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Message started by bethh on Apr 1st, 2009 at 7:27am

Title: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 1st, 2009 at 7:27am
hi, im 16 years old, and my aunt just recently passed away.
she raised me my whole life, till i was about 13 years old, then i moved 2 hours away from her with my mother. i still kept in contact with her, up to about 5 months ago. i stopped calling her, and i wonder if shes mad at me. shes always had alot of health probelms, and when i found out that she had kidney failure, this didnt ccome to a surprise to me, because of all her previous health issues. and i still didnt call her. before i knew that she passed away, i had a dream about her, and she said in that dream how she missed me, and i hugged her, and left. then my foot caught on fire, and i woke up. i knew something wasnt right with that dream, and when i woke up, my mom told me she needed to talk to me about something, and thats when i found out that she was dead.

she comes into mii dreams about 3 times a week.
& i'd like to know if shes reallyy contacting me, or if this is just my imagination.

thanks for any helpp! :)


Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by betson on Apr 1st, 2009 at 8:05am
Greetings bethh,

Yes --departed souls are able to make contact with us since the 'veil' between physically living souls and souls departed from physical life is very thin right now. It seems your aunt is able to contact you.  It's Love that creates these channels for communicating.

You can do alot for her and for yourself if you will try talking to her, mentally and through your dreams. Tell her again that you love her since maybe the hug you two shared had other feelings too--regret about 'losing' her perhaps.

Once you are both assured that your time together was appreciated, she may not contact you as often, since she has other developments to move into. but that's OK, since you will have been gained much wisdom by these visits.

My condolences for 'losing' her, but also congratulations to you for being so sensitive to spirit and so willing to learn more about such opportunities !


Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by Cricket on Apr 1st, 2009 at 9:56am
She's not mad at you for not calling...even if she was in life (which I doubt - it's kind of a sixteen thing, and she was sixteen once), she isn't now.

I say this both because she came to you, and because spirits just know better how things are.  Not that they necessarily gain total knowledge by passing over, but they can see further, both in time and space.  In the overall scheme of things, people are developing their own world around them at your age, and tend to disappear for a while from the lives of the older family members.  It isn't bad, it just is.  She's probably over there chuckling and saying "Kids!"

And now you can talk to her any time, and she can hear you, *and* understand.  Bummer is that you can't hear her talk back as easily, but it can be done.

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by Aras on Apr 1st, 2009 at 11:28am
Sorry to hear of your loss, but I do think she is really coming to you.
check out this site as it all has to do after death communication.
you'll get a LOT of support there for ADC's


Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 1st, 2009 at 7:48pm
thnaks for all the postings!
they all helped me alot!

but last night i just had a really weird dream.
about my aunt.

me and my mom were sitting in this room( that ive never seen before), and someone called. my mom anwsered the phone and was talking to this person, then she hands the phone to me. and says its my aunt. i talked to my aunt, and she was telling me how she has a boyfreind. and i aucually asked her what i wanted to ask her since she passed away. and that was if she was mad at me. and she said she wasn't mad at me at all. and she couldnt talk to people in the hospital anyways.

was that a real dream of her trying to contact me?

and WHY did she dicide to use a telephone this time?!

thanks for any help!!


Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 1st, 2009 at 9:39pm
That's interesting, bethh. I've had a dream(s) that I was in a kitchen going through photo albums with those folks (numerous relatives in the afterlife--most unknown), and seems like they were yacking it up in a kitchen preparing dinner, so who knows? Others have picnics. It doesn't surprise me at all that you would get a phone call. One of the best contacts I've had has been from a relative I neglected to call before she died. Well, she was in regular contact afterwards! All very reassuring, if you ask me.

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 6:41am

&& about a week ago, i had another dream about her.

we were sitting outside, and a bee stung me, then stung her. ( were both very allergic to them). and she only had ONE epi-pen. and she used it on me. instead of herself.

i wonder what that symbolized?
any ideas?

thanks for any help!

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 8:06am
It sounds like she loves you very much! In the afterlife she won't have to worry about bee stings anymore, and neither will you when you get there.

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 8:27am
&= the other thing that bothers me is, im scared she'll recarnate before i get to see her again, in the afterlife.

will she wait for me?

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 9:06am
I don't know about reincarnation....but I suspect that if you need her to be there, she will be there. If she reincarnates it will not cause the part of her soul that is 'aunt' to you to disappear. I believe we, as personalities, are preserved forever in some amazing ways, beyond description. There are others who can describe this much better than I can.

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by seeking_answers on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 9:16am
Reincarnation gives me sleepless nights too...if freewill exists...shudnt the choice to reincarnate rest with us?... :-[

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by juditha on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 1:35pm
Hi bethh     Your aunt is visiting you in dream state as when you are awake ,your mind is more like a closed book and when you sleep your mind is like a open book,so its easier for her to get through to you,but she will never truly leave you as she now resides in the spiritworld and she can choose to see you whenever she wants to also she will not reincarnate until you pass oneday into spirit and even then she may not reincarnate as reincarnation is left down to choice ,you or your aunt do not hath to reincarnate,none of us do.

Her love will always be there ,she is still the same person she was on the earth plain,she is being loved as there is only love in spirit and shes not suffering anymore,its only us what suffer,that are left on the earth plain without our loved ones,but oneday when it is your turn to go over to spirit,you will be reunited with your aunt.

Love and God bless you bethh        love juditha

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 10:24pm
thanks for all the posts guys!!!

and thanks juditha, now i wont have to worry about her recarnating without me being there. that was always my main worry since she passed away.

And does anyone have any idea where my aunt is right now??
she has been passed away for 12 days now, and i'd like to know where she's at, and what that place looks like.

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 8:52am
I tried to do a 'visit' last night, but I am sick right now with a cough, etc., so I am unable to be quiet and still to the point that I need to be able to explore the way I would like to do. It is not something I have done very much, but I feel that it could be done. Hopefully, there is someone here who will be happy to take a look for you, and I would be happy enough to try again later.

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by Alfred on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 10:07pm
I agree with what everyone has said, Bethh. You are very lucky to have had so many vivid "visitation dreams" of your aunt, and to have remembered them all so clearly. It surely demonstrates the deep love between the two of you, and that she senses that you have been worried that she might be angry with you, and is reassuring you. Your worries were about things which, though they seem important to you here in physical matter reality, are of no consequence in the bigger picture, which your aunt is now aware of again.

Others have worried like you about possibly 'missing' their loved ones if they reincarnated before they could reunite - even Robert Monroe, one of the pioneers in exploring the afterlife and the bigger picture, worried that his beloved wife Nancy would have 'moved on' away from him before he too passed over; all the evidence, from explorers such as Bruce Moen (of this site) and others who knew the Monroes personally, is that they are indeed still together in the afterlife. There are many different parts to each of us, and that part of your aunt will always be there for you.

If you are interested in doing so, you might take up practising meditation, and if you become good enough at it, you might find you can contact your aunt and others any time you like, not just through dreams!

Good luck!  :)


Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 11:02pm
thanks for all the help!!

and i would like to know....

my aunt used to get abused HORRIBLY by her EX husband, and he died years before her. does he still do that to her now?! that REALLLYY bothers me.

&& in heaven, do they have houses? does it rain? does it get dark at night?


Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by betson on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 11:15pm

Your aunt and uncle are probably not in the same place at all, bethh. He is where he is getting help, she is where she is getting help, but their type of help is quite different.
'Afterlife' is like heaven, bethh. The love that elevates spirit into heaven does not allow abuse.
There are houses in the afterlife, although that seems strange.   Houses help souls keep in memory their earth families --if they want. We can have rain and night anything, if we want, but the overall conditions of the afterlife are a soft warm glow of light.

We think we want  some things because we remember them from Earth, then we try it a few times in the afterlife and  get over it.  :) We then prefer the true condition of love. --We don't really need anything else.


Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 4th, 2009 at 9:17am
All knowledge is preserved, bethh. It is something to keep in mind, from my perspective, that all knowledge is preserved. So, yes, it is remembered, in my view, by the universe. It is quite possible that your aunt had a life review which includes this knowledge, experienced in a different way...and her understanding is greater now of all that has transpired in her life. What I mean is, it is likely that both have forgiven each other in their afterlife existence, for all things. One who has reached heaven (if that is what we will call it) is free, and lives in love.

Yes, there are houses there, and all kinds of beautiful settings, whether in the countryside or by the sea. The light is beautiful, and so are the spirits you see and hear. In the upper levels there is a lot of gratitude and joy.

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by betson on Apr 4th, 2009 at 9:43am
Thank you, moonandjune

You speak much more eloquently and your words carry much more meaning and with much caring.

Thank you for your post(s) !   :)


Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 4th, 2009 at 11:21am
thanks for the reassurance guys,
it helps alot knowing that shes not in harm over there.

and last night i just had another dream about her,
and i was cleaning out her appt, and she showed up and started talking to me, about everything, and anything that we needed to catch up on.

but, almost every single one of my dreams involved her appt. does she want me to help clean it out? because thats where i lived my whole childhood, and ALL my childhood toys are there. && i know i want to clean it out, but i don't think ill be able to go down there & help. =/

&& another thing, in my dream i KNEW it was her appt, BUT it didnt look like her appt at all. the room was totally different. was this her room in heaven? did she take me there?

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 4th, 2009 at 11:44am
wow, bethh, she is walking you through this, sounds like you are becoming lucid in your dreams...she is very close

whatever you do is okay, bethh...I think that is what she is telling you

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 4th, 2009 at 12:00pm

wrote on Apr 4th, 2009 at 11:44am:
wow, bethh, she is walking you through this, sounds like you are becoming lucid in your dreams...she is very close

whatever you do is okay, bethh...I think that is what she is telling you

&& was she showing me her house in heaven??
because that appt, looked NOTHING like her house.
&& the house i seen last night, was very pretty and also bright.

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 4th, 2009 at 12:04pm
it is the light of spirit which lights the houses there, so even at night you see the light of spirit everywhere

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 4th, 2009 at 12:07pm

wrote on Apr 4th, 2009 at 12:04pm:
it is the light of spirit which lights the houses there, so even at night you see the light of spirit everywhere

that makes sence, because in my dream, there were no windows at all. it was just light,

and can i go there whenever i want too? and if i show up there, and shes not there, will she come up to me??

&& i also
i just had the weirdest thing happen to me.
i was sitting at my computer, typing to my boyfreind on AIM, and while i was typing, i had this glitch on my computer. i looked up from typing, and my AUNTS AIM SCREEANME was right there. like, her IM popped up, where you type a IM to her.


Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 4th, 2009 at 4:44pm
I don't know what 'AIM' is, so I don't really understand your entry, but I understand enough to hear that something interesting popped up on your computer, which identifies her in some way.

Your intention is enough. I was going to say just set an intention to go back there before you go to sleep, and no doubt you will find the way back, if not the first night, well, at some point. Then, I saw your additional entry there. Wow, keep us posted.

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 4th, 2009 at 4:49pm

wrote on Apr 4th, 2009 at 4:44pm:
I don't know what 'AIM' is, so I don't really understand your entry, but I understand enough to hear that something interesting popped up on your computer, which identifies her in some way.

Your intention is enough. I was going to say just set an intention to go back there before you go to sleep, and no doubt you will find the way back, if not the first night, well, at some point. Then, I saw your additional entry there. Wow, keep us posted.

and "AIM" is a instant messaging system.
likke yahoo, aol, msn, windows live. ect.
that kinda stuff just doesnt happen on AIM for no reason.
it was just, freaky!!
my mom said it was deffinitly a sign. im deffinitly going to have to watch out for more signs like that!

&& i dont know if this relates to anything, but, i seem to have more dreams of my aunt when my closet door is open, and when my cat is near me. sounds crazy i know, but im starting to think that its not a coinicidence.

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 4th, 2009 at 5:07pm
the message -- wonderful, perhaps a confirmation for you, so you don't doubt, so that it will be easier to notice messages in the future

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 4th, 2009 at 5:14pm

wrote on Apr 4th, 2009 at 5:07pm:
the message -- wonderful, perhaps a confirmation for you, so you don't doubt, so that it will be easier to notice messages in the future

now, with this happeneing to me all the time,
will i be able to sence other people?
like, will it make me more spirtly aware?
instead of seeing them in my dreams,
will i see them when im awake?

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 4th, 2009 at 5:56pm
take your time, time will tell...anything is possible

Title: Re: is my aunt trying to contact me throu my dreams?
Post by bethh on Apr 4th, 2009 at 6:10pm

wrote on Apr 4th, 2009 at 5:56pm:
take your time, time will tell...anything is possible

thanks &+ your right, time will tell. everything mii aunt promised me when she was alive, is happening now. she always promised me that she would let me know that shes around, and she would come into my dreams. ;D

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