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Message started by seeking_answers on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 9:33am

Title: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by seeking_answers on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 9:33am
Bruce holds so many workshops, and we have people spending so much money, and the experience of Afterlife is so compelling...why is it not so in why are so many people not into it? just seems that on the internet, this forum is like an outpost which waves the flag of existance of afterlife... :-/...i thoughts...anyone can put some light on this? :)



Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by betson on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 10:33am

I think it's so much bigger than it seems on the surface !!
The implications are all around in changes in science and religion, neither of which are at all like they were 30 years ago!
Scientists cannot cite the work of non-scientists and yet their world view  through new physics, meta-physics, etc is very much into 'other-worldly' interpretations.
Religious leaders, likewise, cannot cite influences out of their classic tradional sources and yet from their pulpits they involve the afterlife much more than several decades ago.
In the US and Britain there are oodles of TV shows dealing with the afterlife.
The military forces of some major countries have departments dedicated to the implications and applications of the non-physical.

The people who attend workshops and learn to explore the afterlife in other ways are out at their jobs still but they are changed people with changed priorities.

Bruce is apparently a low-key kind of guy who doesn't seek fame, probably a good approach!  ;)
By the way, did you see that April 2--today --is his birthday?
Happy Birthday Bruce!

The 'status quo' is always slow to change--why wait for everyone else?!

Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by identcat on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 1:04pm
I translate it this way: My mother's generation and my generation had thought of death as a taboo. Our upbringing in Christianity taught us that you only live once (even though the Bible said that Jesus came here before under the guise of Moses, etc, but you did not recognize him). During this one time shot, we are born into sin, because of the sin of Eve tempting Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. If we go unbaptzied and die, we get stuck in Limbo for all eternity and cannot see the face of God. Also, all our lives, we are considered sinners and must repent each time we sin --- vineal and mortal sins. Upon death we must be VERY sorriful for all our sins and REALLY mean we are sorry, or we will end up in Purgatory or Hell for eternity. So-- who wants to die? Heaven was never dipicted as a natural inheritance. It was a reward for being saintly all your life. Heaven forbid (pun) if you died suddenly from an accident and didn't get to repent!

Death was always feared--- it ment the end -- nothing else but to just hang around in nothingness and hope that God would allow you a paradise IF he thought you were worthy. We were brought up to believe in a hateful, vengeful God who punished the entire planet.
Who wants to stand before a worrier God with weapons and vengence in his heart?

Gradually, as my sons were being brought up, the church decided to try a Good God approach and now my grandson's generation has no idea what to believe in!  

All my life, the church has condemmed me for being a Seer, clairvoyant, fortune teller.  I no longer belong to any church, although I did enjoy the Unitarian Univeralist church for many years. My sons and grandchildren do not attend any church.  I have a cousin who is from Japan, and she said that there is very little regilous belief in Japan. They follow tradition, but the current generation is very Westernized and do not follow any traditional beliefs any more.

Until there is NO religions to brain wash us and a "generic" one for all knowledge finally reaches the population that death is for everyone and we don't die--- we continue--- until that is common knowledge, it will be difficult to convince the world diffierently. Everyone wants proof!
We don't have the advanced science or evolution to prove it to everyone yet.  It's coming very soon---

Love cat

Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by seeking_answers on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 1:36pm
well in india..honestly no one has time...ppl r so busy working...that thwey just drop into their homes n sleep for work for next day...however what i meant Cat was that...fear of death is perhaps the biggest...(for me at least) if someone like Bruce preaches and infact proves existance of conciounse (i hope i phrased it correctly) should be a big sigh of relief for a lot of ppl...umm i hope i am not sounding cynical...but thats how i feel....

Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by identcat on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 2:00pm
It's difficult to break old habits. That's what a church is-- an old habit. The "New Wave" of thinking about the afterlife started back in the 1960's and has slowly be gaining momentum over the years. It's wonderful that you are here on this forum!  Love Carol Ann

Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by seeking_answers on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 2:06pm
well if all goes good and be seeing u on the other side? :) heh

Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by identcat on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 4:53pm

That will be soooooo great!!!

Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by Berserk2 on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 9:04pm
Seeking Answers,

Good question!  Almost no one I encounter who is interested in the experience of afterlife contacts has even heard of Robert Monroe, Robert Bruce, Bruce Moen, Emanuel Swedenborg, and other astral adepts.  The reason is simple: the stubborn refusal of most astral adepts to subject their alleged talents to critical scrutiny--i. e. tests that satisfy the standard scientific requirements of verifying results and then replicating them.  Put simply, astral adepts can convince very few outside New Age camps that are eager to believe that their experiences put them in contact with alternate realities.  

But there is still hope.  This past Monday, I was invited to another town to meet with a group of atheist and agnostic women to discuss angel encounters that I, my family members, and my church members have experienced.   The discussion focussed on questions of verification and the reasons why some are blessed with such encounters and others are not.  Because of this focus, the ladies detained me for 2 hours and 40 minutes of discussion.  If we don't meet honest seekers on their own terms, few will be convinced or even interested.   The right approach works and I expect a follow up visit to address related paranomal issues.  


Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by identcat on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 10:30pm
Don-- it's good to know that the teacher in you has extended himself to "serve mankind" as Bob Monroe put it. I am equally pleased that your family participated.  You are keeping the New Wave in motion. Hugs---cat

Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 9:04am
Seeking Answers, I think it is because people like to have something they can hold in their hands, something that they can relate to specifically and personally. The benefit of this kind of exploration is not something that is easily described or understood. It must be experienced. For example, if I am sitting around with some friends, this is not the kind of subject that comes up in conversation very much, and I sound pompous and foolish talking about it -- at least, so I've been told.

I remember that before I began chanting Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo years and years ago (I rarely practice anymore) I felt very strange, coming from a Christian background. I had a superstitious fear of it that was absolutely silly. To open the mind to other ways of experiencing life/death is just always a very personal experience.

Another thought I have is, do we really want to let go of our fear of death? So many people are invested in this fear, and have their entire livelihoods built up on it. If everyone felt, confidently, that they could never really die, would they accept the way their societies are run, the kind of lives they are living?

Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by seeking_answers on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 10:04am
i agree with u...but the truth needs to be told, however bitter or sweet it may be,...or cud it be the case that...the after life as described by these famous people...sounds like the movies?...i mean...cud be that feeling..."ahhh this is jus like the movies!" link however i cannot comprehend is of the after life to the have any views on this? :-?

Title: Re: Why isnt it BIG!
Post by Beau on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 11:14am
I think the problem and solution Don brings up are both very valid. I have met very few "atheists" who are truly that. Many are open to the idea of an afterlife they simply have never had the premise presented in a way that they can grasp. And we all know there is a lot of BS out there. You have to meet them where they are standing or not far from it and I think, at least for myself, I have a tendency to go for the gusto because that's what excites me when talking about this subject and in that gusto I can easily lose the person I'm discussing with. It's almost like marketing but without the implied deception that can ensue from such an approach.


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