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Message started by OutOfBodyDude on Mar 31st, 2009 at 7:29pm

Title: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Mar 31st, 2009 at 7:29pm
I have reason to believe that a certain unfriendly spirit has taken residence somewhere in my condominium building.  Here is why:

1.  A little over a month ago I wake up to a spirit hovering over my body.  It reached into me and caused extreme energetic sensations in my energy body.  This being's intent was unknown.  I get a feeling that it may have been trying to scare me.

2.  My wife has woken up several times with red marks in the shape of hand prints in her arms.

3.  Two nights ago I woke up and found my pillow case on the floor.  Someone had taken it off my pillow.  The strange part is that it is a pillowcase that buttons at the end to keep the pillow inside.  The empty pillow case was buttoned.  Someone/something had taken the pillow out and buttoned the case.

4.  Last night I woke up with a pain in my foot.  A few of my toes were twitching, and slightly numb.  I looked at my foot and there was semi-large squarish red mark on the bottom between my soul and my heel.
I looked at my wife, and for some reason I thought she was dead.  I shook her and she woke up.  I was in a confused and uneasy state.  

5.  My cat will sometimes totally flip out and go berserk for absolutely no reason, almost as if he was scared of something.

What do you guys think?  

Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by moonsandjunes on Mar 31st, 2009 at 8:10pm
OMG. Out of Body Dude, you are being tested!

Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by tgecks on Mar 31st, 2009 at 8:45pm
If it was anyone but you I might brush this off and say something benign.

However, I would recommend you invoke some protection from and power over things which are of lower vibration. I often ask Archangels Michael and/or Metatron for protection in my journeys. And, of course, I would offer it Pure Unconditional Love and a way to the Light. I have also found it helps to ground. I have a stone bench I like to sit on and "grow roots" or I walk barefoot in the grass (it is almost Spring here in Georgia). Dismissing them and asserting that they have no power over me has also banished bothersome hangers-on. Claim your Spiritual Warriorship!

Raise your vibration so high they cannot tolerate proximity....or risk it.


Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by Stac on Mar 31st, 2009 at 9:52pm
Outofbody when I was young My Grandmom lived in a house that had alot of activity in it. I remember her telling me everynight I go to bed to pray for protection of the white light. I also remember her burning frankincense and myrrh  of which she said the 2 together is a symbol of protection . She also would burn white sage to remove all negitive vibes. It could be that this spirit is comming to you and your wife because you are open to "The otherside". I would also pray for healing for you and your wife.
If you decide to invoke or pray for protection and healing  please include your cat. I am new here to posting but I hope this all works out for you and your wife and your cat.

Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Apr 1st, 2009 at 1:54am
Thanks guys.

I am not scared, or really even worried.  I am more curious than anything.  

I am going to attempt to leave my body within the next few days and interact with this being, and if all goes to plan, I will send it such intense love it will never bother us again.  Maybe I can even help them find the light.

Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by Aras on Apr 1st, 2009 at 2:30am
Interesting story there,
I'd like to know what kind of energy the ghost has to be able to leave marks on your wife and deal with your pillow cases??
Sounds a bit crazy too. Were you able to get any photos of the marks on your wifes arms to share?  That would be something to see should it happen again.
Plenty of ghost links that might be able to really give you some info on what you are experiencing.


Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by juditha on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 1:44pm
Hi oobd vince I get the feeling from reading your post that this spirit is lost and really trying to get your attention,i feel when you interact with this spirit, its going to be a retreival,thats why this spirit has come to you as it knows that you can help it on its way.

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by recoverer on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 8:18pm

That pillow things sounds like what happens with abductions, if they happen.

I've found that asserting your power as Thomas suggests works.

With that spirit cleansing thing I've spoken about,  I know what it feels like to have a spirit in my body. I just tune into love and nothing bad ever happens.  My spirit guidance has shared messages with me that let me know that white light energy runs through me (I can feel it) so I can't be harmed. Yet, spirits go into me, because they are allowed to do so so they can be cleansed.  I don't know how this will work for you. I can have a lot of energy run through me without an invading spirit being involved.  I don't believe they can stand up to the energy. Don't get me wrong. The energy doesn't come from me alone. It comes from my connection to the light.

As I've written in the past, friendly spirit beings have worked on my energy a number of times.  Sometimes in quite interesting ways that are hard to describe.  When this takes place, it isn't always easy to know what the source is. So why have I allowed it to happen? Because I came to the point where I knew that I could trust my spirit guidance, they told me in various ways that I don't have to worry about an unfriendly spirit getting the best of me, and therefore when energetic work would take place I allowed it to happen.

It's quite a quandry. If you want to get to the place where you allow your spirit friends to provide you with energetic work, you have to find a way of reaching the point where they can work on your energetic system in very noticeable ways without you rejecting the help.

Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by Berserk2 on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 10:05pm

I'm sorry you seem to be targeted for minor haunting activity from a michievous spirit.  I'm glad you have no fear and am eager to see how these experiences culminate.  Ironically, they are probably the best verifications you have ever received that you are indeed capable of reaching alternate realities.

The very day I finished reading Robert Monroe's first book,  I encountered a woman at a singles establishment who took nightly trips to astral realms.  Prior to that, I had never even heard of astral travelers!  How likely is that timing?  Her OBE adventures actually sabotaged her marriage due to her husband's opposition.  I was surprised that she had never heard of Robert Monroe.  In any case, she said she was  often tormented by dark spirits during her efforts to reenter her body.  They mocked her and covered her with astral "spit"! I suspect you are being hassled by the same sort of entity.  If so, it is probably mischievous but not demonic.


Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 4:47am

Nope, no photos.  Yet.  We'll see if it continues.  If so, snapping some shots will definitely be something to consider.


Abduction was something that came across my mind as well.  There is no doubt in my mind that I have some type of connection with ETs, being that I have had many experiences with them nonphysically.  

When fear surfaces when I am exploring nonphysically, I too focus on manifesting and projecting PUL.  The question here is was this spirit providing helpful energetic work, or was it trying to scare/harm me.  I was not hurt, and barely scared, yet I cannot honestly say that I noticed a benefit from the encounter either, so like you said, it is quite a quandry.  


My nonphysical experiences have provided me with far greater proof of alternate realities than these experiences have.  When I come back from having an OBE, I am 100%... 110% sure that what I just experiences was real.  Not only that, but I have a good idea of what was happening.  With this situation, I am fairly unsure of what is going on.  Is it a mischievous spirit?  Is it alien abduction?  Is it me sleep walking?  Is it energy work/signs from friendly spirits?  

The building I live in is very old, and is occupied by mostly elderly people.  I am probably dealing with an individual who died here and cannot move on for some reason.  My experience in nonphysical realities has allowed me to perceive this being in ways my wife is not able to, but is this the reason it was attracted it to me?  Perhaps this being was attracted to me (or I was attracted to it) because I have the spiritual resources to help it.  

Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 9:23am
I am with Juditha on this....a retrieval opportunity awaits you.

Tell me, how do you remember to manifest/project love? There are many people who would probably like to know how to focus this way when they are faced with situations that could be frightening/and/or/unclear.

Lately, I have been mulling over the phrase: what you resist persists. I find this to be true. To stay in the 'protected' space requires practice, because it is all too easy to fall into the same emotional space as the 'being' which you face. It is a proven fact that human beings 'transfer' emotions to each other. So, it is important that what we transfer to another lifts their energy higher, rather than aggravates/escalates any aggressive energies.

So, how do you 'remember' and how do you manifest/project love to such an entity?

Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 12:26pm
I remember to do this just like I remember anything else.  I know that it works, and is the best of two options....  I can either project love, or flee the scene.  To do it, all you need to do is remember what true love feels like.  By remembering this feeling, you manifest it.  The more you focus on the feeling, the greater it becomes.  To project it to another being, you simply have to think of doing so and it is done.  However, you raise your vibrations by generating this PUL inside of you, which in turn causes you to shift into a higher dimension, so any negative beings will usually not be around by the time you are done manifesting the PUL, because beings of low energy cannot operate in levels of high energy.

Title: Re: Is there a ghost in my condo?
Post by recoverer on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 12:43pm
I've found that simply having the desire to share love with a spirit gets the PUL flowing. When you think of doing so with the greater good/oneness in mind, it helps.

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