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Message started by jamie on Mar 27th, 2009 at 1:24pm

Title: cannabis
Post by jamie on Mar 27th, 2009 at 1:24pm
hello, i was wondering, do they have coffeeshops(like amsterdam) in the afterlife and would it be possible to smoke cannabis, i know this sounds a strange question but i have been smoking for a long time and i would really miss it

thanks jamie

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by Still_Living on Mar 27th, 2009 at 1:32pm
Oh boy,

According to BM any of your wildest dreams may turn into reality upon your will over there...  :D
I kinda believe this is true... ;)


Title: Re: cannabis
Post by moonsandjunes on Mar 27th, 2009 at 2:04pm
I've heard that the grass is forever greener on the other side....

Could not resist....

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by betson on Mar 27th, 2009 at 5:19pm

Is your enjoyment from an attitude of dependence
or can you choose to let it go?

(I met a friend from my generation (alcohol was the  choice then) who stayed drunk most of the time in the afterlife and hung out there with other cowboy style guys in a wild west style saloon. But he wasn't 'happy.' Guess I should go back and see if he's still in the same situation. He didn't want to leave when I was there before.)
Thanks for the reminder.


Title: Re: cannabis
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Mar 27th, 2009 at 6:32pm
I believe that it is most definately possible.  I have had many dreams where I would drink, smoke weed, or do some other drug, and the sensations were identicle to those in real life.  The power of our minds is tremendous.

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by moonsandjunes on Mar 28th, 2009 at 10:56am
Speaking as someone who has embraced several different kinds of 'lifestyles' along the way, I can assure you that your memory holds all of the sensations you love within you, vividly, just as you experienced them. I am someone who has experience with addiction, so I have done very lengthy 'time' with myself -- meaning, sometimes I will embrace one 'lifestyle' for a long time, then another for an equally long time, perhaps 10 years. I found that, while completely sober, even to the point of being a 'vegan' who obtained perfect physical health, many years later a dream could surface in my memory on a particular day, and it would be a very vivid memory of that particular 'lifestyle' experience, not a memory which necessarily 'called' me back to reexperience the sensation, but almost as if I was visiting an 'old friend' -- and that was all it was.

So, I suspect that this activity will assume whatever importance to you in the afterlife that you carry with you. Some see it as a sacrament, others see it as a social activity, others see it as an artistic assistant, others see it as a medical assistant....

So, in my mind, it is not who you are, but how you are.

I must say that 'perfection' lost its luster for me long ago. In any form. What I mean is, virtue is in the eye of the beholder.

If you like it, so be it.

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by FUBAR BUNDY on Mar 29th, 2009 at 2:06am
Hello, i was wondering, do they have coffeeshops(like amsterdam) in the afterlife and would it be possible to smoke cannabis, i know this sounds a strange question but i have been smoking for a long time and i would really miss it

thanks jamie
If it's Hell your wondering about, I wonder if they slap smokers
with big federal taxes there???


Title: Re: cannabis
Post by Old Dood on Mar 29th, 2009 at 8:38am

B-dawg wrote on Mar 29th, 2009 at 2:06am:
Hello, i was wondering, do they have coffeeshops(like amsterdam) in the afterlife and would it be possible to smoke cannabis, i know this sounds a strange question but i have been smoking for a long time and i would really miss it

thanks jamie
If it's Hell your wondering about, I wonder if they slap smokers
with big federal taxes there???


It would be my 'guess' that you could conjure up something like that if you wanted too.
However, It would also be my 'guess' that once you are there then why would you?
The love you would feel it would seem to me would be a much greater 'High' then even the best 'Kind Bud' out there.  ;D

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by Lucy on Mar 29th, 2009 at 2:28pm

This is jamie's first post. Jamie came here to ask if it is possible to experience being wasted in the afterlife? interesting.

Jamie, have you read Robert Monroe's books? There is a description of what he called a sex pile. People addicted to sex pile up and writhe around in the afterlife trying to re-experience that peak moment. I don't think they could achieve it quite the same again, only the longing to experience it again.

I imagine that you can find a weed pile too, if that is what you want.

But given that there are reports of former drunks, now deceased,  hanging around in the afterlife on the edge of C1 trying to get into the bodies of current drunks so they can re-experience the alcohol effects, I would imagine the same holds true for any other drug.

I can assure you that your memory holds all of the sensations you love within you, vividly, just as you experienced them.

This is probably the basis for the formation of all the BST's. Well, OK, you have to interpret the word "love" as "attached to." But that is what it means in the context anyway.

For all the folks who experience NDE's, I don't recall one commenting that he or she couldn't wait to get back here to smoke dope. What they seem to mention is how incredible it is There...without any additives. Why would anyone want weed on the other side? You miss the point of getting to "heaven."

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by moonsandjunes on Mar 29th, 2009 at 3:21pm
That is exactly what I mean, Lucy.

You may read my posts any way you like.

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by Cricket on Mar 29th, 2009 at 4:20pm
Why would anyone want weed on the other side? You miss the point of getting to "heaven."

Not necessarily...there's a huge difference between a "buzz" and being wasted.  I can see myself wanting to re-expierence a really good meal, say, on the other side, so I don't have a problem with someone wanting to re-experience a really good buzz (in quality, not quantity).

I suspect the "point" of getting into heaven is different for everyone.  I, personally, can only stand so much peace and tranquility and sweetness and light.  For others, that is exactly what they're looking forward to...and others, something else again entirely, I imagine.

The ways to growth are many and varied.  ;)

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by seeking_answers on Mar 29th, 2009 at 4:32pm
umm..tht all considering the fact we get to experience it...i dont wanna reincarnate here again!!! :o

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by Old Dood on Mar 29th, 2009 at 5:02pm
I do not see anything 'wrong' with someone wanting to do something in the Afterlife.

I would like to drive all the vehicles that I did not get to drive in this 3D life.....
That would be Bliss to me....

Different Strokes....

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by seeking_answers on Mar 29th, 2009 at 5:09pm want to drive in sum of those swanky cars....wud we b able to do that tho :(

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by betson on Mar 30th, 2009 at 9:12am
Yes, you can, Seeking Answers!
Just not metal cars,
but 'thought-form cars"--every bit as beautiful as here on earth!

Anything that attaches you to the physical keeps you in a slightly lower 'focus level,' and will require more incarnations so you can clear up the  attachment.  ;)


Title: Re: cannabis
Post by seeking_answers on Mar 30th, 2009 at 9:56am
well honestly...i dont have any attachments to anything except my family...since the past few weeks...i have detached myself from all my possesions...i dont know wud i have to incarnate? :-[

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by spooky2 on Mar 30th, 2009 at 8:00pm
When you have cleared yourself of attachments, you're free to do what you like.

The funny thing is, it isn't that easy to decide what you like when you're not attached to anything  :) .


Title: Re: cannabis
Post by recoverer on Mar 30th, 2009 at 8:19pm
Some sources say that spirits that used to be drug addicts and alcoholics while human, end up becoming earthbound and they attach themselves to people who are drug addicts and alcholics. This happens, even though they don't have a physical body to cause a biology based addiction. Perhaps this shows that addiction is more psychological than some people admit. Therefore, cannabis users might not be immune.

Cannabis won't deliver a state of mind that is comparable to what can be obtained by spiritual growth. If anything, it might stall spiritual growth and keep a person overly focused on lower chakra energy.

You don't have to be a loving person or spirit, to be into cannabis.

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by Old Dood on Mar 30th, 2009 at 10:04pm
One thing about Smokin Weed....

It is not addictive in the same sense of a Narcotic.
SO I would not believe it carries the same weight as someone that is addicted to Heroin for example.
Of course you can develop a 'habit' but so what?
You can develop a habit over ANYthing.
That doesn't mean it is bad.  That just means you developed a habit.  That's all.

I know this because I use to smoke the 'leaf' for many years then simply stopped.
It got boring.
Now only if I could simply stop smoking tobacco as easily...hehe!  ;D

Marijuana should simply be made legal and taxed no different then cigarettes.

It is not a DRUG!  It is a Herbal Plant.  Many people use herbal plants for all sorts of remedies.
Marijuana should be thought of no differently then any other herbal remedy.

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Mar 30th, 2009 at 10:13pm

Cannabis won't deliver a state of mind that is comparable to what can be obtained by spiritual growth.  If anything, it might stall spiritual growth and keep a person overly focused on lower chakra energy.

Marijuana is basically a tool that can be used to access altered states of consciousness.  Of course, these states can be obtained through meditation and increasing one's awareness of the higher aspects of their consciousness during the normal waking state as well.  

I believe there is a reason why this plant has this illuminating effect on the humans- it was meant for us to use.  

The problem is when it becomes over used.  While I do not use it any more, I did smoke every now and then over the past year, and I can say from experience that if it is used with the intention of spiritual growth and exploring new states of consciousness, this will be the outcome, and it will be a positive and enlightening experience every time.

The use of marijuana has allowed me to raise my consciousness to such a high level it seemed as if I were my higher self, and I would rise to a level of knowing, where insights about whatever was on my mind, ususally philosophical issues and concepts, would be revealed to me by my higher self.  This is when I would be functioning in normal waking life.  I would also be able to tune into other levels of reality, functioning in two realities simultaneously.  Symbolic visions were also commonplace.

When I would meditate on cannibis, it would be uncomparable to any normal medtitation I have ever had.  Almost instantly upon laying down, I would be blasted into other dimensions, and have experiences within minutes, if not seconds, far more intense then anything I could experience in an hour of meditation without the plant.  

And of course, it has a whole list of both physical and mental health benefits.  The key is to use it with the right intention, which should be spiritual enhancement and growth, and not to misuse it, but use it in moderation.  

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by Cricket on Mar 31st, 2009 at 9:30am
What OOBD said.  I think part of it is that it just clears a bunch of stuff out of the way. For instance, I shoe horses for a living...sometimes it's a little hard to brush away the aches and pains and get down to shifting conciousness when everytime you breath something hurts...a little weed soothes that, and lets me concentrate.

And when I say "a little" I mean a very little...not to get even really buzzed, but just enough for that shift.

That said, I might not do it for months or a year or two even, when there isn't any around I don't bother to go looking. (I'm too cheap, mostly...)  But it can be a useful tool, plus just fun sometimes, and fun is cool, too.

That said, anyone who has issues with forming bad habits shouldn't worry about *not* being able to use it, it's a helpful tool, but far from a necessity.

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by recoverer on Mar 31st, 2009 at 12:39pm
Let's see, people can get addicted to alchohol, drugs, sex, food, sports, gambling, "but not weed."

Addictions are never a good thing, but with weed it's okay.

Spirits get stuck earthbound because of their addictions, but not because of weed.

Do the above assertions sound true?

Some people are so into repeating the mantra that weed isn't addictive, I wonder if they will consider the matter seriously.

A little expermentation and habitual usage aren't the same thing. For example, is dropping acid a few times the same thing as taking it on a regular basis year after year?

Just because something isn't a drug such as heroin, this doesn't mean that it can't be addictive.

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by moonsandjunes on Mar 31st, 2009 at 1:25pm

Excerpt from "Remembrance of Things Past" (Marcel Proust)

"It is plain that the object of my quest, the truth, lies not in the cup but in myself. The tea has called up in me, but does not itself understand, and can only repeat indefinitely with a gradual loss of strength, the same testimony; which I, too, cannot interpret, though I hope at least to be able to call upon the tea for it again and to find it there presently, intact and at my disposal, for my final enlightenment. I put down my cup and examine my own mind."

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by Cricket on Mar 31st, 2009 at 6:47pm
"Addictions are never a good thing, but with weed it's okay."

Don't be disingenuous.  Nobody said addiction of any sort was okay, including "addiction" used in the inaccurate common usage that means a persistent bad habit.

People can "addict" (or more accurately, habituate)  themselves to anything - food, excercise, TV, sex...only certain things are addictive in the true meaning of the word - a substance that creates an actual physical need for more of the same.  Heroin, alcohol in large and long term quantities, Oxycontin - those are addictive. Removed suddenly after long term use, definite physical symptoms will occur.  Almost anyone will develop a physical addiction if they take them (or are given them) long enough.  Some will also develop a psychological dependence.

Some people certainly do develop a dependence on weed - but it's on it's effects, not a true physical addiction.  Sort of like an addiction to sex, which I don't propose banning any time soon.  If someone wants to get snitty about an addictive substance, cigarettes are way up the ladder above weed, and a lot more harmful.  Now, I'm willing to smack the snot out of anyone who smokes weed and drives...or drinks and drives, or takes Oxycontin and drives.  But none of those activities is in itself a bad thing, and only one is truly, technically, addictive as that term is properly used.

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by recoverer on Apr 1st, 2009 at 12:54pm

You say I'm disingenuous. The definition of disingenuous is: "not candid or frank.: If I wasn't frank with my post, or shall I say blunt, then I don't know what frank is.

At least ways I tried to say something helpful. I don't believe that reinforcing addictions is productive. If you're concerned about a person who is so into weed that he doesn't want to give it up even after he joins the afterlife, perhaps you should say something.

In the afterlife we don't have respiratory systems to inhale weed, nor do we have neurotransmitters that can process the chemical weed contains. On the other hand lots and love and light is available.

If the spirits of former drug addicts and alchoholics seek people they can attach to, even though these spirits don't have bodies that create a chemical dependency, then this shows that psychological dependency is enough. Who would the spirit of a former weed addict attach to?

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by seeking_answers on Apr 1st, 2009 at 12:58pm
if a person is "addicted"...well if that be the word, to the love of his parents...n his family...what wud happen to him? :-[

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by recoverer on Apr 1st, 2009 at 1:05pm
Loving somebody deeply isn't the same thing as being addicted to a subtance. However, we don't need to be dependent upon anybody else for love. Love seems like a difficult thing in this World because people aren't always willing to share it. When you move on to a spirit realm where spirits share love without reservation, there is no need for insecurity.

[quote author=seeking_answers link=1238174657/15#25 date=1238605132]if a person is "addicted"...well if that be the word, to the love of his parents...n his family...what wud happen to him? :-[/quote]

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by juditha on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 1:25pm
Hi Jamie When you pass to spirit and are in the spiritworld you will still have these feelings for cannibus and you will experience it there, but in time you will come to realise that you do not need this earthly pleasure anymore.

Love and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: cannabis
Post by goldyflocks on Apr 3rd, 2009 at 1:24pm
I can remember reading on The Leslie Flint Forum that a Spirit communicator was asked if he still enjoyed a Beer..He said that he could have One if he wanted one but found there was no need and that it didn't take his fancy anymore!

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