One very nice analogy used in teaching is that of a river - it starts as a tumbling disjointed torrent making lots of noise and babble (uncontrolled mental noise), in mid course it becomes strong, broad and coherent in its flow (the ability to lightly rest the mind on topics during insight is developed), and eventually it flows into an almost infinite and calm sea stirred only by small waves and ripples of thought.

Another is that of a glass of muddy water. When disturbed it becomes cloudy and unclear, but with time it become still, the sediment settles, and the water clears.

Yet another, and perhaps the archetypal one is the story of the monk leading the elephant and the monkey:

It's not possible to achieve any of these by forcing the mind - because the effort itself stirs though and potentially strong emotion. It's about resting, just being..

The physical and mind benefits of meditation are remarkable. Jon Kabat Zinn's book 'Full Catastrophe Living' (it's widely available) sets out his experience of using meditation in clinical setting to heal or reduce the a long series of chronic illnesses...

Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by spooky2 on May 12th, 2009 at 10:30pm
Ralph you're right with the topic's title. To not be bothered by something anymore makes a lot of difference, and it can bleed over to all areas of life; well I guess that's just the (one) aim of meditation, don't feel bothered but light, don't bothering others but being a light to them.

Vajra, it has a lot to do with the "Correction" thread.

The known OBE expert Robert Bruce wrote, as far as I remember, he had reached a state where a bunch of children could be very cheerfully play around him and he won't be bothered in his meditation, and that this ability would be very beneficial, if not obligate, for the ability to go OBE at will. (But of course that's not a primary aim of meditation per se)


Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by Ralph Buskey on May 13th, 2009 at 1:42am
  I'm glad that my post had meaning. After I made it, I wasn't sure if it made sense to anyone other than me. There was more that I wanted to say, but after writing about the noise of the truck being an exercise in mental control, I had forgotten about the rest of what my topic was about.

  Later today I remembered that I also wanted to mention something else about why meditation is important. Being a student of Eastern religion and philosophy as well as Western, I noticed that the majority of  Western practices involve praying to God (talking), while Eastern prefers meditation on God (listening). Many Christians that I know think that we should pray to God instead of meditate.

  I feel that praying to God sets up the condition where someone externalizes God from oneself, causing a lack of connection with the spiritual planes and higher self. When meditating, I feel that a person can attain self realization leading towards eventual God realization, especially if the body's chakras are activated and the third eye is opened.


Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by kirolak on May 13th, 2009 at 1:59am
I am also one of those people who is bothered by noise, especially really aggressive, thumping music (as played by my neighbours) which shakes one's very bones & disturbs the heart beat & the chakras - for me, the best "remedy' has been the Choiceless Awareness of J Krishnamurti, to listen attentively but "choicelessly" rather than blocking it out. . . . . .but I must admit to sometimes drenching the noise source in white light, which very often leads to its soon calming down!

Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by moonsandjunes on May 13th, 2009 at 11:14am
One helpful 'prompt' is to give yourself the 'companion thought' in meditation that any noises that you hear will only serve to carry you deeper into your meditation. This takes away any feeling of powerlessness.

I was awakened the other night by sudden loud music downstairs, in the neighbor's apartment below. I am used to being awakened by my own self, so it didn't really bother me. I have become so accustomed to waking that I didn't really care, as I have learned that it's a great time for a little interlude with myself, for reading and thinking.

In the past, I probably would have attached some emotion to the noise. There is the usual 'out of control' thought (OH MY GOD, HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO GO ON), you know, the usual.

But, I never really had any of that. I just went into my normal mode of entertaining myself in the usual ways. When the music stopped, I barely noticed.

It was just, oh. It's quiet again.

Acceptance is definitely 'better' than annoyance. If you can do it.

Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by Beau on May 13th, 2009 at 1:24pm
Lately I have been using some Hemi Sync stuff that keeps outside noise from being much of a problem, but my girlfriend sometimes is playing guitar in the other room and I can incorporate that usually. The only noise that has consistently gotten me off track is the garbage collection on Monday mornings. I will try your technique Ralph technique for that too and see if I can make that work. The hammock sounds like a pretty peaceful place to be. I live in an artsy condo but too close to the city to really get peaceful surroundings outside. Though I do like a little bird chatter every now and then, but the traffic in the curve by my place can be rather tedious.

Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by vajra on May 13th, 2009 at 8:04pm
It's very clear that you guys appreciate the point, but it's maybe worth saying that achievement the sort of detachment/imperturbability you talk of is not something that involves applying some sort of technique.

It's rather something that emerges imperceptibly (or otherwise - who knows how these things progress for everybody) with meditation practice over time.

Thanks Spooky. For sure its a dimension of the correction debate - without the required ability to just let things be (and that's not a matter of willpower, but of simply not being driven by any personal need to correct others) we're often going to be sucked into inappropriate interventions...

Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by Volu on May 14th, 2009 at 8:04am
I was going for a pro camera this summer, but with a lot of stress at work lately I've changed my mind. Instead going for a bicycle, tent, and some clothes, food and equipment to fit into a backpack. Ordinary 3D life can be like standing next to a slot machine, with fast pacing lights and noise to lure you into a frantic pace, which causes the brainwaves to follow, and the thoughts aren't always as clear as they could be.

Now I'm looking forward to the sound of the ocean, a crackling fireplace, and perhaps the pricking of rain on the outer tent. Other times I've been out and about in nature, "things" just seem to fall into place. Making me calm, relaxed and energized. Just looking into a small fire for a while I think is awesome and like a sort of a meditation.

Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by moonsandjunes on May 14th, 2009 at 8:40am
agreed....wonderful idea

and you carry your own 'internal' camera at all times, including sound and all sensations

if it is not possible to 'escape' into an actual natural environment, there are many many videos out there which can simulate the most enjoyable natural scenes that many people have experienced and are eager to share with others

i use these kinds of videos when ill or tired and they are of tremendous assistance in calming thoughts and emotions, and bringing my thoughts back into an attitude of appreciation

i have also spent considerable time actually camping out in nature and it is a very good feeling to know how to take care of yourself out there

regarding techniques, there are many, but the main consideration is practice, whichever methods you choose, whatever discoveries you make along the way

practice, simple practice

it can be as simple as looking into a candle flame

sitting, looking at the candle flame

that was a beginning, for me, many many many years ago, and i can still go back to that simple image with great, great pleasure

Title: Re: Meditation Is Important
Post by Justin on May 27th, 2009 at 11:43am

Ralph Buskey wrote on May 13th, 2009 at 1:42am:
  I'm glad that my post had meaning. After I made it, I wasn't sure if it made sense to anyone other than me. There was more that I wanted to say, but after writing about the noise of the truck being an exercise in mental control, I had forgotten about the rest of what my topic was about.

  Later today I remembered that I also wanted to mention something else about why meditation is important. Being a student of Eastern religion and philosophy as well as Western, I noticed that the majority of  Western practices involve praying to God (talking), while Eastern prefers meditation on God (listening). Many Christians that I know think that we should pray to God instead of meditate.

  I feel that praying to God sets up the condition where someone externalizes God from oneself, causing a lack of connection with the spiritual planes and higher self. When meditating, I feel that a person can attain self realization leading towards eventual God realization, especially if the body's chakras are activated and the third eye is opened.


 Nice thread Ralph.  Yes, i'm inclined as well to believe that meditation is pretty important.  

  When i first started meditating, i meditated in a way that was very based on Eastern influenced beliefs and practices.   I tried to be empty, to experience the void.  I got pretty decent at usually shutting down quite a bit of the intellect chatter.  I get the sense that i have had many other selves in my Disk that have spent quite a lot of time in meditation during their physical lives because it came fairly easy for me.  

 But it wasn't until i started incorporating affirmations, positive suggestions, and prayer in with meditation that i started to see more positive changes and growth within self.

 I happen to believe the ideal condition is when Yin (receptive, still, listening meditation) and Yang (prayer, affirmation, positive suggestion, etc) are perfectly balanced.  

 It's similar to the idea of the "Hemi-Sync state" wherein the Right brain and Left brain work completely in unison.

 It's similar to what Bruce talks about when he talks about the Observer/Perceiver and the Interpreter and the importance of integrating, using both, and balancing the two..  

 It is no surprise to me that the west tends to over emphasize the more Yang part (prayer), and the east tends to over emphasize the Yin part (empty mind), for both are imbalanced inherently.  Perhaps the Earth's very forces have some influence on this somewhat different developement and relative imbalance?

 In any case, nature abhors a vacuum.   Emptying the mind, in and of itself, will not help much in facilitating growth.   Besides that, we can become to sensitive to outer energies within such a state if we not consciously focusing on positivity, love, and asking to attune to more helpful, loving, and aware sources.  I ask to attune only to the most helpful, loving, and aware sources before i go deep in meditation.  

I feel that's pretty important.  Conversely, just praying, using affirmations, and giving positive self suggestions won't tend to be as helpful without the stillness and listening part.  It seems balance is key in this, and in a universal sense perhaps..?

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