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Message started by Alan McDougall on Mar 25th, 2009 at 12:19pm

Title: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by Alan McDougall on Mar 25th, 2009 at 12:19pm
Hi All

My little four years old great nephew Jed was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier in 2009

This dear little boy has had to undergo two dangerous invasive operations in an attempt to remove this malignant tumor near his brainstem. Sadly without success, a CD scan revealed that the tumor has just spread and seeded itself in three other pars of his tiny brain

Now on top of all this, little Jed is being subjected to extreme  toxic chemical and radiation treatments, at the same time, in a desperate to try save his life. They do not give this type of radical treatments to a little boy of five, but medical science is running out of options

Could all you wonderful folk and friends of the afterlife knowledge please pray or if you do not believe in prayer send out positive thoughts and love, while trying your best to visualize little Jed with his bald head

Direct your prayers towards South Africa, Johannesburg where he is receiving medical treatment.

Please do the same for his brave young mother who has become angry with God at times and she find it is impossible for her to reconcile a God of perfect love with the evil that wants to kill her baby boy

God has not excused himself of the business of miraculous healing. And our combined prayers and love will go a long way toward his recovery

Please please people send this urgent request to all those people on your email contact list. Spread the urgent cry for help, far and wide over this wonderful tool for good namely the internet



Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by seeking_answers on Mar 25th, 2009 at 12:52pm
i sincerly pray for his safe recovery :)

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by juditha on Mar 25th, 2009 at 1:29pm
Hi alan I will put this little one in my healing prayers ,i will ask God every night to send him love and healing and i will keep sending distant healing as well and also i will ask the spiritualist church to put little Jed in ther healing prayers every night.
God bless little Jed with love and healing.

Love and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by Aras on Mar 25th, 2009 at 1:33pm
Sending healing & strength thoughts your way!


Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by identcat on Mar 25th, 2009 at 1:54pm
I will picuture Jed incased in a lavander bubble and watch the bubble pulse with healing energy for his total being. Purple is the healing color associated with the higher spirit-- so I call on Higher Spirit to aid you nephew, Jed. And for his mother, I will visualized her encased in the color green, as green is the heart chakra and I, as a mother, send her that love.  Carol Ann

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by recoverer on Mar 25th, 2009 at 2:20pm

I will pray and send positive energy.

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by betson on Mar 25th, 2009 at 9:27pm
Dear Alan,

I too am praying and requesting healing for Jed and for his mother's spiritual well-being.

Love, Bets

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by moonsandjunes on Mar 25th, 2009 at 10:13pm
I am preparing to begin prayers for Jed for his healing, for love and the angels of mercy to surround him.

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by Romain on Mar 25th, 2009 at 10:42pm
For Jed and his familly sending with PUL.

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by Alan McDougall on Mar 26th, 2009 at 2:05am
Hi All

Romain, moonsandjunes,  betson, recoverer, identcat, Aras, seeking_answers, Judithia

I think you all are a great community of loving caring people and words fail me, in trying to express my deep gratitude for helping us in the healing of this much loved little innocent baby boy

Could I ask you, if it is possible to forward this request for spiritual help  to trusted friends of your to join in with us in this ever enlarging prayer group

Time is really running out and the medical people are starting to hesitate with the toxic treatment that just seems to make little Jed even more ill

I am also very aware of the many many guests , that are not active in this great forum of ours, but read nearly every post and learn so much from us. I know they are also praying

I love all you lovely people,


Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by Stac on Mar 31st, 2009 at 6:10pm
Alan, I to send love and healing your way for  Jed. I also will send love and healing to his Mom and Jed's whole family during this time.
You are all in my prayers, Stac

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by Alan McDougall on Apr 1st, 2009 at 9:20am
Stac and others

Thank you so much for your prayers, this little boy is desperately sick, and all the awful , treatment he is being subjected to in an attempt to save his little life . has made his young mother question God and his supposed love of little ones

He is being subjected to Chemo and radiation treatment simultaneously, this type of requiem is seldom given to an adult

Are we not just hurting this sweet little boy, maybe it is time to release into the safe hands of God

But his mum is still hanging onto the thinnest thread of hope



Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 1st, 2009 at 9:39am
Asking angels to stand beside, not stand aside....request for attention, now....

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by Alan McDougall on Apr 1st, 2009 at 10:47am
Here is a poem I just got from little Jeds mother Bonita is her name


I hope you never have to hear the words, "Your child has cancer."

I hope you never have to hear, "The prognosis is not good."

I hope you never have to prepare to undergo radiation or chemotherapy, have a port surgically inserted into their chest, be connected to IV poles.

Look at you with fear in their eyes and say, "Don't worry Mommy, everything will be okay.'

I hope you never have to hold your child as they vomit green bile.

I hope you never have to feed them ice chips for lunch.

I hope you never have to watch the "cure" you pray for slowly take away their identity, as they

lose their hair,

become skeletal,

swell up from steroids,

become barely or unable to walk or move,

and look at you with hope in their eyes and say,

"It's going to be okay, Mommy."

I hope that you never have to stay in the hospital for weeks, months, or years at a time, where there is no privacy, sleeping on a slab, with your face to the wall, where you cry in muffled silence.

I hope you never have to see a mother, alone, huddled, in a dark hospital corridor...crying quietly, after just being told, "There is nothing more we can do."

I hope you never have to watch a family wander aimlessly, minutes after their child's body has been removed.

I hope you never have to use every bit of energy you have left, with all of this going on around you to remain positive, and the feelings of guilt, sorrow, hope and fear, overwhelm you.

I hope you never have to see a child's head bolted to the table as they receive radiation.

I hope you never have to take your child home (grateful but so afraid) in a wheelchair because the chemo and radiation has damaged their muscles, 35 pounds lighter, pale, bald, and scarred.

And they look at you with faith in their eyes and say, "It's going to be okay Mommy."

I hope you never have to face the few friends that have stuck beside you and hear them say, "Thank God that is over with,"...because you know it never will be.

Your life becomes a whirl of doctors, blood tests and MRI's and you try to get your life back to "normal".

While living in mind-numbing fear that any one of those tests could result in hearing the dreaded words...

"The cancer has returned" or "The tumor is growing."

And your friends become even fewer.

I hope you never have to experience any of these things...Because...only then...

Will you understand...

Author: Carol Baan

[View SDC11110.JPG]

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by bethh on Apr 1st, 2009 at 8:28pm
Bonita and Alan, I am praying as I know everyone else here is praying to.  That poem brought me to the fullest tears. I wish I could see yous in front of me so I could hug you both right now, along with Jed. We all send Love and Healing your way.
                                                                Love, bethh

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by Alan McDougall on Apr 7th, 2009 at 4:38am
7th April 2009

Dear Lord Jesus,

Please go to your daddy in the sky the very big Granddaddy, “Granddaddy God”, and take all the prayers everyone has prayed for me, take them to him and tell him I am hurting and scared and so is my daddy and mammy Bonni

Please tell him I don’t wanna to hurt, be scared and sick any longer, tell him to make me well soon so that my momma can also be happy again

You little child down here on beautiful planet earth

Love yah Jesus love yah Granddaddy God

Signed Little Jed 4 years young

Planet earth

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by moonsandjunes on Apr 7th, 2009 at 7:43am
What does Jed have in his room to look at, where he is, that can help him feel better, Alan? I am trying to picture him, and to see him surrounded by all that he loves.

All his tears will be wiped away, Alan. Every one.

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by Alan McDougall on Apr 7th, 2009 at 8:03am


What does Jed have in his room to look at, where he is, that can help him feel better, Alan? I am trying to picture him, and to see him surrounded by all that he loves.

All his tears will be wiped away, Alan. Every one

Thanks for  your love and concern for a little boy you have never met.

I can feel your love flowing outward like a beautiful beam of golden light to that little boy

Jeds stays some distance from me, so I don't know what his surroundings look like, but I will email his mom and ask for a detailed description

I will come back when Bonni answers my email

I know this will help all of us visualising his healing

Love and god bless you


Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by juditha on Apr 10th, 2009 at 6:34am
Hi alan i am seeing little Jed wrapped inside this shimmering white light of Gods love and i sense he is laying in the arms of God at this very moment,i'm seeing two white angels each side of him,he is receiving much love at this moment from our loving God and his loving angels.

Love and God bless you alan,bonita and little Jed   love juditha

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by Alan McDougall on Apr 10th, 2009 at 12:09pm

Hi alan i am seeing little Jed wrapped inside this shimmering white light of Gods love and i sense he is laying in the arms of God at this very moment,i'm seeing two white angels each side of him,he is receiving much love at this moment from our loving God and his loving angels.

Love and God bless you alan,bonita and little Jed   love juditha

Juditha,I know somehow that you have experiences great pain and sorrow during you life. You are a special angel, we don't have to wait for the afterlife to see an angel, when angels like you walk among us right here on earth

May the God of Light flow and fill you until you glow like a bright lamp in the night and shine like a golden globe at daytime

I really think this Bible verse belongs to you Juditha dear

"Bessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God"



Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by juditha on Apr 10th, 2009 at 3:06pm
Hi alan God bless your dear heart as you are a beautiful angel of light that shines in the darkness of this world and the love that comes from your heart emanates on this afterlife board.

Love and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: Urgent prayer request for a little boy age four wi
Post by banana on Apr 21st, 2009 at 1:28am
Hi Alan I hope and pray for all of the guardian angels to wrap their love around Jed and around your family and you. I will pray for you.,
Anna banana

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