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Message started by recoverer on May 6th, 2009 at 3:18pm

Title: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by recoverer on May 6th, 2009 at 3:18pm
Some sources of information claim that friendly aliens will come to this planet in a very noticeable way in the year 2012. I don't know if this is true.

Such sources contend that people such as fundamentalist Christians will have a problem with these aliens, acuse them of being Satan.

What if these friendly aliens stated that a lot of the channeled sources people believe in aren't genuine? Will people who are really into these channeled sources respond to friendly aliens in a similar way that fundamentalist Christians respond to such aliens?

If my question doesn't seem reasonable, there is all kinds of contradictory information out there when it comes to channeled sources.  They speak of aliens in different ways. There is no way that aliens are going to be able to appear in a manner that matches what all channeled sources contend.

Another question:

Is it possible that some of the people who wait around for 2012 or friendly aliens, make the mistake of waiting for either 2012 or friendly aliens, or a combination, to make this World a better place, rather than taking steps to change things, including themselves? Even if 2012 or friendly aliens come, they'll have to have something to work with.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Mark Andrew on May 6th, 2009 at 3:30pm
Aliens are still "people" with their own beliefs.  They can agree/disagree if they want.

As for meeting the descriptions of various people, I suppose there would always be different types of aliens as opposed to, "There's just us, and just them, no other lifeforms similar to either one."

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by OutOfBodyDude on May 6th, 2009 at 3:41pm
A source I find most trustworthy when it comes to ET information claims that 2012 signifies the earliest date that public ET contact is possible, but says that according to our current energies and their rate of evolution as it is now, this contact will most likely not happen until the early 2020's.  Currently contact is occurring on an individual basis, of course, and has been for some time.  By the time this public contact takes place there will be probably little to no controversy regarding channelled sources, for most of the population will be much more consciously evolved, in tune with their inner selves, and therefore in tune with truth.  This evolution of our collective consciousness is the signal the ETs are waiting for.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by recoverer on May 6th, 2009 at 3:50pm
I received this message the other night:

"Perhaps they (aliens?) can help us clean our environment, but the rest is up to us."

This goes along with other message I have received that made the point that people in this World need to increase how much they live according to love. If a minimal number of people do so to a significant degree, the energy and vibration they share with the rest of the World will make the difference.

As we can see by some of the conversations we have, once somebody believes something, there isn't much you can say to this somebody so they'll see in a new way.

Love on the other hand, works from the inside, helps people connect to their higher selves, and then they'll find their own way to free themselves from a limiting belief system.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Mark Andrew on May 6th, 2009 at 4:45pm

I Am Dude wrote on May 6th, 2009 at 3:41pm:
A source I find most trustworthy when it comes to ET information claims that 2012 signifies the earliest date that public ET contact is possible, but says that according to our current energies and their rate of evolution as it is now, this contact will most likely not happen until the early 2020's.  Currently contact is occurring on an individual basis, of course, and has been for some time.  By the time this public contact takes place there will be probably little to no controversy regarding channelled sources, for most of the population will be much more consciously evolved, in tune with their inner selves, and therefore in tune with truth.  This evolution of our collective consciousness is the signal the ETs are waiting for.

Speaking as someone who is currently barely 25 years old, that would be an amazing ride for the prime of my life if it's true.

But I have to ask:  When you look around at the Joe Six Packs of the world (and others), do you really think they'll all "get it" any time soon?  

I don't think I can see that happening.  2020's is just too soon for such a big shift IMO.  

I'd LOVE to be wrong, though.  What a fantastic life if it turns out that way.  To be born when we make official, out in the open, first contact, and everyone discovers there really is more to this life than the physical world.  Amazing wouldn't even begin to describe it.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by moonsandjunes on May 6th, 2009 at 5:17pm
The 2012 hype makes no sense to me. Everything that was ever possible and everything that will ever be possible is accessible to us right now. Why do I make such a statement? Because I can.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by recoverer on May 6th, 2009 at 5:27pm
I don't believe "we can" until 2012 comes around. ;) But we can eat as much pie as we like. :) I wonder if aliens like pie. Sharing pie would be a good way to get a good relationship going.

wrote on May 6th, 2009 at 5:17pm:
The 2012 hype makes no sense to me. Everything that was ever possible and everything that will ever be possible is accessible to us right now. Why do I make such a statement? Because I can.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by moonsandjunes on May 6th, 2009 at 5:37pm
What is mine is yours. What is yours......         all ours

It is about believing in what you cannot see. Not in what you can see.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by detheridge on May 7th, 2009 at 5:21am

wrote on May 6th, 2009 at 5:17pm:
The 2012 hype makes no sense to me. Everything that was ever possible and everything that will ever be possible is accessible to us right now. Why do I make such a statement? Because I can.

Okay, you can make the statement, but it still doesn't blow the 2012 'hype' out of the water. And the statement that everything possible is available to us right now seems to me to be unclear. How is it available and how do we access it?

Once ET aliens do make themselves known it might not be the big surprise that some people think. If you consider the sea change in consciousess that's taken place over the past decades regarding how we might regard aliens things are very different.
Consider films from the 50s such as The War of the Worlds and such like: these operated on the premise that anything not of this world was by its very nature a threat to the existence of mankind: the usual scenario of a flying saucer landing and immediately being confronted by a mass of guns, tanks and everything the human race could throw at it.
Since then we've had the Star Trek phenomenon  :D that's insinuated itself into the collective psyche of mankind to a great extent. ETs arrive, and we realise that they're folks like us with their own hopes, wishes and dreams and opinions.
Plus the work of Barabara Hand Clow who says that it's time that this planet came out of its quarantine and rejoin the rest of the universe. In other words, we get reunited with our galactic family.
So while there'll always be fundamentalists who see them as a threat and will wave the spectre of Satan in our faces, they may well be outnumbered by those who might say to them 'Greetings -what took you so long?'  ;D

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by detheridge on May 7th, 2009 at 5:35am
Hi folks,
and just to make you think a little more, I've just found this:

Whichever way you look at it, there's far more going on than we're told (as ever)  ;D

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by betson on May 7th, 2009 at 7:49am

The first conclusions, that the moon once supported life, are not the only conclusions.  Suposedly in ancient Indian, Tibetan, etc writings there are descriptions of small space ships that people took for granted back thousands of years ago.  The moon was an easy destination for such outings, according to some reports.


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Volu on May 7th, 2009 at 10:04am
Friendly words isn't the same as being friendly though, as the administration that talked about freedom showed, while their doing was shock and awe.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by moonsandjunes on May 7th, 2009 at 12:37pm

Do you dream, that the world will know your name?
So tell me your name (tell me your name)
Do you care, about all the little things or anything at all? (or anything at all)
I wanna feel, all the chemicals inside I wanna feel (I wanna feel)
I wanna a sunburn, just to know that I'm alive
To know I'm alive (to know I'm alive)

Don't tell me if I'm dying, 'cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me 'cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon

Do you believe, in the day that you were born?
Tell me, do you believe? (do you believe)
And do you know, that every day's
The first of the rest of your life?

Don't tell me if I'm dying, 'cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me 'cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon

This is to one last day in the shadows
And to know a brother's love
This is to New York City angels
And the rivers of our blood
This is to all of us, to all of us

So don't tell me if I'm dying, 'cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon

Yeah, you can tell me all your thoughts
'Bout the stars that fill polluted skies
And show me where you run to
When no one's left to take your side
But don't tell me where the road ends
'Cause I just don't wanna know,
No I don't wanna know

Don't tell me if I'm dying
Don't tell me if I'm dying

(Thriving Ivory)

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by hawkeye on May 7th, 2009 at 3:13pm
funny, sometimes I read posts here on this site and wonder to myself if the aliens are not here already...Well at least some who seam "lost in space". :D  By the way, that includes some of my own posts.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Old Dood on May 7th, 2009 at 4:01pm
Aliens/ETs/UTs/etc have been here for a very, very LONG time.
You cannot break it down really into Good Guys & Bad Guys either.

It breaks down to STO (Service to Others) or STS (Service To Self).
That works for us Earthers too.

Greys are 'generally' known to be STS type.
Even some Nordics (pleidians) are known to be STS.
But, most are STO.
Reptilians are definitely STS.

Then there are higher dimensional 'beings' that are Extra-Terrestrial as well.
Another name for them is UTs. Ultra-Terrestrials.
I guess you could classify Angels/Helpers/Guides along those lines...

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by recoverer on May 7th, 2009 at 5:17pm
Yeah, reptilians view us as a bunch of bugs that should be eaten. "Gulp." I hear they don't like garlic, so eat lots of garlic, and you'll be safe.

:) No disrespect intended. I couldn't help myself with the joke. I don't know which alien theories are true. Because of some of the experiences I've had, some of the messages I received, and what the evidence seems to show, I believe aliens have made contact with the human race.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Berserk2 on May 7th, 2009 at 7:54pm
Maybe the only question these "friendly aliens" have about is whether we would be good to eat! :o  It will be hilarious to see how New Agers rationalize the fact the December 21, 2112 will come and go uneventfully.  My guess is that they'll say: "Oh yes, the cosmic shift in consciousness is happening; you just aren't aware of it yet. Give it time."  Lunacy enters a door which cannot be locked by any falsification test.  Ignorance of history helps this delusion.  The heyday of channeling came and went in the late 19th and early 20th century.  Many New Agers act as if channeling is just now assuming its greatest level of prominence.


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by OutOfBodyDude on May 8th, 2009 at 4:15am

Most "new agers", including me, realize that nothing drastic is going to happen on that date, but rather that it signifies the beginning of a new period in the development of human consciousness. Hell, even the Mayas new this thousands of years ago.  The fact is that there are too many independent variables which point to this year being significant in some important way to just play it off as "new age ghetto garbage".  But I'm sure you have done at least some research in this area to realize this.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Rondele on May 8th, 2009 at 10:01am
Reminds me of my Jehovah Witness friend, who insisted many years ago that 1975 would be Armageddon.  He gave me lots of Watchtower and Awake magazines that warned about it.

1975 came and went (just like 2012 will).

The point of this story is that when I asked him why Armageddon didn't happen, he immediately went into spin mode.

1975, he explained, was just the beginning of the end times.  He claimed with a straight face that no one ever said it would actually be the end time.  

But this is what the end times folks do.  They make predictions, and when the predictions don't come true, they wiggle out of it any way they can to save face.

I also remember years ago when people actually insisted that aliens had established a base on the far side of the moon.  No one could dispute that since no one had ever seen the far side.

When technology enabled us to examine the far side, we didn't find any signs of an alien base.  Yet folks continue to maintain this delusion via all sorts of explanations and excuses.

Isn't life full enough and challenging enough for us such that we don't have to indulge in such fanciful notions to pass the time of day on the net?


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by hawkeye on May 8th, 2009 at 12:25pm
2012 awakening of worldwide spiritual consciousness... the exchange of information with aliens.....the second coming of Christ. The likelihood of one or the others seams pretty low. Some border on the ridiculous.
Or perhaps they all speak of the same thing. Didn't Christ come from above? Or heaven? Wouldn't a return by a "Christ" to earth in 2012 cause a spiritual awakening?
Perhaps this spiritual being is a alien, or even a reptilian being from anouther planet who is returning to earth to eat us, or control our minds. Well eat us anyways. Hasn't the mind control been going on already for a few thousand years? Hmmm?
The possibilities are endless. And all of them potentially as realistic as the others.
2012 will come and go. There just no need to wait for a person or space being to follow or believe in to have a spiritual experience.
Time to stop waiting and start doing.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Old Dood on May 9th, 2009 at 7:45am
2012 is not just a 'Spiritual Beginning' it is a Physical Beginning as well.

I do not believe things will automatically 'change' just like that.  It is a process.

Physically our solar system is coming around it's 26K revolution of the galactic plane.
We are also coming into the age of Aquarius (Water Bearer) and leaving Pisces (Fishes).
These are 'AGES'.  Christ spoke of these Ages.
They have meaning.
The Great Year BOOK

The Great Year VIDEO

Answers are coming....More importantly we need to be asking the Correct Questions in order to find the Correct Answers.

To even contemplate that WE Humans on Earth are the highest civilization in the Universe is pure arrogance on our part.
We today are not even the Highest Civilization that has been on Earth.

There has been others.  The Mayans knew this to be true.
The Mayans were not the highest civilization on Earth...they were only a Remnant of what once was...
As were the Egyptians and the Sumerians were also a Remnant of a past Highly Evolved civilization(s)...

To think that we on Earth have not been visited is also very arrogant of us...
We have not only been visited...we have been genetically engineered/changed since our beginnings on Earth.
Many of our races were transplanted here and then had our DNA altered to fit what ever 'plan' other very advanced beings had for us.
Mostly it was to make us slaves to do their bidding.
And what is the best kind of slave?  One that does not know he/she is a slave...
This is the Era of 'The gods' on Earth...
This is were all these 'Myths' came from....
Based on real facts.
Yes, there were many beings that 'Played God' when we were young & dumb.

We use to have more strands of DNA.  Up to 12 actually and it was 'dumbed down' so we would forget our true selves.
Even when this was done to us we still are a threat to many STS beings out there.
Even with only 2 strands of DNA we are waking up and fulfilling our potential.
However, it is up to us to make this change.
There are No Aliens out there that is going to swoop in and 'Save us'.
WE have to Grow Up on our own.
There are some STO type Aliens/Beings/Whatever that are willing to HELP but, they are not going to do it for us.
They have been helping right now.  More then we can imagine.

That is what I believe and many believe is happening now...not on 12-21-2012...We are evolving back into our True Selves.  
Our DNA is changing back to it's original form.

There is a lot of info out there on this.
How Light can change/alter DNA.

Do some research with an open mind and you will start to find out pieces to the puzzle...

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Rondele on May 9th, 2009 at 11:54am
I have no doubt that there is life on other planets and that aliens have possibly visited this planet.

I realize credible people, including airline pilots and military officers, have seen things that defy ordinary explanations.  The Phoenix sightings were verified by the then-Governor of the state.

Having said that, I also think there is a line between this belief and those beliefs that aliens live among us and have abducted humans, implanted monitoring devices, dismembered livestock, etc etc.

Our agency in DC used to get hundreds of letters from people convinced that aliens were spying on them via their TV sets, radios, etc.  

There are all kinds of mental illness.  If you do research, you'll find lots of information about this particular form of paranoia.

We just have to recognize where the line between reality and fantasy begins.  For some people, they never see that line or they deny such a line exists.


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by recoverer on May 11th, 2009 at 12:33pm
I have a hard time believing in the 12 strand DNA theory.  Our bodies are so incredibly complex, even though we make use of just 2 strands of DNA. I doubt that 12 strand DNA, if such a thing was even possible, could do anything that an equal amount of 2 strand DNA could do.  When proteins are synthesized, you don't need more than 2 strands of DNA in order for amino acids to be assembled in the required way.

Check out this link and see how many people try to make a buck by activating 12 strand DNA remotely. If such a thing were possible, couldn't our own connection to higher self/guidance cause such activation to take place?

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Sidey on May 13th, 2009 at 1:45pm
I believe in the fact that aliens have been interacting with us humans for a long time. It's hard to think that 2012 is an exact date for alien disclosure, because they show themselves daily in the skies above us. I've seen the statement of the Vatican saying the alien life is almost a certainty, and that they are beings like us with a "soul". So I know that the highest level of the Christianity accepts the possiblity of aliens.

But every person will react differently, depending on what their belief  tells them. I've already accepted that they exist in many forms, so I'm just calmly waiting...  ;)

Interesting topic BTW, good stuff.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by tgecks on May 14th, 2009 at 5:22pm
We have been visited by these Star Visitors since the Earth began, some 108 different star systems, it is said by researchers. A written treaty with the Greys was made in 1954 by Eisenhauer who was quoted as saying, "How could we stop you?" There have been official operations funded by your government that discredit and harass people for their reports of sightings, abductions, and such, and many are thought to be still in existence. The OSS is in charge, and they have been reported as saying that the executive branch does not "need to know" as "....that is not where the actual power in this country resides." Clinton and his CIA head asked for the information and were refused.

Since I read SHirley MacLaine's "Age-ing while Sage-ing" a year or so ago I have researched it a lot more on my own. Her book was truly shocking for me, and I literally had a physical reaction to it when I read it, and later heard the audiobook. But expanded my brain  or consciousness enoiugh that I was open to what I found out since.

Of course they are here. And Lord knows we can use the help. It is ours to create the vision and the dream of the New Earth as we step in to the higher dimensions in 2012.

I agree with Old Dood. They are among us, and some are us.

Just my opinion, but I did not think there was any doubt about it. Check out Steven Greer's which will convince even the most hardcore skeptic.



Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by recoverer on May 14th, 2009 at 7:54pm
I believe it is very possible they are here among us.  The question is, which of the many viewpoints are true?

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Rondele on May 15th, 2009 at 8:12am
<<A written treaty with the Greys was made in 1954 by Eisenhauer (sic)>>

Well, let's step back a bit and say that there are allegations that such a treaty was signed by Eisenhower.  Let's not phrase things as if they were a proven fact.

And these allegations come from a highly dubious source- Michael E. Salla.  He admits he trolled the net looking for things that "might" indicate the existence of such a treaty.

When proper research is done, the story is full of qualifiers such as "could have" or "it's possible that..." etc etc.

Eisenhower, for those of you too young to remember, had several quick disappearances during his first term, but it wasn't because he was rushing to meet aliens at an air force base.

He had serious heart problems, including a heart attack, and in those days these things were covered up, with media compliance, so as not to alarm the public. A sudden trip to the dentist was probably a  sudden trip to the cardiologist.  

Now, we can believe whatever we want, and in this age of the internet, there are all sorts of crackpot theories to choose from.  

For anyone to really believe that a treaty between the President and aliens could be successfully covered up for 55 years is to believe in Santa Claus.  Such a treaty would have been leaked to the press a thousand times a thousand in the intervening years.

The funniest reason given as to why no leaks occurred was that "unauthorized release of information concerning UFOs was a crime under the Espionage Act punishable for up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine."  

Media outlets would have given many millions of dollars for such an explosive story.  And even if they didn't, it's impossible for so many people to "know" about this monumental story and not tell someone.  To avoid doing so because of a fine "up to" a measly $10,000 is laughable.

Come on people, we can accept the possibility of UFOs without swallowing such nonsense.


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Volu on May 15th, 2009 at 10:09am
"Come on people, we can accept the possibility of UFOs without swallowing such nonsense."

That's what you deem as nonsense or crackpotty, so what's there to come on about regarding your opinion? I think it's good to be critical when dealing with all sorts of information, but what's proper research or not is in the eye of the beholder.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Old Dood on May 15th, 2009 at 2:17pm
More then Dr Salla has spoken of this 'Treaty' in 1954....there was talk of one in 1952 as well....

You need to study this on your own...

I cannot nor will I try to change anyone's mind....
That is an inside job.

Anyways lets say there was a treaty in 1954....
No matter what there is NOTHING to enforce it from our end.


ET can do as he pleases...and in my opinion...they DID just that!

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Rondele on May 15th, 2009 at 6:44pm

Actually you make an excellent point.

Namely, a treaty between this country and aliens would be totally useless because we would be unable to enforce it if it were violated.

Using some logic here, if the aliens were friendly, no such treaty would have been necessary.  If they were unfriendly, a treaty would have been useless.

And let's not forget human nature in all of this.  Keeping a treaty of this magnitude secret for over half a century, with zero leaks, would be an impossible job in any case.

There are even some websites claiming that Obama is an alien.  Heck, maybe he is.  He does look peculiar.  And consider this: he refuses to release his original birth certificate.  There is a lawsuit trying to force him to do this, but so far his lawyers have prevented its release.  A birth certificate from an alien planet would present somewhat of a problem for his continuation in office.

Having an alien as President would fit nicely into their agenda.  After all, he clearly wants to expand the reach and power of the federal government.  And he clearly wants to make folks as dependent on the government as possible.

So here we have the perfect storm- a nation of sheep, easy pickings for an alien takeover.

Think about it.


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Old Dood on May 15th, 2009 at 10:43pm

And let's not forget human nature in all of this.  Keeping a treaty of this magnitude secret for over half a century, with zero leaks, would be an impossible job in any case.

Except Rondele you are forgetting one very important point.....

1) ET Tech! It would be VASTLY ahead of ours and what bits of their technology we might have gained is pale in comparison to what they truly would have.

2) Fear! Fear of many things would keep people's mouths shut!
Not just fear of your own life but, of your Spouse, Children, Mom, Dad, Pet, Friends, etc.

3) Memory.  Yes, they can affect our memories.
They can cause us to have 'Missing Time' and all sorts of odd things.

So there was 3 points.  :P ;)  I am no expert but, I know a few that are.  Experts at ALL things concerning ET?  
No.  Those people I stay away from because no one knows everything or even close.
It is a puzzle and we have to try to put the pieces together.
We also have to think out side of the box as well.  Out side of our 3D thinking to TRY to understand even little bits of this.
So with our Human 3D thinking then I can understand why people would think it would be impossible for leaks not to occur after all this time.
Let's say 60 years since Roswell...That really is not a lot of 'time' in relation to thousands of years of visitations.

Many reasons as to why we still do not have the answers we are searching ...

BUT, for ANYone to even consider in today's world that we have not been visited by another race of beings or more is just foolish or short sighted in my opinion.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by betson on May 16th, 2009 at 3:29pm
Hi Rondele,

If this is a new age ghetto, as you have at least agreed in the past, then why aren't we ghetto-rabble rising to your bait in your last post here, p. 2) ? Instead it is being ignored, as it deserves.

You are a very intriguing poster! Your post on another thread on the history of retrievals was excellent--lots of research presented very clearly.

Thanks for all you do to keep this site interesting!  :D

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by OutOfBodyDude on May 17th, 2009 at 5:10pm

Using some logic here, if the aliens were friendly, no such treaty would have been necessary.  If they were unfriendly, a treaty would have been useless.

It is obvious that if such a treat did exist, its main purpose would be moreso to ease the government's fears than anything else.  Regardless of the ETs intentions, such a treaty is simply good business.  If they are friendly, then of course the treaty is neccessary, for it establishes a level of trust between the two parties.  If they are unfriendly, then the treaty is still useful for the aliens, because the aliens can do almost whatever they want without the government knowing, and still maintain a certain level of trust without worrying about having their UFOs nuked.  I doubt that if the aliens are unfriendly they would want to go to war with us, for it would have already happened.  They obviously need us alive and maintaining our normal daily activities.  So deception would be their means of using us, which is what the treaty would allow without problems.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Rondele on May 18th, 2009 at 2:27pm
So the treaty relieved the aliens' worries about their UFOs being nuked by us?

Yeah those slow, lumbering B-52 bombers we had back then surely must have scared them. :)

Sort of like a commander of an Abrams A1A tank being afraid of a kid with a BB gun.

Oh well.  

Seriously, I'm wondering whether it's possible to believe in the existence of the afterlife without buying into all the other stuff we find on the net these days.  

Here's just one excerpt from Salla:

A deal was struck that in exchange for advanced technology from the aliens we would allow them to abduct a very small number of persons and we would periodically be given a list of those persons abducted. We got something less than the technology we bargained for and found the abductions exceeded by a million fold than what we had naively agreed to

So over a million people have been abducted since 1954?  



Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by recoverer on May 18th, 2009 at 2:40pm
I haven't read up on the 1954 treaty, so I can't say anything specific about it; HOWEVER, it seems to me that it doesn't make sense to state that the treaty didn't happen because if it had there would've been a leak, because the very fact of how it is being spoken of suggests a possibly that there has been a leak. Or in other words, things that are leak proof aren't spoken about.

When it comes to what people believe about aliens, I figure there are four main categories.

1. People who could care less and don't try to find out.
2. People who are in the cover up business.
3. People who are skeptics for reasons such as limiting the discussion to the viewpoint that problems such as the inability to travel faster than the speed of light negates the possibility that aliens have visited us.
4. People who due to their own experiences and/or investigation have found that aliens (have?) visisted this earth.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Rondele on May 18th, 2009 at 4:01pm

I would add a fifth category regarding what people believe about aliens:

5.  People who DO accept the possibility of aliens from other planets, but who don't accept everything they read about them....esp. on the internet!


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Mark Andrew on May 18th, 2009 at 4:11pm
I'm not saying I believe there is a treaty, but if there is I can see the logic in it.  It's their way of trying to calm our fears.  Doesn't mean they can't screw us over if/when it's convenient for them, but it's a nice gesture.

I don't know this either, but surely the US Government has peace treaties with countries that it could easily wipe out if it felt like it?  It's not always about keeping two people from destroying one another, but rather a symbolic gesture of an already obviously peaceful relationship.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by recoverer on May 18th, 2009 at 4:13pm

Here's another key factor. One key part of the 1954 treaty is that the World had to agree to not post false alien information on the internet. At the time the governments of the World didn't consider this an issue, because they didn't know what the internet was. In fact, they thought that the possibility of such a thing was as ridiculous as men flying to the moon, even though they had made contact with aliens.

Whatever the case, all internet posts about aliens are true because of the 1954 treaty. If you see contradictions, it is only because you don't know how to connect the dots which always add up to: "Take me to your leader." :)

The most compelling site about aliens I ever read was about these aliens known as Rondellians. They are sort of like Reptilians, except you spell their name differently.

rondele wrote on May 18th, 2009 at 4:01pm:

I would add a fifth category regarding what people believe about aliens:

5.  People who DO accept the possibility of aliens from other planets, but who don't accept everything they read about them....esp. on the internet!


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Rondele on May 18th, 2009 at 4:27pm
Good one Albert!

Let's hope that good old fashioned discernment (yeah I know, that's quickly going out of style) comes into play at least once in a while.

The best part about the treaty was that it calmed alien fears that we would nuke their UFOs. Those old B-52s would have made mince meat out of their spacecraft!


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by OutOfBodyDude on May 18th, 2009 at 5:57pm

The best part about the treaty was that it calmed alien fears that we would nuke their UFOs. Those old B-52s would have made mince meat out of their spacecraft!

I may have been exaggerating about the nuking their ships.. the point is that with a treaty, the ETs wouldn't have to worry about the government freaking out and starting a war against them.  This would probably make their business more difficult, for they would not only have to hide themselves from the public, but from the government as well.  Im not saying that the aliens were afraid of us blowing them up... they most likely don't even want us to try, because then they would have to take defensive measures, which would disrupt the order in which their business takes place.

My main point is that if this treaty is real, it is easy to see why it was made.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Lucy on May 18th, 2009 at 7:18pm
I like Arthur C. Clarke's version better:

Childhood's End

first published 1950/1953

If you aren't familiar with that storey, sheck here:

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by moonsandjunes on May 18th, 2009 at 7:25pm

recoverer wrote on May 18th, 2009 at 4:13pm:
The most compelling site about aliens I ever read was about these aliens known as Rondellians. They are sort of like Reptilians, except you spell their name differently.

rondele wrote on May 18th, 2009 at 4:01pm:

I would add a fifth category regarding what people believe about aliens:

5.  People who DO accept the possibility of aliens from other planets, but who don't accept everything they read about them....esp. on the internet!


I read that the Rondellians like to come down chimneys in a big flash of blinding light. Those who have been brave enough to remain in the room when visited have found that the Rondellians are very fond of ravioli. If you leave a bowl out for them they really like it. They show this by chanting and singing something that sounds suspiciously like "That's Amore!"

I'm sorry -- I just can't recollect the source....

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by recoverer on May 18th, 2009 at 7:48pm
I read that book years ago before I ever heard of anything such as 2012. This book was out of character with what Arthur C. Clarke tended to write.

Lucy wrote on May 18th, 2009 at 7:18pm:
I like Arthur C. Clarke's version better:

Childhood's End

first published 1950/1953

If you aren't familiar with that storey, sheck here:

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Old Dood on May 18th, 2009 at 11:00pm

rondele wrote on May 18th, 2009 at 4:27pm:
Good one Albert!

Let's hope that good old fashioned discernment (yeah I know, that's quickly going out of style) comes into play at least once in a while.

The best part about the treaty was that it calmed alien fears that we would nuke their UFOs. Those old B-52s would have made mince meat out of their spacecraft!


They NEVER would have got even a tiny bit close enough to use them.
Many of these 'UFOs' can simply 'blink out' of Time/Space.
Or they will simply 'Turn Off' our planes, missiles, etc.
They have done this at our ICBM sites many times already...

They are not afraid of our weapons at all...
The benevolent ones do not want us to use Nukes because it disrupts the Space/Time continuum...

There is a LOT to this.  It is not Black & White.
These other beings to not 'think' like us.
So for us to use 3D thinking toward them is child's play.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Alan McDougall on May 19th, 2009 at 6:16am
Hello Recoverer I went back to your original post that started the thread

You stated
Some sources of information claim that friendly aliens will come to this planet in a very noticeable way in the year 2012. I don't know if this is true.

Such sources contend that people such as fundamentalist Christians will have a problem with these aliens, acuse them of being Satan.

What if these friendly aliens stated that a lot of the channeled sources people believe in aren't genuine? Will people who are really into these channeled sources respond to friendly aliens in a similar way that fundamentalist Christians respond to such aliens?

If my question doesn't seem reasonable, there is all kinds of contradictory information out there when it comes to channeled sources.  They speak of aliens in different ways. There is no way that aliens are going to be able to appear in a manner that matches what all channeled sources contend.

Another question:

Is it possible that some of the people who wait around for 2012 or friendly aliens, make the mistake of waiting for either 2012 or friendly aliens, or a combination, to make this World a better place, rather than taking steps to change things, including themselves? Even if 2012 or friendly aliens come, they'll have to have something to work with.

I think we can be sure there is no intelligent life out in the universe because we have not been visted by any  ::)

If these being are hugely more advanced than us, they might perceive us as filthy animals defecating in our own home.

If you saw pigs messing in their own filth, would you remove them and clean up the awful mess?

My brother Bruce, has his own yacht and has sailed all over the oceans. He tells me even the beaches of islands, remotest from any other country, are chocked up with human garbage. Dead birds, fish  turtles etc due to human pollution on islands that should be pristine and pure.

If you were a friendly alien would you be as kind to humans as humans are to the earth and its animal life.


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Rondele on May 19th, 2009 at 8:38am

3D thinking....yeah I'm beginning to understand.  Takes us Rondellians a bit longer than most folks to get the picture but it's coming in loud and clear!

(Thanks for clearing up my confusion about the B-52s.)


Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by hawkeye on May 19th, 2009 at 1:36pm
There is not one of use who is not an alien or has not been one. If you except the premise that we came from somewhere to inhabit this little blue marble, if you understand that you are more than your phyical body, if you have ever been OOB or astro traveled, you know...we are the ones who are the aliens. In fact, many of us here may have already experienced a lifetime as a Gray or a Reptilian or a ....,in a phyical sense and in some cases not in the phyical.  I have done a recovery on a part of myself that was when I experienced existence as a Blob like creature. Now we/I have made the choice to experience life here. So as for these aliens we speak of...well I am one for lack of a better way to explain who I am. (You have no need to fear. I prefer to eat my humans with fries and a Coke.) This fear of the Reptilians is based on that lifetime you may have experienced. A part when you could have been a food source for them. But not here on earth, at this point in Time. The biggest fear many have is, remembering who and what they really are. But when you drop this body, you will remember.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by hawkeye on May 19th, 2009 at 1:39pm
In fact, some times I think my wife is from outer space. :D

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by OutOfBodyDude on May 19th, 2009 at 4:43pm

I think we can be sure there is no intelligent life out in the universe because we have not been visted by any  

If these being are hugely more advanced than us, they might perceive us as filthy animals defecating in our own home.

If you were a friendly alien would you be as kind to humans as humans are to the earth and its animal life.

I believe you are way off here.  To start, you cannot say that "we" have not been visted by ETs just because you have not.  I have had several experiences with ETs, so I can say for a fact that they exist.  You also have to understand the infinite nature of our universe, and the fact that it is multidimensional.  Are you really going to ignore the millions of ET abduction/contact cases, as well as the undeniable evidence of highly advanced UFOs in our skies?  

I beleive advanced ETs perceive us as exactly what we are... fairly undeveloped beings of consciousness with infinite potential for spiritual growth.  They see the problems we are creating for ourselves and trying to lead us in the right direction.  

Do some research in the area and you will start to understand the reality of the situation.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by vajra on May 19th, 2009 at 5:22pm
I'd have to say i've never seen or experienced an alien or a UFO - despite often going out at night to watch the sky. I'd love to though.

I'm a little cautious about the whole series of types etc that get talked about as though they were real. Maybe they are, maybe it's being in plain sight like that that keeps us sceptical, but it's all a bit Star Trekkish for comfort.

Nevertheless it seems unlikely that we are alone. If we're being visited by beings anything like ourselves that have got here using physically based technologies i suspect the chances are they are way ahead in that regard.

Possibly spiritually too, in that if they had that sort of capability but were not by some means moderated from indulging selfish urges they probably would have destroyed themselves before getting that far.

Could be though that a different form of organisation e.g hive mentality where the hierarchy and roles are genetically determined might deliver a stable situation that wasn't necessarily spiritually or love based.

The other big possibility is i guess that what some experience is not physical per se, nor based (at least entirely) in this time-space reality or set of dimensions.

I can't help thinking that perhaps we presume the likelihood of contact coming from far too human-like a type of visitor.....

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by hawkeye on May 21st, 2009 at 1:56pm
Many could be far more than having an existence in phyical reality like we do. Is the perception of them having bodies more because of our own egos needing them to be like us, in order for them to be advanced?

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Old Dood on May 22nd, 2009 at 10:28pm
Has anyone here ever heard of the book called: In League with a UFO by Lou Balwin?

It is a fascinating read.

It is on the website Scribd.


I post this to try to show how to 'Think Out side of the Box'.
Or to give some idea of what that entails...

Check out how the scientists were having a very difficult time with the Alien ship and it's 'gadgets' inside.
They even tried to use psychics to 'read' some of these gadgets and their puposes.

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Justin on May 23rd, 2009 at 2:15pm

recoverer wrote on May 6th, 2009 at 3:18pm:
Some sources of information claim that friendly aliens will come to this planet in a very noticeable way in the year 2012. I don't know if this is true.

Such sources contend that people such as fundamentalist Christians will have a problem with these aliens, acuse them of being Satan.

What if these friendly aliens stated that a lot of the channeled sources people believe in aren't genuine? Will people who are really into these channeled sources respond to friendly aliens in a similar way that fundamentalist Christians respond to such aliens?

If my question doesn't seem reasonable, there is all kinds of contradictory information out there when it comes to channeled sources.  They speak of aliens in different ways. There is no way that aliens are going to be able to appear in a manner that matches what all channeled sources contend.

Another question:

Is it possible that some of the people who wait around for 2012 or friendly aliens, make the mistake of waiting for either 2012 or friendly aliens, or a combination, to make this World a better place, rather than taking steps to change things, including themselves? Even if 2012 or friendly aliens come, they'll have to have something to work with.

 This is such a massive, complex, and relative oriented subject that we could write a large book just on this subject alone and still not fully cover it.  

  The information that i've received, indicates the exact timing of public, open contact with the human public is somewhat dependent on how we are using our freewill to grow in love, or to stay stuck in collective lack of light.  In a state of probable, relative flux in other words.

 One message i got (in a dream) indicated that it would probably happen sometimes in the decade of 2010, so sometime from beginning of 2010 to end of 2019.  I doubt it will happen exactly in the year 2012, if anything it will probably come AFTER certain extreme developments within the Earth and within the world wide civilization.  For example, i've seen the Sun becoming particularly active and explosive and that this will have a powerful affect on our climate and on our civilizations.

 I believe such contact is an important part of what some have called the "2nd Coming of Christ" though in truth the individual Christ never actually left the physical.  

 I also believe an important part of the 2nd coming, is that other people besides Yeshua who have remembered and developed to a full Source attunement, will come with Yeshua out of their current incognito state and demonstrate in plain, material manners, such full attunement, as well as talking of and being an example of the importance of pure unconditional love.

 Some of these E.T. groups are "Christs", just that their developement happened more collectively and in some cases probably a lot quicker than humanities see saw cycles of up down up down.  

 None of this negates that we should ever, in every moment, in the now, be choosing to awaken the Christ within, and focus on remembering and growing in love.   If fact, none of this will happen until those who are his, have made his way and the way of the universal Christ passable.  Or in other words, like attracts and begets like and we need to have attuned to a certain degree of collective Light before many of these developments actually take place in the material dimension.

 Humanity is still at a collective place wherein we need outer examples and guides to help facilitate us back to this state though, so there is some balance between "like attracts and begets like" and the law of necessity or service.

 We are so locked into fear and survival modes, that we need some particularly strong and shocking outer catalysts to help wake us up in the collective sense.   This will happen in various ways, but primarily in the tearing down of our financial monetary system which in turn will happen through various means and manners.

 We shouldn't project our path and developement onto others and realize that some (many it seems) people will need stronger reminders than others.   Obviously you are not one of those people now, but perhaps others might need some strong outer signs.  

 It would be nice if we all just went within more, attuned to love, and made the world a better place, but this isn't all that probable without some of these outer catalysts whether economic, geological/climate Earth changes, public E.T. or Christ contacts, etc.

  A very instructive point in this, is the interesting conversation in Bob Monroe's book Ultimate Journey between "He/She" the most spiritually mature/evolved person Bob Monroe asked to meet.  

 He/She talked of world wide recognized necessity being a catalyst towards greater human unification.  

 Bob replied that necessity is severe stuff, and "He/She" affirmed this perception and said cryptically, that's why the waiting, the time will come."

 Btw, same basic message of the Cayce readings as well.  

 So, let's not turn this into a black and white subject my co-workers and friends in this great work, which will help to lead to "escape velocity" for many in a relatively short period of linear time.  

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Justin on May 23rd, 2009 at 2:32pm

Old Dood wrote on May 22nd, 2009 at 10:28pm:
Has anyone here ever heard of the book called: In League with a UFO by Lou Balwin?

It is a fascinating read.

It is on the website Scribd.


I post this to try to show how to 'Think Out side of the Box'.
Or to give some idea of what that entails...

Check out how the scientists were having a very difficult time with the Alien ship and it's 'gadgets' inside.
They even tried to use psychics to 'read' some of these gadgets and their puposes.

 Old Dood, i generally like your posts, but i can't help but notice that you are constantly referencing outer sources.  

 I'm more curious about what you get when you go within.  Relying too much on such outer sources can tend to block greater, holistic perception of such "unknown" issues.  It's also easier to get mislead by outer sources if we don't attune enough to our inner teacher and guidance.

 You have just as much ability and potential as anyone here, to contact your guidance more directly, and if that's already the case i'm far more interested in what an interesting person like yourself has to say on this matter rather than these unverifable sources i don't know personally at all.  Basically what i'm saying is that i trust you more than i trust a lot of online sources re: this kind of info.  You strike me as a sincere person who tries to be honest in his relations with others and with self.

 Something i ask myself sometimes is, "why do i keep putting off the necessary practice and work to get info more directly"?"

 See, i meditate and pray, but not very consistently, and i keep getting from guidance that it needs to be more consistent, more of a steady practice if i'm to open up to these inner levels of knowing and being.
 So i'm speaking as a student and as someone who needs to practice what they preach too.  Although, i suspect that my path involves more subtle intuition (and thus greater trust) rather than having a lot of the dramatic and more sensory oriented experiences that say someone like Bob Monroe had.  

 RAM was rather stuck in certain respects when he first started out, and needed some strong outer catalysts and convincing before he really started to open up.  He wouldn't have had much trust otherwise.

 The other day, my wife called me up and she asked out of the blue with little to no context for me to guess, "guess what i'm doing tomorrow morning?"

 A quick flash popped into my head, and i blurted out "para sailing"   She laughed (for we have had many intuitive experiences with each other) and said, "close, hang gliding."  

 I really had no conscious idea, but when i got still in that brief moment, it was enough to allow some info to be relatively accurately tuned into.  

 As Bruce says, the more verified experiences we have along these lines, the more we will tend to trust this process, which in turn tends to lead us to greater depth, frequency, and accuracy of such info receiving.  

 The more we grow in, and remember love, and the more we consistently meditate/pray, the more we will tend to experience these kinds of experiences as well.  

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by moonsandjunes on May 23rd, 2009 at 8:49pm
quote: Justin

"outer sources"

Justin, you say to Old Dood that you notice he quotes 'outer sources' frequently

You know I love ya but don't you very often quote an 'outer source' of your own

It's all about the love, you know
Who really cares

I guess I'm saying that I'd be nothing, and I mean nothing, without my sources

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Old Dood on May 24th, 2009 at 10:03am
First of all did you even check out that link?
Read the prologue at least?

It is a kinda 'Damned if you do/Damned if ya don't' situation. (grr...the NANNY filter changed my phrase...  ::))
If I did not post anything to show some people what is out there to study then People would say...where do you get that info from anyways?

I see no need to share my experiences all the time.
I am also NO EXPERT on any of this.
I am more AWARE of it though then some if not most people on this planet.
No different then people that post on here are more aware/knowledgeable about spiritual things then most people on this planet.
Being AWARE of something is a far cry from being an EXPERT on something. :)

I understand that you are younger then I and you have your own way of 'doing things'.
That is fine...for YOU!
I will not tell you what to do.  I may suggest somethings at times but, I have learned never to TELL people what they 'should do'.
That only irritates or angers people.
BTW: I mention you are younger then I because I just may have picked up a few things along my path in life simply by being around longer.
AND...making a zillion mistakes...  ;D

Getting back to the point of this thread...
I was sharing what I have seen ONLY to give people a choice.
I never intend to reach everyone...I only 'Plant Seeds of THOUGHT' for people.
Let them run with it...or not.
That book by Lou Balwin (He is known as Sleeper on the net) is a hard book to find.
I been meaning to read it for a long time now.
I have read his other book though.
I just wanted to share it with you all here because it is a good way to SHOW how something ALIEN really truly is.
We use that term a lot today but, many of us lost it's true meaning of what ALIEN really truly is.
That happens with a lot of terms...we simply hear them so much we lose sight of it's MEANING!

Alien life forms do NOT think like we do.  So to put things always in a 3D thinking mind set doesn't fit.
I understand it is hard NOT to think like we do. Hell, we are human after all...are we not?  ;)
To 'think' like they do or try to think like they me can only be achieved as if we are looking into a room full of mirrors.
We can only get a 'reflection' of how they think in our present mind set.
Many of these races of beings are not thousand of years ahead of us spiritually and/or technically...they are Millions of years beyond us.
That I also can understand is a hard thing to comprehend.....or even try to believe.

I personally believe some of these races of beings have lost their way...spiritually I mean.
Mainly the Greys and the Reptilians!
There is a lot on that subject alone but, I will not get into that here.
There is more then one race of Greys too.  Not all are STS...some are STO too.
Most are STS though and I would run away from them...if I can that is.

You see that is the difference that I have is not 'Black & White' ..or 'Good vs Bad'....or 'Friendly vs Unfriendly'.
I understand it would 'look' that way to many of us....
What it is then is STS (Service to Self) or STO (Service to Others)...period!

Some of these beings actually FEED off of us.
Our emotions is FOOD to a higher dimensional being.(I should say 'Some' Beings...not all)
No different as how we look to eating a potato...or even animals.
We as 3rd Density beings need FOOD...and we eat 2nd Density consciousness food.(that is veggies and animals... 'consciousness' wise)
Higher density/dimensonal beings eat 3rd density consciousness FOOD too.
Our consciousness. And if they HAVE to then they use our animals on this planet.
It is not as far fetch as one would think and I can UNDERSTAND how crazy it sounds.  Trust me...I really do.
(I try to think of it as a form of Loosh)
Once again I will reemphasize that I am NO EXPERT.
As many of you are no experts at what you all know.
We are all learning still....but, we all have our gifts and our experiences and our knowledge.

Also I am a Moderator on more then one forum.
I am a Mod on a very private Invite ONLY forum that I will not even give the name out.
It is set up for Abductees and people that have had any kind of experience with ALIEN life forms.
So they have a safe place to share their experiences and hopefully receive some help in all of this.
It is truly a remarkable forum and the person that set it up has known me for quite some time now.
He has had some unusual experiences himself.
We are both Skeptics first...and we do not jump to conclusions and blame EVERYthing on Aliens, Spirits, etc.
We look to the 3D first because we LIVE in the 3D and we are here for a reason.
For example...A little while back George here was sharing his problems with his computer.
Many here assumed it was spiritual.  It very well could have been...I don't know.  Hard to diagnose a computer in a forum without seeing it in person.
ALL I did was suggest that he try some Spyware Removers FIRST.
Why? Because we need to rule out anything in the 3D before we assume it is 'something else'.
After that and someone else agreed with me I then read that we were making fun of George or something to that effect.
I was not...I was simply looking to rule out anything before assuming something.
I was trying to HELP George out... nothing more.. nothing less.

So I understand what you are trying to tell me but, think about it...I have done some home work here before I posted up.

I am of the FIRM belief that people that can travel out side their bodies either by Lucid Dreams, RVing, etc and people well versed in UFOlogy would work together more...THEN we might ALL get some answers to many questions we have.

It is no question in my mind that there are MANY other races of beings in this Multi-verse.
We need to look at it from that perspective If we are going to understand ourselves.
Nothing is NEW...everything that has been done on this planet has been done before...Either here or elsewhere.
I believe that wholeheartedly... :)

Justin, I believe you are a good hearted soul but, you have a lot to learn do I.
I would 'suggest' stepping back and looking at things as far apart you can get yourself from them.
That is totally up to you of course...I will not tell you what to do. ;)

Sorry All for the LONG post...I did not mean it to go that just rolls out of me at times...

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Justin on May 24th, 2009 at 9:29pm

wrote on May 23rd, 2009 at 8:49pm:
quote: Justin

"outer sources"

Justin, you say to Old Dood that you notice he quotes 'outer sources' frequently

You know I love ya but don't you very often quote an 'outer source' of your own

It's all about the love, you know
Who really cares

I guess I'm saying that I'd be nothing, and I mean nothing, without my sources

 Yes, i see what you are saying, but do you know why i use this particular outer source and reference it?

 It's because i've gotten clear, repeated inner guidance that this info is correct in many ways and in many areas.  

 Then besides inner guidance re: it, i've had verifications and deep personal experience with a certain source and its helpfulness even on physical levels.    

 I'm not saying one should just drop all outer sources completely, oft times the more intune ones can act as a check and balance since humans have a tendency to believe what they want to believe and be overly subjective.   When we have become pure love personafied, then can we drop all outer examples and teachings.  

  But, i was hoping to perhaps nudge or inspire Old Dood to focus a bit less on outside sources and focus more on going within.   I was hoping to inspire a greater balance.  

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Old Dood on May 24th, 2009 at 10:23pm

wrote on May 24th, 2009 at 9:29pm:
  But, i was hoping to perhaps nudge or inspire Old Dood to focus a bit less on outside sources and focus more on going within.   I was hoping to inspire a greater balance.  

What makes you think I have NOT?
Never assume...  8-)

Err...and please do not forget my earlier post...That took some time for me to produce.. :)

Title: Re: Friendly aliens, 2012 and such
Post by Justin on May 25th, 2009 at 10:54pm
  My friend, i could reflect that whole "never assume" statement back.  I didn't completely assume same.

I had already wrote earlier,
"You have just as much ability and potential as anyone here, to contact your guidance more directly, and if that's already the case i'm far more interested in what an interesting person like yourself has to say on this matter rather than these unverifable sources i don't know personally at all.

  And, i gave the reason why I would like to hear your experiences and guidance more than these sites on the web:

Basically what i'm saying is that i trust you more than i trust a lot of online sources re: this kind of info.  You strike me as a sincere person who tries to be honest in his relations with others and with self.

 In any case, no biggy Old Dood, i'm just more interested in hearing about your experiences and guidance than the many sources you link to, as i've done some online research re: E.T.'s and i don't tend to trust most of the ones i've looked at all that much.   I've started to become a very intuitive person and oft can easily sense the overall accuracy of a source or not.  

 Yes, i read your long post.  I don't have much to say.  I agree with a good percentage and yet disagree a bit.  No i didn't check that particular link.  That info wasn't even a part of my point.   It may or may not be a good source, but that wasn't why i was writing.  

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